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Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi stopped barley recognizing Nysa in her (true?) adult form. The kitsune had a lovely figure which coupled to the lack of panties or pants for that matter made Emi blush. Looking at the outstretched hand Emi took it after all what choice did she have. Out running a rushing river was about as successful as asking a mountain to move. Closing her eyes Emi hoped what ever the kitsune had planed would not be to dangerous.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Nysa uses Gliding Winds (negates fall damage)
Total cost of whole venture -10 EP
Nysa grinned happily at Emi and quickly pulled her on her back. "EH! HEAVY!" Emi was indeed almost a walking arsenal, but thankfully she did not wear any heavy armor, so it was just~ enough for poor Nysa to carry her... atleast for the short sprint ahead.

"HOLD ON EMI!" Nysa had already started screaming due to the rushing water from behind closing in on them, blocking out most sound. Whatever the case, if that stream catches them, the two girls will have enjoyed a very short punishment...

The Kitsune still empowered by her aspect magic quickly dashed forward... towards where Emi was sure the waterfall lied, but the Kitsune wasn't showing any signs of turning or slowing down... that could only mean one thing.

And with that thought Nysa lunged off the edge of the mountain! Well that was one way to get out of there, on the brightside the fall was big enough so the girls could have plenty of time for their lives to flash by. But instead of falling the two girls glided gently through the air, the Kitsune absolutely gleeful at the sensation. But they weren't out of harms way quite yet as the massive wave finally arrived, bringing alot of company with it. Thankfully though thanks to the Kitsunes speed the girls had already glided away from harms way. At worst they would get soggy feet upon reaching the ground.

Just barely the girls escaped... Though finding the road again and a safe spot to fall down was a challenge onto itself.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Following the mad dash, and the utter insanity of the situation that had unfolded, both women were shaken from any wonder that the gorgeous view, of the land below, the pounding water below them, the green sea of trees unfolded in all it's glory, and the birds that tore through the air at home in the currents of that life giving element, inspired. As luck would have it, and it truly was nothing more then just that, the bonechilling howl that followed them over the falls was not just that of their own cries, or the rush of water behind them.

Standing on the bank of the river as it tore past him, stood a man. At least what could have been a man. It was hard to tell through the extremely thick armor he wore. Glaring at them with a pare of bright green eyes, clear even from this distance, he screamed his fury at them, unable or unwilling to follow the same way they had gone. But that didn't mean he was stopping, simply inconvenienced... Screaming in fury at them again, they saw him jump from the falls, his hand smashing into the dirt and rock of the ridge to slide down it, apparently planning to meet them on the ground, or at least to continue the hunt...
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Just a FYI: Aspect of wind is off... wasted enough EP as is ^,^
The glee coming off the Kitsune should not be underestimated. The sensation of the gliding was not something new for Nysa, but actually having company along for the ride was a rare occurence! The two girls gently made their way down, the surging wave slowly but surely calming down underneath them.

Unfortunately their little antics seemed to have caught someones attention as suddenly a bonechilling howl pierced the soothing and calm atmosphere, if you pardon the wave of water still roaring somewhere deep in the forest. A cold shiver ran down Nysas back, someone was PISSED. "E-emi... what was that?"
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Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi looked back at the man charging down the waterfall moving to intercept them. "Well Nysa remember the man from the orchard? Its either his big mean brother or like you his form is not always what it seems." Watching the man run through the woods she was sure he would meet them at their landing sight. "I hope you have some more energy to spare it looks like a fight."
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Gliding winds off and On.
"That's not old Meanie, Emi." Nysa slightly bent over to see for herself, through the trees obstructed any clear vision of who or what was so dismayed with them. Still if the girls continued their slow descend Emi would be right, the man would surely be waiting for them down there.

Nysa quickly turned around to face the samurai girl, nigh almost shaking her off "Hold on Emi!" and tightly hugged her. The Kitsune grinned mischievious... what was she gonna do now. "UMPH~~" A quick jerking motion and moments later the two rapidly started falling down head first to the ground thankfully Nysa picked a absolutely clear patch so no branches would bruise the girls or obscure the landing. It didn't take long for the two to near the ground when the slow fall spell kicked in again, greatly reducing their descend to a gentle fall as they finally reached solid ground.

Nysa laughed merilly as the samurai caught her breath "Um... Nysa suggests we run. Danger~" the Kitsune nodded eagerly at Emi. Hopefully their pursuer would not arrive any time soon...
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Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi heart beat fast the near suicidal jump and the fact that something was chasing them did little to calm her nerves. "Yes running would be good." Trying to gauge the road was imposable but heading south seemed like a good idea. "Maybe we can lose it in the woods come on Nysa." With that Emi was off hopefully Nysa was close behind.

running through the woods heading south
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Nysa giggled merrily and quickly darted off along with Emi. Not sure about gods or angels, but fear sure gave the girls wings. Though now the Samurai girls superior speed came into play, as throughout the whole situation Nysa never did get a chance to shapeshift back to her smaller form. So every obstacle that used to slow Emi down now also stood in the way of the Kitsune.

The thought of just using magic to dash through the forest crossed the girls mind, but she had already used a decent amount of her powers previously. Unless she sensed danger, there was no need to boost herself up. Hopefully whatever the girls pissed off, was not a tracker.
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Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Everything had gone well, and the sheer distance that was between them and what was apparently chasing them was hopefully large enough to keep them out of harms way. At least, that was the hope, the sound of his inhuman screaming dashed those hopes pretty quickly though. He was far closer then he should have been...

As Nysa and Emi tore through the underbrush of the thick forest, it seemed that the sharp branches and thick brush clawed out at them, adding a dark element to the woods they found themselves buried in at the moment as they fled what was surely an enemy. It was not a question of some insight or unexplainable flash of knowledge, simply the feeling in their guts that only a predator inspired in possible prey, the fear of what could be death approaching with simple intent and as that simple fight or flight impulse came to them, the women made their decision to flee from their enemy.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

The girls picked the wrong place and the worst creature to piss off. Though they had the lead now, by the sounds of things it wouldn't take long for their oppressor to catch up.

Once more the bonechilling howl echoed through the forest sending cold chills down Nysa, usually if the Kitsune found herself in such danger she quite easily outran or evaded it. Her attunement to the wind ensured it, however now she had one problem - the samurai girls wellbeing. Even if Nysa escaped that would leave Emi in a fight the girl would rather not have. But what to do...

The Kitsunes fuzzy ears suddenly stood up. Idea! Nysa absolutely abhored using such a school of magic, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Hopefully the spell would buy them enough time.

Cast Pitfall Pref while running and at a prime location.
Also get Aspect of Wind up [speed] that is unless buffs take a turn or alot of time to cast.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi ran for her life but her warriors pride itched at the back of her mind to stand and fight. Thankfully with no enemy in sight it was easy to ignore. The ever present brambles and thorns that seemed to impede their progressed added a little annoyance to Emi and soon enough Warriors Reach was clearing any bush or branch that looked to hard to bypass on the run.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Status: Emi: Hp: 52 Ep: 39 Pp: 39, Fine. Running.
Nysa: Hp: 42 Ep: 49/67 Pp: 74, Fine. Running.

Nysa, being the scatterbrain she was, tried to cast three spells at once, and was lucky to get one off at all! Let alone three! Each spell requiring different somatic and verbal components and casting in sequence quickly not being very conducive to running away! Luckily, her first spell, Pitfall, went off without a hitch, the dangerous trap shimmering on the ground for a moment before once again becoming invisible, her other spells were forgotten for the moment however as she had to duck and weave shortly after finishing the first around the vegetation.

Emi however, drew one weapon among her impressive arsenal, and proceeded to hack through the underbrush like a maniac, the sharp blade cleaving through the vegetation easily and hastening their retreat. Things made a little easier, Nysa was now free to cast again, but another attempt to overdraw herself like before would probably yield negative outcomes for both parties involved.

The sound of something tearing through the forest like a boulder was steadily growing louder, until a loud clang signaled the success of Nysa's trap. Lucky for them it would buy them some time to make more progress, but gods above that thing had to be fast! As everyone but the creature continued there insane sprint southwards through the forest, and coincidentally towards their final goal of the desert, the strange little green man showed up suddenly running beside them, sprinting with the ease of someone several times his junior and keeping up with the pair easily. "Ya Seem to be in a spot of trouble, my help is offered but at a price~" he taunted as they all moved, the strange little man completely unhindered as the forest simply parted around him.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Talk about adding salt to an open wound. The "Old Meanie" made his dramatic return, much to Nysas displeasure. Normally the Kitsune would waste no time to punish such brazen taunting, but this situation of all things - was not a normal position to be in. Heck even now the girl considered gusting the old man away, though the temptation was exquisite... the girl refrained. The howls of the creature chasing them kinda helped Nysa act rationally for once.

Still the Kitsune had her pride and would NOT answer or ask for assistance from the creature. Thankfully, maybe she wouldn't even have to, Nysa turned to the samurai girl busy chopping away any branches that dared cross her patch "Emi..." the deal would be in the hands of her friend.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi looked over her shoulder at the small green man while vaulting over a fallen log the creatures howls echoing through woods seemingly closer than before at its closing rate it would be on top of them soon. "Whats the price Elder Tree Spirit?" Emi stomach sank it seemed to be only way to escape at the moment and no doubt the green man knew this and his price would probably be high.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

The little man hummed merrily to himself for a moment, looking at Emi with a wide smile and probably surprising her with his answer. "An Apology from the Kitsune, and a Promise from you~" He said glancing from Emi to Nysa and back again. "If she apologises for her behaviour, and you agree to carry this and plant it somewhere at some point where it will flourish, I will deal with the creature that hounds you on my honour" He said still grinning. Holding up a fleshy green seed the size of a small fruit for Emi to see.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi looked at the old man and then looked at Nysa. "I cannot speak for her Kind Spirit but if she dose agree than I will carry the seedling to a place where it will flourish." Ducking under another branch Emi hoped her new friend would be willing to apologize but she didn't hold her breath.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Nysas eyes widened at the request. An apology?! For what! At first Nysa just proudly looked away, but she could feel Emi's lingering gaze. "Nysa sorry" the Kitsune absolutely nonchalantly and flatout dishonestly apologised. The old man frowned at such a display "Such dishonest claims. Very well good luck,little ones" though before the old man could make due with his disappearance a not too far away log fell down, the girls passed a rather barely in place leaned tree just moments ago! Was it the creature! Nysa quickly covered her head as if shielding herself and desperately in fear cried out to the man "Waaa~~ I'm sorry, Nysa didn't mean it! Sorry, sorry, SORRY! Nysa will buy Meanie apples! Please help, old man!"

Hopefully the spirit was sated, otherwise the girls were in big, BIG trouble.
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Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi simply looked at the Elder spirit and waited for his approval or denial of Nysa apology. It was hard for Nysa of that much Emi was sure but today was a day where they both had to swallow their pride a little and ask for help. Looking over her shoulder Emi simply nodded at the fox girl in approval that hopefully conveyed that she was happy with the Kitsune's apology even if the spirit turned it down.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

And with that, the little man nodded and darted next to Emi, placing the seedling in her hand quickly and somersaulting through the air with a cry of amusement, patting Nysa on the head as he passed. "That's all I wanted~ Thank you!" And with that... He stopped, and walked into a nearby oak. Not Ran into it, just... Melded with the tree, which began to move...

As they looked over their shoulders, they had a glimpse of what was chasing them, the shining armour and the unholy cry of the creature that had closed so much distance so quickly, right before it was hit with boneshattering force by the trees suddenly mobile limbs, the branches and roots exploding out to ensnare it and slowly begin to squeeze and crush him. As if this wasn't enough, the tree snatched him high into the air, the sound of him being slammed into the ground over and over and over reverberating through the forest as the spirit made good on his promise of aid. A bit over the top? Maybe, but a simple apology had earned them a victory they may not have had before. A lesson learned perhaps for the childish Kitsune, and a task laid before the proud swordswoman.

The seedling itself was surprisingly warm to the touch and hummed softly in Emi's hand as if it was happy. Such a simple thing really. What would grow from it Emi had no idea, but it wasn't heavy, seemed to be happy and content, and judging from the outright strangeness of the little green pod, would probably let her know when they had reached the right place.

They were free to proceed in peace, their threat most assuredly dealt with after the mad dash through the forest. They had covered an impressive amount of ground however and the place itself seemed less forbidding then before, now just beautiful in it's existence with the sun filtering through the leaves to dapple upon the soft earth and loam of the forest floor and the smell of life, of water and moist earth and bark and spice permeating the air as if all was as it should be.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Nysa continued her mad dash as the old man approached Emi and gave her something, actually the mans speed easily matched or even outmatched the Kitsune even after she dips into the Aspect of Wind magic! No doubt whatever he was he had immense power. Only one question remained - was he actually going to help the girls.

Much to Nysas surprise the man suddenly summersaulted over her, the Kitsune eyeing him curiously as he pat the running girl on the head rather gently "That's all I wanted~ Thank you!" Nysa grinned happily at the man and looked back following him with her gaze what exceptional, implosive, extravangant and awe-striking spells was he gonna use?! The old man nonchalantly melded into his tree. Nysas eyes widened, wait did he just abbandon the girls again?!

"WAA~~~!!!" Nysa was about to get her mad dash to the absolutely greatest height, when suddenly a load clashing sound of steel and wood! Nysa looked back, the happy grin returning to girls face. "Go! Meanie! Smash that monster!" The Kitsune cheered out, even jumping up at every slam, though the tree spirit quickly finished off the oppressor, as it's body quickly nothing more than a lifeless ragdoll.

Well that was one way for the Kitsune to learn respect for her elders. Though if she took it to heart was yet to be seen.
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