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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Joldra... alright. I assume you didn't diminish this necklace fire resistance magic?" seemed the demoness comment about the sister fel on deaf ears. With her answer received Rikke would let the pendant go "Not sure if you hear me, but I agreed to a way of communication and a fragile alliance. I didn't agree to listening to you talk all the time... so~" unless the demoness somehow made very good arguments against it. Rikke would remove the necklace and throw it into one of her bags.

With her gear in check the girl would check where was Janet during all of this? Was she out hunting for a meal or the like...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The amulet stuffed in a bag Rikke looked for Janet and found her asleep almost to deep asleep. Finding her canteen nearby Rikke figured out that Joldra had drugged the knight. She would probably be alright. Turning to the sound of noise Rikke found Willow licking Venise's and the girl trying to brush him away. "Bad Willow only Mistress can give good morning kisses." With that Willow wagged his tail and Rikke felt a immense relief at this trouble passing watching as Ven rolled back over in her sleep.

2 for not having Ven's new life obliterated
2 for convincing Succubitch to leave Ven's body
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Ven." it wasn't a scream of joy, but more a deep sigh of relief. The heroine quickly approached the girl and hugged her tightly "I was so worried!" well atleast Joldra seemed to keep this end of her bargain. Though Rikke was semi-sure the demoness had some sort of backup plan if the heroine didn't comply. Though Rikke was a girl of her word, for the time being she'll follow through with Joldras offers.

Rikke leaned out of the kiss and smiled brightly "Welcome back, pervy girl." she winked to her companion slyly. Well then it was time to somehow wake Janet up and get back on the road. Rikke needed to talk to Amber...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Mistress I feel so tired." Ven yawned again her eyes the glinting yellow Rikke had come to love. Still after awhile she managed to wake Janet up thought the drugged knight was far from able to drive the horse leaving Ven to do it. The rest of the day passed fairly fast passing a few farmsteads. Most where abandoned or burned but a few held stubborn people eeking out a life in the wild lands. As noon came about Rikke found themselves near a ranch the big shaggy buffalo easily standing strong against the wind.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

With the two girls beating back their morning hangover, the rest of the day pased in flash. The group joking around and pointing out both exceptional sights of beauty along their way, aswell as few less heartening sights. Venise had quite the grip on the reigns by now and as the day passed soon was replaced by the knight herself.

Soon enough noon crawled closer and it just so happened the girls were passing by some ranch "Let's stop nearby. We should spend the night under shelter." depending on the situation the girls would try to park their little sleds somewhere from eyes and mouths of those that would love to reduce their supplies and the heroines themself getting out and looking around. Who knows maybe this place wasn't even abbandoned.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Indeed as the heroines stopped they heard a horse neigh. Looking over to the source of the sound they found a couple of riders in long coats of brown leather wearing similar hats and armed to the teeth. No guns where levied their way as the three strangers rode up and kept a fair distance away. As they got closer Rikke could see two men and one woman her trained eye easily pointing out the girls prominent DDs. "Howdy, can we help you?" The tallest man with dark complexion hinting at aundorian decent spoke in a slight gruff voice.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Ahoy! Perhaps. Whats the road up ahead like?" Rikke smiled warmly to the man "We're heading to a nearby church that may have gone silent a few months back." it was a simple travelers inquiry and Rikke had no need to hide her destination, who knows maybe the road ahead is over-run and would have to be crossed post-haste.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The tall man spitted off to the side of the trail. "Well there be orc raiders in the area but they have been keeping themselves quiet for the past couple weeks. Other than them the road should be clear." The woman looked at the trio in turn her eyes locking on Janet. The other man simply sat in his saddle letting the tall man speak. "Well you should be off then got no room for strangers around here." At this the woman punched the man on the shoulder. "Aey we could use some nonorc company for awhile besides their horse looks tired and could use a proper rest in the barn. Please brother do it for me they look mostly harmless." The tall man grunted a little and adjusted his place in the saddle. "Fine Mary Joe but your responsible if they take anything. Come on if you want a warm bed for the night and to get oyur horse some rest follow us."

If Rikke did indeed take their offer she and her company would be lead to an impressive ranch house with two floors. On the way they passed several pens full of bison and dairy cows as well as horses and sheep.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh? Well..." Rikke looked back to her company, Janet still woozy from the drug and Venise all over this idea, her eyes locked to the farm girls bust WAY too much, their little pup companion wiggling his tail happily at the offer aswell "We'd really appreciate it, but we don't have anything to offer for your hospitality."

"We promise we won't take anything, sir. Maybe we could even lend a hand with anything you need!" the rogue smiled warmly to the man and soon enough followed them to their fairly illustrious ranch "Wow... that's quite the bit of lifestock you have there." for the time being the group follow their hosts, they seemed like good folk, but Rikke didn't have any proof... then again she didn't have any proof at all of foul play.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The woman Mary Joe rode next to their sled. Her eyes kept drifting o Janet who was slightly woozy still. Rikke noted the woman had very lust filled eyes. Janet feeling slightly sick and still a little upset at having been drugged didn't really talk with Venise much but Rikke knew that would pass. When they got to the house an Old man and Old woman stepped out to see the commotion. That wasn't all many small faces filled one of the larger windows as well as a few older ones checking them out from the upper floors.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Hum... why was she so fascinated with Janet? Well whatever the case the rogue would have to keep close tabs on Janet, though maybe a fun little romp in the hay would do her good right about now. Soon enough they approached the house, it's residents spurring to life looking over the new arrivals. Even in surprising volume! Guess they don't get a lot of visitors here "Ahoy~~" Rikke waved smiling widely at the surprisingly large family "Hey~" she looked back to her company with a smile "That's quite the family you have there."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

""Yeah most of my brothers and sisters moved back when the orcs started to rampage. Thankfully they only send small raiding parties this far in during the winter. The tall man got off his horse as a younger man of similar looks came running out of a barn. "Boy take care of the horses and see to the our guests animal is checked out as well." The boy looked dumbfounded at the three attractive woman before he started to act on his fathers wishes. "Come on inside Im sure my folks would like to meet you. I'll have the misses get some warm tea going." As Rikke helped her girls off it soon became apparent that Mary Joe was very interested in Janet and not in an innocent way. Surprisingly Janet seemed to notice but almost outright flirted with the woman as they talked a little heading into the ranch house. Inside it was warm and a gaggle of children held at bay by their mothers strained to see the visitors. Rikke counted four woman of various appearances two looked related but the rest seemed where not. Inside Rikke saw another younger man with dirty blonde hair resting in a chair his leg in a splint. While an older man and his wife sat at the table. "Sorry for all the looks we don't get many visitors this far out." Mary Joe had started to speak. "This is my ma and pa Ernest and Shaya. Over here are my sister in laws. Becky, Amanda, Janel, and her sister Ella. You've already met my older brother Phil and my twin Eric. The clumsy loaf on the couch is Aaron and my brothers Patrick and Herb are still out." The assembled family all greeted Rikke and crew rather reserved. They had a hard life and with the orc raids more than likely concerned when strangers showed up.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would not only allow, but encourage Janet to have fun. On her travels seems the heroine had a tendency to run into very curious girls. Well at any rate, from what ven told her the drugs would be out of the knights system in no time. A little exercise to test out the local beds may speed it up.

"A pleasure to meet you all!" Rikke stood at the table politely, sometimes the heroine even forgot her own beauty, though with all the males at the table seemingly enthralled by her curves she couldn't help, but blush very lightly "I am Rikke, this cutie next to me is Venise and my fair knight Janet. Thank you so much for having us." she smiled cutely with the light blush on her face, more than a few males of age having questionable thoughts... as was natural.

Suddenly another arrival made it's way into the house panting happily "Oh! And this is Willow!" she giggled warmly almost forgeting her guardian.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Good to meet you the woman folk are about to start lunch. I'll have Mary Joe escort you to a guest rooms." With that the men began to discuss amongst themselves as the woman shooed children away and moved to the kitchen. "Never mind my brother hes a bit old fashioned. Come on this way." Mary lead them to a living room with a warm fire several children playing with small toys. Here they went up the stairs to the upper level of the house. "With all my brothers back from their own farms we are a bit crowded so we only have one room open." Leading them to the last room on the upper floor Mary opened the door revealing a good sized room full of books. "This was my uncles room sorry about the smell but he practiced his alchemy up here." The room did have a distinct herby odor not to mention had very interesting and disgusting items in jars. No wonder the room was left abandoned despite its size. Sadly there was only one modest bed that would struggle to fit all three of them. "I know its cramped but I have extra space if one of you wishes to stay in my room for the night."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked to Janet knowingly "Well maybe Janet would like to? I'll stay with Ven here for our short visit." though it was best to keep traveling onwards, succubitch not only drugged and drained Janet off stamina, but did quite a number on Venise. They had to continue in peak form, lest they fail to even reach their goal.

"Do you have some blankets... I'd rather not have lizard eyeball or dog brains bubbling infront of us" Rikke giggled playfully pointing out the collection of very 'exotic' ingredients the uncle seemed to use.

Before Mary left, Rikke would ask one more thing "So is there anything we can help you with? We're not the kind of girls that stay put in their rooms." she smiled innocently.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well you gals could help around the house but I doubt pa would approve. You could go out on my next patrol if ye want. Are any of you girls good with a gun?" Janet looked about and shrugged and Venise shook her head no leaving Rikke.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I'm more of a swords girl... but I can handle a gun too. Janet is a lil' sick so I'd prefer she rested up and Venise is an exceptional cook and maid." Rikke smiled warmly "I'd love to go on patrol, it would be the least we could do." Janet would be here, so hopefully Ven would be fine--- wait! This IS Venise, back to her old self.

"I'll just talk things over with my companions and we can leave as soon as you want." Rikke had to tell Ven to refuse every lewd offer she'd get and not offer any herself... if she gets started or remains unwatched chances are all the boys in the manor will have a very pleasant day.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The quick and precise yes Mistress was pleasant to hear again. Getting back to the task at hand Janet accepted the stay in Mary's room. Moving their stuff to their associated bedrooms Rikke even managed to get a sheet to cover up the strange Jars. Heading downstairs Rikke found Mary sipping a cup of dark liquid. "We don't have to head out till my other brothers get back. How are you with handling a horse?
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I've ridden a few before, but I usually travel by foot." Rikke smiled warmly to her host "They're usually too expensive to buy and precious to rent. I er... tend to attract certain crowds that care little for any beasts in my company." bandits, wolves other either lusty, horny or crazed creatures. Though since the girl usually stayed to the main road her usual attackers were mostly humanoid "Why do you ask?" what was the patrol route to begin with?
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well as long as you have some experiance riding then it will be good. Just have to check the outlying fields and cattle make sure no hungry orcs or worse made off with anything." Mary sipped her coffee and Rikke noticed she was the only girl wearing pants besides herself. "Would you like some coffee?"