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Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

The slain grabber was tossed aside like common garbage after its death, at which point Kindle took stock of the situation and noted that her sisters were doing as competently as she expected of them. More importantly to her, the demonic woman was a matter of interest, showing a resistance to the mind-altering effects of the slime, which was even then causing the spearwoman's cock to stir against the padding underneath her armor, and competence in battle. Perhaps it was those aphrodisiacs talking, but Kindle was sure that the part demon would mother many strong and powerful sons and daughters, to be sure, and they couldn't afford to let such a fine catch get away.

Still, she could ignore her urges for now, there would be plenty of bellies to plant her young in later on. And with all their enemies dead or dying, Kindle doused her flaming spear by thrusting it into the dirt and smothering the fire, deciding that she wouldn't need it even if the humanoids attempted to run. She moved to join her sisters near the part demon and the night elf, believing that if any might be capable of trying to flee from the ember draconians it would be those two and that the others she could probably fly down without issue. She did, at least, put up a thin pretense of friendliness by introducing herself, albeit in with the same stony and unwelcoming mask that she did most things in. "I am Kindle, and my sisters have already covered the important matters. I would stress the question of how you came to know of our kind, however."

Drop ye grease and fire on the spear. Not that it requires upkeep, just noting that she shouldn't be getting bonus damage anymore.
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss: HP = 62, PP = 31/42, EP = 43/44, Status = fine

Ambalika: HP = 55/58, PP = 47, EP = 23/43, Status = fine

Kindle: HP = 92, PP = 44, EP = 46/72, Status = fine

Shana: Status = fine, but terrified
Jenna: Status = looks very exhausted and laying on the ground, barely conscious
Lina: Status = looks very exhausted and laying on the ground, barely conscious

Sophia: Status = relatively okay, but looks a little weak from draining
Kyra: Status = severely weak from low EP

Hugh: Status = Seems to be stabilized, but hard to tell
Frank: Status = Seems to be stabilized, but hard to tell
Rolan: Status = Seems to be stabilized, but hard to tell

Yeah Blarg I was keeping track of their buffs and stuff, just forgot to add the EP upkeep for Ambalika because I had it in a LibreOffice file and wasn't looking at that when I did the last post. Sorry about that, I'm going to start posting them up on the status bars for each of your characters from now on.

Splashing milk into the other mens mouths, Ambalika would see one of the two remaining men sigh softly as she set them both back down and slithered over to Shana and her sister. "W-What?" Shana asked, looking stunned that Ambalika would say this, then it dawned on her what she was intending to do and she blushed a little bit. "O-Oh... l-like what you did to me earlier? Okay then, but um... you have a really strange way of healing people miss... um, I don't think I ever got your name," Shana said to Ambalika, helping the snake draconian to get Jenna her sister, as well as Lina the night elf up so that they could both suckle from her breasts to drink of her fantastic tasting healing milk. After a good fifteen to twenty seconds of suckling and guzzling down Ambalika's milk, Jenna and Lina both stopped and pulled their heads away weakly, as if to say they didn't want any more, though the few cuts and bruises that were on them had started to go in now after their drinks, to which Shana seemed exceptionally grateful to Ambalika for. As soon as Ambalika got the pair of girls down to lay on the ground and rest, with Shana's help of course, Shana threw her arms around Ambalika's neck in a tight hug. "T-Thank you... oh gods thank you so much. Y-You saved my sister," Shana said, bursting into tears again, though tears of joy this time around.

"Ah that, yeah I figured that you three would be curious about that. My papa you see, she used to be in one of your lairs, was pretty much the main breeder lady of the place, the alpha breeder or head breeder I believe you'd call them, or something like that, I'm not really sure. She wasn't one of the great Ashrigaaz's concubines or wives I don't think, whichever you prefer, but she is a very powerful full blooded demoness that helped your people in the past, unless she's been lying to me all my life that is, which I seriously doubt. But she's told me a lot about your people, of the times she was with your kin I mean," Sophia said, sitting there for a half a minute as she panted, still trying to regain her breath from the exertion earlier in the fighting and before. When Fyriss's tail brushed up against Sophia's the first time the part demon girl looked over at Fyriss with a curious look in her eyes and giggled ticklishly, as if wondering just what she was doing. Fyriss would see her smirk a little as Ambalika came over and asked Sophia for her sword. "Hmm... oh yeah here, please return it to me though when you're through, my mother gave it to me, said it was her brother's sword when he was still alive, so I can't let anything happen to it if you know what I mean, and no thank you, I'm fine, but please give my sister some of your milk, she could probably do with a good drink," Sophia said to Ambalika, handing the legless ember draconian her sword, where she then glanced back over at Fyriss and gave her a playful little wink.

After a few seconds of resting and catching her breath, during which time she watched Ambalika breastfeed Kyra, Sophia stood up on slightly wobbly legs after Ambalika set Kyra gently back down on the ground to rest some more and recover after what she'd been through. "Kyra here is one of my sisters... well half sisters anyway, but still my sister. I have only one full blooded sister and she's younger than me, not ready for life in the outside world as it were or so my parents say. Though she's not far off from her coming of age. Anyway though, my papa had sent us out to look for people in need of help against the aliens around this area... while we went to get some supplies from any of the nearby towns that were still around, through scavenging or buying and trading with the people that might still be in the towns. We were on our way back with a couple of pretty big backpacks full of things when we heard some moans coming from over this way. We stashed the stuff and tried out best to help these poor people, but we kind of got blindsided by that one woman that was raping me and she knocked me senseless a couple of minutes ago, then that thing grabbed Kyra and she had little chance by herself against it, despite how strong she is and all. Anyway though, it seems we might have been too late for some of them. I think we ought to take the women and leave the men myself, since the women are all still conscious at least and can move on their own after they get a little rest, but it's your call in the end I suppose ladies. My papa and momma can explain more to you about it once we get back home where it's safe, but for now we all need to rest before we can move," Sophia went on to say, giving a little explanation as to why she and Kyra ended up there. Sophia for her part looked very exhausted, but it was obvious that she was putting on a brave face. She took a few steps over towards a pile of equipment that was laying just behind where Fyriss was standing, though just as she was passing Fyriss she stumbled and fell against the ember draconian, throwing an arm around Fyriss to prevent herself from falling down.

"Whoa... sorry bout that, my legs are a little numb from earlier, I'm a bit amazed that I was able to fight as well as I did against that thing, I guess my love for my sister and the want to save her was enough to keep me going through it all," Sophia said as she fell against Fyriss, the weariness in her body finally getting to her obviously. "Would you three like to come with me back to our home to rest for a little while? I mean you've got to be fairly tired from all the traveling from the jungles and stuff. It's a day or two away depending on the weather and all though so I hope you don't mind a bit more walking to get there, but it's a nice, warm, and cozy place, and best of all it's out of the prying eyes of the sky. Plus it's where my papa took the survivors to when she fled the lair of your people she'd been in, but like I said she can explain more when we get home. We should probably get over under the trees though to rest... if you all don't mind carrying us over there that is," Sophia added as she sat herself down, pulling Fyriss down with her as she did so, suggesting that the ember draconians move the exhausted people out of the clearing they were in and over under the trees while they rested and recovered their strength before trying to get away from this place, though of course it was up to the girls what they did now.

Ambalika meanwhile managed to procure the skin of the lizard thing she was after, as well as a couple of clumps of hardened slime from a couple of the women that she'd killed, and when she went over to one of the larger creatures, she was able to procure a couple of their hearts without damaging them too much, the one that Kindle had slaughtered being the one that wasn't salvageable in the least bit.

Gain 2 greyhearts, 1 chameleon skin, and 2 slime ambers... though if the gemini duos wouldn't give slime ambers then make that 2 more greyhearts instead. Haf I'm gonna have to ask you about if they do or not because I was looking in the item drops section and it says this.

Duo/Trinity - Slime Amber
Grabbers, Gemini, Skyray/Slither - Greyheart

So does that mean that the gemini duos and trinities can drop either or of these items? Or just the slime ambers?
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Myyy naaames's Ambalikaaa~" the draconian said in a sing-song voice as Shana helped the other girls up to her tits. "And it works, doesn't it? I could do some magic instead, but that's work and this isn't. Ooh, feels good, too~" She said, gently pushing Shana's sister's head deeper into her breastflesh. The end of her tail wagged as they suckled from her - it really did feel nice.

When Amba put them down and the human gave her a hug, Ambalika's strong arms wrapped around her as well, pulling the girl tight. "That's right! You don't have to worry now, your sister's safe. We'll protect you, okay?" She cooed. Oooh, those boobies of hers were so big! She could feel them pressing against her, all soft like. It was hard to wait, but there was still cleaning up to do, and once it was all done, she - they could enjoy themselves at their leisure. ...Still, though, she couldn't help herself. Her long tongue, hotter than many would be from her Ember heritage, snaked out, and she licked the girl on the side of her face - from jawbone all the way up to her hairline. Mmm, she of salt and exertion now, but she'd really sweat later on. Amba wondered, how would she take it? She was pretty different-looking from the human, after all... maybe she'd take it as a friendly lick like she'd get from a dog? Or, maybe she wouldn't. Maybe she'd like it? Or, maybe she wouldn't. Hmm hmm hmm.

"Thank youuuu~" said Amba as she took the demonesses' sword, setting about on digging through their dead enemies for their valuable reagents. She could make some neat stuff with them! She dug around in the foe Kindle slew for far too long before she found the shattered chunks of what she was looking. She held one of the fragments up, looking at her sister, arms all covered in the Invader's blood. "Aww! Kindle, look, you smashed this one all to pieces!" She complained, pouting. After a few moments of making sad faces, though, she eventually moved on, wiping her loaned blade - first on the grass, then on what remained of the tentacled woman's robes.

Once her spoils were tucked away in the belt she wore (rolled up like a grisly map, in the case of the skin), Amba made her away over to Fy and the sword's owner. She didn't return it just yet, though.

"Hey!" she said, starting to circle the pair. "I saw you stumble, you know. That's not good," Amba continued, continuing around them. "Are you suuuure you don't want a little drink? I mean... you don't want to be tired and drained tonight, after all, right?" Her coils pulled in slowly, drawing the pair together. "I mean... what if some more of those things jump us, and you just don't have the energy to fight 'em off?" She stopped, facing both of them, and with her upper arms, leaned forward and squished her breasts together, trying to make them look as inviting as she could. "C'mon, sis, help me out! I taste great, don't I?" She said with a wink. "Maybe you want a little bit, too?"

I thought there were 3 Duos to loot? And 3 men. And 3 of the grabbers, plus the tentacle chick. I'm so confus.
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss would listen silently as Sophia answered her question. And quite a bit more than that! She had wanted an explanation from Sophia, not the entire story of her life. The ticklish giggle had been met with a sly smile from Fyriss, but she hadn't gone further. For now at least. And as Sophia rose on unsteady legs, the Draconian would rise with her and offer some support. The mention of supplies being stashed nearby were good news to her. Sophia's way of speaking about the females made Fyriss frown a little; the demonling made it sound like she expected the Draconians to share the spoils! Only just barely able to keep her mouth shut, Fyriss looked over to Kindle; she were the oldest of the three Draconians, and Fyriss wasn't entirely sure how long she could keep up this charade of niceness.

Before she had much of a chance to convey her feelings to her older sister though, she were stumbled against, and just barely managed to keep her own footing; Fyriss were more agile than she were steadfast, but she had every intention of impressing the demonling. She would do her best in supporting Sophia. "Thats... quite a lot to take in, Sophia. Maybe some rest would be nice, to let it all sink in. I am quite curious about this 'Papa' of yours, too. And why she fled from the lair of some of our kin.", it was too much for Fyriss to take in right then and there. One thing was for certain tho, she wasn't going to let herself be dragged down to the ground, she would keep standing up with Sophia, and even were about to half-drag, half-carry, the demonling to the side for some shade, but then Ambalika intervened.

Fyriss hissed lowly, warningly, as the serpentine Draconian began to circle around Fyriss and Sophia. But given how she were supporting the demonling, there wasn't likely that she would manage to get away from the overgrown snake that were her 'little' sister. "Amba, back off, Sophia is...", Fyriss just barely managed to shut her mouth; she couldn't go and say 'Sophia is mine', now could she? It was true though, at least as far as Fyriss was concerned. Soon the lithe Draconian would find herself lightly squeezed close to Sophia, with her little sisters stupid huge, soft, and warm, breasts almost shoved into her face. Fyriss leaned back a little, hissing lowly in protest. In Ashrigaaz name, why were her sister so ridiculously endowed, and she herself were not?! She was the older of the two for Ashrigaaz' sake! "I ain't... I ain't some small hatchling anymore, Amba!", she huffed, and turned her head away from those large tits, swollen with warm, sweet, milk... She growled lowly, and did everything in her power to try and deny Ambalika, and even tried tugging Sophia back a little from her sisters bosom. But should the Demonling appear accepting of that idea, Fyriss would let the demonling do as she pleased. Reluctantly that is, while glaring angrily at Ambalika.
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Of course you aren't, my beloved big sister," Ambalika said. "Amba just thought that her big sister might want a little suckle of milk, you know? Out on the road, without our nice warm lair or even a camp to stay in, you have to indulge what little pleasures you can, don't you? Little pleasures like, mmmm, a few nostalgic mouthfuls of warm milk?" While Ambalika tried to dig into her sister Fy with her best set of innocent-looking puppy dog eyes, pushing her arms under her bust to make them look bigger, the end of her tail was wagging furiously. She loved teasing Fy, she was so easy to get a rise out of!
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

"I'd have turned her to ashes if I'd had the opportunity," Kindle replied to her sister's complaint. "I care little for these enemies or the baubles that can be harvested from them. Still, for the sake of a sister I will try not to break them in the future."

Beyond that, Kindle's line of reasoning followed much of Fyriss's own, and with every intent on taking what she believed was hers if in the end the humanoids didn't agree to pay the Draconians their due. Kindle held very little love for the concubines who had given birth to her kind, and she certainly didn't consider them as motherly figures. They had been there in the good times, but when things went south they fled and left the father of her race devastated. As far as she was concerned, they were less than even the lowest caste of the ember brood. Their only use was to either be bred by her sisters and her or to be brought back to Ashrigaaz as gifts and property for him to sire more of her kind with and hopefully heal some of his grief.

Perhaps that was why she was a bit less than diplomatic when she offered her own opinion, and she decided to ignore the teasing between her sisters and instead urge Sophia into making what she felt was the wise choice. "If we're truly going to meet with your progenitors and it is so far away then you should drink from my sister's breast along with resting. The same goes for all the conscious and wounded. I've no intentions of carrying anyone or playing protector, it's impossible to say how many enemies might be around." She turned squarely on Sophia as she continued. "Know this, however, this was not an effort of charity. I do expect that we will be recompensed for the time and danger that this little rescue required of us. If I must, I will take my compensation. Consider this fair warning."

It simply wouldn't do for her kind to risk their lives and not receive breeders or supplies for their efforts. Their numbers were not great enough. Although as much as part of her wanted to argue for her sisters taking the rescued group right then and there, she couldn't fully ignore the opportunity presented to them. At the very least, she figured they ought to meet with this demon, as in a best case scenario with a true demoness they could breed more full-blooded ember draconians. And if worst came to worst and the part demon proved dishonest, then Sophia and the other humanoids would still be a fine enough prize, and maybe even lead her parents into looking for her that Kindle's sisters could capture them and turn them into breeders as well.

Duos and Trinities only grant slime ambers. Gemini refers to singular alien-converted humanoids (like Turned in the monster sheets, and like the woman in the robe would've been, and as per the race), and they drop greyhearts. Grabbers of all sizes also drop greyhearts at 1 per and IIRC there were 3, right?

Alsoalso, loot dem unconscious human men for all they're worth, if that's not already going to happen via Ambalika's actions.

Um, beyond that, Kindle is up for resting for a short while, retrieving the supplies, and then pressing on to Sophia's home. Maybe also up for enslaving Sophia's entire family, but we'll see! >.>
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss: HP = 62, PP = 31/42, EP = 43/44, Status = fine

Ambalika: HP = 55/58, PP = 47, EP = 23/43, Status = fine

Kindle: HP = 92, PP = 44, EP = 46/72, Status = fine

Shana: Status = fine, and a little scared, but relatively alright
Jenna: Status = very exhausted, though looks to be mostly fine now
Lina: Status = very exhausted, though looks to be mostly fine now

Sophia: Status = still looks a little weak from draining, but other than that looks just fine for the most part
Kyra: Status = exhausted

Hugh: Status = Seems to be stabilized, but hard to tell
Frank: Status = Seems to be stabilized, but hard to tell
Rolan: Status = Seems to be stabilized, but hard to tell

Alright Haf, thanks on that, wasn't entirely certain which I should use there. Also the reason I only had 2 of the slime ambers and the greyhearts is because the girls kind of obliterated the enemies quite easily, so I wasn't really sure they should get loot from every one of them. Though if I'm supposed to regardless then I of course don't mind changing that to 3 of both slime ambers and greyhearts, so let me know alright if it's okay that I do it like that.

Also if they decide to take any of the equipment, it's just as specified in the descriptions below. One longsword, one maul, and one halberd for the weapons, two round light shields, two suits of chainmail, and one breastplate, though it is heavily damaged.

"She didn't flee from the lair because she wanted to, she merely did so out of necessity. The ones that attacked her lair cut the main force of your kind and the wyverns that were there off from her and a good deal of the breeders, so she did the only thing she could... flee, with as many as she could gather. They were pursued a good distance and lost a few along the way, by their pursuers as well as some of the aliens around this area further to the east and south when they passed through, that was... not long before my papa met my mother actually. My mother had also fled from the jungles with her family and some others, so they joined forces with the survivors of your people's old lair and moved onwards together for strength in numbers, where I soon came along after that," Sophia said, shrugging her shoulders as she replied to the talk about why her papa had left the old draconian lair. "You're right though I suppose, I probably should drink since we need to be moving soon. And besides... how could I say no to such a nice pair of tits as these here, especially when you're offering them to me like this," Sophia added as she leaned in and latched onto Ambalika's breast that Fyriss wasn't being held at by the snakelike draconian.

Suckling a good deal of milk from Ambalika's breast, Sophia merely listened as Kindle continued talking, pulling away when she was finished talking with a slightly hurt look at what Kindle had said. "Look, I am thankful for your help, really I am, and I am more than willing to give you something in return for your help... but you have a poor way of asking for a reward. It pays to be a little friendly to people, especially someone that's already offered you shelter and said they'd repay you somehow. But it matters not really, because I really don't want to argue about this with someone who just helped me out of a bind, and we really can't afford it at the moment, as there may be more of those things out there close by," Sophia said, heaving a heavy sigh as she turned back to Ambalika and looked up at her. "I think I've had enough now, thank you Ambalika. May I have my blade back now please? Once everyone is able to stand and walk again I suggest we get moving so my sister Kyra and I can collect the supplies that we were sent out for, then we can head on to our sanctuary and get some much needed rest, then my papa can speak with you about things," Sophia went on to say, sheathing her sword once Ambalika gave it back to her, assuming she did anyway.

Once she was let down, again assuming she was, Sophia would kneel down beside Kyra and gently stroke her hair while she waited for her to recover, leaving the draconians to sit and rest themselves and recover after the fighting, unless the trio wished to move the exhausted people into cover around the treeline that is. Ambalika and Kindle could in the meantime move around and collect everything else that they wished from their foes, and from the men as well if they wished. All the men had really was some denarii and their gear, the latter of which consisted of a maul, a longsword, and a halberd for weapons, while the armor was a pair of shields, a breastplate, and two suits of chainmail, while they had altogether a total of 60 denarii... 20 on each man. The breastplate was quite damaged, looking as if it had literally been torn off of whichever of the men had worn it, though it looked like it could be repaired if they wished it put forth the effort to do so, while the two suits of chainmail were in fairly good condition, other than a couple of spots of rust here and there.
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

No reaction from the human girl. Hm, maybe she was just too giddy from her sister being safe? Oh well.

A short while later, Ambalika huffed. "These baubles can be used to make you a fancier spear to murder them faster, sister," she replied. "Uuuuhhh... at least, I think they can, anyway. Please do try not to break them - I need them to make us fun stuff!"

Another short while later, Ambalika was quickly removing her quite bulky presence from her sister Fy and her 'demonling's vicinity. She poked the sword into the demonesses' sheath as she unwound herself, and told them to 'have fun'. Oooo, talking back to big sister Kindle - she wanted to be well out of the way when that came to bite her in the ass.

Instead, she slithered away to enjoy her little human's company - Shana. "Hello agaaaain~!" she said melodically as she approached. When she was close enough, she took the girl's hand. "I'd like to talk about payment nooow~ Tell me, have you ever been with a girl?" Ambalika asked, snake-like tongue flicking out to lick her lips. Without really waiting for an answer, she scooped Shana up, forearm under her tush, and carried her off behind a nearby tree, just big enough to hide their forms, but not far enough for them to be caught apart from the rest of the group by any enemies... nor to muffle the inevitable sounds they were going to make. "Uhh, I know you humans usually like to be choosy and play coy and stuff, but, all that magic I was doing makes me tired, and I don't get un-tired by resting, you know. I'll be gentle..."

Pulling any obstructing garments out of the way, Ambalika raised the girl and set her on her shoulders, the girl's muff straddling her face. With a quick tweak of her magic, she made her tongue change texture - made it bumpy and stimulating. She turned her head slightly, so the glassy black shard in her forehead wouldn't poke at her Shana, and nuzzled her face into her crotch, giving a little flicker of the tongue out when she reached her slit, curling up to lap at her button.

"I'll be gentle... at first. ♥"

Shapeshift up an extra instance of Whiptongue!

Apply grapple if I have to. I hope I don't.

Foreplay: 2d4+11 [2d4 + Body/4] Armor DU reduces unless shifted or whatever.
+ 4 for Oral (x2 whiptongue)
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Kindle proved less willing to let it drop than Sophia, and retorted after the part demon went silent. "Kindness will not save my race, and neither will my sisters risking their lives for charity. And you misunderstand me, I am not asking you for a reward. I am telling you that my sisters and I will be getting our due by the end of this, even if we must take it with fire and claw. This is far more than I would offer a human. Were you not a part demon and not the daughter of a former lair concubine, I wouldn't have given any warning at all," she stated it all plainly as if her were the simplest truths, no malice or even anger in her voice. To Kindle, it was simple truth. The continuation of her race came first to the headstrong spearwoman, the well-being of her sisters came second, and those same sisters' morale and happiness third; the concerns of those outside of her race might have numbered #100 on her list, if they had a place at all.

"Were you a human, you would..." her retort died off just as she was going to suggest that Sophia would already have Ember spawn in her womb as she noticed that Ambalika had slithered off. "It would seem that Ambalika has taken an interest in the fresh human," she announced with a slight tinge of jealousy that the other rescued humans weren't in a stable enough condition to sling over one of her shoulders in order to carry them off and do the same to them. "We'll have plenty of time to rest then, it appears, but when she's done I'd like to get moving as quickly as possible."

After her comment, she turned and moved to loot the unconscious men, taking their coins but leaving their battered equipment. Once that was done, she was content to merely stand and keep watch for additional enemies while Ambalika had her fun, unless one among the group or her unoccupied sister had more to say to her.
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Dammit, they still want to keep going with this much dead weight? Ambalika thought as she overheard her eldest sister. That meant she had to make sure her little humie could still walk afterwards. Laaaame.

She'd probably get stuck hauling most of them, too. She was glad she thought to feed all of them - hopefully it'd help them get back to their feet quicker, so she wouldn't have to haul around as many. She figured she was stuck with all three of the males, at the very least... a little bit of low-level magic might help her with what she did get stuck with, too. Did her tasty little morsel look like she could carry her sister? Man, she hoped she could. ...That'd probably mean draining her even less than she already could, though. Dammit!
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss snarled lowly at her sisters continued teasing, baring her sharp little fangs for a few moments like she considering biting that large, milk-swollen, juicy and soft orb being shoved into her face. But instead of doing so, she huffed loudly and turned her head away, growling lowly in defiance. As Sophia spoke of her papa and what she had done, Fyriss blinked a little in surprise, and listened curiously to the part demon. Fyriss didn't quite like the sound of a breeder deciding to up and flee from her kins side, especially not a demoness who supposedly supported them wholeheartedly. It did mean however, that the demoness was still around, and they might be able to find her, for their own purposes. Even if it was Kindle's order, watching Sophia readily drink from Ambalika's bosom made Fyriss huff in envy and jealousy of her sisters endowment.

And then Kindle and Sophia verbally butted heads with eachother. Fyriss put aside what teasing and wrongdoings Amba had just did to her, and slouched a little in the serpentine draconians embrace. Even if she might've wanted to try and keep up the act of friendliness to Sophia, if only to further her own agenda, Fyriss wasn't going to speak up against her older kin; age and experienced mattered very much, perhaps too much, in the young Draconians mind. Even if she might never openly admit it, she respected Kindle greatly on those grounds alone, and in times of trouble wouldn't think twice over looking to her older kin for guidance and leadership. As Ambalika uncoiled from around her and the demonling, Fyriss would stay by Sophia's side, and crouch down with her by Kyra's side. Without a doubt Fyriss would side with her kin if it came to a fight, but at the same time she would prefer if things didn't quite go that far.

She was, however, entirely on Kindle's side in the arguement; they had been the ones to risk their necks, they had been the ones to slay the butchers, they had been the ones to save Sophia, her precious sister, and all the others. They were by all means theirs by right of conquest. As her older kind continued to speak, Fyriss would rise a hand, and put it on Sophia's shoulder, and hold onto her. Words wasn't coming readily to Fyriss, but still she would try and speak up, to have her opinion heard. "Sophia, we saved the lives of you and your sister, we have come a long way in search of breeders and to find ourselves a lair; if your papa have told you so much, then you must know how our kind, the Ember Brood, are faring as of late, and what we are in need of.", Fyriss took a deep breath, then looked up to Kindle; she wanted to speak up to her, perhaps even argue some in favor of Sophia's cause, if only to keep the demonling calm and willing to help them, but the words wouldn't come, and Fyriss would look away, and lower her head, and speak lowly to Sophia. "Please, Sophia... Don't force Kindle's hand. And, uhm...", Fyriss cringed a little, and spoke a little louder, for Kindle to hear. "I did call dibs on you, Sophia, if it comes down to such...", the young Draconian turned her head, to look to Kindle, with only the faintest of stubborness in her amber eyes; she had called dibs, if anyone were to claim Sophia, it was to be her, even if Kindle was older and stronger than her.
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss: HP = 62, PP = 42, EP = 44, Status = fine

Ambalika: HP = 58, PP = 47, EP = 42/43, Status = fine

Kindle: HP = 92, PP = 44, EP = 72, Status = fine

NPC's stats:
Shana: Status = fine, is now a bit weakened from draining, though back to full EP if they rest, 1 EP if not
Jenna: Status = very exhausted, though looks to be mostly fine now
Lina: Status = very exhausted, though looks to be mostly fine now

Sophia: Status = still looks a little weak from draining, but other than that looks just fine for the most part
Kyra: Status = exhausted

Hugh: Status = Seems to be stabilized, but hard to tell
Frank: Status = Seems to be stabilized, but hard to tell
Rolan: Status = Seems to be stabilized, but hard to tell

[Ambalika doesn't have to do a grapple really because Shana wasn't resisting, just scared. 5 + 11 + 4 = 20 PP dmg to Shana making her cum, and Ambalika drains a total of 20 EP for causing Shana to orgasm, which takes her to 1 EP because Ambalika is stopping herself from taking every last drop.]

"(Sigh)... look, I'm not trying to make enemies of you girls, really I'm not, mainly as you most likely saved my life there, unless I'd gotten very lucky and managed to turn the tables on that bitch over there at least," Sophia began saying with a look of apology when Kindle was done talking, bowing her head slightly in apology, then the young part demon sighed again and looked down at her feet a little sadly as she finished talking, as if she wanted to say something else, but didn't, then she shook her head a little and looked back up. "And I'm not trying to sound ungrateful and I apologize if I do sound as such, but If I'm to bear one of your children as thanks or in return for helping me though, I'd prefer to do it of my own free will and not be... well, not be raped and forced into it, because I've had enough rape for one lifetime. Anyway though, please forgive me if I offended or angered you, I acknowledge that you helped us out of a bind, and yes I am going to give you payment for doing so, make no mistake about that, I pay my debts. But we should hurry up and get back to my home where it's safe before we do that I think, it's too open out here," Sophia went on to say, pausing and shuddering slightly when saying that she'd rather not be raped again. Once she was done speaking again Sophia eyed Ambalika curiously as she went to have fun with the human girl Shana, where she shrugged her shoulders at Ambalika's mention of needing to recover her energies, though she did seem a bit concerned about something, likely that they would be attacked while they waited for Ambalika to finish up with her fun and recovery.

As she sat there with Fyriss whilst her sister recovered, Sophia looked around with a watchful eye to make sure nothing else was coming towards them. After a minute or so, Kyra was able to recover enough to raise up from where she lay. Fyriss and Kindle would see after Kyra had gotten herself raised up that she had rather large breasts, the jiggly things looking to easily be DD-cups. "Whew... I'm alright now I think sis, don't worry about me alright. Just help me get dried off some so I can get my armor back on at least, in case more of those things come a knocking," Kyra said to Sophia, who immediately began helping her sister to clean herself off some and gesturing at Fyriss to see if she minded helping her with the cleaning since they apparently had the time to do so, where she afterwards got up and collected the equipment that she'd started for before when she fell against Fyriss from how weak she was. Sophia grabbed a short spear, a couple of javelins, and a longsword much like her own, as well as a shield and a suit of chainmail fit for a lithe elf such as Kyra, who was still quite pretty despite the small splotches of dried cum on her cheeks and lower body until they cleaned her up.

With Sophia's and Fyriss's help if she wished to provide it, Kyra got into her chainmail and fixed her swordbelt back around her and her carrying holster for the couple of javelins she had left, then she fixed her kite shield around behind her so she could sling it around at a moments notice to protect herself. Sophia got back up herself and ready to move out too as soon as Ambalika was through with regaining her energy from Shana. Sophia walked over to where the remnants of some robes were laying near where she'd been laying while being raped. She heaved a sigh and picked up the tatters of the robes and looked a little let down. "Damn, now I'll have to get some new ones again," Sophia said softly, shaking her head a bit as she brought the remnants of the robes over to where Fyriss was sitting. "Go figure, my best robes gone now. Hope you don't mind staring at my ass the whole way back," Sophia said, turning around and giving a sexy shake of her butt at Fyriss as she looked over her shoulder at her.

Meanwhile over by Ambalika, when the snake woman said what she did to Shana, who was still tending to her sister, the human girl looked up at her with a confused look on her face. "H-Huh... what do you mean have I ever been with a g-eeek! P-Put me d-down. I have to make sure Jenna's alright," Shana began saying as she was hoisted up and carried off behind a tree by Ambalika. Shana didn't really put up a fight per se, but her legs were kicking cutely as she was carried off, the human girl reaching out for her sister.

When Ambalika said to Shana not to worry that she'd be gentle and whatnot, Shana's face grew worried for about 5 seconds as Ambalika finished talking. "W-What do you mean you'll be gentle... ahhhhhh," Shana began asking, her sentence trailing off with a pleasurably sigh as Ambalika would see what little of a skirt she had left on her falling upwards to reveal her crotch as she leaned back when Ambalike's tongue began exploring Shana's nethers.

Ambalika would notice that while Shana wasn't struggling to get free, her legs were flailing around a little bit, making her slightly difficult to hold onto in the position she had her in at least. As the snake draconian's long whip like tongue licked Shana's nethers all over time and again, she would feel her pussy getting more and more moist as she licked until she was sopping wet. It took her less than two minutes to bring Shana to a shuddering climax where her legs wrapped around Ambalika's head and squeezed a bit, possibly causing her some discomfort as she let out a lewd squeal as she came, her juices flowing out and into Ambalika's mouth. The others sat around really and waited for them to get done, with Shana's sister having dozed off along with the lavender skinned night elf Lina, so at least Shana's sister didn't have to witness or listen to her sister's moans from behind the nearby tree.

"Wow, that was fast, I didn't expect that," Sophia said with a little giggle as Shana's moan of climax rang through the clearing.

Once Ambalika was done and carried Shana back out from behind the tree, unless she waited long enough for her to recover so she could walk under her own power that is, in which case she would walk back around with her, the human girl's cheeks rosy red in embarrassment at what had just happened as she stumbled out behind Amblika, a hand on her back for support, but all in all she looked alright, but a little wobbly and embarrassed. Kyra was rousing Jenna and Lina from their doze as the two came out from behind the tree, and the two looked a little weak still, but otherwise able to walk, though they may need to carry them later on as they walked. The men they would see were obviously not going to be waking up any time soon most likely from the looks of it, but they could attempt to wake them if they wished, or they could head on out now instead and leave them on their own with their gear.
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Jen-Jen will be fiiiiiine," Amba said as she hauled Shana away. She wasn't struggling, at least! Though, that might've been fun... At any rate, those kicks were way too feeble to count as actual struggles. When she started, she got to feel the human's legs twitch as she played with her, which was always gratifying. She didn't last very long against Amba's practiced tongue, and when she sensed the human nearing her peak, Ambalika finished her off by burying her long tongue in her slit, feeling around for that sensitive little spot she knew was in there. When she found it, she teased it by swirling her split-ended tongue around it. At the same time, Ambalika's long tongue had enough slack to stroke Shana's sensitive clit - the sensations caused by the rough surface magnified by her oncoming orgasm. The Draconian relished the feeling of her thighs squeezing around her head as Shana peaked, knowing it was her girl trying to bury Amba's face deeper inside her so she could make her feel even better. Though Shana's thighs were around her ears, she still heard the muffled cry, and and felt her legs tensing with the rest of her shuddering body, while girlcum splattered out all over her face, mouth and throat, continuing her tongue's assault as Shana rode her orgasm out. She drank it all in - her cum, her energy, her sound, that feeling she got when she brought someone over the edge - and felt the edges of her mouth turn up in a grin.

She felt the girl's consciousness wavering as she siphoned off her energies. Hard as it was, Amba stopped, leaving her with juuust enough to keep awake - she needed her to keep up with them as they continued on, after all. When Shana finally came down, Amba reluctantly pulled away - she wanted to make her scream out like that until she couldn't anymore, but... well, she did need her fit to walk. Gently, she pulled her off her shoulders and lowered her until she was resting on her coils, arranged to support the girl comfortably. Gazing down at the panting girl, Ambalika couldn't help herself - she bent down, and, cupping Shana's head in her hands, flicked her tongue out again, this time tasting Shana's other pair of lips. Amba lowered herself down she was barely an inch away... and dove down, hungrily exploring Shana's mouth. Her tongue boldly ran itself all around whatever it could reach, twining and sliding messily with Shana's as she tried to slake her lusts with but a kiss...

Quite a few minutes later, when Ambalika had finished with Shana and allowed the girl to regain her breath, the pair re-emerged from behind their tree. Amba, who looked quite pleased with herself, was sporting a big grin, and was swaying her hips side to side as she slithered out.

Spotting her sister Fy and her 'demonling', her grin spread. "You know, Sophie... I still have a little room left... would you care to help me recharge, as well?" She asked sweetly, fluttering her eyelashes. Sophia probably wouldn't notice, but Amba was really looking past her, at her sister, Fy. She did so like to tease her. Still half-drunk on giddiness from her fun, she even slithered up to big sis Kindle, giving her the coyest look she could muster up. "Or how about you, big sister?" she asked. "You seem awfully tense... maybe I could help you with that~?"
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

The ember draconian raised an eyebrow as Sophia spoke of rape and being forced to bear offspring. Had she been just any human then perhaps she might've been correct. While in kinder and better times for the Ember Brood the stern spearwoman had been perfectly willing to offer rescued and defeated prospective breeders the "choice" of either accepting her kind's protection and shelter in return for use of their bodies to sire more kin or rejecting and being stripped for equipment and left to wander the harsh jungles alone, recent circumstances had made even offering that choice too costly for her race for the draconian to even consider. But the part demon didn't seem aware of just how much diplomatic leniency Kindle was willing to offer if her words were true and she was the daughter of a loyal lair concubine. Not that she opened her mouth to correct Sophia either, maybe it was best if the half demon believed there was a threat in not complying.

She subsequently did nothing to help the group out as they armored and dressed themselves, instead keeping watch as they did so. She avoided ending up in their conversations as well. Allowing them to get armored and geared up at all was as much politeness as she could muster for the time being.

When Ambalika returned from the bushes, however, Kindle could feel her cock stirring within the confines of her armor again at the knowledge of what had just transpired between the human and her sister. She tried to wave off her arousal and ignore it as after effects of the aphrodisiac slime so common among the invaders, but even she couldn't help but notice the sway in the more serpent-like draconian's hips. In contrast to the stirring warmth in her groin, however, the look Kindle shot her sister at her approach and suggestion was cold and stern. "Do not make such offers lightly, sister, or you'll find yourself carrying more weight in our travels," she replied plainly.
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss frowned slightly as Sophia spoke, of how she 'might've gotten lucky', and how that somehow could've changed things for her, and how she wasn't trying to sound ungrateful... well, she wasn't doing a good job at showing gratitude either, in the young Draconian's opinion anyhow. "Even if you had managed to overpower that one butcher, the others would've aided in subduing you. Had we not showed up, you'd be carrying their children, whether you were willing or not.", Fyriss huffed slightly, but wouldn't go ranting further, listening as Sophia continued to speak. "Showing us a safe place to sleep at, introducing us to your Papa, and bringing us to the other breeders, is gratitude enough to me for now. As for bearing me a child...", Fyriss smiled slyly, hissing quietly in anticipation at that thought, and her demeanor would soften slightly as she did so. "We'll get to that, eventually; I'd also prefer if you did so willingly. More fun for the both of us, no?", Fyriss certainly wanted to savor her prize, but she wanted to do so under more ideal circumstances, even if it meant she'd have to wait a while for Sophia to feel ready... Hopefully that wouldn't take too long.

Fyriss would unashamedly eye Kyra's body as the Night Elf recovered, although the sight of those nice, large, breasts of hers made her both lick her lips hungrily and glare with envy at those generously sized orbs. When she were silently asked if she'd want to help with cleaning Sophia's sister up, Fyriss grimaced slightly, and she would reluctantly agree to do so once grabbing a small piece of cloth; whatever was available, or some from her own attire if absolutely necessary. Then she'd get to work wiping the butcher's filth off from Kyra's body with firm and broad strokes. Once that was done though, Fyriss felt herself leaned against by the weakend demonling, and grunted lowly in protest, as she helped Sophia back on her feet; she wasn't some pedestal to lean against at every opportunity... But it did make her feel needed in a way, which more than enough made up for it in her opinion.

Fyriss wasn't going to help Kyra get geared up, but she would hold the Night Elf's equipment if asked of her by Sophia, and would trail after the demonling as she searched for what appeared to have been her former clothes, now little more than shreds, and while she merely nodded at first at the loss of Sophia's clothes, she grinned amusedly at the comment and view of the demonling's rear. Unable to help herself, Fyriss would reach her hands forward, to lightly grope the presented ass. "Sss... With a cute, perky, rear like that? I won't mind, Sophia, not one bit.", whether she had gone a little too far or not, the Draconian wouldn't care; it would've been a waste not to make the most of such an opportunity. And hey, Sophia had pretty much asked for it, the way she acted, so how could Fyriss be blamed for her actions?

While Ambalika was off enjoying herself though, and the noises that came from Shana because of it, it made Fyriss growl quietly in jealousy; she was getting to have her fun, but Fyriss would have to wait to get hers. Unlike her older kin, Kindle, Fyriss wasn't trying to be subtle about her jealousy, and would huff audibly once Shana's climax came for all to hear. The young Draconian would impatiently pace about as Ambalika was taking her sweet time getting back to them, her eyes, ears and nose at full alert in the case of more adversaries tried to approach.

The moment Ambalika returned however, and uttered those few sentences, was enough to send Fyriss racing over to Sophia's side, to put herself between HER demonling and her gluttonous sister, growling fiercely and threateningly at her younger sister, how DARED she try and get some fun out of HER Sophia?! "She's MINE, Ambalika, stay away from her, you hear me?! Once she's ready, I will be the one to have fun with her! You've already had yours, don't try and take mine from me!", Fyriss was seething; nothing and no one quite got under her skin like her aloof and carefree sister's teasing! And then Ambalika asked if Fyriss herself was in need of relief. She was about to blow up with anger, to rant and shout at Ambalika at how she'd GLADLY indulge her right then and there, how she'd HAPPILY show her younger sister her place... But Kindle had stepped in, and that was enough for Fyriss to keep her mouth shut; the last one she wanted to argue against was her older kin, but that didn't dwindle the young Draconian's frustration at her serpentine sister's words. She stomped the ground and huffed, and would be happy to just get going. There was one thing tho...

Looking to Kindle, and still with a hot temper from being riled up by Ambalika, Fyriss would speak bluntly. "What do we do with the males, Kindle? We can't just leave them here; the butchers would surely find them and claim them if we did, so if we can't wake them up and they can't walk on their own...", Fyriss looked over to the men, and snarled quietly. "We'll just have to make sure the butchers CAN'T claim them, right?"
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Ambalika grinned impishly, tail twitching side-to-side. She would have to try harder to get a rise out of her big sister, as usual, but Fy never failed to disappoint her... though, her response had been a little bit more vehement than Amba had been expecting. Recoiling in mock terror from her middle-sibling, she shook her hands in front of her as she backpedaled.

When it came to the subject of what to do with the men, though, Amba was quick to intercede, putting her bulk in between them and her sisters. "Hey, hey, hey. Who's gonna do all the work around the Lair, whenever we actually find a place to make one, huh? No being picky!"

Without another word, Ambalika's closed her eyes, her horn glowing orange again. Three flames sprang up on the ground, drawing wide circles of fire - when all three had completed themselves, the fiery rings flared up - and when the unnatural fires died down again, a red lizard waited where each ring had been.

"Okay!" Ambalika said cheerfully, clapping her hands together. "I need you guys to carry these three palookas for me. And no burning them! Got it?" she said. She could probably carry one herself... two, maybe, even! - buuut, she'd already summoned those serpents anyway, so why bother?

Unceremoniously dumping each man on top of a salamander's back, she lashed them into place with any rope, if the area seemed to have any, or vines, if the nearby trees conveniently sported any. If not... well, she supposed she'd have to keep a hand on them as they traveled, so they wouldn't fall off. They were probably already going to be dragging bits of themselves along as they moved - that was gonna suck for them when they woke up - but whatever! Nothing a little breastfeeding wouldn't fix!


Summon 3 Salamanders. It's a Level 2 Fire spell.

Because of BONUSES They have 14 Body per level, for 28 Body, plus Exceptional, which I want to go all into Body as well, for 36 body. Prooobably enough to packhorse some nerds around, right?

They cost 6 EP total.
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss: HP = 62, PP = 42, EP = 44, Status = fine

Ambalika: HP = 58, PP = 47, EP = 36/43, Status = fine

Kindle: HP = 92, PP = 44, EP = 72, Status = fine

Salamander 1: HP = 66, status: fine (body: 36)
Salamander 2: HP = 66, status: fine (body: 36)
Salamander 3: HP = 66, status: fine (body: 36)

Shana: Status = fine, is now a bit weakened from draining, though otherwise alright
Jenna: Status = quite exhausted, though looks to be mostly fine now and able to walk
Lina: Status = quite exhausted, though looks to be mostly fine now and able to walk

Sophia: HP = 52, PP = 65, EP = 46, status = fine
Kyra: HP = 46, PP = 36, EP = 34, status = fine

Hugh: Status = unconscious
Frank: Status = unconscious
Rolan: Status = unconscious

[Base Casting - success. Ambalika uses 6 EP to summon 3 salamanders that all have 36 Body.]

Unable to really do anything save accept the sloppy kiss the snake draconian gave her, Shana simply lay there and let Ambalika kiss her as long as she wanted, panting like mad for a minute or two before she caught her breath. Walking along beside Ambalika on slightly unsteady feet, Shana went back over to her sister and sat down for a moment, the tatters of her clothes falling back down to cover her for the most part now. Her sister had been raised up by Kyra at this point and when Shana sat down beside her, Jenna threw her arms around her. "Oh gods sis, I was so scared they'd got you too. And that I'd never get to see you again," Jenna said as she hugged her sister, tears streaming down her cheeks at the ordeal she'd just been through. Kyra was helping the other night elf Lina out herself, wiping her off a little with the cloth that was used on her.

"I thank you for the aid, would have ended badly for us had you not shown up I think... well at least for me anyway, as I was grabbed first," Lina said in a slightly weak voice as she looked over at Fyriss and Kindle, nodding her head to them in thanks as Kyra cleaned her off.

Sophia jumped a little bit at Fyriss's butt grope, giggling a little bit afterward as they awaited Fyriss's sister to come back with Shana. Then, when Ambalika did come back and said what she did to Fyriss and Fyriss nearly exploded with anger at her younger sister's words and behavior, Sophia looked between the two as Fyriss stepped in front of her as if to protect her from Ambalika's clutches, a slightly concerned look on her face. Sophia gently put a hand on Fyriss's shoulder as Kindle stepped in and spoke herself, trying to help calm Fyriss down some if she could. If Fyriss looked over her shoulder at Sophia she'd see her smiling back at her a little. "Nobody's ever come to my defense like that really in such a fiery manner. I feel honored that you'd do such a thing after my disrespectful words earlier Fyriss. It seems I owe you twice now," Sophia said to Fyriss, sounding a little intrigued and a little happy and proud almost that Fyriss had risen so quickly to her defense, despite it being simply because of Ambalika's jest. Sophia then leaned in and kissed Fyriss on the cheek and boldly took her hands and lay them upon her quite large yet still fairly perky F-cup breasts. "Just an appetizer for now I'm afraid, but it's the best I can do on short notice, so I hope you'll forgive me. Go ahead and take your fill while you can in case we don't have any chances before we get back to my home. I hope they're big enough to your liking," Sophia went on to say to Fyriss, letting her grope her breasts as much as she liked while Ambalika prepared her spell, her nipples becoming hard slightly underneath Fyriss's hands as she winked at her.

When Ambalika summoned her salamanders up, they did as ordered by her, which was made a little easier by her getting some of the rope from her pack and tying them onto the summoned beasts so they didn't fall off. In the end, Ambalika managed to get the three men tied down well enough so that only their legs were dragging the ground, which was good most likely for them as their legs would get all scratched up in the process of their travels. Shana in the meantime was still chatting quietly with her sister Jenna while Ambalika did that, the two still looking a little scared as Kyra moved over to help clean Jenna off as much a she could. After that, everyone seemed ready to go whenever the draconians were ready to do so, with Sophia fixing her swordbelt over her shoulder so she could sling her blade out at a moment's notice.

"I think everyone's ready to go you three, if you all are too that is. We can stop along the way and pick up the supplies we hid, out packs are just up the road a ways. We kind of have to stop and get them really, because they have lots of food in them and our sanctuary needs as much as it can get," Sophia said when it seemed everyone was ready to leave, mentioning the supplies that she and Kyra had stashed before coming here.

"Um... excuse me friends... what is to be done with us exactly if I might ask? Will we be protected if we remain with you? B-Because those men failed to do so for us, and you destroyed those things... quite easily. I feel... much safer with you all than with them honestly. If you'd like, you can t-take the money we gave those three as payment to escort us," Jenna asked the draconians when Kyra helped her and her sister to their feet to get ready to leave, sounding as polite as she could and a little unsure of what would happen to her and her sister now.
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

The fingers of Kindle's left hand moved to massage her temple as things progressed. Between human sensibilities and her sisters teasing each other, the spearwoman was beginning to get a headache. She couldn't help but begin to wonder if it wouldn't have been easier just to keep the one named Shana and take turns with her rather than enact this rescue. On the bright side, Ambalika had figured out a way to bring the males along with them and Fyriss's time spent testing her manual dexterity on Sophia's nipples might at least calm the hotheaded draconian down, though the latter also served as another reminder to Kindle just how long it'd been since she last provided a new son or daughter for her race and in turn frustrated her further.

That frustration was evident in her voice as she replied. "We have already liberated the males of their coin, but it is of little use to us. Still, if you remain with us, stay out of the fray, and don't wander off then you'll have our protection, at least as far as this sanctuary," she stated. Her wondering whether it would've been easier to simply keep Shana and not bother with the rescue turned to wondering if it wouldn't be best to just offer this group the choice between becoming concubines and making their own way back to the sanctuary right then and there. Maybe she could even simply suggest that Ambalika begin to sway the group into remaining with her kin as only her serpentine sister could. Still, the latter would probably only instigate further trouble between her two sisters and both ideas would remove the chance of meeting Sophia's demonic 'papa', so Kindle dismissed her plans.

"I am ready to move," she added after the fact. When the rest of the group was ready to go, she would go with them. She assumed Sophia would take the lead given that the half demon probably knew their destination best and would allow as much to happen without protest.
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss felt more than a little good about herself, as she had accertained her younger kins knowledge in just who the demonling belonged to. Or so the hot-headed Draconian thought at least. As her shoulder felt a hand placed upon it, she turned her body slightly, and her head the rest to look at Sophia; the demonling could see the fiery gleam clearly in Fyriss eyes, as she was far from calmed down just yet, even despite the gratefulness Sophia expressed. "I ain't going to let Ambalika near what I've claimed for myself, Sophia, or anyone else for that matter.", her words were blunt, and there was still irritation to her, and while the kiss on her cheek alleviated it somewhat the Demonling's attempt to steer her hands did not. It did the opposite, as Fyriss quite stubbornly kept her claws off of those soft, big, orbs; violently pulling them away if she had to. Fyriss eyes flared up again as Sophia spoke of an appetizer, and the Draconian stepped back, away, a little from the demonling. "I do not want an appetizer, Sophia! I want ALL of you, for as long as I desire! And this is neither the time nor the place for such things either!", Fyriss snarled lowly, and practically brimmed with frustration and restlessness. "I will have my fun once you're ready for me, as I've already said. Until then I want no 'appetizer', no teases, no half-efforts!", Fyriss then huffed, as if Sophia had insulted her with such a half-willed effort to please her.

Fyriss wouldn't make a fuss about Ambalika's arguement to drag the males along, the temperamental Draconian would've prefered to drag them along rather than leaving them, and as much as her younger kin riled her up so often she wouldn't deny her resourcefulness. Being able to summon beasts of burden like that would certainly come in handy in the future aswell. Fyriss for one was eager to get going, if mostly so that she could let off some steam by walking, and as soon as Sophia wondered if the Draconians were ready she'd speak up. "I'm ready to get going, lets grab the supplies and be off." Fyriss would urge Sophia and Kyra to lead the way, and would trail closely behind them while keeping her senses alert and attentive of their surroundings; she wanted no surprises along the way if she could help it. As for the other females, as much as she had wanted to snap at them and remind them of their new place in life as the Draconians breeders, she helt her tongue. She had spoken enough harsh words as it were, and would let Kindle handle them. By her father's name, she were longing for when she could have her fun with Sophia, and just push the rest of the world away for an hour or two. Stupid, large, juicy demonling tits tantalizing her so... Why didn't Fyriss herself have breasts like that?!
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Ambalika's eyes twinkled when she heard Sophia talking to Fy. Just as planned! ...Maybe not in reality, but Ambalika was good at convincing herself of things. The twinkle quickly turned into a roll when Fy yelled at Sophie instead of groping her like she should have done, but she supposed that'd make for some sexual tension, which would make it all the better when they finally unwound. Hmmm... maybe she should try to piss Fy off just before they actually got to it later. Back home, she loved getting Fy super mad and then letting her tear her up with some hot, hard, angrysex cunt-pounding. Sophie would love it!


Then there was big sis Kindle. She was always, like, super dour all the time... Amba really needed to get her something to stick it into, too. Since she was the only one of them all to have actually been there when everything bad happened and the Embers were almost snuffed, their mission - creating a new Lair and killing their Great Enemy - was way more serious and personal for her than it was for Fy and Amba herself... or, well, more serious and personal than Amba herself took it, at the very least. Ambalika just wanted someplace nice and safe where she and her sisters could live, peaceful-like, without wanting for anything - someplace where her sisters could relax and lighten up, some.

Back to the issue at hand, though... if there was anyone Kindy wanted more than anyone right now, it was probably gonna be Sophie's mama... or papa, or whatever. So if they were gonna get that for her, their course of action was clear, wasn't it?

"I'm good too! Let's bounce!" she cried out, swinging her arms in place restlessly. She wasn't really sure where she'd heard that phrase, but after learning it meant 'let's go', she liked to use it just to give herself an opportunity to jiggle her titties around Fy. Just because she wanted her sister to stop being mad all the time, didn't make it any less fun to tease her, after all!

While on the road, Amba tried to slither around the back of the group... though, not long into the journey and before they'd gotten very far, she couldn't hold herself back any longer, and slithered up alongside the Night Elf girl they'd rescued... Kyra, was her name? She had the biggest out of their little train of rescuees, right? There, she spent a few minutes comparing chest sizes, wondering if she wasn't going to be the bustiest around now.
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