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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I see... Still I'd like to arrive and discuss any possible openings." Rikke smiled to herself casually, actually her voice carrying a seductive tone without the girls efforts "I assume you're accepting at all hours?"

After hearing out the rogue thanked the girl on the other side and sighed lightly "Romp in the hay... eh sounds like a really cheesy book." she'd push up and look over her clothes. Slipping into her white/blue shirt and jeans the rogue clipped her blade to her side and taking part of the money headed out...

Almost exiting the room the girl paused and looked to the black dress "Well.. Now or never." using the hanger cover the rogue hid the dress and it's additions under the material and with it the clothing bag over her shoulder finally left the room and locked the room behind her "Hopefully it's as grand as it's in my Endus." she'd smile to herself.

Honestly, even if Saul said this was the future the rogue this definedly seemed to not add up. Too many she knew were around, these were hardly new names, but more of alternative versions of the ones she knew... Not to mention from what she's seen everyone she encountered was closely related to her. Saul, Rhea, Rune... heck even Amber lead a whole nation here. However there was one name that stuck with the girl... Selina... surely she heard it somewhere before...

Rikke stepped dead in her tracks as a cold swear of drop ran down her cheek "S-Selina..." Reginalds assassin... people up to now had similar roles, be it a leader or high authority figure of certain forces. Could Selina be the same?! The heroine quickly rushed back into her room and went to her device calling Saul "Saul! Saul! This is important!" if he answer Rikke would make sure he was free to talk, before explaning the correlations she noticed between the worlds... and Selinas part in it.
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Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Using her device she quickly got ahold of Saul who answered sounding slightly sleepy. Relaying her fears she got a rather quick answer from the man. "I know I had her trained. She was a wash out from the intellegence service. Officially she is my body guard. Though... this dose seem odd.. well have to talk about it in the morning. Was there anything else?" Breathing a much needed sigh of relife Rikke ended the call afer asking any more questions she had. With that she was free to pursue he night as she wished though with all the excitment maybe it was best to reel it in.
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Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Saul may trust her, but everything just fit too well "A drop out from Inteligence? Saul, Inteligence is run by Degravil, who pretty much hand in hand with Reginald. I'm just saying, these correlations haven't been too off yet. Keep that in mind, 'kay?" with her worries relayed Rikke ended the communication and turned to the door.

Running quickly downstairs she'd turn to the clerk "Excuse me, are there any other rooms free right now? A friend was planning to arrive so I'd like to rent her the room right now." she'd smile to the girl kindly.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh certainly. Would you like adjoing rooms? Also I will need her name and how long she will stay. If its one night like yours then Ill need 100 deni" The receptioness waited for Rikke to fill her in on the details. After doing that Rikke managed to convince the girl to hand over the keys and was set to move her stuff.
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Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yes and..." Rikke glanced around and smiled kindly "I assume client confidentiality is part of the service? I'd really rather not know we're you know... together in this." the rogue kept a kind smile and wrote down a random name she cooked up "That would... Jenny Hulus?" the clerk inquired "mhm." Rikke gave the girl half of the 200 Deni she brought and took the keys in hand "Thank you."

With that the rogue would quickly move rooms, leaving only 1 T-shirt in her old room as if she was living there, but gone for a walk or something else. The adjacent room was exactly like her original one. Carrying over all her stuff, the rogue once more hid everything away and sighed with slight relief "Never hurts to be cautious..."

Rikke would jump on top of the bed and relaxed once more "Geez..." she'd think to herself. The final shock of Selinas identity seemed to bring the rogue over her limit, resting on her bed the girl would quickly think through everything she's seen in this realm... and all the same, but different people that live here "What have I been dragged into this time..." she'd smile lightly to herself and close her eyes. Instantly falling asleep. Both room doors locked and closed shut.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hey mom..... wakey wakey.... MOM!" Rikke jolted up as the shout brought her from her nap. "You'll get a sun burn like that." Waves gently crashed against the shore as Rikke gazed up at a bright blue sky. Looking over to the voice Rikke saw Yuna sitting in the sand next to her. She looked tired or sick Rikke couldn't place it but the girl smiled. "Im glad it worked.... I was worried that aunty was wrong." Gazing about Rikke noticed she was on paradice island though things felt off.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A familiar voice spurred the rogue awake "Y-Yunie?" she'd shake off the morning drowsiness quickly looking around "Yunie, but..." she'd once more scan the area not noting anyone else around "Whats going on?" was this a dream? Or were all the events from before a dream?

Clearly confused the heroine looked to her daughter, who didn't seem to be aged at all. Her mid-length hair carrying Rikkes auburn color and kept in a more crisp, if highly reminiscent of the rogue in her early travels "Is this a dream?" she'd open her arms lightly calling the girl to a hug.
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Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yunie moved over and hugged Rikke. "Sadly it is mom but its the only way I can talk with you." The two shared a hug for a long moment. "Mom its important that you listen. I don't have alot of time. You where in an accident while transporting to the island. The people of this time call it the zero event. I won't try to explain all the details to you but you have to understand. The event trapped you in a time flux.. like being locked in a closet. It was only recently that I regained enough power to open the door for you. The zero event used all the worlds mana in an attempt to kill the invaders. It worked but it worked to well. Magic is finally returning to the world thanks to Aunt Jess but shes in danger. The demons are trying to get to her and in her state she can't hold them off. I sent you to Endus because they found her but they don't know what she is I.." Yuna winced in pain before trying to speak once more. "Mom I... I can't stay manifested theres not enough power... mom.. I love you. Ill try agai...." Like that Yuna vanished before her eyes and Rikke felt a pull to concousness as her eyes shot open to faint ligh creeping threw her window.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yuna!" Rikke reached out, only to the sight of the hotels ceiling... "Yunie..." she'd drop down onto the bed and sigh deeply, her eyes bearing only a hint of sadness "I'm glad you're okay." she'd smile kindly to herself, but now she knew at least some measure of what was going on... even if precisely her role was still unclear.

Rikke would sit up and turn to the side of the bed, quickly dialing Saul number awaiting for the mans answer.

If answered as normal:
"Saul, I think I know why I'm here. We need to talk. Is it safe to talk like this?"

If something seemed of:
"Major Saul? Forward scout Sarah, I have an urgent report."
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Dialing quickly Rikke got no answer. Instead she heard a loud crash in the room next to hers as if someone had broken threw the window. "FUCK FUCK FUCK WHERE IS SHE! DAMMIT THAT HURTS MOTHER FUCKER SHOT ME!" Rikke heard a thump and a whimper as well as the sounds of a magaize being changed. In a much lower tone she heard the woman speak again. "They must have already got her... I have to Rhea..." There was movement again as Rikke held still the sound of a hand against the wall as if supporting someones weight followed buy a thunk and then a thump.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Damn it, Saul... Where are you?" the heroine winced strongly, could it be something had happened to him? Still those thoughts not even fully settled in, a loud crash could be heard frpom her original room... and none too subtle shoutouts, clearly heard through the paper-thin walls.

This was what she was waiting for! Not bothering to listen for too long the rogue quickly drew her blade and rushed to the next room! Confronting whoever the invaders were head-on!
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Busting into the room Rikke found Selina laying on her side a brigt red spot growing on her cloths. Looking about Rikke saw a pistol laying near her hand. Looking out window Rikke saw two large black carriages pull up with men who looked less than wholesome.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"You're with DeGravil or Saul?" Rikke looked to the woman sharply, she was hurt and alone, hardly seemed like Selina was part of the party after her. Still the rogue needed confirmation from the girl herself.

If the girl couldn't answer Rikke would help her up and quickly carry her to the neighboring room. Enemy or friend, she was hurt and she'd probably could tell her about Saul.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke took in the scene quickly. There was no way Silena was with the group outside but her alegance was unknown. Looking at the woman who had passed out from blood loss Rikke acted and hefted her up and into her other room. From here she could see the men pile out of the carraiges eight in total. Even if they wore differnt cloths had strange hair styles Rikke could tell these men where after someone be it Selina or her it was hard to say.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Still Selina would bleedout if she wasn't given at least basic first aid, using her blade if need be Rikke quickly removed the clothing around the wound and looked it over. The guns in this realm worked just like in hers, so that meant different treatment depending if the bullet pierced or not.

Still while working on the basic patch up, Rikke kept an ear out for the goons outside. Dodging 8 guns would be tricky, no doubt they'll go investigate her room soon and then move on to the others.... she needed a cover when they busted in.

Her wound given basic treatment Selina was resting in the bath-tub. The shower curtains pulled, at the very least the creeps won't see her right off the bat.

From her experience with men, Rikke gathered there was no better distraction than seeing a nude luscious girl. As she remained near the door the rogue listened in for all and any activity outside keenly, she herself ditching all of her clothes as she prepared for the likely inevitable look through post-failed search.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Quickly Rikke removed the shirt and found the wound to be threw and threw. It was likey a rifle or a high calber pistol. Still with what she had on hand she could only provide the basics of first aid. The rest would need a doctor or a healer if such people existed even.

Hearing heavy foot falls Rikke prepped her self and hid any evidence she had. Muffled voices could be heard outside they spoke low and despite the paper thin walls Rikke was unable to hear them. Still she could tell from the movement outside shehad four of the goons up here while the rest probably blocked off the exits. Waiting for a moment Rikke heard a key slide into her lock and the door handle begin to turn.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A key?! Clearly these people were either supremely polite or looking for her directly... damn it! They were supposed to bust in and only see some stranger girl alone, in the nude and shrieking!

This however will not do at all... 8 enemies, while the door bought some time it made certain they knew someone was in the room. 3 enemies at worst would rush her, one to kick the door down and 2 to cover him.

By now Rikke had her new blade in hand, steadying her the girl quickly considered her options. This realm seemed to be highly reliant on their guns, the rogue wasn't looking to create a body count thus a single strike at each weapon should prove easy enough... that or a cut at their muscles to disable.

Hiding inside the wardrobe the rogue prepared herself and awaited what would follow. the door of the her hiding spot slightly open to allow her to peak and listen at whats going on outside.

Hide and wait for them to enter.

If spotted Lightning strikes + Battledance
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Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke steath vs perception: 41 vs 30 success!

Rikke awaited with baited breath staying calm and planning her attack. Even if it worked where would she go? Slowly the door opened revealing a stern looking goon. Behind him was the hostess. "I told you no one was in here she said she rented it for a friend. The goon just looked at the hostess and she paled before shutting up. The man stepped in and looked about heading for Rikke when one of the other goons marched in. "Sir it loks like that slut got to her first. Though there was a blood trail looks like you shot her good." The man looked about before heading out of the room giving the hostess a dirty look. Still as they left the woman followed after looking at Rikke and winking.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

That girl was getting the biggest tip of her life... Rikke would remain in hiding waiting out until after the footsteps form the stairs ceased. Slipping out, the rogue quickly got back into basic clothing, before peeking out the room to check if it was all clear.

Once everything settled Rikke would motion for the hostess to come. She needed a ride for Selina or at the very least a first aid kit. The bullet wound seemed fairly severe...
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Slipping out Rikke found the hallway empty of everyone. The sound of screeching outside drew her attention as she looked to see the two large carriages take off at high speed. Alone with Selina for now Rikke planned her next move. Turning to the elf woman Rikke felt her arm warm up. Looking at it she saw the device that Saul had forced her to take displlay on her skin. The call buttone was glowing. Pressing it Rikke heard Saul's voice. "Hey Rhea sorry I couldn't make it today. Something came up at work and Im in a meeting. Looks like Im going to be here for awhile. Could you cancel our trip to the lodge. "I know I know you where expecting a blow out day on the end of your leave but it can't be helped. Oh please don't yell Rhea I did what I could and don't worry I will see you as soon as I can. Oh I got a better Idea how about you and Rune spend the day at Julia's lodge that way the reservation won't go to waste. I know its a good idea right by luv."