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Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss: HP = 62, PP = 42, EP = 44, Status = fine

Ambalika: HP = 58, PP = 47, EP = 36/43, Status = fine

Kindle: HP = 92, PP = 44, EP = 72, Status = fine

Salamander 1: HP = 66, status: fine (body: 36)
Salamander 2: HP = 66, status: fine (body: 36)
Salamander 3: HP = 66, status: fine (body: 36)

Sophia: HP = 52, PP = 65, EP = 46, status = fine

Kyra: HP = 46, PP = 36, EP = 34, status = fine ( )

If it's alright with you three, I'm not going to show the rest of the NPC's status bars any more unless there's a change for them that needs showing.

"U-Um okay then miss... thank you, and we won't wander off, we'll stay near to you all," Shana replied to Kindle, still looking a little scared of all that was happening, but seeming to be faring much better now that her sister was alright and with her once more.

"V-Very well then, thank you miss. I shall do what I can and must to repay you for the help you gave us," Lina said in a soft but very respectful voice to Kindle, seeming to be quite fond of Kindle as she moved over next to her and stayed quite close, her shining in the sun a bit as her ample breasts swayed back and forth, a few tattoos able to be seen now that all of the cum had been cleaned off of her mostly, though she did not stay overly close for Kindle's comfort however, and she'd back off a little more if Kindle seemed to not like her presence near her any, though she would still remain as near as possible. "I can perform some spiritual powers myself, though... not too much I'm afraid, I suppose it could be of some help if we are attacked again though, or in other areas perhaps," Lina added to Kindle in the same soft and respectful tone as they prepared to set forth as she bowed her head slightly to her, though she didn't elaborate on the extent of her powers unless pressed for the information.

"S-Sorry Fyriss... I... I was just... trying to help a-and give thanks in the only way I can at the moment. I-I'll stop trying then," Sophia said in response to Fyriss's angry words as she recoiled slightly in fright at Fyriss's actions at her attempt to both help calm her down some and to give her an appetizer of sorts to better get her worked up for later, looking quite hurt that her trying to help only did the opposite and made the ember draconian so angry at her instead of cooling her off more and appreciating the gesture. Kyra looked as if she wanted to say something about what Fyriss had said, but held her tongue for now, but she didn't look very pleased that her sister's actions had the opposite effect of what's her intentions were.

Hanging her head slightly as she took the lead, with Kyra right behind her a couple of steps and putting herself between Sophia and Fyriss, Sophia led them along the road to the north a ways, where there was a small trail that led into the trees off to the eastern side of the road. Sophia told them that they'd hidden the supplies up there and then she headed up said trail and next to a boulder and under a pile of smaller rocks were two large packs filled with food of all different kinds, but mostly things that would keep for a long time and would feed lots of people, there were also a couple of sacks of wheat grain hidden there as well that they'd apparently been carrying too. Collecting the packs and the grain, the two would carry it all themselves unless any of the three draconians offered to do so, but they seemed to be able to handle it themselves, though slightly weighted down now, which would make it hard for them to run if they needed to do so.

"This food will help keep everyone fed for a while yet, along with the stuff that the others gathered over the last few days at least," Sophia said in a fairly pleased tone, looking quite happy that they'd collected the food and whatnot and were now on their way back to their home.

Sophia would then set off again, leading them back to the main road with Kyra directly behind her. While they were walking again, Kyra did a double take as Ambalika slithered up beside her and stared at her as the snake like draconian compared their breasts to one another. "See something you like miss? I certainly hope so with all the staring you've been doing. It makes me feel as if you're undressing me with your eyes, though... that doesn't really bother me too much honestly if you are, but we should concentrate on the road and our surroundings just in case, we should save staring at each other until later," Kyra asked Ambalika, engaging in idle conversation with the snake like draconian as they walked to pass the time until they needed to make camp for the night, as Sophia had already stated it would be at least until the next evening at best before they arrived at their sanctuary.
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Kindle proved not to be bothered by Lina's presence. Though she met the elf with the same dour expression that she met everything and everyone with, the draconian was intrigued by the woman. She'd always had a taste for the night elves of the Pfithirian Jungle. Most of the ones that her sisters and her had ambushed proved good warriors and produced strong brood. On more than one occasion she had fought her siblings fang and claw after a successful skirmish for rights to an elf. She was especially fond of their odd ears, but that certainly wasn't to say that the rest of Lina was something to look over.

Her eyes gained a hint of a predatory look as she took in the elf in full. Lina would be a concubine to make any Ember Draconian proud, and that she was a spirit wielder and a night elf only made her more appealing. Sensibilities be damned, the spearwoman had every intent of seeking the reward she had truly desired when they camped that night and fulfilling her duties to her race as well; she would approach the night elf and offer her a real chance to repay her debts. That said, she had no idea how to make anything even resembling small talk as they traveled, let alone how to pretend to play at civility as to avoid offending Sophia and losing the opportunity to meet her demonic parent.

She searched for the words for several moments before her frustration began to hit a boiling point. "If we remain diligent, we should be able to avoid any conflict entirely," she finally replied, simply for the sake of saying something. "But if fighting is joined and your powers are needed, stay behind me or my sisters while you work them. We will protect you and the others to the best of our ability," she reiterated. The words tasted foul on her mouth for the deceit in them. Part of it was true, the draconians would try to protect the women. She had omitted something important though, they would protect the strangers if only because of their value to the draconians. They couldn't afford for the women to be harmed.

"Even still it might be valuable for me to know what you're able to do. What sort of wielding are you capable of?" She asked of Lina, hoping that the woman's response would drain the irritability from her mind and remind her as to why she was willing to be anything other than straightforward. Even if Lina's answer didn't manage it, as she listened Kindle devised a plan that helped to assuage her own frustrations.

Beyond that, she traveled with the group mostly in silence except when directly given something to reply to, not offering aid to either of the two women when the opportunity arose, with her hand on her spear and keeping an eye out for attackers. Her mind dwelt mainly on what would come that night. She was going to need to speak to Ambalika when they finished traveling for the day. With any luck, it would be a busy and enjoyable night for all three sisters.
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss scowled as Sophia recoiled from her response to the demonlings actions and offer. It didn't do much to change her current mood. "You can thank me later, Sophia, when we're someplace safe, and not out in the open.", her words were blunt and short, and the hotheaded Draconian would then turn her attention elsewhere. It wasn't good to be angry at the person she wanted to fuck, but she was too damn angry right now to avoid that. Perhaps it was fortunate that the Draconian didn't notice Kyra's displeased glare too. Fyriss would simply trail after the two sisters as they were led to the place they had hidden the supplies. She found it surprisingly elaborate, and further away than she had initially thought, as far as hiding spots went; hadn't they quickly stashed it away before trying to rescue the men and women she and her sisters had saved along with them? It didn't matter in the end, the food and stuff was safe and ready to be carried away. Even if Fyriss had yet to cool down completely, she wouldn't mind taking on and carry some of the burden for Sophia and Kyra; she could always drop it in the case of an ambush, and if the weight was distributed a little they'd all move along faster she figured.

While Fyriss had trailed a little behind Kyra, whom in turn had trailed behind Sophia, to begin with that would change as the Draconian saw her younger kin slither up next to the Night Elf. With an angry huff, Fyriss would hurry on ahead, circling around Ambalika and hissing warningly at the Ember Naga before heading up to walk by Sophia's side. Every now and then, Fyriss would look over her shoulder at Amba, to make sure she didn't try and approach her demonling. The particular conversation between Kyra and her sister, not to mention Ambalika's stares upon the Night Elf's bosom, reminded Fyriss of why she envied them so much. Such nice, big tits, and all she had was these bare-handfuls to call her own... Without thinking about it, Fyriss would start glancing towards Sophia's breasts, her eyes shining with both envy and desire; as much as she was jealous of Sophia having bigger ones than the Draconian herself, they were hers to have fun with later on. And despite having so readily dismissed groping them earlier, she was looking forward to when it was appropriate to get groping. She was starting to regret having lashed out like that earlier, but she wouldn't say anything unless spoken to.
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Hmmmm..." Ambalika hummed appraisingly. "They're alright~ Mostly I was just comparing!" she announced, with nary a trace of shame. "It would be so awful not to be the biggest anymore," she continued, with a (fairly obviously fake) sniff of sadness, after which she brought her hands up and grabbed a handful of her own breast in each palm. "Hmm..."

Ambalika responded to her sister's warning by giving her as innocent a look as possible, before turning back to Kyra. "I'm already naked, though! So, it is only fair if I try to undress you, isn't it?" retorted the Draconian playfully. "Mmm... anyway, I'm just comparing!" she said cheerfully, bringing her hands up to grope herself. "I do quite enjoy my title of 'best naptime pillow', buuut, if someone better suited for it comes along..."

Amba slithered over and cupped Kyra's breasts from behind, comparing some more. "Hm. Mm-hm. Hmmm." she hummed, mock-serious. "It's hard to tell! I suppose I'll have to make some more careful comparisons later~"

With that, Amba fell back to where she'd been before, towards the rear of their little group.
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss: HP = 62, PP = 42, EP = 44, Status = fine

Ambalika: HP = 58, PP = 47, EP = 36/43, Status = fine

Kindle: HP = 92, PP = 44, EP = 72, Status = fine

Salamander 1: HP = 66, status: fine (body: 36)
Salamander 2: HP = 66, status: fine (body: 36)
Salamander 3: HP = 66, status: fine (body: 36)

NPC's stats:
Sophia: HP = 52, PP = 65, EP = 46, status = fine

Kyra: HP = 46, PP = 36, EP = 34, status = fine

Lina: HP = 47, PP = 47, EP = 88, status = fine

"A-Alright Fyriss, forgive me. I was just trying to help calm you down some and thank you, because you seemed so angry, a-and it always calms everyone else down when I do that," Sophia said as Fyriss went off and Sophia took the lead, still seeming a little let down that what she'd intended had the opposite effect.

"Yes of course, though it's more a matter of luck I would think than skill, because these aliens seem able to sniff out anybody no matter how well hidden they are. And of course, I shall stay behind you and make sure you have long a range fighter covering your advance in battle," Lina said to Kindle in the same very polite and respectful tone as before while they walked, staying fairly near her since she didn't seem too bothered by her being so close. When Kindle asked her what sorts of spirit powers she could do, Lina bowed her head slightly to Kindle. "Ah yes, I am capable of some of the basic spiritual warrior powers, as well as some alchemical powers. I trained and learned from my old master who is dead now unfortunately, but she also taught me some dragon spiritual techniques as well, such as how to breathe fire like a dragon as well as how to roar like a dragon, among others. And I am also very skilled in the pleasure arts, something I learned when I was traveling and thought would be useful to know," Lina went on to say, informing Kindle of her capabilities in a fight, which may spark even more interest in the draconian about this purple skinned night elf, knowing that she was capable of dragon like spiritual powers.

"I would be honored to fight by your side in battle lady warrior. Might I know your name? I am Lina if you didn't already know, and I am willing to repay your kindness in helping us however you wish me to," Lina said to Kindle while Sophia and Kyra got their supplies from the hiding spot they'd left them in, seeming completely sincere with her words to Kindle.

"Well you can have the largest if you like, I'd prefer mine to not get much bigger than this honestly, as I wouldn't be able to wear my armor easily and fight," Kyra said to Ambalika before the snake like draconian slithered around and up behind her, where she reached around while Kyra carried the sack of grain and groped her breasts through her chainmail, making Kyra give a little eek of surprise, which caused her to drop the sack of grain to the ground, where it thankfully didn't bust open. "Kyaa... w-what are you doing?" Kyra asked with a cute squeal as Ambalika groped her and then let her go, pulling her arms around to cover her large breasts under her chainmail. "H-Here you, carry this sack of grain for since you caused me to drop it," Kyra then said to Ambalika in a slight stutter after Ambalika let her breasts go and started back off to the back of the group.

Sophia noticed Fyriss walking next to her as this happened when she turned to look back at the pair, where she blushed slightly and turned away for a moment. "Would you mind carrying this grain sack for me please Fyriss? And I'm sorry again for earlier, I shouldn't have done that," Sophia asked Fyriss before they continued onwards, preparing to hand her the sack of grain, which was a bit heavy but wouldn't be too much trouble for the strong draconian. If Fyriss took the sack from Sophia, she would notice that Sophia wouldn't look her directly in the eye and still seemed a bit frightened of her as she tried to avoid touching her if possible, seemingly afraid that Fyriss might explode in anger again if she were to touch her.

Regardless of whether or not Fyriss and Ambalika took the sacks of grain from the two to help out, they would press onwards, with everyone moving along at a fairly steady pace with virtually nothing to hinder their traveling. After every hour or so of walking, Sophia who was in the lead would stop so that everyone could have a short little rest before they continued on, just stopping for five minutes or so so they could catch their breath a bit. By the time the sun was setting in the sky they were well away from the battle ground that the ember draconians had rescued the women and men from the clutches of the aliens, though the men were still unconscious at the moment. They didn't have to look very far when they stopped to make camp, as just when the sun set in the sky they came upon a small clearing to the side of the road through the trees a little bit, still within sight of the road but it would provide a little cover for them at least.

As soon as they started setting up a camp, Lina would gather them some wood for a fire while Kyra dug a small firepit out for them, while Sophia helped the draconians to set up the camp itself, and while they did that, the human girls rested their weary bodies, being too tired for much of anything else at the moment really, though they would help to get a bit of firewood after resting for a couple of minutes. Once Kyra and Lina had the firepit fixed up and some wood in it, Lina took in a deep breath and let out a puff of flame from her mouth, using the dragon breath technique she'd mentioned to Kindle before in order to start them a fire, where she would then sit down beside Kindle when they all sat down to rest for a while before eating.
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Whaaaaat? I saved your life, and now I have to hold your stuff tooooo?" Ambalika whined - and then darted back to grab Kyra's breasts again. "I would gladly hold these little burdens for you, if you waaant~" she said sweetly. "They must be so hard your poor back, poor baby. Don't you worry, Amba's here to help you make it aaallllll better!"

She saw Sophia ask the same thing of her hot-tempered sister up while she was jiggling Ky's mailed boobies around (so soft!). A hasty "Yeahokay" and she had taken the bag from Ky, hucking it over her shoulder before rushing up behind Fyriss to take that bag as well.

"Sisterrrr! ♥" she said cheerily as she closed an arm around the sack. "Don't you worry, either! Little sister will take good care of this in the back with the other freight! You're her big, strong, warrior older sister, after all - it's little sister Ambalika's job to make sure you're unburdened, so you can do yours as protector, right?"

She stopped for a bit to dig around in her bag for some more rope, which she held in her teeth, until he salamanders in the rear had caught up... at which point she ordered the two with the skinniest looking men on top of them to stop, and lashed one sack to one, on top of the male it was carrying and made it start walking again. If it looked like it wasn't having too much trouble with the extra burden, she would do the same to the other... but if it did, she would just balance the other bag on top the salamander, keeping it in place with a hand while she slithered along. Given how handily they'd apparently been beaten and how they were still down for the count compared to the women, she thought it rather fitting she had three guys, but only two sacks.

"Protect me, Fy!" She cried out, voice dripping with faux-distress, "Protect your helpless little sister, good only for her sex appeal!"

Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss would be quiet until they reach the hidden cache of goods. She hadn't cared to respond to the babbling demonling; doing so would surely have kept her flames fueled for no good reason. Along the walk she had to endure Ambalika being herself; and the mention of how terribly, terribly sad it would've been to not having the biggest breasts anymore only grinded Fyriss' gears further. And yet she had kept her tongue this time. As the Draconian was being offered to share some of the burden, she would've accepted it just to keep the group moving at a decent pace... But no, Sophia HAD to bring up that topic again. Fyriss hissed lowly, agitatedly. "You will never stop bringing that up again, will you? Yes, I've heard that you are sorry, and I am sorry for overreacting like that too. But how you are right now, is everything I don't want to have to listen to!", Fyriss frowned slightly. "I'll grope you for as long as you'll let me once we're safe and sound, but you better damn be willing to return the favor! I want some attention too, you know?"

Perhaps it was fortunate that Ambalika intervened around then. She would blink and look up at her, as always, overly enthusiastic sister and listen to her proposal. The 'flattery', if one could call it as much, made the Draconian flustered in a mix of exasperation and embarassment. As good as it might've felt to be praised so highly fell short on the grounds of it being Ambalika uttering those words. With a resigned groan the Draconian would happily let her serpentine kin deal with the goods while she herself decided to walk a bit away from the group, to try and get a moment to collect her thoughts. The faked distress that oozed with every word Amba spoke at the end made her want to punch something in the face.

Fyriss would spend the rest of the journey in silence once more, or at least try to. So much walking... Would they even get to the lair before nightfall? The answer would prove to be a negative in the end. And by that time, much like Kindle had shown little intent in aiding Sophia and Kyra earlier, Fyriss herself was in no mood to help. She was busy keeping her eyes and ears open, keeping watch. And to brood some.
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

"A valuable asset," Kindle admitted freely in response to Lina's declaration of her training. The ember draconian was indeed interested in learning more about the night elf, but as cold and stoic as the spearwoman was she had already decided that she would have the night elf as her concubine and that she could use the time provided by that arrangement to learn everything about Lina at her own leisure. "I am Kindle, and you may address me as such. We can discuss repayment when we camp for the night."

Kindle would avoid being drawn into what she perceived as the foolishness between her sisters and the rescued women, there were still too many threats about and they needed as many able eyes on as constant a vigil as the group could maintain. She similarly allowed the rescued group to handle the firewood, though she gave an approving look, or what passed for one when it was coming from her, toward Lina at her display of dragonfire. Even once the campfire was prepared she didn't sit down immediately, however. "We will speak in a few moments, Lina," she promised before turning her attention toward her sisters. "Sisters, this seems an opportune time to discuss our mission," she suggested, motioning for the two to follow her to relative privacy a short distance away from the group they had rescued if they agreed.
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss' decision to not engage in further conversation would have to be put aside as her older kin requested a bit of private talk. Had anyone tried to converse with the irritable Draconian before then she would simply walk away, or bluntly excuse herself in the case of Sophia, and then follow after Kindle to hear what she had to say.
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Coming!" Ambalika called in response when she heard her eldest sister's 'suggestion'. "Can you girls untie these guy, the bags and all that?" she asked of their new hangers-on. It wasn't really a request, as she turned to her fiery trio of lizards "You lizards, stand guard, and stuff!"

Hmm. Three fiery lizards... that sounded familiar for some reason.

As soon as she could, she went to join her big sister, slithering through the underbrush, and when she joined Kindle away from the humans, she lazily coiled around her. "What's up, sister~?" she asked, a dull glow emanating from her horn as she warmed her body up a little more, to wrap around Kindle like a hot blanket. She beckoned for Fyriss to join them, though she wasn't sure if she would...

"Don't forget about those elves and their big ears, yeah?" she said quietly, once they were together, and put a finger up to her lips, making a shushing noise.

Casting Heat, to make myself hot. And then rubbing people, to impart hotness. 2 EP, fluff-use and stuff.
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Kindle raised an eyebrow at her more bubbly sister's actions, though she couldn't disagree with the need for some secrecy even if she didn't believe for a moment that it was the only reason for Ambalika's embrace. "To be frank, I've no intention of letting any of the rescued girls go, no matter how valuable the meeting with Sophia's 'papa' turns out to be. We need the breeders too badly," she moved straight to business after a final check to ensure that none of the more humanoid women were listening in on the discussion. "But once we're in their sanctuary proper, it may be impossible to keep them under our control should they desire freedom."

"So I believe that tonight is the night to put babies in their bellies and offer them the choice of willingly becoming concubines and servants for our new lair." She idly wondered if some of of her eagerness to have this done wasn't from the arousal stirring in her body at Ambalika's magical warmth. Perhaps that's what her sister was playing at. "After the meal is done we can seduce them with promises of protection in exchange for their loyalty. If any disagree or seem wary, then you, Ambalika, can single them out and use your skills to make them see the truth in our offer and Fyriss can use her unique talents to fuck them until they can imagine no better prospect than spending the rest of their lives in service to us. By carrot or stick I would have them be our thralls before the morning comes, that we may ensure they'll show us enough loyalty to leave Sophia's sanctuary with us regardless of how the meeting with this former breeder goes."
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Pfft. Well, yeah," responded Ambalika, when she mentioned that they weren't going to let those girls go. "You should have seen that girl's face when I made her cum. It was like, so cute. I could molest her all day!"

She came to rest behind Kindle, and started kneading her shoulders. "I thought we were gonna persuade Sophie's mama to let us lair with her until we found a more suitable place, and then we'd take the lot of 'em there? Sophie doesn't seem too hostile towards us, so I think it's a safe guess her mama'll have an okay disposition towards us. Mm, n' by 'persuade' I mean 'dick her really good' of course."

"...That's a good plan, though. I dunno if they'll like it if we try to extort broods out of them for protection - at least, not the human girlies; Sophie and her elf-friends seemed pretty receptive to a little fun - but if we play nice-nice and soothy so soon after their 'encounter' with the Enemy - I'd bet that they see it's not too bad an idea."
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss frowned slightly as she saw Ambalika coil around Kindle. That the Naga-like Draconian's horn glowed told the temperamental Draconian that magic was afoot. And if there was one thing she wasn't very keen on it was Ambalika's magics. Mostly because she couldn't read her bubbly kins mind to figure out what she was up to. Fyriss would remain where she was, content to let Kindle take the brunt of Amba's attention, while she listened to her usually stoic kins plan.

The Draconian nodded in agreement with Kindle's thoughts on the situation and spoke with a hushed voice. "I agree that we can't let them get away. They're ours now, whether they like it or not". Fyriss couldn't help but smile uncertaintly at Kindle's plan to have the females bred this very night, mostly because it drew her thoughts to Sophia. And her promise to the demonling. That Fyriss 'talent' was mentioned in such a manner left a bit of a sour taste in her mouth though. "I... you want me to mate them all? I don't think I... I could manage that, in one night... And I did promise Sophia that I'd wait until she felt ready...", Fyriss tone of voice was a mixture of uncertainty and anticipation. She wasn't sure about seeding all of the females, as she didn't think it fair for her to breed them all and leave her sisters with nothing. As for Sophia... That was even worse to make up her mind over.

"I'll do my part though", Fyriss spoke after gathering her thoughts. "Whatever is required of me, for the sake of the Brood". Perhaps a little out of character for the easily angered Draconian she decided to warily approach the other two Draconians, to see if she could join them, if more so Ambalika than Kindle. Sharing some warmth together for a bit sounded like a nice prospect just about now.
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

The snake-sister pouted briefly after being snubbed by her sister. Oh well, she already had her other sister to molest for the time being. She got to it, leaning down to lip at Kindle's ear. When her middle sister confessed she wasn't sure if she could do it, and brought up her promise to their little half-demon, though... when she said that, Ambalika smirked, a glint in her eye as she started plotting.

When Fy approached to join her sisters in Ambalika's embrace, she loosened her coils, and pushed out each layer so she could walk up them and slip in from the top, feet-first. There, she coiled around to knead Fyrisses' shoulders like she'd done with their elder, Kindle. She let her hot coils pulse against them - squeezing gently, before relaxing some, before squeezing again, shifting around some each time.

After a few moments of this, when she thought Fy would be loosened up a little, Ambalika leaned down, so she could speak into Fy's ear - just loud enough for Kindle to hear as well. "You don't have to do it all on your own, Fy," she started. "You just need to make them come, right? Why don't you let me and Kindle handle everything up to that - we can get them purring hot and ready to go, and you just have to slide riiight in, and push them over the edge for us, right? Then, when they're all fawning over you, we can all have all the fun we want! ♥"

"As for Sophie... if you promised to wait until she was ready, why don't we just... make her ready? Little Ambalika can handle that for you, too~" She moved a hand over Fy's mouth, in case she started to yell again. "Ooh, hear me out, now. She was very appreciative of when you jumped in to protect me, don't you think? Maybe if I push a little further, and you come back to rescue her from my wicked, clutches..." Ambalika nibbled on Fy's ear, just like she had Kindle. "She'll swoon and go 'ooh, my hero!', and then you can have awesome savior-sex with her! Give me a couple minutes, and when you save her, she'll be begging for your dick like a good, cooperative girl. I promise not to put anything inside her except fingers! Hm~? What do you say, sis~?"
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

The spearwoman's first instinct was to shoo the other draconian away as she made an effort to massage her shoulders. The warmth and her sister's touch certainly felt nice though, even nice enough to stay Kindle's hand, and the combination of the two did help to assuage the stress and aches of a long day. Between the heat, the touch, and the feel of the serpentine draconian toying at her ear, her body began to stir. It was as she yet again felt her cock beginning to rub against her armor that she realized her sister was probably aiming for exactly that sort of reaction. Kindle could only plead to Ashrigaaz that Ambalika would gain the sense to cease such foolish games before the spearwoman was forced to pin her down and try to fuck that sense into her.

But in the end, another duty was far more pressing, and that was much easier to remember once Ambalika's attention shifted to Fyriss. "It is as Ambalika says, you need not mate them all. Enjoy your demonling, she seems intelligent enough to understand that she owes you offspring. And understanding enough that I doubt such an over the top tactic will be necessary before she gives herself over to you in full," she eyed her bubbly sister. "But the rest we will warm up, and Ambalika's wiles should be enough to make them ready and willing even if they're initially against the idea. When you've finished with her, however you accomplish it, and the others are ready, then will be the time for your duty. I don't particularly care if you make them come on your fingers, your tongue, your tail, your cock, or even all four, so long as their loyalty is ensured to us."

"This former breeder might truly be loyal to our race, in which case these preparations may prove to be unnecessary and we will be able to use her sanctuary as a temporary lair. But this way, we won't leave everything to that chance, and we won't be without breeders in the event that we're forced out," she added.
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

"But tactics are fun," Ambalika pouted, quietly.

Sliding herself up and forward, Ambalika pushed her tits against the back of sister Fy's head, and then resting them on top. "So, we'll do it after dinner, then, right? Should we rejoin the others now, or was there more?"
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss hesitated slightly as her younger kin uncoiled from around Kindle. After some brief fidgeting the Draconian would accept the invitation. She would try and stay closer to Amba than Kindle though, at least what little of it that was possible. As Amba began to speak in a hushed voice the hot-tempered Draconian mentally braced herself for the worst. The first plan wasn't too bad though, a pleasant surprise, and it wouldn't make leave her sisters without their own indulgence. That was good. It was also good that Amba had been quick to silence Fyriss, for as soon as the Naga-esque Ember began to speak of her plans for Sophia, the middle Draconian began to seethe and glare angrily at her little sister.

Didn't matter how nice it felt being coiled up and sharing warmth like this, Sophia was hers and hers alone, she had no intentions of allowing Amba to 'help' her as far as the demonling was concerned. The ear-nibbling made Fyriss lean her away from Ambalika while growling lowly, but no more hostility than that. The talk of mating and their breeders-to-be, coupled with Amba's warm ministrations, had much the same effect on Fyriss as it had on Kindle. Unlike the older Draconian however, Fyriss wasn't making an effort in being stoic, the middle Draconian was squirming a little uncomfortably in her light leather armor. At least Kindle was as sensible enough so that Fyriss didn't have to flare up further.

"Yeah, I'd prefer dealing with Sophia myself, so hands off, Amba.", Fyriss huffed lowly, giving her little sister a glare and an annoyed hiss. "I like that plan, though. You two can have your fun, then I'll do my part, and you can wrap things up after...", she pouted a little. She looked as if she wanted to say something, but ultimately chose to hold her tongue. It felt wrong that she would screw their breeders, just because of that particular trait she possessed. She would certainly not want either of her kin, as much as she loved them, to have their way with her Sophia. Whatever duty required of her, she supposed. To a point.

Fyriss nodded a little as Kindle spoke of Sophia's 'papa', somewhat lost in thought by then. "If she truly is loyal to the Brood, she would have no reason not to let us take over the place she's in, if it is suitable as a lair, right?", Fyriss next growled a little as Ambalika suddenly decided to take things a step further, but the annoyed noise she made was quickly cut short as she realized just what part of her 'little' sister was smothering her. If she hadn't been erect before, she surely would've been that now. And her cheeks turned a little more red than they were already. Damn it Ambalika, and damn her stupid huge sexy tits! It was all so unfair! Fyriss was older than the snake-like Draconian damnit!

Without much thinking about it, Fyriss eyes would wander somewhat, she would soon find herself curiously looking for Kindle's bust, as if trying to imagine her older kin without the armor.
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Whaaaat? Man, sister, you're no fun either. It's like nofun in stereo. Fiiine, if you don't want to be her hero and break your promise and maybe have to force it on her then that's your thing. Dirty trust-betraying rape-sex is fun sometimes, too, I guess."
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

The spearwoman could only rub her temples as Fyriss took an opportune moment to stare at her chest and Ambalika complained at the other two being 'no fun'. Ashrigaaz give her the strength....

"Best to leave nothing to chance," she replied plainly to Fyriss's comment about the lair, deciding it best not to make a direct remark regarding Ambalika's quip about dirty trust-betraying rape-sex and to instead usher her siblings to return to the group before they ended up in a threesome that didn't involve a single human, elf, or part-demon. "Let's get back to the fire and eat our fill. We've a long night ahead of us," she would continue as she made an effort, albeit not a violent one by any means, to extract herself from Ambalika's serpentine embrace. Barring any further input from her siblings, she would then head back to camp and return to her place near Lina, assuming that the girls hadn't caught wind of their plan or weren't otherwise acting in a manner that would prevent it, though she had no intention of speaking to the night elf unless the elf started a conversation first, at least until after their meal was figured out.
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss: HP = 62, PP = 42, EP = 44, Status = fine, and a bit warmer now

Ambalika: HP = 58, PP = 47, EP = 34/43, Status = fine, and a bit warmer now

Kindle: HP = 92, PP = 44, EP = 72, Status = fine, and a bit warmer now

Salamander 1: HP = 66, status: fine (body: 36)
Salamander 2: HP = 66, status: fine (body: 36)
Salamander 3: HP = 66, status: fine (body: 36)

NPC's stats:
Sophia: HP = 52, PP = 65, EP = 46, status = fine

Kyra: HP = 46, PP = 36, EP = 34, status = fine

Lina: HP = 47, PP = 47, EP = 88, status = fine

Lina nodded to Kindle as she and the other two draconians went a ways off to talk amongst each other, with the two human girls plopped back down near the now lit fire, looking quite tired to say the least. Sophia and Kyra both moved the food supplies they'd been sent out to get near the fire but not so close that it would end up going up in flames, so that nothing could get at it without alerting any of them. "So... how much further is this sanctuary of yours miss Sophia? I honestly don't much like being outside like this," Shana asked Sophia as the draconians walked off.

"Well we should be able to get there by tomorrow around sundown, barring any complications that is. Unless something happens to prevent us from getting there tomorrow then you should have a nice comfortable spot to lay down and sleep on tomorrow night, all of us will hopefully," Sophia replied, leaning over from where she sat to pat Shana on the shoulder.

Once the draconians were done talking, or if they looked over at the others at any point during their private conversation, they'd see Kyra and Lina checking on the men, making sure they were alright for the most part, which they were breathing, but were still out cold. When they got back to where the campfire was after Ambalika did her bit of magic to warm them up with the others sitting around it, Sophia glanced over at them on their way back, a curious look on her face. "Hey um... so I was thinking you three. What are we gonna eat tonight exactly? I'd like to not break into these food supplies if possible, but since there are so many of us and all I'd say it'll be a little tough to keep from having to use at least some of them," Sophia said as the trio of draconians came back over and sat down with them, looking between the three.

"Well I did spot a tree on the way over here that looked like it had apples on it, so we could gather some of them and roast them up or something, along with something else I mean. Some meat would be good if we can get any, even better if we could hunt us something up quickly, though I doubt we'd be able to manage hunting anything that quickly that we could get cleaned and cooked before we got too tired," Lina said, glancing past Kindle towards the path they'd taken to get off of the road and to their campsite as she got up. She looked to Kindle and then glanced at her pack for a moment. "May I use your pack miss Kindle? To store some of them in if it truly was an apple tree I saw," Lina asked Kindle, taking her pack and heading with Kindle if she would rather not part with her pack, where Lina would return after a couple of minutes, the tree indeed having been an apple tree.

However if Kindle would rather not allow her pack to be used and didn't wish to get up and go with her, then Lina would take Sophia's or Kyra's packs to do so. This meant that they had at least a little something to eat for now, with Shana and Jenna both taking a couple each and biting into one, obviously very hungry from the way they were devouring them, while the others each took a couple as well but ate them a little less like they were half starved. Lina handed Kindle a couple of ripe apples and then a couple to both Fyriss and Ambalika, telling them that it was just something to hold them over until they got something ready for dinner, regardless of what it was.