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Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Just try and ignore her, buttons or no," Izzy remarks. "But, for now, let's just get over there. I don't relish the thought of Claire being left to her own devices for very long..." She gives something of a high-sign to Ronny as she catches sight of him leaving, letting him know they'll be along shortly.

"Let's plan further when we get there. That way we know what we're dealing with. And we can figure out what questions we're going to ask with regard to the book. And how we're going to ask them."

((Going along with Ronny in the "You travel." Izzy's willing to carpool, but otherwise, it's her and Raven in her vehicle, which she parks around the corner from the address, approaching on foot.))

Seeing Claire's shotgun, Izzy arches a brow, taking any conversation they might be having away from the main street, or at least suggesting she make the weapon a little less obvious. The Gangrel's words, though, relaxed her a slightly. At least this wasn't going to turn into a competition.

"Personally, I'm all for just sneaking in and snagging the book myself, but if we need to figure out where it came from and how he got it, that nixes that idea. I do have an idea, but dunno if it'll work. You still got your badge, Claire, or are you permanently off-duty?"
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve nodded and followed in her bug, arriving just after Izzy. "I don't have a problem getting my hand dirty if it means we all survive tonight." She said quietly. "I just want us to get in and out without causing a scene." She fiddled with her pocket, reassuring herself that her phone was still there and listened to Izzy's plan.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Claire smiled and looked up for a moment as if remembering something. "No... no, I'm officially deceased according to the Police. However I still do have my badge. What's the plan?" Claire asked, intrigued, finger tapping against the metal of the shotgun above the trigger guard.

Her eyes never strayed from Izzy, not even to bite back at Eve, and her lips were curled up in a hungry smile, her elongated fangs protruding from behind the smile giving her the look of a wolf on the prowl.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Well, hopefully the general public won't know that. Might want to leave the shotgun, though. Little conspicious. We're here because it would seem our good Mr. MacIssacs has come into possession of a piece of stolen property. We'll need to collect the book as evidence and hopefully he'll be able to provide us with information or an address as to where it came from. If it turns out to be nothing, we'll return it." Her grin suggest that, of course, it's not going to turn out to be nothing. "What do you think? Haven't forgotten how to be a cop after only a couple of weeks, right?"
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch listens to the plan unfolding and weighs his head. "Right, but you oughtta zip the jacket up, or the bloodstains're gonna show. And..." He takes off his cap and combs through his hair with his fingers. "What if the guy wants to see all the other guy's batches? Or is Claire gonna go in alone?" He shakes his head. "I don't like it too much, to be honest. The guy's gonna ask the police about the book at some point, and then we're busted, 'cause he's seen us. I say we sneak in and knock him out. Any information is just..." he shrugs. "For brownie points. The book's the reason we're here."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"I agree with Fletch. No warrant to go in looking for or start grabbing things. So unfortunately we have to do this slightly outside the law. I suggest a few of us go in through the back, look for the book and grab it, and a few others walk straight up to the front door and start talking to him, try to pull out some answers," Claire suggested, still not letting go of the weapon in her hands.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Izzy shrugs. "My thought on that was if he did go to the police, then he'd find out the book was stolen...just not originally," she chuckles, though she nods to the other two Kindred. "Eve and I could probably play up students that need to talk to him. The Prince did say he was a professor after all. We could be doing something for school and one of our profs could have directed us toward him. Just...give us a few to figure out how to steer the conversation."

((And Copper needs to go to work, so I'll leave it at that. Feel free to prompt, otherwise, I know how I'll be killing time at work...))
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Ronny steps out from the back area of the house and moves over to join the others. he doesn't seem taken aback by the shotgun in Claire's hands, but he does keep his eyes on her.

"Sorry it took so long, but I parked on the other side of the block and snuck through the backyards. Glad to see you didn't rush in without the rest of us Claire. I would have explained what was going on if you had waited instead of threatening me and running off. This may sound crazy but while the Prince was explaining about the book, I kind of got this message in my head...well more like images or feelings telling me that something was up and that we needed to get going as fast as possible. I can't really explain it any better, but I get the distinct feeling that we're in for far more than we bargained for. There is a back window open if we go the route of sneaking in while others distract him. If we need to question him though, I hate to say it, but I'm probably the best bet. I used to do interrogation work for the army before I got out."


Raven remains quiet obviously satisfied with the way Izzy is handling things, though he does stay as close as possible to her.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Should probly take someone else with you if your feelings are correct then. I'll go in through the back, anyone else coming with?" Claire said, not bothering to apologize for the threat she had made earlier.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve nodded at Izzy and Ronny. "No crazier than the rest of everything that's happened to us." she trailed off in a mutter, "Bloodsucking Brady Bunch and all that... Anyway, I'm more than happy to run distraction. I can turn up the charm and hopefully have him eating out of the palm of my hand." The word 'hopefully' tacked in the middle there was the only indication of how truly nervous she was, and she kept palming her cell phone.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Ronny doesn't seem overly concerned about the lack of apology, more like he's worried about the strange message he received in his head.

"Alright Eve and I will take the front door, Fletch and Claire you take the window, and Raven and Izzy can handle lookout in case someone comes along. Sound good to everyone else?"
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch nods. "I was 'bout to volunteer for sneaking in anyway. Ever since I found out I can do this ninja thing when I stand still I've wanted to try it out in practice..." His voice trails off for a moment, and his eyes settle on something in the distance before he shakes his head, regaining his focus. "Let's do this quick, or we'll be standing here until the sun comes up."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"All right Fletch, let's go. I'll try not to be too loud for you," Claire whispered, moving almost in a crouch around the back, looking for the window that Ronny had mentioned earlier, taking the lead before Fletch as she had the weapon gripped firmly in her hands.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Izzy has to keep herself from grinning as the mental image of Fletch in black pajamas pops into her head for a moment. She puts her attention on Ronny, given the breakdown of tasks.

"That's fine. We'll try to give you guys a heads-up if there's any trouble, but, last resort, listen for two quick whistles."

As the group breaks up, she guides Raven off a ways so they're not loitering directly in front of the house, but still close enough to keep an eye on things. Nothing out of the ordinary about the two of them. Just a couple out for a walk...
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch simply nods and turns towards the building, assuming a low crouch similar to Claire as he follows her as quietly as possible. For once, his military experience is of some use. Once they reach the window, he kneels down, waiting for the knock as their signal.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Ronny and Eve give the others plenty of time to get into position, before they head for the door. Ronny whispers over to Eve as he reaches to knock at the door.

"I'll speak first, but as soon as I do. Go ahead and turn on the charm, alright."

Claire and Fletch make their way around the house easily enough, finding an open window right at the perfect height, just as Ronny said. From their vantage point over on the sidewalk Raven and Izzy see nothing out of the unusual on the quiet residential street. With one last look around Ronny knocks as gently as he can on the door almost as if he's afraid of breaking it.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve nodded, and forced a bright and happy smile on her face as she covered her nervousness and slipped a hand into her pocket.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Through the blinding hunger, Leonardo managed a thought as he moved towards the door. 'I guess the food's been delivered.'

Throwing open the door, Leonardo looked between the two people standing there. One, a tall, strong, muscled man, the other a small woman. It took only an instant from when he opened the door to decide who to feed on. Leonardo lunged at Eve, grasping with strength disproportionate to his frame.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"I heard the knock, let's go," Claire said to Fletch, quietly crawling up and through the window. She moved away from the opening to let her momentary partner in, her eyes sweeping the room she found herself in, the muzzle of the shotgun aimed wherever her eyes went.

Something didn't feel right in here. Perhaps it was what Ronny said, but her instincts were telling her that something was wrong. She started to feel twitchy, eager for a fight, even as she came to recognize that the urge was not the beast. It was instinct; predatory.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch feels similar as he enters as quietly as possible with his large frame. Something's definitely off, he thinks as his eyes search the room. It takes him a moment to recognize it - when he does, he moves over to Claire. "Blood," he whispers. "It smells like blood in here. Not too old."