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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Seemed the charming spell worked a bit... too well. Still the rogue didn't break character at sudden change and continued with her questions. Though after hearing them... well at the very least she knew it was WELL guarded "So if I wanted to say... touch the Heroines of the Black War armor... how would I go about it?"

Still Rikke kept her eyes sharp for any other sounds, after all it was doubtful he was the only guard here.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The man frowned "Sorry Mistress only the curator has the keys and codes to unlock that dispaly. Its of the utmost cultural value to the people of the city let alone the Black Wargs." The man winced in fake pain. "The things they would do to me if I even thought about touching it or letting anyone else for that matter including you Mistress." The man looked at her again and Rikke felt the tell tale bulge growing in his pants. The shear size of it made Rikke's eyes widen a little. "Besides you have someone more fun to play with than some old leather armor."
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Seemed the charm, the rogues appearance and the dull job made quite a deadly combination... While a little 'energy restoration' was fairly enticing, Rikke had other priorities at the moment "Oh don't worry, I won't get you in trouble." she'd smile to him kindly and tap her lip "So then we need to find the curator even for a chance at the gear."

The heroine smirked with mischief to him "Let's go find him. Shall we?" Rikke looked to the man with sharp eyes.

If the Curator is not inside the museum:
"Then let's go find an easier to obtain sword. I don't want to leave the museum without being able to feel any of the items." she'd flutter her eyelashes cutely, though honestly with the girls outfit, eyelashes were the last thing the man took note of.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Im sorry Mistress but he has gone home for the day. He usually stays longer but one of his artifacts was taken by the ittelegence service and it upset him... But I do know where we can touch a sword." Looking about he directed Rikke away from the display a final look at her armor as they moved to another hallway with Conservation listed in bold letters above it. Moving down the hall aways Rikke came to a door. Here her guide pulled out a strage shiny card and slide threw a strange slot next the door. After a quick secound it beeped and the door opened with the man rushing her inside. Once inside Rikke saw a fairly steril room much like the one she was held in before Saul got her. "They use this hallway for tours and all the doors are locked except one. Come on!" Pulling insistantly Rikke was lead by several rooms with long windows to look in. The first seemed to hold an old set of knightly armor. It seemed to be made of broze and had a huge hold in its chestplate. The secound room she passed held a near complete skelton of some winged humanoid the barerst hint of feathers laying on a table with one absolute perfect one sitting in a case. The next room she came across held a whole mess of ancient guns all rusted beyoud use, above the window of this room was the word restoration room 1. Her next stop was a window that had restoration room 2. Stopping the guard pointed to a sword in the room before her. "They just found that a few days ago. It was stored in the old temple of justice." Rikke looked and noticed the blade was Janet's greatsword. There was no denying it. She had seen the blade in action more than enough. "They say it even spiked a mana detector but the curtor said it was a glitch. I think he was just said because the took the hero's sword away from him."
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled widely at the sword "That's a heros sword, it's a heroine." she'd step up boldly and took a gentle breath "It's me, Rikke. Don't zap me, okay?" the rogue playfully spoke to the sword and took it's handle, bracing for the worst.

Hopefully unharmed Rikke would try to get a feel of sword, attempting to activate it's morphing magic. Changing the two-hander into a sleak one-handed weapon! Otherwise for great a weapon it was, Rikke could barely handle something so large and unyielding, turning to other blades around.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke griped the weapon bracing for a shock but none came instead she was filled with a series of images assulting her mind. A solum procession walked down a torch lit hallway lead by a much older Rune. Her pink hair had nearly faded to grey and lines of worry had creased her face. Behind her three girls walked with her each sharing the fox like tail. Next to them a regal looking Mika walked tall and proud her baring no longer of a child but of a woman no .. a warrior. Stopping Mika took Janet's blade from its scabbard at her side and set it on an eligantly carved tomb that looke exactly like Janet. Setting the weapon down the wildling shed a tear before the image fadded.

"Mistress are you alright? You suddenly went pale." Looking at the great sword in her hand Rikke felt the magic spark to life in it. She may not be its master but Rikke could tell it wanted to be used again. Feeling the magic surge and drawing a gasp from the guard Rikke felt the blade shift and change to a more comfortable size. "M-Magic!" Turning around the guard ran out of the room fumbling with his strange black box on his shirt.
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Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled looking over the blade "Don't worry, I won't let you down." she'd test out the very light blade briefly, her skills as sharp as ever "Now for the armor." by now she knew the general layout of the area... and now she could dispose of any unwanted vision relays.

Avoiding the vision relay machines Rikke would make her way back to her armor, before approaching it head on the rogue quickly sliced apart any unwanted vision devices till it was time. Her blade ready the heroine smiled looking to her old items "Let's see..." hopefully this reinforced glass wasn't even stronger than the thick plates the rogue sliced through before.
Slice that case open and grab the armor!
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Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Letting the guard go only seemed to make things worse as no sooner had the man dissapeared from sight than alarms started again EEEE WAAA EEEE WAAA! Dashing out Rikke made short work of one of the strange devices she had seen on the way in. The sounds of running feet could be heard behind her as she dashed out the guards moving to the first disturbance. It wasn't long before Rikke reached the glass display. Hefting the blade Rikke swung it easy enough shattering the armored glass easily. No doubt the magical properties of the weapon helping her in that regard. This however seemed to set off a whole new alarm that sounded far worse than the one previously. All around the voice of the information assistance sounded "Alert alert theft in progress! Location archaic weapons. Alert alert theft in progress! Location archaic weapons." Taking her armor in hand Rikke ran for the exit only to see a sold metal porculus slide down in front of it. Looking about Rikke could see the windows getting a similar treatment.....
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Seemed people really didn't want Rikke to get her stuff back! Dashing through, now cutting apart every single device in her wake, the rogue would soon enough reach her armor. Without much pleasantries the rogue held the weapons grip firmly and let loose a flurry of supreme cuts. Her skills, magical nature and even the magical weapon making quick work of the so-called restraints.

Unfortunately there was no time for a reunion with echos of numerous activity, beeping noises and distilled cry of alarm, the heroine would only take her armor. Leaving the pictures and the notebook aside.

Dashing to the exit would reveal an unfortunate sight, guard bars seemed to have lowered down. Likely caging anyone who dared steal from this place until the force arrived "I don't have time for this!" the rogue quickly looked to the glass walls that were slowly blocked off as well! "Who makes walls out of glass anyway!" with those words without even stopping the rogue dashed forward and sliced at the window before kicking her way out!
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke jumped as she sliced hoping to cut threw the glass and be on her way. Janets blade quickly made work of the glass as Rikke's body moved threw breaking threw only to rebound with a hollow dong of a secound layer. Falling back as the safty glass crumbled into little bits around her Rikke heard shouts. Looking up at her failed attempt she could see the metal grate gettig closeer to sealing her off. Standing up she made another attempt to get threw the glass.

Safty glass crunched under foot as she made her runing slash again. Thankfully with the magic blade and a little momentum the rogue burst threw the last layer and into the mostly deserted street. In the distance she could hear more sirens approaching rapidly.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

By now Rikke knew that annoying sound meant trouble, taking a route away from the sounds and from the eyes of onlookers the rogue would aim to disappear into an alley way and make her way back to Sauls place. Her armor neatly packaged up under her arms and a huge smile on her face, both a weapon and her armor! Now that was a successful heist!... if a dash sloppy.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Armor in hand the rogue speedly retreated to an ally full of strange smelling bags. Clearly people of this place dumped what ever they wanted any where they wanted. Still it would be a long and jumpy ride back to Saul's place. Thankfully no one stopped her. Reaching Saul's place she found it much the same as before though this time there was a carraige in the front and a few extra guards. A light was on and Rikke thought she could see Ida talking with someone.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Looked like Saul had some company drop by... Skipping over the fence or otherwise quickly making her way inside the inner ground the rouge. If there was a safe spot completely out of view inside, she'd stash her armor beneath a tree or inside a bush before making her way inside.

No doubt people were looking for her and with the lights on, they weren't too subtle about it.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Stashing all her loot Rikke slipped inside the same window she slipped out. Though in all honesty she probably could have walked threw the door as she heard Ida speak.

"Master your quest left some time ago after requesting directions to the musuem."

"Gods have mercy... is she trying to get me fired and her ass locked up by Intellegence. If they get their hands on her she will never see the light of day."

There was the sound of a fist hitting a wall making a dull thud threw out the house.

"Ida do what you canto erase any footage of our friend.

"How do you know it was her Master."

"Call it an educated guess... also rewrite your time tables to have her registered as staying the full night and go into factory settings until.... one week from now."

"I understand Master. I will miss you."

"Ill miss you too Ida but don't worry its just for a week and then you will be back."

There was a long silence as the two seemed to share a moment. "Resetting clearing data reboot complete." The lights in the house flickered as Ida voice spoke again though this time much colder and more like the information version of her self at the museum. "Hello this is your Itellegent Domicial Assistance how may I help you today."
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The spot RIkke picked was perfect, even the grass there was slightly higher due to it's minimal trimming there. Both the sword and armor placed and after making double sure noones was looking the rogue snuck back in via the backdoor.

Sounded like she certainly caused quite the stir... and this was without the news about the museum hitting. Still Rikke wouldn't remain hidden and peek out of the corner waving to the man sheepishly as he did... whatever he was doing to his mana sculpture.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke's peak would see net Saul's back as he sagged his shoulders and rubbed his temples with one hand. Ida meanwhile flickered a dull expersion on her face. It seemed she was unnoticed for now. A moment later Saul muttered Ida off and the mana sculpture dissapeared. A heavy sigh later he walked over to a small cubbord next to the information box and pulled a fancy looking bottle with a brownish liquid in it. take a glass out of the cubord as well he poured himself some of the liquid and sat down still unaware of Rikke.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"DeGravil was a scheming bastard in my time too." Rikke wouldn't hide nor peek on the man for long approaching "Along with Reginald." she'd meet Sauls gaze and smile brightly "I went for a quick walk, hope you don't mind." wasn't the man staying at Rheas for the night?
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Saul tensed as Rikke spoke as anyone would just head someone unexpected would. But after a moment he relaxed. "Yeah he is right bastard that one. Its a shame his sister is actually very nice." Looking over his shoulder at Rikke Saul smirked slightly. "So you went for a walk stopped by and no doubt got some culture too and came to the same conclusion I have... You don't belong here.. at lest not when here." The man winced... "I hate temperal mechanics."
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue turned her head lightly "So... I take you know of my trip to the museum." Rikke smiled sheepishly, since the man was so calm... he likely doesn't know what happened next "On that we can agree, while your memory core... black painting... thing is entertaining, between the rumbles of your carriages and the utter concrete jungle you made yourself." she'd shudder lightly "I'd rather be back on Crolia."

"Thought you were staying with Rhea for the night." the rogue smiled casually to the man, walking over to the window to peek at whats going on outside.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Heh this is Crolia just a diffrent time far far into the future." Saul watched her look out the window. "I WAS staying with Rhea untill a certain alarm went off at a certain place. Its lucky certain people currently have certain friends in high places." Saul gave Rikke a look telling her with out words what he meant if she had missed it. "Speaking of which here." Looking over at Saul Rikke saw a small black net looking deal lofted over at her. "Its a communication device we use in the field. Its completely harmless though it will feel weird. If you don't want it Ill understand but this way you can speak with me and others if want. If your inrested just hold it tight in your hand for a moment."