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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke snickered warmly at the kitsune and watched her race off to the water, before turning to Rhea. While Rikke was always the playful sort, she just got up and after literally months upon month of activities in the water... they started to lose their charm. Perhaps on the next round, unless Rhea raced off along Rune.

If she stayed Rikke would continue talking with the Kitsune "So how is the construction going?" it had to cost a significant chunk of gold to make all this happen. Who funded it Rikke wondered...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Not bad at all Rikke we finished the main house for Selina myself and Rune. The one over here is almost finished as well. It will be used for guests or Rune's body guards. This one would have been finished to but someone stole some supplies so we are a little behind. This one is meant for you and Jess. Its a gift from a thankful town. Oh and before I forget here take this." A small stone dropped into Rikke's hand. It was a greyish black with intricate carvings on it that glowed slightly. "This will let you come back here when ever you want just as long as you have enough time to use it. You need five minutes to activate it but it will get you here to your house." With that out of the way Rhea winked at Rikke and took off for the beach.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"But how would I get back from here?" Rikke smiled at Rhea, while the island and their own personal house were both heavenly... if she used the stone as an escape it would have her stranded in the middle of nowhere!... that is unless Sena would help her out.

Either way Rikke would hug Rhea warmly "Thank you so much Rhea! You really shouldn't have!" she'd kiss the Kistune on the cheek and steal a small swipe against the bushy tail.

" 'kay I'll join you girls soon enough, I'll just put this stone somewhere safe." she smiled at let Rhea run off. Guess eh could inspect the houses for a lil bit. What else was there to do really?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

No doubt the stone worked both ways and would probably send the girl back to where she used it last. Still Rikke decided to examine her new home. It was fairly basic and simple just having one story. The main room which had workers still toiling away was fairly large with plenty of space to have a table and chairs. At the far end of the wall seemed to be the kitchen which was separated by a low wall from the main room. Two doors where on Rikke's right the first of which lead into a very grand master bedroom with a door way leading to the bath which was in the next room. The right wall had two doors as well which seemed to lead to room yet to be determined. They could be guest rooms or even a treasure rooms.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It was just flatout beautiful! Would the stone work for more than one person thought, she'd love to show it to the girls in the manor. It's been so long actually, Rikke paused briefly... Sarah, Emma, the Twins Gloria and Loria. Likely Emmas little girl was already walking and maybe even partly grown up!

Rikke looked at the grand bedroom, she'll definedly need quite a few paintings here. Perhaps of her and Jessica... maybe a few from gallery she saw in the memorial of Venus. Oh~ this place will be beautiful in no time! Not to mention she could stash so much loot here!

The rogue shivered giddily, just thinking about looting some ancient ruins and finding some rare and grand statue she could bring back or artifacts of old. For the rough nights and lurking dangers... she really missed adventuring outside. Guess a calm vacation was just no in the adventurers blood, that's probably why she so eagerly clinged to the chance of mischief.

The heroine sighed sadly and if unopposed would go outside, guess she go for a swim...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Heading out she found Venise running up to her in a panic. "MISTRESS! SOMETHING IS HAPPENING TO MISTRESS JESSICA COME QUICK!" This brought on a surge of panic as the rogue ran back to the camp to see Jess bent over almost in pain. Ethereal chains extending from a gaping portal had wrapped themselves around Jess's legs arms and waist. Looking on Rikke could see drag marks in the sand where Jess was fighting a losing battle against the chains pulling her in. "Rikke... I.. I ca..can't hold.. much.. much... longer..!" Even as Jess spoke she could see inch by pressious inch receded away. Jess's grunts where strong but she seemed to rally a little at Rikke's presence that is until another chain shot forth from the portal and wrapped around chest pulling her further in.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Was it magic?! Here?! What was going on! Panic overcome Rikke aswell at the sight as she dashed forward in blazing speed to quickly grab her lover even if the chains burned "JESSICA!"

"SOMEONE HELP!" even with Rikkes help likely the chains weren't going to let up... assuming the girl even made it on time. Likely only a few creatures could help her lover right now, including the girls in the other plain, IF they heard her cry!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Chains did not burn Rikke but her hands simply passed threw them. "Rikke!" Jess looked up here lover and kissed her before the chains pulled her away more. "Rikke I love you!" and like that the words of her lover echoed as she was pulled into the swirling portal that shut instantly. Dark magic eminated from the area and an all to familar laugh echoed in Rikke's mind. "The master will enjoy his new toy. Ill be sure he doesn't break our sister to soon after all what fun is game that has no prize." Like that the voice's where gone the fleeting smell of Jess and the warmth of her lips leaving nothing else for Rikke to hold onto.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke extended her hand one last time only for Jessicas own to slip just out of reach before disappearing, a dark voice mocking the heroine failure.

The rogue fell to her knees on the sand just looking to where Jessica just now disappeared "Jess?..." what just happened? They were on vacation weren't they? They were safe here... right? "Jess..."

Small hints of tears appeared in Rikkes eyes, she herself still in shock of what just happened. Was she dreaming? No it was all too real "JESSICA!" the girls voice echoed through the forest, to no awail as her lover had been taken away. Some tears rolling down the heroine beautiful face.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke's cry did bring some attention as the rest of the girls came running to see the commotion. The people around her seemed blurry and their voices dull as they explained what happened. Rikke felt someone hug her from behind. "Mistress its okay I know you'll find her."

The rest of the day passed in a haze as Rune quickly investigated the area and finally concluded that Jess had been summoned away by someone who knew her true name. It was a miracle she managed to resist as long as she did. It was little comfort to Rikke but Rune did have one beneficial bit of information. It was summon who knew her true name and could summon her. Not to mention the voice mentioned that Jess was her sister. It was clear that someone from Rikke's past was pulling strings Jess was bait and only one person could set that trap... The Master. Strapping on beauty and gathering her gear Rikke walked to Rhea they needed to talk and make a plan.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The shock would wear off and it wouldn't take too much effort to put pieces in place. Rikkes strongest and darkest enemy had come back, The Master. Even Hell couldn't hold the demon back.

Rikke would very quickly gather her gear and meet up with Rhea, the heroine gaze stern and fairly cold "I need your scouts, somewhere there had to be a spike in demon activity or in kidnappings. If not I'll need reports on all the churches near Endus, if anything out of place took place in any of them I'll need to know it." not even so much as a hello, Rikke looked to Rhea in a intense fashion, expecting only results and yes's.

"Also I'll be leaving as soon as you tell me what I need, move us to Endus now" though perhaps Rikke had the drive she needed to snapped out of it. The girl would only end up in failure if she went out like this... besides she had friends to say goodbye to here first. The rogue was acting tough, but Rhea knew there were tears hiding right behind the stoic and cold face.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea gazed at Rikke knowing how she felt at lest a little. "Sure thing Rikke well head to Endus you'll need to get supplies first while the scouts gather the info alright." Rhea took Rikke by the hand and in a blink they where back in Endus. Thankfully they ended up in a warm room with a cheery fire going. "Ill send someone to get started and get us some warmer cloths."

As Rhea left Rikke looked about the room it was familiar one though the furniture was different. It seemed the Wargs had reclaimed their HQ. Looking about more Rikke saw a familiar silver bowel with a large purplish blue mass resting in it and a little basket next to the bed. The room had one window that Rikke could see out of to a snow capped Endus. The city looked peaceful and resting under the white blanket. Rikke's thoughts where interrupted however by a warm tongue on her leg followed by happy panting. Looking down Rikke saw Willow much bigger than she had seen him last panting happily that his master was home.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A smile cracked Rikkes solemn mood as she leaned down "Willow." her pup was now a fairly grown Crolian Malamute, perfect companion to her travels through winter, but completely unsuitable for the trip to the warm climate she just came back from.

"Hey there boy." Rikke gently stroked her willows coat noting it's thickness and warmth "You didn't try to drink up Sylphie did you?" she snickered weakly... overall Rikkes tone was fairly weak and sad. For all the friends she had, only Venise gave her a proper hug...
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea returned a few moments later to find Willow trying to cheer Rikke up but the rogue seemingly having none of it. Setting the cloths aside Rhea came over and took Rikke by the shoulders and set her on the bed. "Rikke.. hang in their alright. Well find out who did this and all of us will help you get Jess back. "Rhea held Rikke a moment before breaking the half hug. "Im going to bring the rest of the girls back so we can form up a proper expedition. Not to mention how can any of us rest with one of our dear friends missing." Rhea got up and proofed out leaving Rikke alone with only Willow for company the dog resting his head on her lap looking sad that he couldn't cheer Rikke up.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled warmly at cheer up, guess everyone were just going out of their minds trying to find out what happened, not just ignoring her. "Thanks Rhea... but don't put the expedition together, everyones needed here. There's no point in moving out the heroines of the city, right as it's starting to stand."

The rogue gently placed her hand on Rheas "I'll be fine, just a little bit in shock still... but this is a trip I have to make incognito. The demons are cowards and would just move or.... punish Jessica if I brought you girls along." Rikke would let go the Kitsunes hand "They took her to get to me, even if they spot me they'll not try to flee or move out. Please, you make sure Rune has the Venus girls protecting her, best not make room for another DeGravil."

Rheas eagerness to rally everyone was reassuring, but another war against demons... Rikke wouldn't allow such a thing to form up. The girl stopped The Master once before, she'll do it again... but in her own way "Now you make sure you send out our best scouts and gather all the intel you can, alright." she smiled warmly.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea nodded but she still brought the others home and even Janet came to visit her while the scouts went out to do their search and Rhea combed over reports from outside of Endus. Each girl in turn came to visit Rikke hand tried to cheer her up some even crying with her the biggest one being Kat who bawled at Jess being missing and it almost turned to Rikke being the on to comfort her.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

All the support that finally came enboldened the heroines heart once more and soon enough she too approached the table discussing the reports. Rikke would be in her full adventure gear that seemed to have been put aside far too long already.

"Whats the situation girls?" Rikke had a confident smile on her face, she was back and ready to get Jessica back. No matter the cost...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea had a weary face piles of reports stacked high. "Well.. nothing in the immediate area around Endus and all the demons we have in captivity have no clue whats going on." Rhea sighed an got up from her chair to stretch a moment. "However a messenger just arrived not to long ago with a letter addressed to you." Rhea dug threw a pile of paper's and pulled out a fairly weather beaten letter addressed to Rikke and Jess. It was dirty and a little scuffed but other wise the wax coating had kept it safe from the weather and Rikke could clearly see the Pesil seal in a dark wax holding the letter together. "The scouts have yet to return. They should be back by morning...." Rhea sounded tired almost to the point of exhaustion. She had been up sense the event going over reports and giving orders. One of the hero's of Endus had been kidnapped she wasn't going to rest till she found out who or what had done it.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

How odd, a letter to them? Perhaps it was fan-mail "I'll take care of these reports, you go rest or let me have some of them alright?" Jessica was far more than just some simbolic heroine to Rikke, if Rhea expected her to sit in her room and wait, she'd be in for a surprise.

"I'll just check this letter and be right you." she nodded lightly and went to sit down somewhere and check the letter contents.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Cracking open the seal Rikke saw it was a Letter from Emma to Rikke and Jess. It was rather long and obviously covered more than a single day. Neat hand writing in Emma's style talked about how she finally gave birth to a little girl and how things where going along at the manor. Sera and herself had chosen to name their little girl Rikke in honor of the heroine who saved them all. It was all very bland stuff day to day activities and what not but it warmed Rikke's heart to read it. Getting to the bottom of the letter Rikke found a carefully written ps in Sara's hand. It was simple and blunt.

Rikke I've been having dreams about the master please come back I fear something is going on.


Checking the date of the letter Rikke found it was written about a month ago.