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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke leaned against her horse and looked down with a sly smile "Well~ for the past year or so, it seems I only had female lovers." she giggled in a fairly perverse fashion "One might say I've become fairly adept on how to please other girls." she winked to Mary slyly, not really offering it... just teasing with possibility.

The heroine leaned out and kept na eye out for trouble "I noticed you took quite the liking in Janet."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well I was never one to hide my desires. Your friends is my living walking wet dream." Mary got back to her feet and brushed some snow off her legs. "This section is good lets go." Mounting up they moved on further. "So is she umm spoken for?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh no~ I'd even love it if you two went at it. It's been a rough few days, with my past clawing at me and hurting my companions." Rikke sighed lightly "But it's all fixed right now..." wonder how was succubit--- Joldra is feeling in that bag "Hum~ so you're into the knightly types then?" Rikke smiled at Mary once more. Out of her company the rogue was actually by far the one catching most glances, partly due to her exceptional beauty... and partly due to her more often then not questionable clothing.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Actually not really. I find it hard to believe she is a night just how she carries herself and how soft her hair and skin looks not to mention the perfume she is wearing. If shes a knight then she is one I've never seen before." Mary rode on and suddenly stopping halting any further conversation. Getting down she eyed some tracks and a broken fence and a axe stuck in the wood. "The handle is still warm..... RIKKE! find cover quickly!" Mary was fast to her horse pulling a rifle from her saddle and taking cover by the fence.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Instead of just blankly running away Rikke quickly drew her blade and rolled next to Mary "Perhaps I forgot to mention I'm not just a simple traveler." she winked slyly and let Mary do her thing, any opponents foolish enough to near the sniper would run into quite the surprise.

Orcs? HA! Rikke faced hells finest and still came out on top, these brutes were in for quite the fight.

If fence is out in the open look for nearby cover so Rikke could sneak freely around the area
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Perception vs stealth Rikke and Mary vs Orc raiders: 30, 45 vs 47, 41, 35, 35
Mary has spotted some and fires! 50 vs 35 HIT! 23dmg! (-1a)

Rikke: Hp: 62/62 Pp: 45/45 Ep: 45/45

Orc 1
Orc 2 17/40
Orc 3
Orc 4

Rikke surveyed the battlefield quickly. Their enemies had yet to show themselves and given the tracks they had yet to make it into the pen. As for cover there where a few large rocks inside the pen as well as a few bushes near the trail. Mary seemed content to take cover behind a fence post as the horses stomped in agitation. The silence was broken soon however as Mary brought her gun up and fired a shot. Rikke watched in amazement as a snow bank suddenly turned red with blood before realizing that the the snow bank was nothing more than a white blanket. Mary's shot was good and undoubtedly drew attention to her Rikke could try and sneak or hide to get a better advantage.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would take the bush for her own cover, staying near the possible ambush point and still having a flanking position. With he shots fired the ambush was cleared, the heroine tightened her hold on beauty and advanced to towards the crimson target. Her blade gleaming against the white backdrop all around, the heroines steps swift even through the snow.

Sneak to the orcs! [move to intercept not to flank(a.k.a. What hell just jumped us from the snows mid-way to the sniper?!)]
If unseens strike down 3 seprate targets with lightining strikes!

If seen Suddenstrike! Lightning strikes! Same applies
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke trys to spot Orcs: 47 vs 47, 41, 35 success!
Orc's trys to spot Rikke: 47, 46, 44, 42 vs 51 fail!
Mary fires 68 vs 35 hit 30 damage orc #3 is dead
Rikke moves and can strike in the next round.
Orcs fire at Mary all hit 44 damage Mary is down

Mary poped around her cover letting another shot fly out and hit the same target before a fresh spray of blood spattering the white snow. It was apparent that Mary while a good marksman was hardly a soldier but thankfully Rikke was here to help. Her approach unseen by the orcs Rikke soon found her self in striking position catching a glimpse of one orc they had missed. She was so close and could almost strike when the orcs returned fire. Three shots rang out quickly followed by the wet impact of rounds into a body. Looking over Rikke saw Mary slump over.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eyes sharpened brightly, as the unware works rejoiced at the victory dropping their guard completely. Damnit why was she far away! The heroine blade gleamed as her swift movement went through the orcs, the blade singing as lightly only a trail of the light reflected on it followed the rogues actions.

Once she stepped over to the other side, the orcs were dead. Each ones throat cut wide open "Mary!" the heroine quickly dashed through the snow and to the farm girl, she took 3 shots! Getting back to see a medic may be too dangerous! Especially in this blasted weather.

The heroine quickly reached to her belt and unclipped the healing potion she had, she'd gently either help Mary drink it or apply it to her wounds. Thankfully or not... the bullets went through, what seemed inches from anything vital.

Use Healing potion on Mary
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Feeding Mary the potions seemed to close the wounds but the trauma of being shot was still fresh. No longer bleeding Mary smiled up at Rikke. "Well damn wasn't expecting four of em." Fetching the horses took a bit longer but eventually they managed and began to ride back. Half way back they ran into Mary's brothers well the four of them that could ride at the moment anyway. "Mary Joe you okay?" Looking Mary smiled at her brothers. "Well boys looks like I beat ya to being shot first." None of them seemed to happy with this but see that she was okay they rode back to the ranch with the woman folk fussing over Mary as Rikke was explaining what happened.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"The orcs are by the cracked fence, bastards were waiting for one of you to arrive. Four of them, Mary shot down one bastard without them even having time to react." the heroine smiled at the farmgirl "The rest are next to his corpse, you can loot them if you wish. Their weapons seemed decent" oddly enough the rogue didn't even have a speck of blood on her, only hints of the gore at the very edge of Beautys tip. This random traveler killed 3 orcs without neither of them even touching her? The thought caused the men to look among themself, but whatever they did was up to them.

"You seem awfully non-chalant about this Mary." Rikke smiled at the girl, just recently almost left for dead on the field from 3 rifle wounds "I'm sorry I didn't reach them faster, maybe they wouldn't have gotten their shots off then."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Mary smiled at Rikke. "Those fools where just lucky." Rikke held dealt with all manner of bravado before and knew the fool that Mary meant was herself. Still after the woman folk where done fussing over her the eldest brother stuck out his hand for Rikke to shake. "Thanks for watching out for my sis. She can be a handful." With the hand shake out of the way four of the brothers went back out and mounted up likely to finish the patrol and collect the weapons and ammo the orcs where carrying. For now that left Mary and RIkke in the same room with Mary resting on the couch grunting. The potion may have healed the wounds but Rikke could already see the bruises forming.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke noted the soon to be formed memours of the fated bullets "Do you have some ointment?" she quickly approached Mary looking over the light bruises, another healing potion may take care of the bruises, but the heroine had a limited amount of the healing liquid, not to mention it was far too expensive for simple aesthetic healing, perhaps Mary had some healing of her own back in the house.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Mary's eyes twinkled a little. "Ya know pa dose have some ointment for when he hits his thumb with a hammer. Maybe Janet would be willing to apply it to my bruises?" Rikke had to smile had her and Mary met under different circumstances they would have made a fantastic pair. Two pervy girls out on the road of adventure. Still that left Rikke alone if Mary succeeded in her plan what could she do?
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hm~ Well you'll have Janet all to yourself for the whole night." the rogue winked slyly "The least I can do is make sure you're in top shape for your planned...activities" Rikke giggled warmly, before turning to search the room or even leaving it if need be "Where does Pa' keep this ointment, those bruises will only get worse if untreated." the rogue looked to Mary curiously and if she unopposed the idea, would go find the required medicine and look it over. Was a vial to drink... or to apply to the affected area?
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"In the kitchen above the cook stove." Heading that way Rikke easily fetched the creamy substance. Getting up Mary beckoned her into a more private location which turned out to be a bathroom. Here Mary took off her plaid shirt revealing the purple bruises on her back and chest. "He keeps it above the stove so it stays warm." Indeed the substance was warm to the touch almost like fresh semen.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well that comparisson sneaked into the heroines mind fairly slyly, but it was an apt one. The white slick goo felt all too much, like the substance the heroine enjoyed far more than she should, how long has it been since she'd been covered in it fully. Her tight f--- Rikke quickly shook off the perverted thoughts and focused on the task at hand!

"Here it comes" she smiled at Mary before gently applying the ointment, the touch on her bruises making Mary jerk lightly before she relaxed "Bastards..." the girl took another palm-full and began applying it around Marys body "That ambush was a death-trap. Have they always been so cunning?" who knew orcs weren't just 'me smash', but possesed enough wit for a ambush like that. The pure white sheets for cover, nothing short of practical, but VERY effective.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Heh most folk thing they are dumb brutes but they will surprise you. Most of the one's people meet are the outcasts so their opinions are scewed." Mary winced some more as Rikke applied even more of the goop to her bruises. "Getting offly friendly with the ointment Rikke...." Mary looked into Rikke's eyes the girl had the hint of lust in them but it was far from an overriding drive.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled warmly, but kept her gently brushing Marys skin "Well a cute body like yours shouldn't be marred by some bruises." she giggled warmly "So how long have they been after your family?" the heroine didn't truly take note of the smell till now, but she was indeed fairly generous with it "And what IS this stuff anyway hum?"

The rogue kept herself decent, but even then she'd indulge to gently massage Marys body with her gentle touch. The farm girl had a true farm grown body - firm, soft, elastic...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh they be after everyone's family. My folks and I are just more stubborn than most." Mary wrinkled her nose at the pungent smell. "Not to sure hun. Im not sure I want to know either. Its something my uncle taught pa before he passed."