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Calgary, Alberta - Canada

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Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

The man thinks for a moment, then shrugs "Nope. Must have been from one of the Cabal. I tend to forget things that don't interest me." he says, looking around for a chair to sit on. "Hope the smell of blood doesn't bother you. Demon tried to eat me whole. Don't know why they just crawl out of the woodwork." he says, taking his guitar case off his back, holding it by the strap with his right hand. It would be then that Henry would smell blood INSIDE the case. And the blood would seem to smell different from normal human or Abnormal blood.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Kay!" Mikki said, putting the food aside and giving Henry's back a wave.

((Sorry about the short post, uninspired at the moment.))


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek set off, muttering something under his breath in Polish. Storage? Bah! Those tunnels were a major liability when it came to defending this place and stopping outbreaks, and this incident was a proof of that. Oh well, perhaps this would convince the doctor to get rid of them... He didn't seem to listen to Zaleia's complaints. His mind was already half-focused on the idea of a meal. A big meal - at least two big dishes and a few small ones, perhaps. Leaving the snake in other's care, the ghoul left the scene.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Max says his goodbyes to the two women before heading off to the balcony, avoiding the gaze of anyone he may pass on the way up. Once reaching the balcony the young man lets out a yawn before slumping forward on the railing. He stares out for a while before looking up to see he could get access to the roof from here.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Chris blinked.

"I thought I did ... my apologies, it was very much appreciated you helping out. Unfortunately yes, at least one of us has to stay and watch this bugger until someone else can relieve us. If this thing wakes up without someone here to put it down again ..."

He trailed off as an idea came to him.

"It may be a bit before he actually comes back here, maybe I can get the radio to boost enough to call someone else and speed things up."

After a few minutes of tinkering, he grinned, then spoke.

As Mikki and Miranda went back to their meals, suddenly the radio they had went off.

"To anyone who can hear this, this is Chris. I'm in the catacombs at the moment, require a team here to clean up ... an incident here. Does anyone copy this?"

At the moment, the radio was closer to Mikki than it was Miranda.

Henry shook his head.

"Eat you whole? Must have been one big damn thing. And if you'd asked me that question about six months ago, I'd have had to say yes. Now, I'm kinda used to it. Anyway, what the hell did you put in there, doesn't smell like anything I've come across before."

Helen smiled lightly.

"Most of us aren't 'normal' as you put it Sarah. Although I'm not sending anyone on suicide missions, it reminds me too much of Japan during the world war. However, if you want at some point I'd be more than happy to do what I can to help you figure out what happened to you, and the normal labs are open to you. However, any serum making I'd prefer if you spoke with me first and allowed the robotics labs to do that. Any material that can become hazardous is mixed within the robotics labs in a sealed lab, that way if there is ever an accidental spill, it's contained and no lives are put in danger."


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

The man lifts the bag up, holding it in front of his chest "Would you believe me if I said it had a sword in it?" he says, smiling as he unzips it to remove the sword and place it on his back, the man easily handling the claymore as if it was a saber or longsword. "I keep it in the case to keep the humans from losing their minds. And I'd rather have it with me in case another demon shows up." he says, continuing to follow Henry. By now, Henry might have caught a whiff or two of gunpowder inside the man's coat and pants pockets as well, hinting that the sword wasn't the only weapon he used.


Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Not trying to rush ya or anything its just standing around in one place for to long makes me antsy and impatient. Usually unless something has my attention I like to keep moving."


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki reached for the radio, then sucked in a breath and considered her words for a minute before hitting the button and replying.

"Mik'ti'kalik and hmM-iranda 'eere. 'Ow do 'e get thhere?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Chris held a hand up as he replied to Mikki.

"Your gonna take the exit door near the back end of the sanctuary down and into the catacombs. You'll follow the first tunnel until it branches off to the right, then go down that a ways, until it branches left. That should take you right behind us. Might want to get an anti-grav cart too, we've got a rather large, out cold ... well, I guess naga is appropriate for a term as any. May want some tranqs too, cuz this snake is gonna be mighty pissed when it wakes up."

Turning to Zaleia he chuckled.

"Yeah, well if you stick around long enough you'll see that today is actually a slow day. Rarely do we ever have one of those. I swear, sometimes I find myself asking myself, 'should I consider it a bad thing I don't sleep ever'?"

Henry nodded.

"Gotcha. Well at least in here you won't have to worry about being attacked, unless you go hostile first. Anything that could be dangerous is kept quite well secured."

Max found that there was a way onto the roof, though it sloped at a dangerous angle that would prove challenging at the least to climb.

((Misread your post Oni.))


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Good, good. I don't attack unless attacked first. Unless of course I've been hired to kill a demon. Then it's gloves off." he says, cracking his knuckles as he looks about at the sanctuary, half-expecting a fairy to pop out of a hole in the wall somewhere. "So, your boss. Is she some old, wrinkled up hag? Because most people I know who own places like this are rich and old."


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki pulled out her book and drew herself a quick map, and a note for the two things they needed.
" 'Kay. 'E thhere in a 'it." She says, then scribbles something for Miranda.

[I hate radios. You go and get the tranks? I think I can at least drag it, and I don't know where a lift is anyways.]


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Miranda nodded.

"Got it, I'll meet you there then."

Henry actually laughed at that one.

"Well, rich and old yes, wrinkled no. I'm not exactly sure how the whole thing works, but I do know Dr. Magnus is over a hundred some odd years old, can't die from aging. Her father was actually the one who built the first of these places almost two centuries ago."


Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*nodding her head some as she listened she didnt reply this time instead just standing around and waiting for the people he called to show up her hands clasped behind her back as she started rocking back and forth on her heels*


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"I'll keep it in mind, Ma'am, and I'll promise not to make a mess of stuffs," Sarah replied as she finished her unpack, snapping her carpet bag closed again. "Sooo.... what's around here to eat? Be nice to have a proper meal after so long..."


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Eternal youth, huh. Sounds like my brother and the rest of my kind." the man says, thinking on his brother Vergil and all the demons he'd slain so far "Ain't life grand? They get eternal youth and I get the short end of the stick." he says, sticking his tongue out in a childish manner for a few brief seconds. "What about you? You're here, so you must have some kind of power."


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek finally emerged from the catacombs. He actually ran instead of simply walking - he was on the verge of becoming a waterfall of saliva. It was all because of the fact that he made a fatal mistake - he thought about food while returning. After reaching the Sanctuary, he barely remembered to close the door behind him as he dashed towards the canteen, barging in and nearly tripping while crossing the doorstep.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

As he notices a way up onto the roof he allows himself a slight smile, and gripping onto the railing he absorbs some of the physical matter, a coat of it forming over him.

"Too easy," Max mutters to himself just before he effortlessly leaps onto the railing. Then, in another instant he performs a back flip, his palms outstretched as he arches backwards towards the roof. Landing into a handstand he pushes himself back into the air with one hand, performing a one-eighty spin before landing on his feet, spikes of several inches slamming into the roof just in case a stray gust of wind happens to catch his light frame. Max then sits down on the roof, overlooking whichever part of the sanctuary he's in.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

" 'Kay!" Mikki says quickly, dashing out herself and nearly running Przemek in the process. She caught a whiff of him and she immediately jumped back and out of his way and let out a low hiss. He smelt... Scary.

As soon as he kept going far enough for her to get by him, she made a break for it out the door, her claws leaving gouges in the doorframe as she pulled herself around the corner.

She slowed herself down in time for the first hallway intersection. She had an unfortunate run-in with another abnormal during her time in the Seattle Sanctuary, and had nearly run the poor thing through. Since then, she's made it a habit to slow down and watch before crossing places like that. Seeing no-one there, she started running again, making it the rest of the way in a few minutes.

"Ooooh." She said slowly, bending over and giving the unconscious snake-thing a prod with her foot.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek couldn't help but notice Mikki when she nearly ran into him. Or he ran into her. She had a nice scent, like a high-grade meat dish. Unfortunately, it was a kind of a dish that would probably run him through if he ever mentioned tasting her. Besides, he was forbidden from eating humans or other abnormals, no matter how tasty they seemed to be - there was one exception to the rule so far, when there was a need to dispose of a... Small piece of evidence. It was delicate and had a vague taste of nuts to it.

Ignoring the other abnormal and letting her pass, Przemek made his way towards the kitchen. A quick check-up of the fridge allowed the ghoul to confirm that the kitchen was re-stocked recently. Good. He quickly grabbed whatever he could find and put the food on the counter before starting preparations. Dr Magnus often reminded him that he can eat a limited amount of food during each meal - Przemek had to choose carefully. First, a couple of sandwiches - cooking would take time and the abnormal had to eat something now. Of course, a ghoul's definition of a snack was a bit... Broader than the general one.

Przemek's appetizers consisted of huge baguettes packed with ham, cheese, bacon, fresh onions and a bit of lettuce topped with ketchup. After snacking on these pieces of work, he started preparing the main dish. This time, the ghoul decided to go for some spaghetti with ground meat and tomato sauce. Of course, he could eat enough food to feed two or three people by himself, so the scale of the main dish was... Grand, to say the least. Przemek put on some water to boil the pasta, then began to fry the meat and prepare the sauce. It'd take some time to make everything, but those sandwiches he ate would help him find the patience to finish the process without consuming raw ingredients en masse like the first time he cooked.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Henry thought for a moment before replying.

"Well, that's kind of tricky to answer. I'm actually what you'd call the tech head here, and until about a year or two ago, I thought I WAS normal. Then I found out, I'm some form of super lycan, Class Nine or something like that. The Doc could explain it better than I can, but as far as I know, I'm the only one of my kind."

Max discovered from where he was, he could see out for a long distance, most of the Sanctuary building was visible to him, and from what he could see this place was clearly much larger than the one he had just come from. In fact, he suddenly realized if he fell off of here, there probably wouldn't be much left he was up so high.

Helen smiled.

"There's quite a bit here actually. This Sanctuary is large enough to warrant two different kitchens, there's one a bit further in if you want to follow me."

Looking up at Mikki's entry, Chris almost seemed relieved.

"Yeah, big ole' snake huh? Bah, I always have trouble with your name ... Did you ever come up with a shorter nickname? Oh and meet Zaleia, she might be staying around. Ya know, the Cabal chasing you isn't a pleasant thing."

He didn't quite finish before Miranda showed up, skidding to a stop when she saw the snake.

"Holy ... shit. That is one big snake. And mine definitely don't like it."

The snakes that made up her 'hair' were recoiling from the larger one, silently hissing at it. Then Miranda saw the other woman.

"Oh ... HI! Name's Miranda, you?"
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