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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"BRA! BRA! BRA!" well it was clear what the boys wanted. Still Naomi proved while in the water would she be trouble for Rikke now. Naomi walked forward all smiles. "I won't make it easy for ya Rikke!" With that the nymph muttered a phrase and magical essence flowed into the nymph giving her some unknown advantage to her for the upcoming combat.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Bra it is boys!" Rikke cheered out to the boys and turned to Nayomi. Magic or no, Nayomi will be the one blushing after this.

"Let's see that nature magic in action." She winked slyly and quickly got in position. If Nayomi started uttering anything suspicious Rikke would quickly lunge at her aiming to lock her into a grapple.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Naomi attempts to grapple Rikke 46 vs 49
Rikke attempts to grapple Naomi 58 vs 49 success

In a flash Naomi was at Rikke far faster than she had ever seen before. It nearly caught her off guard but Rikke managed to slip away and get a grip on Naomi. It was tenuous and Rikke new from her fun at the pound that Naomi was far more slippery than Erika and would put up a harder fight.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly sidestepped and wrapped her hands around Nayomi "My~ Look at you speedy." the heroine giggled warmly, though with Nymph empowered with her nature magic it wouldn't be qutie as easy. The girl quickly squirmed, almost escaping or perhaps positioning herself to a better position, though it sent both girl on the ground with Rikke, mounting Nayomi right on top.

The heroine quickly looked over the girls outfit and spotted out how to best get her bra. Seemed fist she'd have to subtly shift her top and to slide her hands underneath. Rikke leaned down and kissed Nayomi, smiling lewdly and would quickly proceed with her plan.

Shift top clothing
Remove bra
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke shift clothing 55
Naomi attempts to put Rikke in submission hold 42
55 vs 42 Rikke wins

Naomi was wearing a simple leather over shirt which hung tightly to her skin and bra making it difficult but Rikke managed to get her hands under the shirt and onto the bra ties she was close. Naomi did her best to shake Rikke but the heavier woman held the advantage for now but she wasn't out yet she had one more round to redeem herself.

"Oh is this it dose Rikke the Rogue gain another victory?" the crowed cheered loudly and competing chants could be heard from all around.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke had that sultry look in her face, having Nayomi pinned down and at her mercy, while strips away her clothing... oh~ the possibilities. Still Rikke would have to suffice with just teases and a simple strip.

Once she got a good positioning to remove the girls bra, Rikke would lean down once more to a rather deep kiss and jump back from her with the bra in hand. If successful it would be time for another victory show, with her throwing the bra to the crowd cheering the loudest.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke tries to remove Naomi's clothing 59
Naomi lets her
59 vs 0 Rikke wins

Rikke had a firm grip and kissed Naomi deeply surprisingly Naomi returned the kiss even slipping her tongue into the Rogues mouth. However with a yank and the sound of ripping the bra came free and found its way into the crowed. The crowed cheered once more as even more denari exchanged hands. Naomi just looked at Rikke and winked while she got up and retreated.

"Well Rikke the Rogue is once more victorious can nothing stop her?" The sounds of mutters and groans as well as the distinct clang of coin echoed around her. "And now for her final opposition CaaaaaSaaaaanDraaaa the amazon!"

Casandra walked in her short cut silver hair glinting in the sunlight arms raised over her head. Rikke new she was in trouble by far she was the strongest of the Venus girls and a brawler to boot it seems her last opponent would indeed be the hardest.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

This time Rikke wouldn't pump up the crowd quite as much, her next opponent demanded all of her attention. Actually getting into a grapple seemed pretty darn risky... was there a way to get an upper hand versus the amazon.

The rogue quickly found her footing and motioned her hand in a "bring it on" fashion "Let's see what you amazons are made of" she smirked slyly and awaited an attack. At first Rikke would focus on dodging Cassandra advances hopefully tireing or agitating the girl enough so Rikke could catch. A match of strentgh versus her would tough to say the least.

1st turn Full Defend +30 dodge
2nd turn Full Defend +30dodge
3rd turn Grapple
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Round 1
Cassandra tries to grapple Rikke 59 vs 79 miss
Rikke full defense
Round 2
Cassandra tries to grapple Rikke again 61 vs 79 miss
Rikke full defense
Round 3
Cassandra tries to grapple Rikke 61 vs 49 hit
Rikke is already in a grapple

Cassandra entered the ring and cracked her knuckles and then her neck before getting into a combat stance. She made a lunge at Rikke who easily dodged away. "Scared Rikke? You don't have to be sense this is a friendly little contest Im not gonna hurt ya." The crowed oohed with the insult but Rikke kept her cool. Cassandra made a lunge again but it was a feint that Rikke saw through, "If you wanted to dance Rikke you could have just asked." Cassandra smirked at her. Rikke didn't say a word she had been working on the timing just so her next attack should be now.

Rikke was a fast girl in fact many of her victories where due to her speed and stealth however this time around she was in the domain of the wrestler and sadly this one was very very skilled. Even though Rikke had seen the attack she wasn't able to compensate for it due to her own attempt to get a hold of Cassandra but now both of them where in standing contest of strength. Thankfully Cassandra's time at the brothel had lessened her muscles strength somewhat but her skill was still evident by the fact Rikke was losing ground quickly.

"Oh look at them go maybe Rikke has finally found her match in this little contest! Come on boys give a cheer let them know your rooting for them." The little area was filled with the burst of cheers and even a few jeers. It seemed that no matter the outcome the Warg's spirits would be lifted.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

An Amazons strength... scary stuff. Still while Cassandra was in the brothel Rikke was out risking life and limb everyday. In her peak Cassandra would dominate Rikke completely, but as things were right now... the heroine still had a chance.

There was no way Rikke could put the amazon in a submission hold looks like she'll just have to slip the amazons top off unseen with subtle and precise movements. Hopefully her nimble nature would be enough to avoid facing Cassandras full strentgh

Get dat armor off as quickly as possible!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke tries to shift Cassandra's armor to get at her bra 52
Cassandra tries the same on Rikke 55

52 vs 55 Cassandra wins

Rikke tried to shift her weight away from Cassandra throwing the amazon off balance and quickly try to slip her hands under her armor. Unfortunately Cassandra was able to spin around quickly enough to grab Rikke's armor and pull it aside revealing Rikke's own bra. "You know your actually really good at this how about we have our own little wager humm. If I win you and me spend a little time together. Ive always wanted to have a romp in the hay with you."

"Oh this gonna be a close one. Rikke the rogue having dominated the two other competitor as run into a snag with Cassandra shes in danger of losing. Can she pull it off?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh? But all your toys are back in the brothel and I didn't quite catch what happens if I win." Rikke smirked lightly, she wasn't out of this quite yet! Perhaps the distracting thought would give Rikke and opportunity.

Rikke tried to shift her weight once more, denying access to the amazon aswell as perhaps succeeding in gaining a way to the amazons bra aswell!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke tries to shift Cassndra's armor 71 (bonus for tactics)
Cassndra tries to put rikke into submission 62

71 vs 62 Rikke wins

Rikke's distraction worked it seemed as she was able to slip around and shift Cassandra's top finally giving Rikke access to Cassandra's bra though she wasn't out of danger herself. Their positions changed Cassandra still spoke her voice confident. "Oh why don't you pick something Rikke something of equal value humm?" Cassandra shifted her own weight looks like she won't be falling for any more or Rikke's tricks.

"We got quite the duel going on here boys who will come out on top Rikke or Cassandra!"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Hmm... with Cassandras thoughts not fully in the fight, perhaps Rikke could exploit it a little bit... the amazon have quite a bit of lust for her, perhaps a distracting thought could give her the moment she needed "Well~ I do know a certain medicine, that lets you grow a temporal cock. I wonder how yours would feel..." NOW if ever the amazon got distracted this was the moment! The heroine quickly striked attempting to steal the amazons bra and jump back with her prize!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke tries to steal Cassandra's bra 55
Cassandra tries to put Rikke in submission hold 53.. way to roll a one you big bad amazon

55 vs 53 Rikke wins

Seems Rikke's intuition was right. Just barely Rikke managed to grab one of the straps that held the garment together and with a good tug she felt it come loose much to the chagrin of Cassandra. Who stood agape at what just happened. Rikke almost didn't believe it herself as she held the bra in her hands. their was a moment of silence and then massive cheers rang out around the room everyone was cheering well maybe except Cassandra who walked up to Rikke grabbed her by the shoulders and kissed her right on the mouth. "To bad you didn't agree to the wager Im one fine peice of ass you let slip away." Cassandra smiled at Rikke before fetching her bra back and joining back up with the other girls.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Who says we need a wager to have our fun... I recall oweing you for distracting the guards at the brothel" Rikke winked slyly at her, leaning in and kissing the loser gently "If Jess allows it. One hour. Your room. Make the preparations" the heroine giggled warmly, she wasn't exactly one to break a promise, even if Cassandra didn't have the chance to do her part, she still agreed and took a beating defending the girls.

With a sly wink Rikke allowed Cassanda to join back the girls and cheered out for the crowd "Thank you everyone!" looks like she was the victor... The rogue took a dignified bow and joyfully skipped over to Jessica. She was the one to thank for the entertainment afterall... not to mention Rikke had to ask for leave to play around with Cassandra.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess raised an eyebrow at Rikke's request but smiled and nodded but only after she made Rikke promise to be extra nice to here when they finally get a chance to bet together alone. So that was cleared Rikke had one hour before the event.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I can only promise to be extra naughty, not nice." Rikke smiled lewdly at her companion and with a wink went to check up on the Venus girls. Her hips swaying playfully, for Jess to see.

"So~ Do I get a cut on the fight money? Being the champion and all." Rikke giggled playfully as she qucikly sneaked up to the girls.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Actually we where gonna use most of it to replace Rune's wardrobe we kinda ruined it." All the Venus girls looked around trying to appear innocent but Rikke knew better. "But I suppose you should get something for it after all you beat the panties off most of us." Alice quikly counted out some coin before handing ti over to Rikke. From shear weight it seemed about 50 denari or so. "Oh and what about my cut?" All the girls froze as Rhea made her appearance looking much better than when Rikke saw her last. Her arm was no longer in a sling and she was smile bright even if her eyes looked a little tired. Maybe the girls had woke her up?. "After all I did host the event did I not?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke plainly hid away her denarii, an innocent smile on the rogues face. The girls were on their own on this one "Rhea you're up too? Hope we didn't disturb the more injured wargs" the girl smiled earnestly "It just sorta suddenly happened..."

The heroine pause for a moment, speaking of Rune... where the heck was she?! "Um.. I have to go check on something. Be right with you girls." Rikke smiled innocently and if not stopped would suddenly make her exit. The good news was that she's likely with Sylph.... the bad news is she was indeed likely with Sylph.