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Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Fyriss: HP = 62, PP = 42, EP = 44, Status = fine

Ambalika: HP = 58, PP = 47, EP = 43, Status = good

Kindle: HP = 92, PP = 44, EP = 72, Status = alright

I do hope that was a decent enough start for you guys, as that was the best I could come up with for what little you gave me in the way of an exact starting place. On the map, I'd say you three are somewhere around directly east or maybe east north east of Acheron city, so like right between Acheron and Glassmoor, give or take. At least that's where I'm assuming you all wanted to be anyway. Let me know

Leaving their old home/lair deep in the Pfithirian jungles of the Amazon, the three ember draconians had made their way through the harsh and unforgiving landscapes of the jungles to the borders between there and Badaria. The three had left their old home/lair with intent on beginning anew and starting their own lair, where they meant to recreate their race and make it the way that it once was... before the alien attack a couple of years before. The girls had left, ready to face the trials of the world and with the blessings of what remained of their people there, who all wished them the best of luck and gave them the promise that they would one day see each other again when the girls had managed to find a place for their new lair and make it a formidable place with many breeders with which to remake their race.

With the hopes and blessings of their people to make them what they once were and to hopefully bring them to greener pastures and away from the harsh jungles of the far south, the girls entered the new land before them and found it much different than they were used to. For they had been used to seeing the jungle all around them almost constantly, yet this new place, though strange as it was, it was quite inviting to them almost. It was cooler than the jungles they were so used to, but not so cool that they wouldn't be able to handle it easily. It looked like it would prove to be a good land to look for a place to make a new lair in.

A day into the new lands of Badaria as they had found out from signs and whatnot along the roads they'd been following, the girls soon came to an area in the southeastern corner of Badaria where it and the Pfithirian jungles met one another that had a fork in the road they had been following since the edges of the jungle where they had found an old abandoned village where the houses were half burnt to the ground and scattered about they had found long since dead corpses that were mostly nothing but skeletons at this point, indicating that this village had been raided by someone or something at least a year or more ago.

As they stood here at the fork and likely debated which way to go, with Ambalika's tentacles wriggling about most likely as she slithered along, while Fyriss's and Kindle's whipped about behind them, they could see to the right there was forest not too far ahead of them about maybe a couple of miles or so, not a very thick forest mind you, but it would provide ample cover against anything from the air if anything flew over and it may provide a cave of some sort or something else entirely to give them shelter for the night. To the left though was only the open road that seemed to stretch on for miles and miles with no end in sight as it went over rolling hills and vast plains and grasslands.

Between the split in the road was a sign that told them the left road would eventually lead them to Acheron by way of a few small towns and villages while the right path had its final destination scratched out, but they could make out the letters 'Ne' on the sign where it pointed to the right. Also in the distance to the north they could make out stormclouds coming towards their position, so they had likely better make their choice of which way to go quickly so they could find some cover maybe. The sun however was still high in the sky though, and looking up they'd see it was just about right at noon, maybe a bit before noon.
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

"It's cooooold. My tail is tiiiiirrreeed. Are we there yeeeeeeeet?"

Ambalika whined mostly to keep herself entertained. Where ever they were going was fucking far away! She didn't know going off to start a new clutch was going to involve so much slithering!

Though, really, the further away they were from their home clutch, the less they'd have to worry about overcrowding, so I guess being really far away was okay too.

Arriving at a crossroad offered the opportunity to think that the long days of slithering had not. Pondering their situation hard, Am slithered up to the sign, and then poked the one pointing towards the forest.

"I don't know where 'Ne' is but the name is shorter than the other one so that probably means it's closer and we should go that-a-way." The Draconian blunk, and put her finger on her chin, thinking. "Also the trees mean those tentacle things will probably have a harder time finding us. And if some other humies got the same idea and started living around there or something, maybe we can find a few to take with us~?"
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

"No," the scale armor clad draconian didn't fail to answer to each and every inquiry about whether or not they had reached their destination yet. The dour woman didn't so much lack humor as much as her sense of humor had died due to malnourishment. But stubbornness filled the resulting gap, and it had served her well. It was supernatural in its own right, to hear some say it.

It was that stubbornness that allowed her to deny to herself that her legs were becoming tired from the days of walking, that her armor was getting heavier on her the longer they traveled, and that her desires for base needs like food, water, and sleep were beginning to become noticeable. Kindle blamed the cold instead. The temperature of Badaria was strange and downright wrong, she decided. It was foreign thing that no Ember Draconian ought to be exposed to all at once. That must have been what was making her slower, despite that the interior of her armor was every bit as hot as a furnace.

But she had pushed on, her dragonglass -- a fitting name, by her thinking -- lugged spear propped on her shoulder. The discovery of the ruins only cemented her decision to keep her weapon at the ready, not that she could really sling it on her armor in any way. She felt no pity for whatever had lived in the burnt out buildings, but they were a silent reminder of the aliens who had ravaged her own race.

And it was a reminder that persisted even when they reached the crossroads, which was why she was quick to agree Ambalika's suggestion, although only after questioning her initial comment. "Is that truly how mortals label things? They're even stranger than I believed... Regardless, it sounds a wise course of action. The trees might shelter us from the elements, and the enemy, and all the better if we can find breeding stock and a proper lair to keep them in." And if we do find a lair the first thing I'll do is light a dragonfire to ward off this wretched weather.
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss hissed annoyedly in response to Ambalika's whining, and after Kindle had spoken, she followed up. "We don't even know where we're going to end up, sister, quit whining.", she scowled, and lightly hugged herself. The weather was far from ideal, despite the sun shining from above them. Even the Jungles hadn't quite been hot enough to satisfy her.

Fyriss shared part of Kindles' stubborness, for while her feet ached and her belly groaned for sustenance, she wasn't going to slow down yet. Not until she could find some shelter, maybe even a bit of food. The long since burnt and abandoned village didn't offer much hope for the latter, but perhaps the former. As the Draconians came upon the sign, she'd stare at it blankly. She couldn't read. She had never bothered to learn such things from her demon mothers, why would she need such knowledge? How would it help her chase down, beat up, and savor her prey?

As Ambalika and Kindle made up their minds over which direction to head towards, Fyriss warily eyed the approaching dark clouds, and growled quietly. "Shelter sounds good. A place to hunt for food sounds even better.", she hissed quietly, thoughtfully, and grinned a little at her sisters musings regarding breeding. "Food and shelter first, sisters. And if we don't have any luck finding females to breed... Well, I guess some of us won't be of much use for hunting food.", she coo'd the words out, a taunting tone to them, and turned towards the forest, and started walking. "We better get going. I do not like the look of those clouds.", she hissed quietly, and again looked warily towards the approaching storm.

Fyriss wasn't one to shy away from being bred, but she wasn't quite as enthusiastic about it as her older sibling, Ashraani, was regarding such things. She had no qualms about having sex with her siblings, be it for the simple pleasure and warmth of it, or for breeding, but at the same time it would be for the better if they remained unburdened by the latter, leaving such things to captured playthings.
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss: HP = 62, PP = 42, EP = 44, Status = alright, likely a little cold

Ambalika: HP = 58, PP = 47, EP = 43, Status = fine, likely a little cold

Kindle: HP = 92, PP = 44, EP = 72, Status = good, likely a little cold

After making their combined decision of moving into the forest for shelter from the storm, as well as for the prospect of some food, the ember draconian girls moved onwards towards the forest and the storm coming at them. About half an hour or so later, the girls had made it to the edge of the forest just as the rain began coming down on them, a bit of steam hissing up from the ember draconians skin when it started hitting them. The beginning of the forest really gave little in the way of cover from the rain, so they had to deal with that for just a few minutes before they started getting into the thicker tree coverage that provided partial shelter from the rain.

A ways inside the forest though along the road, they saw another split in it where it went down a little dirt trail towards a hill covered in trees that looked to have another trail or two further up but it was hard to tell exactly, while the main road continued onwards in the same direction they'd been going, though up ahead it looked to curve a little bit. The storm for what it was worth was apparently only a rainstorm with a bit of wind and not a full thunderstorm thankfully, or else they'd have to deal with that as well, but then again they had lived in the jungles of the south so they were probably used to thunderstorms. The wind wasn't blowing very hard, but that mixed with the rain was making it a bit cool on them, likely a little more than they would like, so it might be a good idea to look for a shelter of some sort to last out the storm.

It looked like the three would have to wait on looking around for some humans or whatnot to breed, at least until the rainstorm was over with... unless they didn't mind trudging around in the rain that is to look for any sort of villages or camps that were nearby.

[perception: passed by Kindle]

While they debated on which way to go again, Kindle noticed what seemed to be the remnants of a camp on the side of the road at the little crossroads leading up the trail to the hill, as there was burnt wood there underneath a tree where the rain wouldn't be on it hardly any at all, as well as what looked like where a tent had been set up, and there was also a small pile of firewood that had been gathered by someone and it was dry enough she could tell to start them a fire and keep it going for a little while if they wished. The whole little campsite looked fairly recent, but it was hard to tell just how recent it was really, but it looked like they could use the place to perhaps wait out the rain if they wanted, as the clouds looked like they broke not too far off to the north and brought the sun out again, possible an hour or so.
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

The spearwoman wasn't of a mind to dissent at Fyriss's own addition to the conversation, and so instead she maintained a stony silence. As soon as the other two were ready to continue, she did just that, preferring to be out of the coming storm as soon as possible.

Which turned out to be a good thing, as rain began to pelt her armor just as they reached the edge of the forest. As much as she hated the cold and wet, and the difficult task of maintaining her gear to ensure that no rust or damage was caused by such downpours, at least it was a discomfort she was well familiar with, and since she was familiar with it she was certain that she could endure it. The steaming and sizzling as water touched her metal armor even reminded her of their home in a way, and reminded her of why they had ventured out to a place with such an accursed biome.

And indeed, there was some new hope for the success of their mission as she spotted an abandoned camp. "Hold, sisters," she motioned for the other two to stop as she spoke. "An empty campsite," she pointed it out for their benefit. "But recent. Shall we take advantage of the firewood and shelter? We might even be so lucky as to have the camp's previous inhabitant or an unwary traveler pass by, as we can hardly hunt for food, shelter, or anything else in this weather."
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Yes, yes we should," Ambalika replied, immediately slithering over. "I would say we should try and set a trap, but that's really never worked out before anyway, so we might as well not bother."

A quick wiggle of her fingers would set the leftover campfire ablaze, which Ambalika would quickly flop down next to. Shortly thereafter, once she'd enjoyed the feeling of laying down and stretching out, Ambalika opened her eyes, an idea forming in her head. The scaly snake-woman flopped over on her back, splayed out as best she could, and then set her bag of denarii on top of her tummy.

"These things are valuable, right? Well, maybe if I do this, someone will come out to try and snatch it?"

She'd sooorta looted them off some guy anyway - if someone somehow managed to loot it, well, easy come, easy go, no?

Her tentacles were withdrawn into their places along where her human 'waist' would be. They usually were, in fact - unless she was using them, she generally liked to have them neatly pulled in, just like the rest of her various bits. They got a little tiresome to keep waving around, after all, and if she didn't keep them wiggly and suspended in the air they'd probably just droop and drag across the ground, and that was neither pleasant nor sanitary.
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss hissed seethingly, just as her body did, as the rain began to fall upon her and her sisters. Had her feet not ached as much as they already did, she would've stepped up the pace. The second split in the road didn't make her feel any better either. As Kindle pointed out the campsite though, Fyriss smiled slightly. "That sounds like a great plan, Kindle, anything to get out of this wretched weather, and maybe..."

Fyriss wouldn't waste any time as she made her way over to the camp, and as nice as it would've been to just slump down by the fire Ambalika got started, her attention would be around the camp itself. Treading carefully, crouching every now and then, her glowing eyes gazing intentfully all over the place. She wanted to find out how many had been here, and in what direction they had headed off to afterwards, maybe even some clue as to -how- recently the camp had been left even! She was a hunter after all, this was just her kind of thing to do.

As Ambalika lazed by the fire, and spoke about the money she had in a bag, the Draconian huntress looked up briefly, and nodded. "Yeah, they're valuable. Money, used to buy things. Apparently there is some travelling demon out there.", Fyriss paused briefly, as if trying to remember something, then continued speaking, "The Merchant, or whatever our mothers called him, and apparently appears whenever you need him. Never seen him myself thought, but if thats true we should hold onto anything valuable we come across."

[Fyriss tries to TRACK around the camp, also I fixed my perception, as I had forgotten to include the bonuses from Glowing Skin and Ranger]
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss: HP = 62, PP = 42, EP = 44, Status = good

Ambalika: HP = 58, PP = 47, EP = 43, Status = alright

Kindle: HP = 92, PP = 44, EP = 72, Status = fine

Actually Blarg I didn't mean that there was a tent still there, it was merely a place where one had been. But doesn't matter really.

As the girls went over to the campsite and prepared the campfire and got it set up with the bit of firewood there at the moment, with Ambalika splayed out on her back beside the fire which she started with a quick flicker of her spirit energies, while Kindle sat down next to the fire, the other ember draconian Fyriss went in search around the camp to see if she could find out who or what had been there previously. While she did that, Kindle was easily able to get the fire sparked with the wood there and they soon had a crackling fire going that picked up upon having some more wood added to it.

[perception: Fyriss rolled a nat 20 go figure]

Fyriss's search around the makeshift campsite took a few minutes, the rain pouring down steadily around them, though not very hard as the trees provided some cover for them. Soon Fyriss found what looked to be footprints, though at least 4 days old now, but she'd found them nonetheless, which was likely good since the rain was coming down and all which would probably have washed them away to the point she wouldn't have noticed them otherwise. It looked like it belonged to a humanoid... likely a female from the size of it... she'd been wearing a light shoe, probably a sandal of sorts... and she'd gone in the general direction of the hill up the side trail it looked like, if the direction the footprint was pointing was any indication. However she soon found a second footprint of the same exact type as the first, a little closer towards the hill, indicating to her huntress's senses that whoever had been here had obviously gone towards the hill now, as she soon found a few more footprints that were around the same age as the first couple give or take, some belonging to other people than the first ones she'd found though, most if not all of them belonging to what appeared to be either some quite lithe men, or they were all women, but it was hard to tell with the prints being that old, so maybe they were simply a little too old to tell exactly what they were, but it was quite obvious to her after she finished with her inspections that whoever they had been had gone up the trail to their right and up the hill there.

Assuming the girls stayed put after Fyriss had finished her search around the camp and close area around and whatnot, they would see the rain let up after half an hour or so, which was probably a good thing too since they had just run out of firewood from the leftover pile that was there. Nobody unfortunately turned up back to the campsite however as Ambalika and Kindle had hoped for though, but oh well. Now that the rain had stopped though and the sun was coming back out and the ember draconians all rested up a bit, they could continue onwards up the trail or the road if they wished, it was really up to them, or they could rest a while longer too of course. However with Fyriss's discovery of the footprints leading up towards the hill along the trail, they may wish to go that way instead of sticking to the road itself if they went on.

As they prepared to make their decision, the girls could hear the bugs chirping and the birds singing once again now that the rain had subsided, and in the distance up the trail they could now tell a little better that it looped back around to point in the same general direction of the main road, so it could very well run back into it further on, though they would have to check it to be certain of course.
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss would go over the camp meticulously, and the more tracks she found, the wider and more gleeful her grin got. Her tail even swished back and forth impatiently at the prospect of the hunt! "Sisters, there are multiple tracks here, many of which appear to be small and light. Mortal females perhaps. They all have something in common too...", she would look up from where she was crouching, pointing up the smaller of the two roads. "They head that way. They are a few days old. Once we get going, I'll try what I can to track them, but I wouldn't keep my hope up; if we find them, it will be by chance, but it is as good a lead as any I think."

Fyriss was giddy, excited, not to mention energic at getting something to hunt after. After her discoveries however, she'd slip over to the campfire, and much like her sisters she would savor the heat it provided as the rain poured down. Once it were over she'd be happy, not to mention eager to get going again, but not so eager that she'd dash off and leave her fellow Draconians behind.
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Ambalika stuck up both hands with her thumbs out, giving Fyriss a thumbs up. "Great!" With that one single word, she let her arms flop back down and resumed her trap-duty. Once the rain let up, she was ready to move... though she'd stay in her relaxing, sprawled-out, money-on-tummy heap until her sisters started going themelves. It felt so nice to just lay around~
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Our most promising option," the spearwoman added at Fyriss's discovery when the latter came back from her hunt. Kindle herself had settled down at the bonfire after it had been lit, close enough that it would've been uncomfortable for any race not possessed of an ember draconian's affinity for heat. "Their value to us will be equal to the amount of danger they pose us," she mused aloud. "If we are luckiest, they will be powerful warriors, skilled hunters, and have much knowledge of this land, so that we can learn of this foreign place from them, plunder their supplies, and they will make good candidates for rebuilding our race." She tried so hard to maintain her pragmatic air, but there was the smallest hint of something else beneath it all.

Perhaps it was excitement, as she sat near the fire like a statue and lived out the coming battle in her head while they waited for the rain to subside. Most humanoids were inferior to her own kind, that was simply a fact by her standards given how many that her kin had captured and bred, but there was the occasional exemplar of a warrior's skill and virtues among them. They were the most exciting captures, especially when they came in groups with the odd spellcaster or spirit wielder. It wasn't the spoils that excited the ember warrior but instead the fight itself. The ember draconian could already see herself in combat against such a party, she imagined every thrust of her spear and every swing of its haft.

But Kindle dismissed the thoughts as the rain subsided. She silently reminded herself that they might not even find the group that had been at the camp, and that the next group they did come across would be just as likely to be inexperienced travelers woefully unprepared for combating her sisters and her. And so, after Fyriss dashed off, Kindle would solemnly stand, take a few steps away from her less active sister, flap her wings to help shake remaining cold and wet of the rain away, and then she would follow after the eager tracker with a determined stride.
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Ambalika laid on the ground a few more moments after her sister Kindle stood up and shook herself. A sigh preceded her rolling over and pushing herself up off the ground, her long tail turning with her. She tied her coinpurse back into it's place on her waist on the belt that was practically the only thing she wore (also looted off the guy she got the money from), aside from a light cloak when things were rainy and gross.

She'd been pretty fine with just laying there for more or less the rest of the night, but Fy found some tracks, and now they were off. Man... what were they going to do if thet found the ones that had made these tracks, anyway? They didn't have a lair to bring 'em back to... Oh well. Maybe they'd find a nice place to set up along the way?

Ambalika grabbed an ember out of the fire to keep herself warm while they continued on, and then slithered over the rest of the fire to smother it out. While setting the little wood that surrounded them on fire might make it nice and hot for a while, it would sorta send their prey running. Plus, burning down their cover from those freakish tentacle things in the sky.

Hah... the feeling of the fire on her belly was just a nice bonus.

She poked her tail into the dirt nearby and flicked some of it onto the fire, and then leisurely slithered after her sisters.
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss: HP = 62, PP = 42, EP = 44, Status = fine

Ambalika: HP = 58, PP = 47, EP = 43, Status = fine

Kindle: HP = 92, PP = 44, EP = 72, Status = fine

As the girls set off from their makeshift camp, with Ambalika smothering out the last of the embers of their fire save the one she brought with them, though it didn't really matter about setting the woods on fire that much anyway, as it was quite wet at the moment and would be a little tough to actually set them on fire. With Fyriss taking the lead and following the trail of the ones that were there before, the girls were soon well on their way up the trail towards the hill. After heading up a bit, Fyriss would see the tracks led around the curving trail and were just about as old as the ones in the camp earlier.

[Perception: Passed by all three girls, though granted it was quite easy to spot, I just wanted to flex everyone's perception]

Following those tracks onwards along the trail, the girls were soon well away from the camp, nearly three miles give or take down the trail, the girls passed what looked to be a grave... a quite fresh one to be exact, like it had been done only a few days prior to them coming through. When the girls took a closer look at it though Fyriss would be able to tell it was about 2 maybe 3 days old give or take. They could only make out a name engraved into a flat rock placed at the head of the grave that read. 'R.I.P Robert'. Other than that there was no indication as to who it was or what race they even were. It was a slightly smaller grave though they could see, making it hard to tell just how big this guy was. Looking around the area a bit, the girls would see signs of battle all around, a few arrows strewn about stuck in the ground and in some trees, there was a dagger laying on the ground broken in half, a couple of pieces of sword blades laying around as well, as well as a broken bow. Other than that there wasn't anything else laying about though.

Another three miles further, the girls found their way to another campsite and it was about half past 4:00 o'clock or so by this point, so the sun was starting to move into position to set. This camp was ransacked though unlike the previous one, the two tents that were there being trampled to the ground, the firepit that was there being snuffed out and the rocks knocked about, and there was also spatters of blood on one of the tents.

While they were looking around the camp, the girls would hear a whimper and the sound of footsteps coming towards them, whoever it was seemed to be running. As soon as they looked back up the trail in the direction they were headed, all three girls would see a young human woman, that looked eighteen years old or so, like she'd just come of age not too long ago. She also looked hurt somewhat as she stumbled around as she ran, looking over her shoulder, a cut on her right leg that was forcing her to kind of limp as she ran and her left side looked like it had been clawed. Her clothes were tattered and barely covering her body, which was quite pretty despite the dirt and blood on her, and she had quite largish D-cup breasts as well, which bounced around a bit as she ran. She hadn't noticed the ember draconian girls yet as she was busy glancing over her shoulder the entire time.

If she didn't move out of the way or call out to the girl, then the young human woman would run straight into Ambalika's chest, where she would let out a yelp and fall backwards, landing flat on her ass. If any of the girls stopped her though she would stop suddenly and let out a fearful whimper, taking a couple of steps back before tripping down and falling flat on her ass anyway.

"W-W-Who are you? W-What do you want? Are... are you with them?" the girl would ask in a very frightened tone, crawling back away from the girls until she hit a tree, which stopped and prevented her from going further. The ember draconians could see that she looked downright terrified of something, though looking up the road none of them would see much of anything.
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

The trio passed by a gravesite as they followed Fy's trail. It looked like whoever was buried there had also died there - broken weaponry strewn about the site. They didn't stop very long to examine the place... though apparently the group that had buried the man there had taken the time to carve out a headstone from a rock. Rock was pretty hard to shape, especially if their tools were as fragile as these weapons seemed to be, and locating a proper stone like the one they'd used was probably not a trivial chore, either. Hmmm... well, whatever. Ambalika wasn't especially concerned over it.

Upon finding another campsite - this time no longer neatly packed up, but messy from violence like the sort they'd witnessed at the gravestone earlier - the sisters seemed blessed with a stroke of luck, as a deliciously pretty little thing stumbled down the trail directly into Ambalika's chest! The serpentine woman barely budged, though her body was solid enough to stop the girl dead in her tracks, falling backwards... though, her body was also cushiony enough that she was fairly sure she hadn't hurt herself. The poor little thing was dirty and wounded, but delightfully pretty...

Ambalika slithered after the girl as she crawled away, scooping her up into her arms. "D'aww, don't worry, you're safe now!" She cooed. "Who's 'them'?" She asked, ignoring the first two questions. "You mean the ones chasing you? What do they want?"
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

The spearwoman's hopes were raised as they passed the site of the battle. Perhaps they were warriors, after all. And if they took time to dig a grave and were of a culture to do so, then signs pointed to them being intelligent enough to be worth capturing. But once again she muted her own growing excitement, as without stopping and examining the evidence in detail it was difficult to say whether the man had died before or after the fighting, and the groups' abandoning of the tents seemed to point to them needing to flee in a hurry. Both the hunt and efforts to determine what dangers might lie at the end of it were becoming more tangled and difficult to sort out.

At least until a human came running back, almost literally into their arms. What fortune.

"You are under our protection now," Kindle added as she propped the butt of her spear on the ground. She didn't overly much care for the human's comfort or her opinion on the draconian's own statement, as Ambalika seemed to have the former under control and nothing could be done to make Kindle care about the latter. She would only wait for the girl to reply to her snake-like kin's question before adding her own set. "Were you in a group? Do your pursuers have any living captives and how far away are they?"
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

The Gravestone only held Fyriss attention as long as was needed for her to pick up the trail once again. By the time she and her sisters reached the violently ruined campsite, her feet ached lightly, but not too much to let up on the hunt. Unlike her stonefaced sister Kindle, and more like her bubbly sister Ambalika, if slightly less so, Fyriss was visibly excited about the prospect of tracking down some prey.

Which meant that she would frown disappointedly as the girl came running towards them. The prey wasn't supposed to do that! Especially not supposed to be so inattentive that it ran headlong into Ambalikas bust. The Draconian groaned displeasedly, shaking her head, and then stood on her toes, trying to push herself up a little. Her eyes narrowed as she looked up the road where the girl had came running from, while drawing her mace to be ready for a fight.

Fyriss hissed sharply at Ambalika and Kindles questioning, and looked straight to the girl. The Draconians eyes flared up fiercely, intimidatingly, as she spoke commandingly. "How close are your pursuers, female? Tell us, NOW!", she then looked to Kindle, growling lowly. "Get ready for fighting, Sisters. I expected a better sense of priority from you.", with which Fyriss entirely meant Kindle, not so much her bubbly and lazy sister Ambalika. There was a time for questioning and whatnot, and this might very well not be it, something she had expected Kindle to understand. Fyriss was getting fired up, a change from all this walking would be muchly appreciated.
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Calm yourself, sister," Kindle replied plainly, maintaining her own calm in the process. She could empathize with Fyriss's reaction, they couldn't afford to let their guard down with an unknown force pursuing this woman, but in her own opinion there was little they could do that they weren't already. She said as much. "There's no other preparation we can make than having weapons in hand and keeping a sharp eye so that her pursuers don't encircle us. And our priorities aren't so exclusive as you think. It won't be worth remaining here to slay whatever it is after her and weaken them if they have no captives or supplies to raid; if that's the case then it's better to fall back from here and attack them on our own terms and not risk the human in the process."
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Even if she wasn't being yelled at, Ambalika looked a little miffed as her sister Fy yelled at the human girl. "So mean," she muttered, cheeks puffed out.

Provided the girl divulged that, yes, something hostile was heading their way, Ambalika twiddled her fingers in the air again... and then a ball of fire appeared in her hand. She concentrated, willing it to explode only when the bad things their human talked about (if any) were running over it, and not to explode at all if their human was near enough to be caught in the blast. She tossed it some fifteen feet ahead of the group, onto the dirt of the trail, where it cooled rapidly into a little black lump on the ground, appearing as nothing more than just another rock on the forest's trail.

{HF} Flaming Mine (Trap, Ball) [Up to five can be maintained at any one time.]

It's a L2 spell, so it costs 2 mana.

As a trap, it deals damage at +1 Level.
As a specialized Fire mage, I do +4 damage per spell level.
Due to my Mage Feat, Fire spells ignore 10 AV and make a target Weakened if I do over half their HP in damage.
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss blinked a bit, staring blankly at Kindle, as she first were told to be calm, and then her sister elaborated how fighting might not be the best course of action. She huffed at first, then growled quietly in frustration. She was eager to get into a scrap, and then her sister had the NERVE to be all sensible and such?! With another huff, and Fyriss turned her head away from Kindle, back to the road ahead of them. She wasn't pleased with the rebuttal, but she wasn't going to argue against it. She wanted a fight, not an early grave, but she didn't want to admit she had been a little too hasty in her actions in pursuing such.