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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well there was no reason to keep the man with the wind, but if he thought Rikke would drink it, he'd be sorely disappointed. Taking the wine in hand, the rogue looked to man "Endus? A capitaL?" she'd think through things briefly, before looking out the window "I think I'm starting to get it." she'd turn to Saol "This... isn't my Endus or my Crolia..." she'd keep looking out the window noting all manner of oddities "Rune told me about her crazy theories of 'what-if' worlds, this must be one of them." the heroine shuddered visibly.

"Thats why Rhea and Rune don't recognise me..." but there was one matter that didn't quite add up, both of the girls mentioned events that happened to Rikke... could this place have it's own heroine? "Either that or this is one crazy magic infused halucinationation." she'd place the wine down, before turning to the man with an earnest expression "I need to get back to my friends, Saul. Please."

Additional question: Where are we going?
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Saul looked at Rikke and leaned back. "Sadly Im afraid its no halucination magic or otherwise. You see Ms. Dalieru magic has been extict for the past 2000 years." Saul swirled his glass before sipping it again. "As for an alternate world it could very well be either way we can't know for sure untill we can get one of the acadamy mages here to investigate your claim." Saul sounded absolutly serious. "We call it the zero event. The day when all magic or rather the energy that fuled it was sucked away. This lead to the world nearly dying as life struggled under the sudden lack of magic. Most supernatural creatures died outright, Demons, Angels, Aliens. But that was the only good that came of it. The Zero even lead to a dark age that lasted roughly 1000 years. It changed the very world we live in. Still as the world recoved so did we and recently there has even been a few born with enough senstivity to use magic once more though now most of theworld runs on technolgy." Saul looked at Rikke as she took it in. They sat a moment when the carrage came to a stop. "Oh it looks like we are here." Getting out Saul offered a hand to Rikke. Looking up at the sign in front of a large store it read Lust Designs by Joldra. The sign also had a picture of a shaply cartoony succubus. "Here we can get you some cloths to your liking. Don't worry about cost. It will be on his majesties bill. Though please be resonable." Leading Rikke in would revealli a shop full of strange looking cloths and shoes all of which where in the style of the people she saw outside though much higher class and more revealing.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke raised an eyebrow "How do you 'suck up' something thats part of the world?" she'd look to Saul briefly, before something else hit her "Wait! Then how are we moving?! Whats with all the lights?" the girl leaned closer and frowned at him... things weren't adding up. If he even began to explain it, the car would soon come to a stop, whether he'd continue his explanation or offer to continue it after Rikkes shopping spree was up to him... but the rogue would certainly not skip the chance to get out of her current militaristic clothes.

Still it barely took a glance over the frontline displays to note that these designs were far more... 'questionable' than the attired she saw the general public wear. The heroine glanced over the shops entrance briefly, not moving in "Is there an issues, Ms. Dalieru?" Saul asked through the opened door "Oh nothing." the rogue smiled subtly to herself "Be right back, old perv." she'd snicker lightly and enter inside. Of all the clothing shops he could've taken her, Saul chose THIS one.

Rikke could've said what she pleased when just looking over the front of the store, but inside her heart almost stopped as sight revealed itself. Hundreds upon hundreds of clothes, all either hanged, lined up or on full-display on some wierd white granite statues!

The heroines quickly dashed in with a huge smile on her face, a tleast for a few moments she'd forget where she was stuck. While the majority of the clothes were fairly similar to higher rank succubi outfits, there was an absurd selection of different clothes as well! Up to whole 10 and beyond undershirts lied on display, each having supremely intricate designs made from colored wax!

Beaches, skulls, cartoonish succubi, even silly childrens paintings! The undershirts came in all color and variety! The rogue quickly picked out the most intricate and colorful ones, oddly enough stuffed in a bin of sorts? "Bargain." the rogue looked through the intricate clothes, whatever the sign could've meant completely escaped her... Still the artistry on display was just amazing! The rogue would quickly pile one wonderous design after the other, bright green palm leaves, intricate pictures of beaches with strange shouts on them, even a shirt with a fat orange cat yelling about lasagna!

Laughing merrily at the pictures, Rikke would continue to rummage through and pick and choose... until finally someone took note of the spunky shopper "Excuse me miss..." an unknown womans voice echoed from nearby, Rikke turned to face it with all the wonderful shirts in hand, before the pile waved and stumble to the side! The heroine winced slightly as the mess hit the floor and smiled sheepishly "S-sorry."
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Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Saul would of course answer Rikke but it seemed the rogue had something else in mind as she zoomed to the colorful cloths. The woman who spoke looked at Rikke slightly annoyed. She wore a button uped white blouse with a tan over coat that didn't seem to have buttons or even be able to be wrapped around her body. Below that was a tan smooth skirt that went to about her knees. Below that she wore some sort of see threw stockings that tanned her legs which rested in some black heeled shoes. "Miss.. can you umm pay for your items.." As Rikke began to pick up the shirts heavy foot falls echoed behind her. "O-Oh Major we didn't know you had a quest with you." Looking to Saul she saw him smiling and holding up a strange card with his picture and some sort of gleaming badge. "No its okay my fine ladies our friend here is from the back country and has never seen such fine clothing before. Please be sure to help her with what ever she wants to pick out and as a favor for me could you find her something more sophisitcated to wear at her meeting." Nodding the woman quickly helped Rikke with the shirts. "Ahh Ms I didn't know you where on buisness with the Major. Lets see to some approperate cloths for your meeting and then we can pick out bra's and other items.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Aye~ I'm with him." The heroine vaguely pointed towards Saul as a two-color shirt with only the words 'Mega milk' written on it caught her attention. She'd continue her rummaging seemingly caring little for the conversation nearby or the mess she was making until the woman approached her once more.

"m?" the rogue looked to the woman with one shirt pretty much held in her mouth "There are better ones?" she'd ask innocently, only for the store clerk to close her eyes and fix her glasses with one finger "...yes. Yes there are."

Choosing to keep the white/blue Mega milk shirt and a black shirt with a design similar to her tattoo Jess gave her, she'd follow the woman deeper into the shop. The place glittered form the glass displays, each dress adorned with numerous sparkling gems, each worn by the lifeless granite statues. It was a wonder how they'd dress the statues, was there a gruff who'd life them up and place them back every time?

Still these questions would have to wait as Rikke was lead to the elite part of the shop. The girls eyes widened as she looked on over all the numerous designs "So... do I pick something out and you'll outfit it for me. Right?" the rogue asked casually only to cause the clerk to blink at the utter cluelessness "N-no, there are sized listed on each piece of clothing." "Oh~" Rikke puckered her lips as she looked on before dashing in, thankfully she did know her size quite well. A playful smile on her face she'd dash in and start her grand search.

Soon enough Rikke had picked out quite the collection of dresses and apparel "The dressing rooms are right this way." the clerk would point out where to go and awaited for the rogue to get dressed. A short commotion later, the rogue was set. Stepping out from the dressing room, ((covered breasts ofc :p)). Her shoulder were covered by the black silks, the main draw of the dress obviously being it's open nature. Down the middle of the gown, the dress opened up to reveal the girls exceptional body, it's deep middle cut extending perhaps almost too deep down, more than enough to stir the mind of anyone who'd look upon her. The dress came complete with a black silk collar, which had an extension down between the girls bust to clip on another silken line, which ever so subtly pushed accentuated the already generous bust.

The sight almost knocked the clerks glasses off, while numerous models and gorgeous clients shopped here... this country girl, was just as shameless as she was stunning! A sneaking suspicion about who this woman may be to the mayor did sneak up into the clerks mind, but the man certainly didn't seem the type at all "Too much?" Rikkes voice would bring the clerk back as she stood there with a suprisingly confident smile "Oh... well, it does suit you... it depends on the nature of your meeting." she'd quickly gather her professional air and fix her glasses once more.

"Well I love it, but you're right." the heroine faced the mirror, running her hands down the silken dress sides and to her exposed hips "This is hardly a dress, if I want to stay subtle." she'd smile to the clerk kindly, making the girl shift subtly at the alluring females attention. While she'd take the dress with her, this was not the one she'd show Saul "Do you have anything else with this fabric? It's Arachne silks, right?" the clerk would widen her eyes in surprise "Well no, but we do have that brand." following the clerk Rikke would pick out underwear that were fairly similar to her original ones - crimson red bra with matching short shorts "Wow you even have these eh?" Rikke would pick up some black strings "Oh... these panties would certainly match your black dress." she'd finally crack a smile, seemingly growing warmer to the simple and fairly friendly oddball client.

Those three would be the rogue purchases in the elite section of the shop, a devious black dress, string panties and a crimson underwear set "Miss! We do not allow our client to walk around in underwear in the shop!" she'd stop the rogue just as she was about to casually stroll back to the simpler part of the store. Still with the army outfit loosely back on, Rikke finished her outfit.

When she returned to Saul she had her elite purchases and brand new attire. Tight denim pants, a red bikini top and a very well designed open short leather shirt "Also this ' " Rikke grinned as the clerk kept her pokerface and fixed her glasses "I advised it due to the colder weather, we have been having."

Total purchases:
1 Elite black gown
1 leather cowgirl shirt

1 pair of Denim Jeans
1 ribbed Sweater
1 pair of black heels
1 pair of Black/White sportsboots
1 set of Crimson undergarments
1 set of Black string panties
2 random T-shirts

Poor Sauls/Kings credit card
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Looking at the purchases Saul nodded to himself and instructed the clerk to get a couple more jeans and shirts as wll as socks. "After all no telling how long you'll be with us." Taking a strange golden colored card from his wallet Saul casually slide it over a flat device made out of somethng Rikke had never seen before. The thing made a beep noise. Getting the cloths rounded up Saul once more led Rikke out and to the waiting carriage. Hearing a a few words as she left the store front Rikke raised an eyebrow. "Poor girl I wonder how long Saul will fancy her....."

Moving along Saul began to address Rikke's questions from before. "Well Ms. Dalireu.... we managed to generate our own electricity from various means. The most common being solar power. In fact the road we travel on right now is a massive collection of solar arrays. Rikke eyed the man before speaking "Electricity?" This seemed to take Saul back a moment before he smiled once more. "Think of it like making our own lighting and using it to power things. Like this car, it runs on an electric motor." Still this probably raised more questions for Rikke as the car came to a stop once more. "Ahh here we are. Ive taken the liberty of settng you up in a safe house for the evening. Now Ms. Dalirue there will be guards posted to make sure you don't sneak off. After all we do have more questions but I want you well rested and relaxed." Stepping out Saul offered his hand to her again. Taking it or not Rikke soon found herself outside a small house surrounded by a low wall. A large garden took up most of the front space. Looking about Rikke could see about four men in strange cloths and wearing strange classes walking around and holding their hands to their ear before speaking. Each one had a strap attached to another weird gun. "Don't worry about them they are just here to dissuade the overly curious and to make sure you don't wander off. Inside there is fully stocked kitchen, bath, pool, living room, and bedroom. Ive sent the servents away for the evening so you will be alone and have time to settle and think. If you need anything just press this button and one of the guards will come and see you." Saul handed Rikke over a flath box with a green button that had call written on it. "Ill be back in the morning so make sure you get some rest. With that Saul left leaving Rikke in a strange house in a strange city and in a stange country
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Honestly, any explanation Saul may have given, was likely specifics of this oddball realm "You never told me, why are you treating me so?" Rikke gave Saul a sharp look "I'm just a stranger to this world, yet you're acting as if you know who I am." she'd pause briefly "Or why I'm here..."

It was unlikely Rikke would get Saul to answer her suspicions. No matter how he presented it, she was being lead to what was likely her brief prison, even if it was a pampered up. Still blindly following Saul and his lackeys around while she herself was absolutely helpless had grown fairly annoying... she'd had to fix that and soon.

Rikke stepped through the door inside and looked around. Above all else, this world certainly seemed to love everything spotless, white and made of glass. Most of the furniture seemed to either be black or white, with the numerous absurdly sized windows... or whole glass walls providing most of the lighting. The heroine was certainly not hungry, nor sleepy for that matter.

Looking around the area, Rikke recognised the general areas of the house. At the very least some things remained semi-relateable to her... except 1 huge black painting. The strange painting stood right infront of the cushy couches and by it's positioning it seemed to be one of the centerpieces of the entire house.

Her brief tour of the house done, the heroine sighed deeply and looked out the window to the patroling men in black... only 3 of them. The heroine smirked to herself as a plan to gain a weapon all too easily came to her. But.. perhaps she should just follow them around, if these were truly variations on Saul, Rhea and Rune perhaps she could trust them. The heroine placed a finger on her lips and went to the couches to think things through.

Jumping on the couch, Rikke was about to just relax only for the black box to beam to life! Her eyes widening Rikke quickly sat up and looked to the painting as something slowly faded into view---

The girls jaw almost dropped as a view of a person, with a flashing bright images molding and shaping behind them spoke out towards her! "What... the..." she'd lean closer to the object, was this some sort of memory cube? "And now back to EMC's Top Oldies!" Rikke furrowed her brow as the man continued to speak, only to be suddenly replaced by more whirling shapes and some inane racket!

Though the next moment, the vision stabilised as slowly, but surely the racket created a rhytm "This is... music?" the intruments were unlike anything the rogue heard, the voices seemed unnatural as well... but the show and sounds were nothing short of captivating. Her legs crossed beneath her, Rikke sat close to the object and looked on to the continious distorted visions and particulary strange music... until "Alright music lovers, we'll be back right after the Endus Music Channel news!"
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well Ms. Dalireu I have a theory but I need to confirm some things. After all wildly quessing at one's purpose can be dangerous. Especially at times like this. As for your treatment, well needless to say I don't think Rhea was right in thinking you a spy. Besides the one window you broke there was no other entry. That is unless you used magic, which in this case is very important to us. Anyway enjoy your evening." Leaving Rikke to explore the strange dewelling Saul departed.

Exploreing a bit Rikke found a strange device that played some sort of music and flashing lights. After watching a moment captivated the tone sudden changed. A loud costant beep echoed three times before the imaged changed to a very familar looking cat woman in a similar dress as the clerk at the store had one popped into view. She was looking down at some papers a moment before looking up revaling Kat the catgril jeweler from her world. "Hello Endus Im Kattrina Moors for your brife summery of happens around the Endus." A small box next her her changed shape to image of a strange metal golem with a word shortage in bold red letter over it. "His Majesties Endus Knights have suffered yet another serious blow after the factory creating the Mark Two Paladin battle suit was destroyed in a fire. The miltary was quick to rule out enemy action or sabatoge. An investigation by local fire department authorites will look into the blaze. In other news the fashion guru Joldra Demont was scene in Endus visiting the palace spreading rumors of a supposed hook up between his majesty and the billionaire from Archon. Now on to weather........" The program droned on but Rikke still had the image of Joldra that had flashed up on the screen in her mind. It looked like her almost perfectly but there where obvious age lines on her face. This Joldra seemed human. While still pretty she wasn't succubus pretty. "Whats is this place." The words had slipped out accidently and it would have been completely forgotten and unheard except it wasn't. A voice distorted in a manner spoke up. "This is Dove mannor and you are currently in the living room." Spinning around Rikke saw a small round black ball casting a blue light behind where she was sitting which high lighted a woman in a traditional maid uniform. It was strange as the woman was made out of the blue light and she seemed to flicker slightly.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The box seemed to show sights of various locations and numerous people all around, it was as if a central brain for looking through another creatures eyes... while the thought how this vision transfer creature might look like was a juicy one, Rikkes attention had been drawn to this realms Joldra.

"A big-shot from Archon eh?" the heroine snickered warmly and smiled to herself, before sighing deeply "Oh... what the heck is this place..." only for a new figure to asnwer!

At this point, Rikke just consciously ignored Sauls words about magic being gone. There was just no possible way all she had seen could exist without, even if there was a way, more than likely the explanation would quickly ovewhelm her. Choosing just to go with it, Rikke would only keep her mind occupied on the here and now... not the inner trappings that made this realm tick.

"Who are you?" the rogue would quickly stand and approach the illusion cautiously.

Other questions would be:
What can you tell me about Mayor Saul? Corporal Rhea and Rune?
What can you tell me about the Endus King? (name especially)
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I am the Internal Domicial Assistant or IDA if you prefer." Assuming a lecturing face IDA spoke again. "Its Major Saul his brother Jebadia is the Mayor of Endus. Captain Rhea is his lover." IDA froze a moment before speaking again with a flicker. "ERROR! I do not have information on Corporal Rune. "ERROR! Information on King Jospel is classified and not open to the public."
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue crossed her hands with a smirk "Well atleast some things don't change." she'd look to the illusion briefly "So information about the Majors lovelife is readily available, but the king is off-limits?" the girl gave a sceptical look at the mana statue.

If the statue still refused to answer Rikke would frown at her "Can you direct to me a map then? I'd like to find where I am and where the royal palace lies."
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Correct." IDA nodded. Cocking her head after hearing Rikke's request IDA flickered again. A moment later IDA flicked out only to replaced by a map and her disemboddied voice. "Here is your current position." Rikke looked a the translucent map and was able to make out several key features. One of which was the old city wall. Sadly it seemed she was well outside it. The secound was the fissers from the alien attack though now they seemed to be full of water? Sighing Rikke saw that this Endus was much larger than the one she remembered even if it had similar or at lest a similar layout at one point. "Error! Can not show location of palace. Such inqures are forbidden. Reporting positon to CI... ERROR! Connection to CI over ridden. Origin... Code 1141 alpha alpha bravo... Command accepted. Patching threw..." The map flickered again as a blue image of a weary looking Saul appered. "Ms. Dalireu if you would be so kind as to not get me fired by making such inquires on my personal IDA unit I would be most apperciative. After all I did give up my house for you this evening." He sounded annoyed but his face was still good natured. "Saul are you talking to that tramp we found today!" She sounded even madder and Saul winced mouthing the word shit. "Good night Ms. Dalirue." Like that the image was gone and Ida reappeared. "Sorry Ms. I could not make a connection for your request."
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

While at first surprised at Sauls sudden appearance, onyl for Rheas voice to be heard from nearby. Causing the rogue to take a bemused stance a teasing smirk "Dalieru." she'd correct the man, before the link was gone. This was likely one of the first new things she had seen that seemed... amazingly useful. A psychic link without being psychic...

Still, looked like for some reason the king held information about him on a very need to know basis "I assume asking why the king keeps to secrecy will get me in trouble--- just a yes or no answer." she'd look to the mana statue, raising a hand as if to stop further actions.

"Alright, could you find me information on someone else then... are there any noteworthy figures in rule or the forces by the names... Degravil or Reginald." the rogue sharpened her eyes as she awaited an answer. If Saul was alive and this was an alternative Endus... could those two be alive as well?
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

IDA cocked her head again. "Yes but the reason is no secrete and you shall not get into any trouble asking. The kings location is kept of all maps during war time. The govermental palace has shielding while his personal location is kept secret." Pausing as Ida thought about her next question broth an all to familar noise. "ERROR! Information on Central Intellegce Officer DeGravel classified. Processing... processing. Acess granted for Major Reginald Adems profile." A picture of Reggi appeared though he wore the same uniform as Rhea and had a large scare running down his right side from brow to chin. He looked extremly well built.

Major Reginald Adems
DOB: April 3rd 2080
Age: 34
Weight: 104.3 Kg
Height: 2.3 M
Current posting: Classified

Bio: Classifed
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke furrowed her brow "So you two are alive as well..." she'd look to the mana sculpture of Reginald briefly, it was a question whether their evil and corrupt roots continued to run deeper "Ida, what can you tell me about this ongoing war? Who's fighting?"
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Processing..... The 9th invasion. Starting in the year 2092 as the resurgance of magic grew stronger a Dark Gate opened on the border with the Bardian Confedercy. Demon's from the realm called hell by the common man invaded swifty over running many local army units and police forces. Officially Southren Crolia and the Bardian Confederacy are allied against the demon invaders. Unoffically the Bardian Confederacy plays a waiting game providing little to no support to SC troops. As it stands right now Southern Crolia stand alone against the invasion with other nations staying out of the conflect or having their own to deal with. Current efforts are focused at REDACTED! this is where the main SC army efforts are focused. Two CLASSIFIED! units with the 1st calvery, infantry, and special operations hold the line. Combat Losses have been CLASSIFIED!"
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Seemed the mana sculptured had a few strange issues or perhaps she was trained to refrains sharing certain information "Alright, Ida. What can you tell me about the Bardian Confederancy? Who are their leaders?" she'd try to gain information of these forces, but it was likely hardly a possibility... but what about further allies?

"Ida! Can you find any information about Jessica or Janet?" she'd lean closer, honestly she was just as curious about seeing who or what her friends were here, as she could possibly turn to them for help.

Just imagine she used their surnames :D
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Processing....... No information on Jessica Vandara no such person exists. Processing processing Acess granted! Displaying profile for Leutenant Janet Rain."

Lt. Janet Rain
DOB: September 17th 2092
Age: 22
Weight: 65.7 Kg
Height: 1.6 m
Current Posting: Classified

Bio: A profesional soldier who graduated in the top 10 percent of her class. No surviving family or known next of kin. Awarded several disticion for valor and two for being wounded in battle. Top grade classfication in the use of *CLASSIFIED* *REDACTED*
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke frowned at the mana sculpture "What about the Bardian Confederancy? What information do you know about them?" at the very least she knew Janet was in this realm as well, but Jessica seems to be mysteriously missing. While the rogue actually considered asking about herself, that seemed like a very dangerous question to ask.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The Bardian Confederacy is a loose grouping of the former provinces of the classic Bardian Empire. With a population of 200 million it is one of the largest econmic nations on the continent and could pose a serious military threat to any current nation. They are currently Allied with ther rivlas Southern Crolia, which they have a tumultious realtionship after the 2 year war in 1922 which resulted in Southern Crolia sizeing the former provice of Archon. Their current president is Amber DeSaul.