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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Even if they laughed Rikke kept a stern look, this was no joke to her... at all. If this thing was a even a potential risk to her friends, heck to the world, she'd find out as much as she could of it. Thankfully the laughters source was just an misunderstandment. As the girls explained a bit more Rikke would relax visibly.

"So then I take it, noone will object if I read this classified info?" the heroine smiled lightly "Usually classified info is the most detailed and useful kind."

However as the girls continued to speak about the possibility of the magic resurfacing, Rikke remembered Yunies words... Jessica was trying to bring back the magic, but what if Rhea and Rune were right? What if the world would collapse upon itself if Jessica succeeded! "Speaking of magic, besides the nest there weren't any spikes of activity around the region?"
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yes and no. Magical artifacts only spike when the recharge fully. Its like they wake up almost. In fact thats how we found your sword." "Needless to say we where quite surprised when the heroine of the Black War's disply set off a mana detector." Rune and Rhea continued to talk and joke about the iccident and how it caused the city to go into lockdown for hours as Rikke's own thoughts drifted to her daughter. In truth Yunie wasn't able to confer alot of information her time with Rikke cut off was to quickly. She still needed info and that at the moment was in short supply. "Rikke? Rhea to Rikke! Ya home?" Snapping to she found Rhea looking at her quisically. "You looked lost in thought are you okay?"
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Eh?" Rikke blinked as if just awoken "Ah! Sorry..." she'd smile sheepishly "I've got all this information and things to think through and settle out... Ugh~" she'd playfully roll her eyes at the last exclamation "So what do you do for fun in this realm?"

She'd turn to the two with a cheerful smile "Goddess knows, I could really use a fun distraction right about now."
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Rikke don.." Suddenly Rhea pulled Rikke to her feet. "Hey come check this out!" Pulling Rikke along Rhea lead her to another moving room. Pushing her in with little effort and a strength that shouldn't be tested Rikke saw Rune smile as the door closed. "Good Luck!" Any questions asked to where they where going where quickly answered with wait and see. After a moment or so the doors opened again revealing a series of room like a an inn. "Come on this way!" Pulling Rikke along excitedly Rhea lead her to a room tha was a mess. inside was one of the info painting things Rikke had seen before only this one was huge and took up a good part of the wall. Nearby sat a rather plain looking square box. "Ida load Operation Command and Destroy!" The wall info painting thing came to life displaying Welcome to your Computer Cube Station 10 a colorful imaged swirled on the screen as Rhea moved foward and crabed to odd shapped devices with small sticks and buttons. "Ida new game Noob diffculty!" Ida's flat tone gave confirmation and soon enough Rikke was looking at two diffrent perspectives on the wall painting. "Okay Rikke your on the right of the TV screen and Im on the left. Our goal is to blow up the zombies! Use the green button to shoot and the left stick to move your avatar around while the right stick is your look control." Getting instructions Rikke soon had the basics of what Rhea was telling her and just in time as the screen counted down to action showing a horde of zombies heading her way.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The moment the rogue stepped inside the room it all went to heck...

The whole wall would suddenly charge to a display Gothic castle, numerous creatures moving and scittering right before them. Though the things seemed more a kin to animated pictures or shapes than actual real beasts... heck the rogue fought the warped, but these warped seemed different.

In gruesome detail each creature bore horrid scars, lacerations or even worse! Suddenly a loud voice would boom out all around "RETURN TO CASTLE ZOMBIESTEIN SIX! AROOCARDS REVENGEANCE!"

While Rhea seemed super excited for the rogue this was bordeline scary! "What is this?" Rikke looked infront "It's a game! Don't worry it's not real!" Rhea quickly shoved the odd device to the rogues hands and offhandely mentioned the way to use it.

"GET READY BERMONGS! CO-OP MISSION THREE: Command and Destroy~ LETS ROCK!" with that hauling, screeches of all manner began to echo out, just barely resembling... music? Well if it's not real, there was only one way to end this! Rikke quickly looked to the device and carefully tried out what each did of the buttons did.

Oddly enough it seemed to move one of the gun emblacements. This gun had numerous lights and swirling energy all about it an odd numbers displayed on it... Rikke assumed one of the two guns was her, because the other was shooting like mad, tearing the warped asunder!

"So I do this..." the rogue clicked the green button only to activate the enplacement on screen! "AH~"

It wouldn't take long, before Rikke got the hang of operating the picture from a distance. While Rhea was clearly more experienced, Rikkes supernatural speed and reaction time seemed to really give her an edge even as a started to this odd form of entertainment. The play would go on for a decent hour, the two enplacements being moved onwards even fighting a huge tentacle beast with at least 14 different jaws!

Still as the final shot was done, the sigh would continue on it's own showing a fairly dizzying and hard to follow sight as if the whole room flew around like a fly, suddenly changing angles to show characters that were done in similar style as the warped... minus the exagerated muscles and curves on the girls.

The heroine laughted merrily "Wow... so THIS is what you do for fun in this realm?" she'd grin "Not enough violence all around so you make it up hum?" Rikke smirked to Rhea. Admitedly the thrill of danger and combat, without any possible harm reaching them... the entertainment form definedly had it's charm, even if the concept seemed odd.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea laughed and jumped back on her bed landing with a poof. "Yeah its fun when the bullets are not real and the monsters fake... " She sighed a moment before looking at Rikke and getting up to sit on the edge of the bed. "Well its getting late want to call it a night? I can show you to your room. Or~ we can get some drinks." Rhea had a smile on her face.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Thankfully Rikke was still stunned by the whole event, looking to the device with a smile "Such a strange world..." she'd shake her head lightly and turn to Rhea, right as she sat on the edge of the bed. Instantly a jolt ran across Rikke body as looked to girl, positioning... it would only take a kiss and a little push for both of them to have some fun. Though she'd shake the thoughts off for now.

"Well they do say a little booze helps the sleep." the heroine smiled kindly at the offer.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Getting up Rhea giggled "Good! its to bad we are stuck here there's a nice little club I would take you to." Takeing Rikke by the arm once more Rhea led her down to the strange room again and this time the duo went down. This time however Rhea brought up her own hand which glowed like her with the hidden device. "Rune grab Sel if she up for it and meet us at bar." Smiling she ended the conversation before pulling Rikke along again before stopping at a small set of doors. Above the door was a sign that simply siad Sophi's. Waiting a moment Rune soon joined them with out Sel in tow. This was rather dissapointing but the way Rune looked made up for it. Gone was the military wear and instead she wore a loose top that plunged down showing off a fair amount of cleveage and skin tight jeans. Her hair was set free and was wavy. "Sorry guys Sel wasn't feeling up to it. Shall we?" Nodding Rikke saw Rhea push the door open to reveal an assult of color and noise. Bright unnatural lights out lined things as a strange metalic ball spun at the center of a flat and broad dance floor. Heavy beat music played in the background as a few people sat at tables and drank or danced. "Ohh it looks like some of the staff have started to show. Well girls whats first dancing or drinking?"
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke snickered lightly as Rune mentioned Selinas absence "Getting shot does that." she'd wink slyly to the pink haired girl. Honestly between her much more accentuated and well-grown body to her playful pink hair, Rikke couldn't help, but note the young kitsunes allure.

Still soon enough the girl would proceed onwards and Rhea lead Rikke into what this realm considered 'a bar'. Flashing lights quickly assaulted Rikkes senses, as the area seemed more like a magical battlefield than a relaxing enviroment! All around them the booming sound of something stomping and crushing steel in a sickly 'rhytm' echoed out.

Rikke would instantly freeze up as she tugged Rheas grip back, stopping right then and then. Quickly covering her ears and looking around "WHAT IS THAT INFERNAL NOISE?" she'd cry out due to the sheer volume of the sounds, while the rest of the room looked decent... whatever was going on in there was nothing short of horrifying!
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea spoke loudly. "This? Oh the music yeah not really my type. Ida give me electric beat number three." After a moment the screeching metal stopped and and something less noisy but still bizzar sounding . "Better?" As Rhea spoke some people got up and grabbed some strange glowy sticks from their bags and moved to the dance floor and began to dance to some of the beats.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Now it sounded like one those horrid booming sounds -'the alarms', going over and over. To make matters worse some strange ghostly voice kept talking during intervals! While this was NOT better in any way shape or form, she just couldn't keep complaining to that excited spark in Rheas eyes.

At the very least this will be a surreal trip to see what 'entertainment' was in this realm.... with some rapid sickly shock wave rippling across Rikkes body and a creepy dis-embodied warped voice crying out across the 'dancers'.... "On second thought, it's been a really long day, I'll just go rest." the fantasy heroine smiled, clearly none too keen on this distorted and warped 'music'?

Seeing the girl trying to escape, Rune gently took Rikkes hand "This is our music, it's created by using sounds of numerous intruments and singers, to mix and match them." the pink haired kitsune looked to the lost girl "Look... feel the beat?" she'd lightly, but rapidly move her head along to each of the 'sickly shockwave' "Go on, try it." Rhea approached with a grin "It's called feeling the beat. It's a way to create a 'beat' to dance to with everything else enhancing it."

The duo looked to the rogue both smiling widely, well she could at least try it... the rogue would try to catch the frequency at which this 'beat' was coming giving a light nod to each one. If this was just normal intruments only recreated with their 'technology' and the voice was a real singer only the voice clarity seemingly lost in catching it... maybe there wasn't anything to fear "Oh.. I think i get it..." the volume of the music still made it sound like a battlefield... the smoke and beams not helping reduce the impression, but at the very least the heroine slowly got it.

"Come on~!" Rhea would pull the rogue closer to the people, the area being slightly grounded creating a 'floor' away from all the tables, still everyone around seemed to either just jump or strangely move? Rikke didn't know how to dance to this!- "Do like this!" Rhea would grin as she showed off some movements "Or this!" Rune appeared with a grin and showed some moves of her own. With their little circle complete and the heroine trying out the movements soon enough all three were merrily laughting showing off different moves to the 'beat', dancing away all together!
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

This would continue one for a good while till Rune pulled the girls close. "Hey lets get some drinks?" Rhea quickly nodded and headed for the bar nodding for Rikke to come over. She was about to answer her friend when a girl in very tight cloths moved up to her and started dancing next to her. In the strange light of the stage her cloth glowed a florecent pink color which offset her apparent dark skin. Her hair seemed to be of two diffrent colors one a much lighter color on top seemed to glow white but slowly trailed down to a darker color near her bangs. All threwout where small speckles of color reflecting the strange light. Her eyes a neon blue in the light looked at her with a little bit of desire as her lipstick glowed pink in the strange light. Clearly this woman wanted her attention but it was up to Rikke to make a choice.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"'kay I'll be right with you!" the rogue answered to Rune, though just as she was getting her final moves in a stranger approached. The woman was a mismash of colors and designs, from her bright clothes contrasting her skin, to her seemingly glowing pink lipstick and two-color hair. Admitedly the later looked fairly interesting...

"Hum? You're an odd one." Rikke smiled to the indeed odd dancer, though she'd linger for a while longer. Unlike Rheas and Runes shown tricks, except a few. The dancers moves were far different and perhaps even borderline sensual in nature? With a sly smirk, the rogue wasn't going to be outdone as she improvised herself, focusing on more on the more sexy aspect of dancing... thankfully Ericas tricks and the rogues knowledge of just what to do to stir someone made her improv quite the sight to behold.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Seeing Rikke take up the challenge the girl moved to match her almost move for move. Sadly she was no match for the lithe rogue and her supernatural enhancements. Clearly however the girl was flexible and athletic in her own right but she couldn't even keep up with Rikke after awhile. Unknown to them at the time their efforts had draw a small crowed who watched the two as they sensually twisted drawing ever closer. Soon they where danceing mere inches apart. The woman looked to her seeming drunk on Rikke apperance as she moved closer her lips slipping ever so close. Suddenly the song stopped breaking the woman from her revery. Blushing she quickly pecked Rikke on the cheek before heading off the dance floor in a rush. Touching the spot where the girl kissed her Rikke pulled away some pink lipstick that glowed under the strange light.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Indeed, while in a simple dance-off the rogue may have lost out from lack of experience... challenging a semi-succubus to a sensual dance quickly proved futile. From her hand movements teasingly scoping out her exceptional curves to her mesmerizing purple glint in her eyes, the rogues was nothing short of show-stopping. So caught in the moment Rikke barely even noticed as the crowd previously dancing alongside them stepped back and gave room for the two.

even if the other dancer held back, Rikke seemed almost shameless in her dance. Easily pulling the odd female into the rogues storm. Their bodies ever so close to each other, their lips barely any distance from a kiss, the poor girl would swiftly feel herself carried away in dizzying purple haze. While not brazen, Rikkes touch subtly explored the dancers body as well as keeping her in the rogues created rhytm, cheers from the crowd ringing out at a quite a few risque moves. Still as Rikke licked her lips and looked to the girl in a almost predatory manner... the music suddenly stopped? The lights would dim down as well?

As if awoken the other dancer blushed brightly, before quickly rushing away. Her eyes absolutely wide, perhaps in both shock and amazement. Rikke could only giggle at her opponent "Well~ That was fun." she'd grin happily her eyes emiting a light purple color. With a flick of her long orange hair and a very dominant sway in her hips, she'd return to her friends. This time she absolutely conquered the dance floor.
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Free of her dance partner Rikke made her way to the girls who clapped as she approached. Rhea reached out with a tissue to whip the remaining lipstick off her cheek. "Lets get that off ya who knows what brand she uses. Some of them stain for days." Rune spoke up next "That was quite the show everyone seemed drawn to ya. Who knows if your stuck here with us you could have an intresting career as a dancer." Rune laughed clearly joking but drawing an annoyed look from Rhea anyway. "So while you where busy I bought you a drink. I tried to get Ida to mix the one Luna made for you back at her home but sadly Moonlilies went extinct about 100 years ago. We did the best we could though so here." Rhea leaned back and down her drink which glowed a shimmering blue in the strange light while Rune downed hers quick a hint of vodka reaching Rikke's nose from her drink. This left the rogue with her own to deal with. It shimmered a light green in the light and smelled of alchol.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke covered her mouth in a feminine fashion to hide her light laughter "Rhea... you do know that Moon-lillies... well they had an interesting effect on the body. Right?" she'd smile to kitsune, though if asked to elaborate the rogue wouldn't even stutter "It was a extremely powerful aphrodisiac." the girl smiled slyly to her company.

"As for dancing, while it's fun and I'm sure quite a few of the boys on the floor would love it... I'd not trade my life for anything." she'd take her glass "It's difficult to explain, just the freedom, the constant encounter of the unknown." she'd grin widely "Behind every corner there are new things to explore or find out, in every city there are boiling secrets beneath, in every tomb there's a mystery waiting to be unveiled."

"So whats this called?" if anything, a shimmering green was hardly a regular drink color, but the rogue wouldn't mind experiment. Without much delay she'd sip it lightly tasting the beverage.
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea set her drink down and relaxed a moment. "Not sure we just made it up give it a taste. I wouldn't down it in one go though it might be gross." Ida moved over to Rikke and scanned the drink. "Contents .8% alchol, water, sugar, apple flavoring." Rune sighed "Ida shut it let her try the drink."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would giggled lightly "Percent? Wait so there's barely even a trace of alcohol in this?" she'd smirk slyly "Come now girls, we're all grown up you know." still she'd give it a taste, by the sounds of it the trio mixed and matched it on their own. Heck if anything the apple flavor should save it!
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Rikke sipped her drink the girls watched her to see if she liked it or not. "We started off light not sure how strong you liked your drinks." The girls waited for their responce as Rikke considered the beverage. It had an apple taste to it with a light alcohol bite. It was also kinda sweet but other than that nothing to it.