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Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"The Prince, huh, must be like the leader of the kindred here or something. So I guess we just wait till the others show up then." Ronny sits and studies the floor for a while after that.

"I sure wish I had just gone home tonight, instead of going to the bar. So how did they get you, uh Luna I think you said?"
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Luna was walking home from work when Luna was suddenly attacked from behind...next thing Luna knew, Luna had fangs growing out of Luna's mouth..."

Short, simple, concise, and reasonable. It was a plausible story... provided no one found out that she was heavily armed underneath her coat. A fake smile for effect... perfect, or so she thought.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Not much to tell here either. Some guy in a business suit offers me a job and we go to drive to his office. Which turns out to be the back alley where he turns people into kindred. All I remember really is that he was really strong. For some reason I never even got his name, weird." Ronny thinks some more before getting up to walk around the room a little.

"I never was much for patience even when I was in the army. Which is nothing but hurry up and wait." He says while walking around.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve shuddered unhappily, "I miss my VW bug... It was one of the last originals made..."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"I have the feeling that's not all we're going to miss." Ronny says matter of factly.

"For some reason I feel this strange urging to be home near the ocean. I haven't wanted to be there for at least three years now...Strange." He adds as he continues pacing.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Really?... Luna doesn't miss being a human much actually...Especially when Luna can do this..."

Activating the powers of invisibility she had inherited from her clan, Luna seemed to shimmer for a moment before vanishing from sight. A minute later, the girl then reappeared, a smile still on her face.

"Sure there's alot of drawbacks in becoming a vampire...but there's alot of positives as well..."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Ronny turns around to find Luna completely gone, as she reappears he frowns and says. "I guess being able to turn invisible is cool, but I think I would rather be able to go out during the day and not have to drink blood. Were you hit in the head when you were attacked or something?"
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Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Luna was never a day person really to begin with, so Luna doesn't miss the day that much. Although Luna will admit, that having to drink people's blood is a big minus...then again, if Luna thinks of drinking blood just like eating as a human, Luna doesn't feel that drinking blood is such a bad thing after all...As for whether or not Luna was hit in the head...Luna doesn't remember, mainly as Luna was knocked out when Luna became a vampire."

Continuing to play her "created personality" for all it was worth, the scarlet-eyed girl continued her efforts to remove the "distaste" from what she assumed to be future comrades in arms for their new form. After all, if they could not stop loathing what they became in a real fight, they would likely perish given their inexperience in combat already...
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Oh for Christ's sake just shut-up and leave me alone." Ronny says as he punches the wall in annoyance. Though much to his surprise he does a lot more damage than he normally would. After this he goes and sits on the floor in the furthest corner from everyone else and just looks off into space.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

The door opens again, and a rather large man strolls into the room. His hands are pushed into the pockets of a dirt grey mechanic's overall - now dirty in more than one sense, as there are several bloodstains on it - and both his full beard and hair are a little too long to look socially acceptable. He gives the people in the room a quick once-over before plopping down in one of the chairs, removing the hands from his pockets only to cross his arms in front of his barrel-like chest.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve was practically ignoring Luna by now, especially when the new person walked in. She gasped and went over to stand beside him, her eyes wide, "Oh my God, what happened to you? The rest of us only came in here Kindred, but you look like they put you through the ringer..." Then she blushed, "Oh, my manners are terrible, I'm Eve Vosmus. The three that did this to me embraced me and stole my green VW bug..." she said as if that were the thing she was most upset about. And forgetting about her painting, that was the thing she was most upset about, I'll get my bug back from them if it's the last thing I do. Damned Vampires...
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Apparently one of the kindred were having a tad too much "fun" with him upon embracing...that or the man is really a killer in mechanic's garb and finished burying someone earlier."

Having used the time when she was being ignored to take a break from the horribly uncomfortable, not to mention lousy, acting as a college student (albeit with a few mental issues), Luna had "forgotten" to reassume the other personality as she made this relatively dry comment in regards to the newcomer's appearance. Of course, the most ironic part was that this comment was being made by an actual serial killer...
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch completely ignores Luna as he stares up at Eve. "Wait, did you just say your green VW Beetle got stolen?" The big man jumps up and grabs the slender woman at the shoulders. "By a girl in a dress and a dude in a leather jacket, right?" He realizes he presses a tad too hard and lets go of her, bringing a hand up to stroke through his beard, a humorless grin on his face. "Son of a bitch, they really are on a roll."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve almost started crying, "You found my car? You found my baby?" she grabbed the front of his shirt in her hands, "Where is it now? I want her back!"
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Great more kindred, this town is going to seem awfully empty tommorrow morning." Ronny thinks to himself, before getting up and standing in front of Luna.

"Look I'm sorry I got mad, it wasn't you it's more like the voice you keep faking is just annoying. So now that we all realize it's fake you can stop using it and just talk normally." He says with complete sincerity.

Moving back by the others, "He says now that that's over with, what's your name?" He asks of the new guy. "I'm Ronny you already met Eve and Luna of course."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch's first instinct is to break her hold, and to his own astonishment he does just that: He grabs her arms and pulls them upwards roughly until the small woman almost has to stand on her tiptoes. Staring at her in confusion for a moment he once again lets her go. "I'm sorry, I'm. . . Fuck, I don't know." He starts kneading the basecap in his hands, seeming restless.
"Your car's in my lot. Those motherfuckers made me tow them, turned me, buried me in my car lot - and stole my truck. Bitch is, they didn't even pay me", he adds with a humorless laugh in his voice.
As Ronny addresses him Fletch blinks and turns his head towards him. "Right. Umm, Name's Fletch. Short for Jonas Fletcher. I own a car shop in town. . . Well, owned now. Maybe. No fucking idea."
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Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Her eyes widen even further for a second before she nods, "It's fine. We're all gonna be gettin used to this... a couple a mistakes and scares are alright for now." she touches his arm gently, "After all of this would you mind taking me there to get my car? I'll help you find your truck..." she offered.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch tilts his head. "I don't know. It's like I reacted before I even knew what the hell I was doing." He balls his fist. "If I find that bitch in the dress I'mma tear her a new one. And a few more after that. . ." He stops and shakes his head, murmuring something about "concentration" before resting his green eyes back on Eve. "Sure, I can take you there. You're not even gonna have to pay for me towing it."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

She laughed and then grinned at him, "Will you let me help you with the tearing? I owe her for my car and the loss of my subject matter. I painted at dawn and dusk." she stuck out a hand to shake his.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Ronny stands there thinking for a while, "I wouldn't mind doing the same to the one that got me either. So that's at least four Sabbat kindred then. The one that got me, the two who got Fletch, and the third one that was with them when Eve was embraced. Maybe another for Luna, sounds like they are up to something like Jack said."