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Bad Luck Succubi

Re: Bad Luck Succubi


Fishing? Why that sounds nice actually, you've never done any of that but you can't imagine how it could go wrong. I mean it's just throwing a bait into water or so. Beats cleaning this trashy beach, thats for sure.

"humm.. ..Fishing sounds nice. Count me in!"

"Lovely, dahling!" The mistress turned around.
"Okay girls, get ready for.. fishing!"

The rest of the succubi giggled as they ran a head across the beach.
The mistress began to slowly, yet elegantly make her way a head as well and you began to follow her. You really hope the walk isn't that long, this stupid slime within is making walking feel pretty annoying to you.

After a short walk, you found the succubi bunch next to a large wooden construct of a sort.. Looked like one of those old lifting thingies humans use to build big thingies. What is that thing doing here anyway? Not like us demons need those things for building. The girls were apparently preparing it for something.

"Uhh.. What is that thing doing here? What's it for?"

"Why dahling, that's a silly question. It is our fishing pole."

" uh huh..The pole? What are we fishing for, sharks?"

"Aw how cute. No dahling, we're fishing for something more... fun. Big old hell squids."

The pieces are suddenly starting to fit together..

"And as you were late from the fun before, you can have the honour to be our bait, dahling."

Like you did not see THAT coming.

"...Uhh I can skip.. I had my fun and still am.. uhuhuu.. yeah.. hehe.."

"now now.. That's just not fair at all. Ain't that right girls?"

"yeah!" "go on do it!" "we already decided~"

Looks like there was no way out now.
You lost the control of your arms for a while as they reached upwards by themselves!
A rope suddenly lashed from the big ol "pole" that tied your hands up together and lifted you upwards, making you hang with the hands tied up behind your back!


One of the other succubi came to you and stripped off your thong and top.

"You won't be needing these~"

Other succubi came by and scrubbed something slimy across your body. Gently rubbing it across your hips, belly, breasts~.


"reel her in, girls!"



How humiliating. Here you were used as a living bait, floating across the water with your hands tied, naked..
"... eurgh."

On the good news it seems like the slime got out of you after finding itself back in the water. Guess thats a small bonus?


And then you felt something grab your ankle. Tangling around it. Slowly taking grip.

"... aw fuck. Here we go..-"

Another tug on your other leg, and you see tentacles popping out the water.. Surrounding you..


A tentacle thrusted right in your sensitive pussy! Another tentacle thrusted up your buttocks! And more tentacles began to appear!

"...Oohohohohoo.. haaaaah ~!!"

The tentacles knew where they were going in. You could feel the squirming and thrusting as they kept pushing in. More tentacles that kept popping out now took more grapples on you!

Few tentacles tangled around your big ol breasts and their suction cups took a hold on your nipples. Your moans were muffled as one tentacle headed to your mouth!


What an all holer! The squirming, tangling.. All the touching, thrusting was building up such an orgasm!~

"We've got one! PULL!"

As you were in the air you were already climaxing all out from the big ol hell squids sexual treatment!

The last thing you could remember was hearing some giggles from the other succubi coming towards you as you were on the gravelly beach underneath the squid that still kept on going! ..It all blacked out.




"...hmmmh.. ah..~. huh?"

You slowly wake up as time had passed. ..You have no idea how long you just were out.
Seems you're back at the main party area. The squids lying next to the.. nevermind thing. Seemingly quite milked out and passed out.

"..That's a lot of stains."

You found your clothing next to you. Well no point lying here, you got up and put them back up while you were at it.
Ugh. Your naughty spots tingle a bit and your back feels bit tense, your stub of wings also feel bit itchy. Must've been out in a bad position.


As you look around you, the main party area you seem to notice that the mistress is gone. There's more barrels and the place seems lot more messier.

Rest of the succubi seem to be here though.

The naked ones were getting a bit busy it seems. They were making out next to a broken barrel and some glasses half filled with wine right next to them.
Getting real lewd there too.

The blonde going topless was there sitting on a barrel with the blue swim suit wearing black haired succubi whom was a bit drunk, also sitting on a barrel.
They seemed to be chit chatting and giggling like maniacs while the blonde seemed to keep her poker up. It really was clear that the black haired blue bikini one has had more than enough to drink.

The last normal succubi, the one wearing the japanese swimsuit with short orange hair was by herself next to the waters with a glass of wine and book of a sort.


Well, now what?

A) Go talk with the two succubi making out.. Maybe they won't mind? (insert questions if you wish)
B) Go talk with the two succubi that are chit chatting (insert questions if you wish)
C) Go talk with the japanese swimsuit wearing succubi who's hanging around all alone. (insert questions if you wish)

D) Watch the two succubi that are making out.. ..For learning.
E) Screw this place. Let's walk somewhere else.
F) Other?
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

C. "Why did you need the squids ?"
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

On the good news it seems like the slime got out of you after finding itself back in the water. Guess thats a small bonus?

Told you so, although my plan was for squid rapings so win-win.

Re: Bad Luck Succubi

C Ask her if she knows how we can learn to use some succubus powers or why we don't have them in the first place.
I think it was already implied they got the squid for the sex energy.
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Re: Bad Luck Succubi


You slightly fix your outfit, took a little breath and stance as you slowly made your way to the succubi in the japanese swimsuit.
As as you approached her, she seemed to notice you. The succubi closed her book, took a sip of her wine and rolled around on her back to face you.

"uuuhh hi there."

"Oh hello our living bait, finally woke up I see?"

"Yeah.. "

"The squid sure had a long sleazy times with you, it was rather hard to get that thing to focus on us you know, but ah, that sure was fun~"

"..Why did you girls need that thing anyway? Just fun?"

"Yeah, just fun. Those squids are so full of sexual energy. It's just.. Delicious. It really matches the level of tentacle demons."

The succubi seemed to lick her lips and slightly happily squirm as she was talking.
You just kept your poker face on and slightly rolled your eyes.
You put your hands behind your back as you figured you might aswell ask a more experienced succubi about your embarrasing non succubi succubi problem.

"So I was actually wondering.. I uhh.. Have had this little problem and you seem pretty experienced and.. ..nice. Hehe. So do you actually.. Know some way to.. uhm help train up general succubi stuff?"

She looked at you bit dumbfolded at first.

"..What? Oh. Wait you're that lesser one they usually call the "unlucky sack"."

"...'unlucky sack?'"

"Yes little sacky. It's actually kinda odd if you ask me, when I was still lesser rank I already knew how to suck a pitfiend dry and send them to ectasy coma they wouldn't wake up for a week, yet you seem to pass even before third climax. Do you even know how to throw a fireball or send a charm curse?"


The swimsuit succubi got up and put her book between her breasts where it seemed to suddenly vanish.

"My my. You really are an unlucky sack of flesh, aren't you?. "

Before you could say anything she seemed to suddenly continue.

"Well I think you might just be slow in growth, you might need a little push and I have just the thing."

The swimsuit succubi put her hand between her breasts and pulled out another book, this one looked very different and was honestly speaking.. quite odd. It really seemed to have a little vibe of oddity coming from it..

"Yes, there we go. This should do the trick."

She handed you over the book.

"...So what's this then?"

"That's a rare "cursed/blessed" book of abilities. A quite interesting case you know. It generates a bunch of topics, chapters, about various things each that varies by person reading it. When you read the said chapters, you will gain understanding, effect, skill or something similiar to that what you just read about. For exsample; I read about this food called sushi and I now know how to make it perfectly even though I have never made or even heard about it before. I also once read about this human disease called flu and was pretty ill with the same symtons it gave me for a week. "

The swimsuit succubi rubbed her chin a bit.

"Maybe it'll generate something useful to you.. Just avoid reading anything that might seem.. harmful. It also tends to make the text vanish for a day or two after reading about two topics."

"Uhhh thanks."

"Hey, no problem. You were pulled us a great squid anyway~."

The swimsuit succubi gave you a expecting look as she sat back down, making her spade tail whip back and fourth. Might aswell read a topic while were here..
As you opened the book, the first page started making a list of topics of various things..
...Of things that are to be expected with your luck

Pick one or two.

A) 'Bigger pairs are better for milk'
B) 'Nudity that stays'
C) 'What goes in, doesn't come out'
D) 'Even the air fucks me'
E) 'One touch makes you irresistable'
F) 'Fish magnet'
G) 'How to operate 3D maneuver gear'

Actually lets not read anything out of this book right now.
Re: Bad Luck Succubi


The worst luck of this succubus is the voters' desire to see her being violated.
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

I say D and E. If the touch makes US irresistible and not the victim. That or C and D. I definitely think we should read D, though. Since I'm undecided on the second, I'll go with whatever the other voters choose :p
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

C and A maybe C will help with absorbing energy not sure on A, E might be more help.
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

A-Bigger Breasts and/or Lactation.
B-Something that either keeps clothes off ormakes Clothing see-through?
C-Well this has a ton of connotations Magic! Comes to mind... seeing as the book doesn't Summon stuff I am interested.
D-Air Elementals...? Or Invisible Enemies/Lovers... Heighten Sensitivty is the most likely culprit.
E-As it says on the tin we will likely be constantly fucked with this.
F-Aquatic/Fish-Type Enemies will continue to bump into us.
G-Woot? If it gave us a 3D Manouver Gear... but yea Like Tin says.

Milky Boobs and ENFORCED Nakedness? I like!
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Re: Bad Luck Succubi

Believe G is great but... with our luck? And the fact even if we do find one we will be limited to 1 tank of gas? Its a very situational use. And remember book will be usable again in a few days so no biggie... except you know our luck.

Those voting D i'd like to point out that the 'air' fucks her can be seen as a simple Heighten Sexual sensitivity to a high level.

As for becoming Irresistable? That can have plenty of non sexual connotations such as Irresistable to eat, protect, play with, hug, etc. Its very vague on what you become irresistable for...
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