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RPG RPG Maker Loli Shota [Butakoma 300g] びたみんクエスト / Vitamin Quest (RJ096241)

Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

Tried uninstalling and reinstalling VX RTP in that directory and it still didn't work. I went back to the rpg maker site and redownloaded, giving me both RPGVX and RPG RTP. Still no fix. I really don't know what's happening if it seems like everything is alright.

I still have a hunch it has to do with why the RPGVX Project/Data's icons are "dead". Does the 10 byte RPGVX Project file in the main folder and everything in the Data folder look alright (icon) in yours?

Yes. But in my case the icons of the data files are probbly different because I have the RPG Maker software, so my computer recognize those file as a specific file type.

I don't know, but maybe you could try downloading the RPG maker VX (not the database, the software). It's still weird because most people don't need to do this. Another detail, there are supposed to be 3 "game" files in the folder. One if just a text file, another is not supposed to work, and the one that you must open is the one with 132kb. You're trying to open this one, right? When you try to open it no error message appears?
Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

Yes, I'm clicking on the 132kb one and it closes without error. I tried to download a trial of the actual software itself and it still didn't work.

What is very strange is I just downloaded another one of Butakoma's games, Drop Factory, and it opened fine (with some lag, but it worked). Both that, another rpg maker game, and this all have 3 Game files, but the difference is Vitamin Quest has a Game file that is RPGVX Project type with a "broken" icon. The other two have a Game file that is RGSS Encrypted Archive (.rgss2a) type, which looks like a white page with a black cross and a lock on it. Also, Vitamin Quest has a .dll and the other two don't.

This is just strange.
Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

thanks ramza022 for the mirror.
Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

any especial scene happens if mikami loses to big orc while pregnant with abortion enabled?
Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

any especial scene happens if mikami loses to big orc while pregnant with abortion enabled?

Nothing much special. The scene is similar to the one that happens when she is not pregnant. The difference is that she will be pregant in the CG and, because of the size of the orc, her belly will be "deformed" and the baby will die, like... smashed.
Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

Nothing much special. The scene is similar to the one that happens when she is not pregnant. The difference is that she will be pregant in the CG and, because of the size of the orc, her belly will be "deformed" and the baby will die, like... smashed.

thanks for the info, now I know the purpose of that npc in the church
Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

Nothing much special. The scene is similar to the one that happens when she is not pregnant. The difference is that she will be pregant in the CG and, because of the size of the orc, her belly will be "deformed" and the baby will die, like... smashed.

Every time I try to trigger this, Mikami just runs away. How do I do this properly?
Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

Every time I try to trigger this, Mikami just runs away. How do I do this properly?

First Mikami must be intimate with Pikku, the prisoner in Ontato City (to enter his cell she needs to get the keys with Axe, the guard with beard). After she has some h-scenes with Pikku (maybe Mikami needs to defeat the second boss before this, to become more intimate with him), it will become possible for her to be attacked by big orcs while pregnant. On the other hand, being friend with Pikku will cause you to lose one extra cg scene after you beat the game (which I don't know exactly how it is, since I'm not there yet).

By the way, the patch was updated a while ago.
Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

First Mikami must be intimate with Pikku, the prisoner in Ontato City (to enter his cell she needs to get the keys with Axe, the guard with beard). After she has some h-scenes with Pikku (maybe Mikami needs to defeat the second boss before this, to become more intimate with him), it will become possible for her to be attacked by big orcs while pregnant. On the other hand, being friend with Pikku will cause you to lose one extra cg scene after you beat the game (which I don't know exactly how it is, since I'm not there yet).

By the way, the patch was updated a while ago.

I belive it's two scenes, one with the priest and another with a kid
Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

... So I used the search function and I didn't see anything talking about an attack stat glitch.

Could this mean that this strange phenomenon only occurs in my copy of the game?

In Ontato town, there's a kid to the right of the northward path you use to get out of town.

He's just hanging out by the stone arch.

... If I talk to him, he twitches a bit, doesn't say anything, and sets my attack stat permanently to 1.


Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

I've...never seen or heard of that. And I'm the type who talks to everyone in town every time I revisit. That's....quite the unique and game breaking glitch.
Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

... So I used the search function and I didn't see anything talking about an attack stat glitch.

Could this mean that this strange phenomenon only occurs in my copy of the game?

In Ontato town, there's a kid to the right of the northward path you use to get out of town.

He's just hanging out by the stone arch.

... If I talk to him, he twitches a bit, doesn't say anything, and sets my attack stat permanently to 1.



hahahahaha. Sorry about that. I created that boy when I was translating some items just to make some test about the items effects. But I see now that I forgot to delete him before created the last patch. So never mind that boy, he'll be deleted in the next patch.
Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

...Excellent news.

Aight then.

Carry on.
Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

So, um...
I encountered the particularly unpleasant abortion scene with the prisoner guy unexpectedly, due to not reading the previous posts discussing him in this thread... at 2 in the morning... and the imagery then proceeded to cling to my mind like a tumor.

If there was ever a time I desired eye/mind bleach, that was it.
Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

So, um...
I encountered the particularly unpleasant abortion scene with the prisoner guy unexpectedly, due to not reading the previous posts discussing him in this thread... at 2 in the morning... and the imagery then proceeded to cling to my mind like a tumor.

If there was ever a time I desired eye/mind bleach, that was it.

*pat* *pat* aww, always remember to be cautious when rule 34 is in effect.
Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

@Pootis404 Sooner or later this kind of thing always happens with us in the hentai world. You'll overcome it, good luck =]
Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

What, did you skip through all the in-game warnings about how much the scenes don't match and how they're abortion scenes and everything?

I mean, even if you did, it's not like I necessarily blame you or anything.

I was curious myself, even after having read all the warnings, and then I ended up losing about an hour of progress to "NOOOOOOPE."
Like, I reloaded an earlier save file, but the door was open, so I wasn't sure if I'd actually spoken to prisonbro on that file or not, and so I went with one even earlier than that, where I'd never even opened the guy's cell door. ... Turned out that save was also from an hour back though.


No re
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Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

The version of the game I had wasn't translated up to that point, so I wouldn't have known they were warnings unless I had knowledge of the Japanese language (in this case, ignorance was the polar opposite of bliss).

I just figured they were random text stuff that I sped past, I was tired and thought nothing of it.

Oddly enough the most jarring part of the cutscene for me was the sudden off-color image with the screech sound, freaked me the fuck out.

What's worse is that it was Shi's kid at the time :(

Edit: Started poking around in the data folder with all the cutscene pictures, and I got the silly idea of replacing "them" with various "nope" images.
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Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

1 Week without bump, I think its a good time to ask whether there's any more news regarding the translation
Re: Vitamin Quest (びたみんクエスト)

Ramza is still translating the game. Don't worry.