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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would take the small device, but none too keenly "Saul I'm not planning to stay here longer than I need to..." the girl would keep it in hand, before continueing "So you know..." she'd look to him, honestly the rogue was more looking out to her secret hiding spot than the light up streets of the strange world.

Depending what Saul answered the heroine perhaps could bring her new gear back inside. smiling sheepishly to him "What? It's my stuff, I only took it back." she'd take the clothes to a different room and try them on "So whats the plan now, speaking openly with me, Saul. I can tell you don't mean me harm and I'd like to help you, help me. Maybe ending up helping you overall while I'm at it."

The curator wasn't kidding for an ancient armor it was renovated with great detail, not just for the looks. Though oddly enough Rikkes cups barely filled out the chest area, it having been enlarged quite a fair bit for some odd reason.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh and where are you going to go?" The man would eye her quizically. "And what do you mean your stuff?" Showing off her accuistions Saul poured himself another drink. "Damn it..." While he sounded frustrated it seemed to be more about the situation than at her. "Rikke I have been honest will you the entire time and right now Im not sure how I can help you.. I need time... and I think you just made me run out."
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Looks like it still fits like a glove." she'd walk in back in full armor, though oddly enough the casual clothes she bought... kinda felt... more comfy. Atleast for casual stays "Speaking of which, you are aware that for some reason, that creep DeGravil took my sword from the museum. Right?"

"And I appreciate the honesty, but how did you know my name? The moment you entered the interogation. Why do you trust me on being the real deal, not some random thief who dropped into the museum?" she'd look to him "If someone says they're an ancient hero, they're either locked up or worse, not given housing in the Majors private house."
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I am aware of that yes. Its due to its susposed magical nature. All the tales speak of the heroines silvery weapon. Expertly enchanted and deadly cutting like silver moonlight against the heart of the blackest evil." Saul paused a moment thinking back. "Every kid knows that poem. As for your name I was obviouly listening in on Rhea and your conversation. The other stuff is more of a feeling than anything concrete. I feel like a fool for saying it but something about you is familar and I feel like I can trust you. Plus well.... DeGravel dosn't know your here."
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke snickered kindly "Would you believe me that you used to be a Archmage, an ally who helped me win defeat DeGravil and win the Black War?" she'd smile lightly "In fact..." the heroine grinned widely "This must be a supernatural moment for you, if you believe me, then that means a myth is standing before you flesh and blood."

She'd lean forward keeping that cheerful smile "Call me curious, but what stories have been told about me... keeping them limited to say... before any mention of a water." infact besides her manor rescue and Endus liberation, the rogues feats were mainly private.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Ha me a mage don't joke. I can't stand those brats at the acadamy... they are so.. stuffy and snobbish." Saul gave a slight laugh. "One tale dose come to mind though. It is said the hero of the black war once fought a hundred demons naked with only her weapon to old back the lusty hordes. Her companions fearing for her safty sent a rescue party but they need not worry for the demons where so enraptured by her body that she cut them down as they stood in awe." Saul looked at Rikke in her leather outfit. "I imagin the truth in such tales is rather exagurated by now so it would be hard to pin point it in the lewd imagninings of writters. The over endowed painting at the Peslie ruin did not help."
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hum? And no mention of my personality?" Rikke giggled merrily, honestly it was quite a bit flattering to be considered a mythical heroine... almost too flattering "So have the Myths lied? Am I just as the stories foretold?" she'd smile teasingly to him, her exceptional leather creating quite the busy medievil heroine image indeed.

"In fact..." Rikke glanced to the room where she left her luxurious black dress, a thought to amp the tease up crossing her mind "Or well nevermind. If I did something more Rhea would kill me." she'd giggle kindly.

"Though to be honest, that story does have some truth to it. I had been captured, but the enemy leader was so... "enraptured" by my appearance he instead wanted to enslave me." Rikke smiled kindly "The leader, of course, was Reginald, the very demon I beheaded to win that war soon after."
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Saul cracked a smile before getting up. "Well I suppose its time to move you to an actual safe house. No doubt DeGravel will come snooping around soon and I would rather not have him find you in my home. Its bad enough he thinks Im a traitor." It was then Rikke felt a strange burning sensation in her hand. Trying to drop the strange thing Saul had given her proved pointless as it clung to her. "Rikke be calm it won't hurt you. Think of it like magic so you can talk me when we are seperate." Watching Rikke saw the black cords seemingly sink into her skin. "Don't pull on them it will only hurt. Just relax okay I promis its not doing anything bad to you." After a moment the strange feeling stopped and a slight glow emited from the under side of her forearm. "See look I have one to." Saul pulled up the sleeve of his shirt revealing a similar glow but his had numbers and a couple strange symbols. "Watch carefully Rikke." Taking his free hand saul touched a series of numbers which caused his palm to glow with a faint light. "Hey mom its me just calling to say hello.. Yes.. Mom... please.. mom... I know I know Ill bring her over for dinner... just mom can you do me a favor. Say hello to my.. assistant." Approaching Rikke Saul held his hand up to her ear. A secound later a elderly woman's voice echoed out. "Hello? Who is this? Darn boy always showing off his toys...." There was a click and then nothing. "Damn she hung up......"

Rikke temporarly gains nanite sub dermal cell phone
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Uu---AAAAAH!!! GET IT OUT! GET IT OUT!" Rikke would quickly reach for her blade to try and cut the freakish device off! Though Sauls timely intervention would pause such an act "I DON'T CARE! GET IT OUT OR I'M CUTTING IT OUT!" she'd look to the thing clearly freaked out "IT CRAWLED UNDER MY SKIN, SAUL! UNDER. MY. SKIN!"

She'd allow the example to show what it was but that was it! "Alright so it's a device for psychic links... NOW GET IT OUT FROM UNDER MY SKIN! OR I'LL CUT IT OUT MYSELF!" she was none too happy about the contraption... at all.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Saul took Rikke by the arms and held her with surprising strength. "It will leave after a week now stop being a baby and conduct yourself like a hero." Saul's voice had a commanding tone. "Look at your arm see is it doing anything to you? Is it burning or causing you pain? All Im asking is for you to trust me like Ive trusted you. It will be okay and you'll be fine." Saul held her gaze for a moment trying to calm Rikke. "Besides its a covert device cutting it out will only hurt you and wouldn't work. Your stuck with it untill it wears out. Ive only set it for a week so just bare with it that long and it will leave your body.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked him briefly with fright, before changing to a pout... until finally sighing heavily 'What is wrong with you people... Creating things like this." she'd look him clearly calmed down "A bracer would probably be even better than your own flesh you know."

After Saul backed off Rikke would inspect the device "So it's like a psychic link eh? Care to explain how I'll be using this demonic contraption?"
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

See Rikke settle down Saul nodded. "Bracers can be stolen or removed. That "Demonic Device" is technology not magic. Almost completely undetectable to medical scanners and as a bonus your's has a built in scrambler so even if someone finds the number they will not be able to track you. As for use hold up your arm and look at the numbers press them in the order I tell you and then press the call button and hold your palm to your ear." Looking at her arm Rikke indeed saw the numbers faintly as well as the buttons. Pressing them in the order Saul gave her Rikke saw Saul walk into a diffrent room. Following the next step Rikke heard Saul's voice. "See nothing to it. If you want to talk just speak and it and I will hear you."
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'Demonic technology' the rogue uttered under her breath likely just barely caught by Saul, before the test run began "I get it, I've had psychic links with a few people before... just this thing remembers the persons code, I take it?" she'd pause "Can't it like remember the person I mean? Or am I gonna have to think of you as a series of number now." she'd stick her tongue out lightly, absolutely no enjoying this 'technology' inhumane approach.

Still either way, Rikke wouldn't remain sour about it for long, accepting the device as sorts of a part of her visit here... it was only for a week afterall. For now she'd listen to what else the man wanted to say.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"No you will have to remember the number. Your a bright girl Im sure youll figure it out. Now if it takes longer than a week to figure out how to get you home you may have to have another one." Catching Rikke's look Saul Changed the subject. "Well we should probably get ya moving sense staying here is no longer an option. Ill find a hotel for you to stay at for the night. In the morning Ill get you to my section and we can discuss how we can get you home." Heading out Rikke was once more offered an open door to the strange carraige. Getting Saul directed Selina to a hotel. "It won't be a nice place but hardly anyone will check the area after all its in the red light district." Riding around Rikke saw a glareing signs depecting Girls girls girls, XX movies for sale, Best exotic Dancers around. The most glamerous was the sign for the Silken Princess however. Avoiding the glareing lights the sign seemed subdued to the excess around it. A picture of an elegant woman resting on a bed full of rose petals bekoned inticingly to any passerbyes. Leaving that behind they pulled up to the hotel in question. It was flat two story building that seemed in disrepair. "I had Selina call ahead and your room is ready for you. You will be Searah Amiga a fresh faced woman who is trying to become an actress. Keep to that role and it should be good."
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

In such a district Rikke had to ask "Say Saul, whats XXX stand for?" she'd look to him with clear curiousity, unfortunately expecting an explanation for the acronym. As Saul explained it Rikke peek out the window, the street lights here were certainly not red, but pretty much every single display window beared the tell-tale red, along with girls in skimpy outfits seemingly awaiting clients "I see even after the apocalypse of magic, a certain profession is still alive and well." she'd give Saul a knowing look "And not replaced by lifelike mana statues."

"Why can't I be me?" she'd look to Saul and smirk as he was about to state the obvious "Wouldn't people here use fake names? I know rich perverts and I know they'd wouldn't use their real names." she'd glance out the window once more "Infact, judging by your myths about me... I'm pretty sure there's a atleast a few Rikkes in this place." as kinda distasteful as that was...

"And won't you give me that little card? Your currency thing?" honestly Rikke hasn't seen people use actual money in this realm, much less coins. The shiny card would seemed to pay for everything.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Saul raised an eyebrow. "No doubt there plenty of Rikke's out there but I would rather not have you dropping your name randomly around especially after what you broke into. As for the XXX well.." Saul blushed "Its related to movie ratings X being pornigraphic and more Xs well you get the picture." Reaching into his pocket Saul took out a card but it wasn't the same as before. "I got this for you so you can have it for now. Don't spend to much its not infinate and here is some cash not all merchants take credit cards. This is your allowance for the week don't spend it all please."

Rikke gains $1000 credit card and $500 in cash.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"So I take it you'll call me if something comes up right?" the rogue smiled to the man and after giving a light kiss on his cheek got her stuff and went to find her room. While quite a few 'Hostels' they passed looked nothing short of atrocious, barely even passing liveable ground in Rikkes times... the one Saul took the girl too was a far cry from it "I mean it Saul, you're literally the only person, besides Rhea and Rune I trust in this world. Tell me if absolutely anything happens." by now the rogue was of course out of her armor, she'd have it neatly packed along with her black dress and various other clothes. Though the sword Rikke kept on herself, using one of the belts she bought with parts of Sauls tougher one as a makeshift side-sheath.

"Welcome to the Queens Embrace hotel. Do you have a reservation?" the clerk smiled kindly from her desk, while the place was certainly clean it was clearly a restored building rather than one of the new fancily built houses like in Sauls living district "Yes er... Sarah A-Amigos." Rikke smiled uneasily, the man couldn't have picked a more tongue-breaking name if he tried.

"Ah yes, we've been expecting you." the girl reached down beneath the counter and placed a pair of keys with a number tag on them "Third floor last room down the hall." she'd politely nod and return to clicking a odd typewriter as she peered to what was probably her work.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke followed the directions given and after climbing a set of stairs she found herself on the third floor. Finding her room was easy and for the most part despite some fadded paint and some odd sounds from some of the rooms she passed. Walking on Rikke saw several numbers on the doors missing or haning upside down. Reaching her room the rogue turned the key and opened it up. Inside sat a simple double bed with a heavy looking comforter and four pillows. A window sat against the far was with a heavy curtain blocking out some of the clareing lights. next to the bed was stand with a lamp fixture and across from thebed sat another dresser with the information box like Saul had though this one was bigger. Another door in the room revealed a small bathroom and a tube though it was half sized with a strange hose poking out of one wall.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well this isn't so bad..." the rogue smiled as she entered the room and closed the door with her legs. Some brief moments later the rogue had all her stuff in order, her armor in the wardrobes top. Her undershirts neatly folded and her dark dress resting on a hanger along with all the questionable attires apparel.

The girl would sigh deeply and fall down on the bed, the cushions surprisingly soft, but far from the luxury Rikke knew "What am I going to do..." Rikke looked to the ceiling in though, she was stuck in this strange strange world with only strange apparitions of her friends to trust...

The furniture here while nice, lacked that special touch... that character... not to mention, this material had absolutely nothing on the silks she's rested on. The rogue reached into the back pocket of her jeans and pulled out the flyer from before "The Silken Princess..."

The rogue read over the piece of paper once more and closed her eyes, before reopening with a clear purple haze "Well... If I'm stuck here..." she'd turn to the numbers and enter number for the establishment... just what were the requirements for this 'Lead role'...
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A seductive voice echo's from Rikke's implanted phone. "Hello this the Silken Princess staffying department. How may I direct your call?" Asking the woman Rikke got a quick giggle. "Oh sorry hun you must have an old poster. Shooting has laready begun for a Romp in the hay. However we are always looking for more talent in the halls and escourt service."