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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess sighed and seemed to relax. "Well Rikke we get the oven warm and wait for the bread to get the right size and boom put it in for some more waiting. Honestly this is the most boring part of the whole process." Waiting for the bread rise seemed to take forever but as Rikke watched the covered loaves of dough began to rise growing before the rogues eyes. After awhile Jess looked them over and seemed satisfied and placed them in the pan and then into the oven. Waiting abit longer proved just as boring but soon the smell of baking bread filled the kitchen.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Look at you go~" Rikke whistled lightly at her companion "Still have that magic touch I see..." the rogue turned to their host while they waited "So~ Kat, can I call you "Kat"? How did you and Gruff meet?" the girl smiled warmly at the Su-ku-ta, she had just enough spunk to interest the rogue.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well it was night time and I had just dropped off some earring for Ruby and Jade at the brothel. When a big man came out of the shadows. I got scared and ran but that only made me run into a group of men who began to push me around and rip my cloths off. I cried for help bu no one came to save me except Gruff I guess I had startled him as much as he startled me and when her heard my cries my brave hero came rushing to my side beating off my attackers with his muscly arms alone. Afterwards I tried to thank him but all he did was blush and refused. After that I knew he and I where meant to be and Ive been trying to woe him ever sense though Im starting to think he dosn't like me." The cat girl frowned and looked sad.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"A beautiful girl like you? Don't be ridiculous. The rougher a man looks the more gentle and mushy he is on the inside, maybe you just came on too strong." Rikke tapped her lips thinking "Instead of just going flatout for the prize, take our cooking to him for lunch and offer to eat it with him, not just give it and leave. If he refuses just turn on your charms and he should give in..." the rogue winked slyly at her "After that maybe give him a kiss on the cheek, do this for a few days till he has a day off and go for the "kill", sexy lingerie and all" Rikke nodded firmly at her plan of seduction, honestly the rogue never had any experience in such matters. Her meeting with Jessica was if nothing else, chance and her other encounters with men were when she was trying to rob them... in skimpy gear...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Katrina sniffled "Ive been trying for 2 years I even asked Ruby and Jade to watch out for his friend in the brothel. He dosen't even come to visit I moved my shop and everything."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well he won't kick you out if you just came to him in person during lunch, with something smelling as delicious as we're cooking right now, right?" Rikke smiled "I'll have to return to his smithy to get my weapons soon. Perhaps we could join you, grab the goodies and force him to have lunch with you." the rogue paused a moment "He isn't married is he?..." the thought did slip Rikkes mind maybe she's helping make plans to force an honorable man to cheat.
Nevertheless Jessica should have something to report from the cooks point of view sooner than later.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Nope he dosn't have a ring I should know I got an eye for such things. Do you really think he will have lunch with me? He always accepts my food even though I never get it right he so nice to me I just want him to feel the same way I feel about him." The cat girl sniffled again just as Jess pulled out the bread. The warm aroma of freshly baked bread soon filled the little kitchen and made all around drool alittle. "Done we just need to let it cool a little."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke took a good smell of the bread at hand "With this my dear, any mans stomach will fall and demand to get you a ring on that pretty hand of yours." the rogue grinned happily at the Su-ku-ta "Besides it's one thing to give food, it's a whole other to give and join in on the feast... just you needed the right kind of dish..." Rikke eyes wandered of to the coal... Uhm blackened bread lumps "Trust me we've got this!"

"What else could we make to seal the deal Jess?" Rikke turned to the expert maid, perhaps she had some other aces up her sleeves.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I don't know lets take a look!" Jess rummaged in the pantry for a bit and came out somewhat frowning. "You eat out alot don't you Kat?" The cat girl smiled but then frowned looking at Jess's face. "Well first off go to the market and buy a chicken preferably already butchered I don't want to go threw that mess as well. Lets make him some chicken soup its simple and fast. Me and Rikke will stay here and make noodles." Katrina nodded and was off to the market while Jess shouted at her. "WE NEED CARROTS AND CELERY TOO!" Dusting her hands off Jess looked at Rikke a glint in her eye. "Time for Noodle 101 Rikke lets get mixing!"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled warmly well this was rather relaxing after all the grim and grime off war and magic around them. "Aye~ chef!" the rogue was ready and willing to follow Jessicas commands, cooking can be fun~! Especially when you'll get free lunch out of it...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Making the noodles was very similar to making the bread with the exception that Jess didn't use any yeast and some other ingredients where added but still they where good way threw cutting the dough into noodle strips when Kat returned with Chicken and vengatbles. "Good now de-bone the chicken and boil the meat...." After a little longer and several little misshapes later the girls with guadiance had a big pot of chicken noodle soup and fresh bread. "There all done did you write down all my tips for you Kat?" The cat girl nodded while licking her lips the soup smelled divine. "Alright I made enough for all of us including Gruffs wards it should make a good meal."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke helped out in finishing the meal, this was likely the longest she spent in the kitchen in quite a few years. With all the smells and sounds Willow made sure his presence wouldn't be ignored as he clumsily waggled his tail in the backpack peeking over Rikkes shoulder at the dish being prepared. Rikke snickered lightly as the soft bundle of joy happily looked at the meal, the rogue stole a few pieces and gave it to the put, including some bones "RIKKE!" Jessica finally noticed her "Don't give him chicken bones! It's not healthy for young pups!" the succubus sighed lightly and went on to help Kat who had challenges up the wazzo aswell, giving Rikke one more chance to sneak some meat for Willow.

Before long their masterpiece was done and judging by the aroma, the girls were in for quite the feast today! "Okay so how are we gonna get all this to Gruff" Rikke looked to the girls "I have some mittens for holding the pot!" Kat quickly raised her hand eagerly "Excellent! We'll need a clean wooden surface for the bread aswell." "On it." Rikke nodded firmly at the chef at hand as she quickly rushed off to search for the item in question.

With Kats kitten and a way to transport the bread the girls were set for their picnic and not too soon aswell as Kat told them Gruff would be taking his lunch break sooner than later now. The girls took the items in question outside and were about to leave the jewelry to lock up, when Rikke noticed the bargain bin. "Hey~ how much is this sapphire ring?" "Oh it's a little too small to wear... 20 denarii." Rikke grinned like a cat "And how much is it... for me~?" Kat paused a moment... well the girls were really going out of their way to help her with his and then some... "10 denarii... but don't tell anyone" Rikke winked playfully and placed the small ring into her pocket, leaving the denarii behind the counter.

Soon the girls reached the Smithy judging by the smoke coming out of the forge it was still active so they weren't too late, Kat with the bread, Jess with the pot and Rikke with the... well there was nothing left for her to carry "Okay on 3 we go in and yell surprise... ready?" "Ready." "Ready..." *Bark!* "1... 2..."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

3! Rikke having her hands free opened the door and charged in much to Gruff's surprise. "Confound it women don't do that you nearly gave me a heart attack.." Gruff was soon silenced as the smell of the soup reached him. "What what is that?" Rikke could almost see him start to salivate. At that time Kat made her appearance with the large pot of soup. "Gruff I made this for you with a little help from Rikke and Jess." The excitable cat girl seemed meek now almost to shy to speak louder than a whisper. "Oh uh Katrina what a surprise." Gruff threw daggers at Rikke and Jess with his eyes. "So you made soup for me then..?" He looked confused his nose telling him far different things than what his mind remembered about Katrina's cooking. Jess spoke up "Oh no Gruff she made it for both of you to have together with the children." "Oh I oh...." Rikke saw a glimpse of understanding in Gruff's kind eyes though he may need a little push.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke grinned with faked innocence obviously aware of the mischief she was doing. Still just like she said Gruff was hardly in a position to refuse the offer... now to seal the deal "KIDS! Trisha~ LUNCH TIME! Let's all have lunch together~!" Willow quickly got out of the girls backpack and ran off to get the kids into the smithy aswell "That is... unless you don't want to Gruff... Kat, me and Jess worked for so long on this meal. I'm not one to say, but especially Katherine really poured her heart into this meal... you're not going to refuse all her hard work will you, Gruff?" both the children and the guilt approach?! The rogue obviously had no shame or honor. Though she meaned no harm...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Gruff had been a soldier before and he knew when he was out maneuvered. Sighing he looked at the trio before him. "Ill get the bowls." Victory Rikke's plan had worked well part of it had worked whether or not she could get these two together was another matter for another day. Kat was bubbling with excitement so much so that Rikke had to make sure she didn't drop the soup.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Gruff left to get the tables set Rikke quickly turned to Kat "Okay Kat, this is important play it cool. Whatever you do don't come on too strong, I'll take care of most of the talking. Don't mention that you're looking to tie the knot or want to ride his sausage at any time during lunch." the rogue eyed the su-ku-ta "We clear on that? No marriage or sex proposals during lunch." It was self-explanatory, but who knows what might cross the excited girls mind! "And just relax and be yourself!" with that final note the girls would proceed outside where the children where Willow likely had the children all riled up. It was time for a nice great big, outdoors feast!
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Indeed Willow had the children all aglow with excitement well except Evelyn and the unnamed boy who looked a little like Gruff. They both looked a little flush and Rikke noticed Evelyns dress a little out of place. Aaron and Trisha where chasing after Willow who barked at them wagging his tail drawing giggles from the younger children. It was a joyous sight one befitting a family. Soon Gruff called out and the children ran up to their adopted father helping him with a blanket and spoons as such.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke knelt down and petted Willod warmly, still she was an unannounced guest might aswell offer herself up for help "Need a hand with that?.. Jess find us a great spot while we get all the stuff 'okay? Kat with me." the two girls ran off to help the family bring all the necessities. The food was in a firm pot and the bread in a wooden box. They could place it firmly pretty much anywhere... and Willow was more than trained enough to know that he shouldn't mess with the items at hand.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

In not time at all the family and quests where sitting on the blanket enjoying pleasant company while Willow tried to attack Kat's tail to little effect as the darn thing kept swishing out of the way. "Very good soup Kathrine you said the girls gave you help?" Kat just blushed and tried not to say anything awkward but kept looking at Gruff who sat just a wee bit away from her separated by Trisha and Aaron. "Ye ye yeah they where very helpful." Kat's ears twitched wanting to say more but remembering Rikke's warning kept her mouth shut."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Don't be so modest Kat. You did do most of the work with some of Jessica minors tips and trick, you do wonders in that kitchen. Shame your cooker was broken, burning most of your previous meals..." Rikke smiled warmly at Kat "And you always tried so hard." the rogue snickered warmly at let the meal continue, she never was a big eater so it wouldn't take long for her to finish off her plate.

"Hey Kids want to hear some of my adventure stories, there'll demons, mad wolves and evil barons." Rikke quickly glanced over the dishes Kat was hardly mid-way through her meal and Gruff just recently got a refill. If all goes well they'd be the two odd ones out, leaving them alone to chat.