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Catherine (Tiffanian)

Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

(Very, very short given the wait, but I wanted to get this moving again and was failing to come up with anything with more content.)

Catherine did not quite command the respect she might have hoped for, as the diminutive woman's new name for her wasn't a great improvement. "Okay, Handy." Following her signs the short female gave the archer a pensive look, followed what might have been a condescending sigh if they had been above water. Her expression became the look of a haughty genius looking at someone who was just too slow to understand, which only lent to that feeling of condescension coming from the little leader. "It's easy! We just go beat them up! Victory orgy after!"

To the side, visible to the archer but hidden from the woman she was signing with, Catherine could see the male's left eye twitching. He didn't offer any alternatives, though, or try to stop the little female. It was obviously an impulsive plan at best with little consideration for the consequences of failure, but the human might at least be able to keep two tentative allies on her side if she followed it through.

Destiny Strength: 6
Power Attack - Trade accuracy for power in any type of attack.
Guard - Focus on guarding in order to avoid powerful or normal attacks.

Cautious Movement - Move slowly to avoid certain traps.
Spotter - Passively offers an increased chance to detect ambushes and traps.


[UNAVAILABLE] Summon: Roger (Costs 1 DS) - Summons Roger to rush to your aid as quickly as possible.
Adventurer's Resolve (Costs 1:1 DS:FP) - Heals yourself or an ally.
Triumph - Defeat your first enemy in the EGG!
The Path to Adventure! - Clear the lower deck tutorial stage and prepare to begin your adventure.
Baby Steps... - Earn your first skill.
You've Got a Friend In Me - Gain your first companion summon.
Love is in the Air
Feel Like a Woman - Have your first intimate encounter in the EGG
Therapy Not Included
The Old Ball and Chain
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

Catherine let out a frustrated sigh as the small woman called her “Handy” in reference to the sex act she had performed on her earlier. Still, it was better than “boob lady,” that much was sure. The little humanoid looked thoughtful after her assertion that she wanted to save Roger, before taking on a look that seemed to be one of the more condescending the archer had seen in a long time, signing back that they would just beat the nightcrawlers up, and then rape them afterwards. The palm of the human’s hand met her face pretty quickly, and she rubbed the bridge of her nose for a while before looking up. It seemed the man had developed an eye twitch over the relatively obviously bad plan, though he wasn’t making any other offers. Quickly she began to sign. “We don’t outnumber them, and I’m unarmed. We’ll probably lose, and then what will happen?” she asked, looking frustrated with the woman’s decision-making skills. “If you still really think that’s best we can, but I was hoping you would be able to talk to them.”
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

"Defeat orgy?" The apparent leader signed before giving a shrug, apparently unperturbed by either potential outcome. All in all, it earned her another few eye twitches by her male companion and apparently broke his patience. He finally attempted to intercede directly for the archer. Through the lengthy attempt at an explanation that followed, it became obvious that he was nowhere near as proficient as the diminutive woman, and that she wasn't very interested in helping him. Where the feminine creature had been searching for alternative signs that Catherine could understand, he struggled to find any signs that he understood well enough to ensure that the human, not terribly well versed herself, would recognize his meaning.

"Diplomacy. They don't respect us," he managed. "But could trade him for something else. Not sure what. Maybe offer to pay them later with something. Do a favor. If not, can wait. They'll finish fertilizing themselves soon and discard him. Maybe." The little woman gave a snicker at the clumsiness of it all and did nothing to clarify any of his meanings, though his overall message probably wouldn't be too difficult to distinguish. At least it offered options beyond going hand to hand with the creatures.

Destiny Strength: 6
Power Attack - Trade accuracy for power in any type of attack.
Guard - Focus on guarding in order to avoid powerful or normal attacks.

Cautious Movement - Move slowly to avoid certain traps.
Spotter - Passively offers an increased chance to detect ambushes and traps.


[UNAVAILABLE] Summon: Roger (Costs 1 DS) - Summons Roger to rush to your aid as quickly as possible.
Adventurer's Resolve (Costs 1:1 DS:FP) - Heals yourself or an ally.
Triumph - Defeat your first enemy in the EGG!
The Path to Adventure! - Clear the lower deck tutorial stage and prepare to begin your adventure.
Baby Steps... - Earn your first skill.
You've Got a Friend In Me - Gain your first companion summon.
Love is in the Air
Feel Like a Woman - Have your first intimate encounter in the EGG
Therapy Not Included
The Old Ball and Chain
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

The reply, “defeat orgy,” got a twitch not only from the small male, but also from Catherine, and a very pronounced one. She was very irritated with the little woman and her bizarrely carefree attitude. She didn’t have to say anything, though, before the man intervened, attempting to sign to her. It was apparently quite hard for him, his grasp of sign fairly poor, but eventually he got his points across, saying that either they could negotiate, or wait for the nightcrawlers to finish. The latter didn’t appeal, and neither did the idea of fistfighting the creatures in their natural habitat, so it seemed like offering to pay them was the best option. The human groaned inwardly, thinking for a moment, wondering if she could trust these little people… Finally she signed back, saying “I may offer to spend the night from sun down to sun up with them. If I do that, you would have to promise to take care of my man, and to bring some people to get me away from them. You should make it seem like you’re the ones suggesting it, that you’re temporarily trading me for him. There should be time before the sun sets, so I should have time to do what I need to do before the payment begins.”
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

"Better hide that you're already pregnant then," the little female signed. The male's palm collided with his own face with the complete lack of fanfare in his apparent leader's announcement to Catherine. It was, of course, news to the archer, given that there had been nothing to suggest to she herself that it was true. "You were full of eggs, it's why I didn't try your mouth earlier. Decided to let the boys fertilize you instead." Nothing telling showed in the diminutive man's expression.

"Truth," he finally signed. "It won't mean anything to them. They'll just demand that you stay around until after the first group is born." The leader shrugged. "Just don't forg-" she started to sign before the man grabbed her wrist to stop her. He stared her in the eyes for a few moments, which also signaled the first time that she had truly shrunken away from him since Catherine had met the two. Once she had relented, the male turned to the archer in order to agree; "We promise to help you however we can." The short woman reluctantly nodded her agreement.

Whether she could trust the promise or not was for the archer to decide. As was whether or not she still intended to follow through on her plan and whether it was time to go or not. The ebony creatures certainly weren't going far from Roger anytime soon.

(So tired of copying and pasting the menu. Gonna stop doing it unless it's combat, something has changed, or you ask for it. >.>)
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

“Better hide that you’re already pregnant then” the little woman signed to Catherine, which made her freeze up for a moment. She hadn’t known that, not for sure, but after just a little while she calmed down again. It wasn’t like it was improbable. She had been fucked full of eggs by the nightcrawlers while on the ship, and then had been fucked for pretty much a full night by dozens of little men. No, this wasn’t a surprise, not when she thought about it. Her hands balled at her sides as she watched the small male sign back at her, telling her that they would probably just demand that she stay put with them until after her first batch of children was born. One of her hands went to her stomach, rubbing at it gently, wondering how this pregnancy would go. Would it take a long time? Would she bloat any? Would birthing the children be painful? It was worrisome, but she couldn’t let it bother her too much. It was still in the future, and she had decisions to make in the present.

The female leader, of course, was about to try and remind Catherine of her promise to pleasure her before the man stopped her, and he actually looked pretty angry. The little woman shrank away, backing off as he turned to deliver their own promise to help the archer “however they could.” She didn’t know exactly what that meant or if she could trust them, but at least the male seemed fairly trustworthy, and she knew that at least the woman would be interested in having her make good on her own promise. “Alright. I’m counting on you, trusting you. Don’t make me regret that, please” she signed back after a short pause, prepared to go along with the plan and be offered to the nightcrawlers. She hoped she would be able to get Roger to some humans who would teach him sign language and about life here before she had to begin her payment for his freedom.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

The three ventured toward the continuing gangbang following Catherine's confirmation. As could be expected, the three ebony creatures were less than pleased at their fun being interrupted and it showed in their expressions as they left Roger in order to face the archer's group. Immediately the nightcrawler began a heated exchange with the short male creature, which the human could neither understand or follow. The little leader was on task, though, as she began to sign messages behind her back and out of sight of the night crawlers for the woman's perusal.

"Upset at interruption. Offered trade. Wants to know why it's worth their while. Lies. Counter-offered to keep you and him temporarily in exchange for giving both up. Denied. Counter-offered to-"

She would be cut off before finishing the last translation, as one of the nightcrawlers grabbed her wrists and yanked them skyward, or what Catherine assumed was skywards in the ocean. The diminutive man's exchange between the one he had been negotiating with became more furious and heated at the sudden apprehension of his counterpart. The third flawless-skinned creature went toward Catherine herself.

The lithe, deadly creature ran five fingers down the archer's tummy, smiling at her with wicked-looking teeth. They made the trip down her curvy flesh and to her groin, where she hooked two fingers into the archer's sex without foreplay, giving a few rubs at her inner walls more as a display of her power over the human than out of any desire to inflict pleasure. As suddenly as they had started, the tiny female's hands were released and the exchange died down, and Catherine became aware that everybody was looking at her.

The dangerous creature removed her fingers and signed to the archer, "Which of these two is your favorite?" She gestured at the two who had accompanied Catherine.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

The disputes cleared up and their path decided on, the three of them moved into the chamber to begin the negotiations, Catherine a few paces behind the smaller humanoids, so as not to appear to be on equal footing with them. The nightcrawlers were quite obviously displeased when they were interrupted, that much quite evident in the rather terrible expressions on their faces as they were forced to temporarily abandon Roger. Quickly the male began to communicate with them, signing rather furiously, the exchange growing quite heated, or so the archer assumed. She couldn’t understand anything being said, though she didn’t think there was any need for her to do so. After all, she wouldn’t be speaking to the black creatures anyway.

That made it rather annoying to her when the little woman began to sign behind her back at Catherine. There was no reason for them to be communicating, and it would likely seem quite out of place to the nightcrawlers if they discovered it for absolutely no benefit to them. Her concerns proved to be well-founded when one of the creatures grabbed the leader’s wrists and yanked her arms upwards. The negotiations seemed to kick up a notch in intensity then, while the last remaining one moved towards the archer. Catherine made no move to avoid it, merely shuddering a little in the water when the hateful creature ran its fingers down her stomach, an evil grin plastered onto its face. It was more than a little intimidating, but she tried not to show any outward weakness right up until the probing hand reached her crotch, two fingers quickly forcing themselves into her unprepared pussy and rubbing around a bit in a show of dominance.

Catherine groaned out in discomfort as she was violated, however mildly, instinctively trying to close her legs to stop the invading digits from moving. She was quite unsuccessful at that, the nightcrawler withdrawing its fingers pretty soon afterwards, at the same time the negotiations dying down and the hold on the little female ceasing. Everyone was looking at the human now, which made her quite uncomfortable, and she watched the black creature begin to sign at her only after some prompting, having taken her eyes off of those hands to observe her situation. “Which of these two is your favorite?” The question confused her. What was this wicked thing driving at? Would they hurt the one she indicated? Would they hurt the one she didn’t pick? She tried to scrunch up her face in a confused expression, tilting her head to one side as she stared at the nightcrawler’s hands, eventually shrugging as if she didn’t comprehend. Perhaps the safest choice was no choice at all.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

The creature stared at her long and hard, her gaze withering in nature. For several moments, it seemed like she might have seen through Catherine's feigned ignorance and was simply waiting for the archer to crack. Before the archer could actually crack, however, she turned toward the male and resumed her conversation. "What good is a human who can't even understand their own stupid human signs," it signed, oddly enough in said 'stupid human signs'. She shrugged and pointed a finger at the diminutive female, at which point the one who had apprehended her very quickly changed that into an all-out grapple. "Leave with the male, we're done with him anyway. You'll get these two back when we're finished. Quick or we'll keep you all." she signed to the little male.

He gave Catherine a brief, questioning look but quickly did as he was told, picking up the sailor with a surprising amount of strength and swimming toward the exit--the human, if she desired, might at least try to signal for him to make a return and rescue attempt. His expression toward the little woman he was leaving as he passed them for the final time was one of grief, but she only returned with a carefree little shrug, as much of a shrug as she could manage with the nightcrawler restraining her, anyway.

Once the male was out of sight with the sailor that the archer had come to rescue, the ebon-skinned creatures wasted no time. Two of them made directly for the little woman who had earlier been responsible for instigating a gangbang of which Catherine was the center of attention. They began to mercilessly tease her which, all things considered, she took to very well. Their hands roamed across her flesh and her resistance was so nonexistent that they could use their free hands to stroke their own already turgid cocks. The shorter female was completely without distress at the situation she had landed in, apparently, as her own response was to move her hands to their feminine sexes and rub the two as if she was caressing lovers.

Catherine could be forgiven if she didn't notice the progress being made toward a sea creature spit roast, as her own partner was much less loving. Within moments of the more diplomatic of the two sea-dwarves leaving, she was quickly pushed toward the ground until she not only wasn't swimming but her knees were firmly against the underwater cavern's floor. The creature who had just manhandled her looked at the archer expectantly, the thick appendage waving in her line of sight was a good indicator of how her temporary owner wanted to pass the time until she gave birth to her cargo. And if she wasn't quick, it didn't appear that the nightcrawler would remain patient or even as gentle as she had been.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

The nightcrawler stared Catherine down menacingly, its beady little eyes seemingly trying to pierce right through her. She liked to think she was good at doing a little acting, but this withering gaze was starting to make her rethink that… it really seemed as if it knew that she was bluffing, and it was quite unnerving. Still, the creature eventually turned back to the little male, signing something fairly demeaning about the human to him in the same sign she had been taught. The small leader woman was grappled quite effectively at the creature’s signal, restrained completely by the nightcrawler who had grabbed her arm, and the man was told to take Roger and leave. Supposedly he would get Catherine and the leader back when they were finished… The archer had her doubts, but she didn’t think they would hold onto her forever, especially considering that the leader of that huge group of little people was with her. Surely they wouldn’t abandon her permanently to the nightcrawlers. The man looked at Catherine questioningly, but she gave him only a silly smile in return, another part of her act, but also trying to reassure him. This had basically been her plan, after all, albeit with an added wrinkle. He looked grief-stricken as he looked at the female, which was worrisome, but she sort of just shrugged at him as he picked up Roger with surprising ease and swam away.

He had barely gotten out of sight before the nightcrawlers began going about their work. Two of them quickly attended to the little humanoid, teasing her body relentlessly. Of course, her personality and desires being what they were she took it quite well. In fact, she seemed quite eager to get on with it, not only declining to resist in a way that enabled them to stroke their thick male anatomies, but beginning to actively pleasure her captors, gently rubbing their female set of genitals. While Catherine was watching this the creature that had been with her came back, and quickly and forcefully shoved her to the seafloor. Her knees hit the ground and were pressed firmly to it as she turned her head to look at her captor, who was glaring down at her with a look that suggested that the archer had really better get to work herself, and quickly. Unlike the ones from before, this one had only one cock, so she wondered what was up with that. It wasn’t of much consequence when the thick member was waving around in her face anyway, of course.

Catherine didn’t see any reason to try and resist, so she quickly leaned forward, kissing the tip of the nightcrawler’s dick as she looked up into its eyes, trying to show it that she was perfectly willing to please without words. It wasn’t long before she had closed her lips around the head and begun to lightly slide down the shaft, her tongue working itself over the creature’s tip rather quickly. Assuming that the game would keep her from gagging as it had before, the human quickly attempted to take the entire bright red length into her mouth and throat in an attempt to impress the creature and get into its good graces. Maybe if she deepthroated it without necessarily being prompted or forced, it wouldn’t be overly harsh with her.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

The nightcrawler looked down on her with a haughty smile, reminiscent of the one that her original captors had worn, as she began her task. To watch her face, the pleasure of of the human's mouth around her cock was second to the pleasure of putting the human into a demeaning position. Even with Catherine's eagerness, the cruel creature placed a single hand on her head, winding her hair around it. She didn't wrench it or yank it, but it served as a constant reminder of who was the dominant party. In the meantime, she toyed with one of her own nipples with her free hand.

The diminutive woman was doing an admirable job of keeping the other two occupied, at least. The trio had quickly progressed. The apparent leader of the pixie gang that had used Catherine earlier was floating between the other nightcrawlers, belly up. She had been speared onto one's cock and her mouth was wrapped around the other. For the first few moments it had been a clumsy position, with the two ebony creatures thrusting away at the woman between them and causing great discomfort for everyone involved. Before long it had progressed into a more balanced rhythm, where each one took turns pulling the dainty female toward their own cock like a shared sex toy in an almost mesmerizing display.

Thankfully, there were no similar difficulties in Catherine's own position. The EGG did much as she had expected it to, suppressing her gag reflex and her need to breathe. It made it that much easier to bottom out on the nightcrawler's turgid length without discomfort. And, as she began to coax precum from the creature's phallus, her mouth actually began to feel sensitive. The more that was deposited on her tongue with each pass of her lips, the more she began to realize that it was acting like a drug. Before long, her tongue and mouth began to feel as sensitive as her sex to stimulation.

Catherine wouldn't be given any time to derive any real pleasure from the strange new sensitivity. Her attentions had apparently pleased the nightcrawler quite well. Though any signs of an impending orgasm hadn't shown in her tormentor's face, she made it quite evident as the hand on Catherine's head wrenched her down until her lips were at the base of the shaft. She could feel the tip of the sea woman's phallus jammed into her throat. If it had been outside of the EGG, she would have been choking and gagging by then. With the influence of the virtual machine, she instead felt that familiar sense of non-threatening fatigue and became more and more exhausted as she was held in place.

Within moments, the throbbing phallus began to deposit its payload. It was suspiciously absent of the jelly-textured eggs. The lack of more eggs could probably be considered a plus given that with the nightcrawler's cock wedged in her throat, her cum ended up going straight to Catherine's stomach. Wave after wave poured past her tonsils. By the time the nightcrawler's orgasm was over, the human felt ready to fall asleep. When her hair was released, at first she could only slump to the ground, sliding off of the still-stiff shaft in an almost comical fashion. The sea woman, as she had earlier, continued to look down at the human with a mocking smile.

Catherine did not fall asleep, however. After a few minutes to recover she was able to collect herself. She quickly realized that the little female who had accompanied her and the two others were still at it. The one she had ended up partnered with proved largely uninterested in them. She chose to keep her focus on Catherine. "Are you sure you don't understand?" She signed, though she didn't appear to believe one way or the other that the archer could or couldn't. It almost appeared to be a question made out of curiosity.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

As Catherine quickly slid her lips down the nightcrawler’s cock, it looked down at her with a smug smile that just oozed superiority complex. The human locked eyes with the cruel monster, watching all the while, and it seemed to her from the expression on its face that really it enjoyed forcing her more than it enjoyed being sucked off, as if it got off more on dominating her than on physical pleasure. As such it quickly put a hand on her head, grabbing her long black hair and winding it tightly around its fingers, and though it didn’t tug on her just yet the threat was there, and there was no doubt that the lithe black creature was in charge of things. At the same time it began to lightly masturbate, teasing a pert nipple while the archer pleasured her, something that she took note of with a little grin that wouldn’t have been noticed with her lips wrapped tightly around a cock.

For her part, Catherine was starting to really get used to giving oral in the EGG, though she worried a bit that it was spoiling her. She slid down the cock’s length nice and easy, never once getting the urge to gag, even when her lips were pressed tightly against the nightcrawler’s smooth crotch. She didn’t feel the desperate urge to breathe either, though she could feel the tip of its cock lodged fairly deep inside of her throat, doubtlessly cutting off her air. In the real world she likely would have been pushing and scratching to pull off, but instead she let herself stay there for a little while, gazing up at the monster while gently sucking at its member, her tongue licking along its underside, before finally beginning to pull back. The human kept her lips tightly sealed around the dick in her mouth, trying to do a good job of pleasuring her mistress of the moment so that it would get off quickly.

Of course, as she began to bob her head along the length Catherine noticed something quite strange… wherever a dribble of precum touched her flesh it began to feel a bit more sensitive. As she coaxed more and more of the slimy, salty stuff out onto her tongue it felt better and better to have the cock sliding against her tongue and into her throat. She could tell that it was acting as a sort of aphrodisiac, which she greatly appreciated. Vaguely she wondered why the others from before hadn’t had this effect, but she didn’t have much desire to think about it. Maybe it was for the same reason these didn’t have a second cock? Whatever the reason, she was soon bobbing her head quite quickly, licking vigorously for her own pleasure in addition to the creature’s. Soon enough it felt as if the dick was sliding into her pussy, not her mouth. It was a bizarre sensation, and would probably only be more so when she thought about it later, but it was also wonderful. The human began to moan out lewdly around the shaft, tempted to begin playing with herself as she got off. If this would only continue for a while longer, she would be able to cum just from her mouth…

Catherine wasn’t so lucky, though. She was barely given time to enjoy the strange new sensation before the nightcrawler yanked harshly on her hair, pulling her firmly down to the base of its cock. She hadn’t been able to detect that it was close to orgasm despite having kept her gaze focused on its face most of the time, but she knew what was happening then. The pain in her scalp quickly faded thanks to the game’s assistance, and once more she didn’t feel her lack of breath, though she did begin to feel tired. Her arms fell to hang limply at her sides as she quickly became fatigued, feeling the cock throb in her throat a few times before beginning to spurt its load into her stomach. There weren’t any of the eggs in the creature’s cum this time, which was probably a good thing for the archer. The orgasm seemed to last a long time, and by the time the beautiful black monster let go of her hair the human was pretty well exhausted, enough so that she slid backwards off the cock and onto the ground on her back, laying there looking up at the mocking grin on the nightcrawler’s face.

It took Catherine a few minutes of laying there to recover, feeling rather unsatisfied. She wanted to feel that feeling again, more, to see how good it would get. When she had recovered sufficiently she noticed that the little woman she had come with was still being double-teamed, and seemed to be enjoying herself quite thoroughly. The one that had just taken her mouth didn’t seem interested in that, though, focused intently on the human. It signed again, asking if she was sure she didn’t understand, though it almost seemed that the question was born of curiosity rather than malice. She screwed her face up into a sort of confused thinking expression as she considered whether to answer… and finally settled on a sort of plan. She raised her hands and tentatively made a sign, somewhat butchering the sign for “some” on purpose. She would try to play it off as if she understood very little, only on the level of a small child, and simply hadn’t understood the question she had been asked earlier. Of course, then she brought herself up to her knees and opened her mouth, pointing at it as if to ask for something to put inside again… she really was curious about that feeling, but really she just wanted to divert attention back to her willingness to please.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

The nightcrawler looked as if she would have given a derisive snort, if they hadn't been underwater, along with a look of much the same. This proved not to mean that Catherine wasn't going to get to test out the strange sensitivity. Catherine's partner grabbed the back of her head with one hand and with the other lined up the impressive appendage that had only recently found release in her throat with the other hand. With a rough push she forced herself past the archer's lips, the act causing a shock of pleasure which helped the human to determine that she was still strangely sensitive.

The second time around, the curvy woman was given no say in the pace. Immediately after her first thrust the ebony-skinned creature began to piston herself with the same aggression that she might bring to bear against the human's cunny. Both of her hands took a firm purchase on the archer's head and began to push Catherine to meet her every thrust, until she could feel the tip of her partner's cock trying to force its way down her throat with every push. Yet, as brutal as her ongoing face-fucking was, it wasn't painful or even damaging. As the creature's precum smeared its way across her lips, tongue, and every other part of her mouth in its brutal rampage, it was beginning to feel pleasurable.

The nightcrawler's actions began to feel as if they were being performed on Catherine's pussy. If her partner knew that, she certainly didn't seem to care. The creature seemed perfectly content to thrust away until she had filled the human's stomach with cum once more regardless of how her chosen receptacle felt about it. Still, each stroke was beginning to spread the tingles of pleasure throughout the archer's body. The archer felt it beginning to take hold in her more and more with every push and pull of the cock between her lips. Before long she felt herself crossing a familiar threshold. Then, with one final push, the human felt her orgasm upon her. It hit her full force, as if it had been her cunt that the creature had been ruthlessly pumping for so many minutes. Despite being a surrogate for her more sensitive parts, the sensations elicited from the forcible use of her mouth ended up robbing her of muscle control for a brief time.

The reactions of her body to the ecstasy coaxed her partner into a climax as well. The nightcrawler's tongue lolled out, an expression of utter bliss taking her, as she slammed herself forward again in a parody of what she had done the first time, using the archer as a cum dump. The fluid poured down the human's throat again and into her waiting belly, just as it had before. She was left just on the verge of passing out again and let to slump onto the underwater cavern's floor for a second time.

In the meantime, the two double teaming the small woman had finished up. They both thrust into her to their hilts as they hit their climaxes, holding her in place as they filled her. The small female didn't seem to mind. On the contrary, she was thrashing wildly as if she was riding out her own orgasm, and her eyes had rolled up to the point that her pupils were barely visible. When the three recovered, they repositioned until she was sandwiched between her two partners, all three vertical, with a cock in her ass and sex. Before Catherine had even recovered, they were at it again.

When the human had recovered, the nightcrawler signed to her again. "I'll be sad to give up such an eager-" The archer legitimately couldn't make out the next word. It didn't take much guessing to know that the creature had been derogatory, though. "Slave, I have a proposition. If you understand this. I have a task that needs done. Run an errand for me and I will let you both go." She flashed an arrogant smile at Catherine. "Otherwise, get on all fours and present yourself like a good dog."
Last edited:
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

The nightcrawler looked down at Catherine with a wicked smirk, and the human couldn’t really be sure if she had made a mistake by revealing her understanding or not. Of course, whatever the case her request to have something filling her mouth was very quickly granted, the lithe black creature grabbing her head firmly with one hand, and lining up its cock with the other. The archer kept her mouth opened wide, her arms dutifully falling to her sides again as she braced herself for what was coming. Soon enough the monster forced its cock past her lips with a rough thrust, which produced a veritable explosion of pleasure running across her tastebuds and down her spine. It was enough to make her moan out lewdly, her body going a bit more limp as she allowed the nightcrawler to take control of the situation. She was glad that the sensitivity hadn’t worn off yet, because otherwise this next part would have been… at best merely inoffensive.

This time the creature didn’t allow Catherine any control over the pace, unlike last time. Both hands gripped the back of her head tightly, and more or less immediately it began to really pound her mouth, until the tip of the bright red cock could be felt to wedge itself in her throat at the end of each thrust. More and more pre-cum was spread around the human’s mouth, which set her to tingling more and more. It was a truly bizarre feeling, but it was wonderful at the same time. The nightcrawler was really being brutal with her now, slamming its prick into her with reckless abandon; she had probably had even other nightcrawlers treat her holes with more care than this one was showing, but as per the EGG’s help she didn’t gag or feel any pain, and any sort of discomfort was obliterated by the pleasure she felt. As time went on her tight throat began to feel very little like a throat, her lips very little like lips… at the end of every thrust, as the cocktip lodged in her throat and her lips pressed against the creature’s smooth black crotch, shocks of pleasure ran through her body that she had never experienced before outside of having her pussy stuffed full of cock.

It was so good that Catherine couldn’t help but moan out lewdly around the girth inside of her, working her hyper-sensitive tongue quite furiously in order to pleasure both the nightcrawler and herself, her eyes fixed once again on the creature’s face, half-lidded. Her arms swayed back and forth with each thrust, the human enjoying the feeling of being controlled while she was fucked as well… her pleasure was clearly building, she could feel it every passing second, and she knew that something unique and amazing was about to happen. Finally she let out a badly muffled squeal, her body convulsing slightly in the water, as she came with her mouth. It was incredible, in part because of the psychological effect of the weirdness and the kink of it, but mostly because her mouth and throat felt like a tight pussy.

The human’s reaction apparently had an effect on the nightcrawler too, as its tongue lolled out of its mouth in an expression of ecstasy, and it slammed Catherine’s head into its crotch as hard as it could, pumping cum down her throat again in torrents. She was still twitching and limp in her bliss, tiring rapidly due to the game’s treatment of her lack of air, though that only seemed to make it feel better… Finally the monster’s orgasm subsided, and so too did the archer’s, though she had almost passed out from lack of air. When let go she slumped backwards once more, catching her breath and recovering, her eyes wandering over to the little woman and the two nightcrawlers who were fucking her. She seemed to be enjoying herself as much as, if not more than, Catherine had, and even after they came they immediately went at it again, only taking enough time to reposition themselves.

It took Catherine a while to get up again, slowing raising herself back up to a kneeling position again after a few minutes, looking up at the nightcrawler again so that the creature could sign to her. Of course, it started to use terminology that she didn’t quite understand, but judging from the context it was probably something quite derogatory, and it made sense that she hadn’t learned the sign. The next thing that came, though, was an offer to set both her and the little woman free if the human would run an errand for her beautiful black mistress. If she refused the offer, of course, she was to get on all fours and present herself to the creature. Both were tempting, and she couldn’t help but think that she’d like to get double or perhaps even triple teamed by the nightcrawlers at some point, to see just how amazing the pleasure could be from all three holes at once… But at the same time, it made more sense to try and free herself. “Errand?” she signed back tentatively, taking some time to make herself seem unsure about the wording. “How kind?” she said, intentionally buggering up her grammar as she asked what she would be required to do.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

"Collect," it replied. Immediately after it had made its signs, it dropped into a crouch and began to trace something along the cavern floor. It was difficult to make out exactly what the picture was supposed to be, but an educated guess suggested coral. 'Unusual," it signed, dumbing down its efforts to communicate with the archer. "Shiny, red. Was sent to obtain but collecting it is beneath me." It then held up five fingers.

"It's to the east, outside of civilization. Simple beasts guard it. Shouldn't be difficult even for you. Going to keep her to make sure you come back, if you accept." It motioned at the double-teamed female. Its offer issued, the nightcrawler looked at her expectantly, though whether she was after a 'yes' or more hopeful that the archer would present herself was hard to say.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

Catherine watched on as the nightcrawler continued to sign at her, telling her to collect something and then beginning to trace an image of it on the cavern floor. It was sort of difficult to tell what it was, but her best guess was that the creature meant coral. This was basically confirmed when the next thing she was told was that it was shiny and red. Apparently she had done a good job of feigning ignorance, because her harsh mistress’ attempts to communicate had been dumbed down significantly. In any case, she remembered her guide talking about magical red coral during the tour, and how dangerous the monsters were in that area. That made her frown a little bit as she continued to watch the signs, though she knew what they said more or less before they were given. “Can has weapon?” the human signed back, though she knew it was a moronic question to ask. “Will collect, worried about monsters.”
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

"A funny joke," the nightcrawler responded so furiously that Catherine could barely keep track of her signs. A scowl present on her face suggested that she didn't take it for a joke and nor was she pleased with it. Her expression quickly softened before she continued. "If the scary monsters come, use this or this," she started, suddenly stopping her signing to slip her hand beneath the archer's legs and cup a hand over her crotch. Then, with as little warning, she brought both hands to the archer's mouth and hooked her the sides of her lips with her fingers, before tugging on them. The two were so close that the human could see every detail of the woman's arrogant sneer.

The ebon-skinned creature pulled away with that same sneer still evident before continuing. "You seem good at both. If you're scared you can still be my dog."
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

Yes, that question was definitely moronic. The nightcrawler was not amused in the slightest, and began to sign almost faster than Catherine could understand. Its angry expression softened a little bit after a short while, though, and it seemed poised to give her something to deal with the monsters… That didn’t last long before the creature pressed its slender hand against her sex, making her jump and gasp lightly, surprised at the suddenness of it. As soon as she had settled down a little bit the black monster quickly forced its fingers into the archer’s mouth, tugging her closer, until she could see the sneering face in every little detail, and if they had been out of the water she would have been able to feel the hot breath of the creature upon her. She tried to show no fear, but this nightcrawler was sort of unnerving. When it finally pulled back, it signed at her that she could use her holes on the monsters, and that if she were too scared she could just get on all fours as she had been told. Quickly she signed “where exit, direction?” to show that she wasn’t scared of the monsters or the task. When informed, or not, she would begin to swim her way towards the exit and go out to collect the red coral. She had wanted some of it anyway, to make a timepiece for herself, though she had thought it too risky. Now, she might as well get extra for herself.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

"Stay to the right wall, you'll find your way out, then swim toward the opposite direction of the cave's opening" the nightcrawler signed in reply. But before the human could follow those directions, her tormentor grabbed her and pulled her into a deep kiss, dominating the archer's tongue with her own. As the sea woman initiated the kiss, so too did she disengage it, pulling away and signing to the archer: "can't let you drown, too inconvenient." As her final act of ownership over Catherine, the nightcrawler gave her a harsh slap on the ass, though the discomfort of it was dulled greatly both by the resistance of the water and the EGG itself, and motioned for her to get moving.

The path eventually led her back to the open ocean, though she noted it took a lot longer using the ebony creature's route than it had when she followed the sea pixies. The caves she ventured through were largely empty, save a few curious onlookers in the form of diminutive males and females. When she arrived at the entrance to the labyrinthine caverns, she found, of all people, Meda waiting near one of the eroded rock walls. The golden priestess had anchored herself to the ocean floor using her tail. The golden siren's back was to the wall, she hadn't noticed the archer yet, and she didn't seem to be actively looking for anyone, so Catherine was free to handle the presence of the woman however she wanted. Her options included ignoring Meda and moving on to her task, which would take her upward and then in the opposite direction of the woman.
Re: Catherine (Tiffanian)

The nightcrawler resumed her signing in response to Catherine’s question, giving her her instructions on how to get out of the cave and to the red coral. She was about to turn to leave when the black creature pulled her in close suddenly, surprising her once again with a deep kiss. The human wasn’t prepared for it at all, and the lithe monster easily dominated her, tongue probing her mouth and pushing her own tongue to the floor of her mouth. The kiss only ended when the nightcrawler wanted it to, pushing the archer away and then signing to indicate that the only purpose of it had been to give her the boon, because her drowning would be “inconvenient.” That was perhaps not the most comforting way to put it. Not wasting any time, she turned around and began to swim away, but couldn’t do so before one more parting shot; a firm smack to her ass, hard enough to set her flesh to rippling, though it wasn’t so bad in terms of pain due to both the EGG’s intervention and the water slowing the momentum of the nightcrawler’s hand.

Catherine took the path she had been told to, swimming always along the right wall of the cave. It was a lot longer and less direct than when she had been following the diminutive humanoids, but that was to be expected considering that they would have known for certain the way through the cave system, and the nightcrawler wasn’t about to give the human a detailed explanation of the twists and turns she would have to take to get to the open ocean. Most of the open caverns she passed through were completely empty, though a few of them had some of the smaller people giving her quite the curious looks. At least there wasn’t a lack of space down here, or overpopulation. When she finally reached the entrance she saw a familiar and welcome sight; Meda, seemingly meditating against the wall with her tail holding her down and keeping her from drifting off. The human swam over to the golden priestess without any attempt to sneak up, not wanting to surprise her or anything, before putting a hand gently on her arm and saying hey there… I’ve had a busy first day or so. Now I need help though. I’ll explain if you want mentally. She wanted to get going towards the coral, but she also wanted to see if she could get any help out of the closest thing she had to a friend down here at the bottom of the ocean.