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Bad Luck Succubi

Re: Bad Luck Succubi

I like the hints at what could of been if we had voted differently.
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

E. C,B,A In that order of possible :3
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

C if you would be so kind ;)

Man, tough break for our little succubus with, eh?
Re: Bad Luck Succubi


The water was pretty nice warmth.. It was pretty much just calling for a little swim.
You figure to jump right on in! And after a few strokes.. Curiosity got the best of you. Wonder whats it like down below the surface? Could there be something interesting at the bottom?

After taking a big breath you dive right down and began to dash to the bottom of the lake.


The lake water is pretty.. Uhh.. Thick. It's quite hard to see clearly here.
You have pretty good breath though must admit. Your diving is feeling you no trouble whatsoever!
As you reach near the bottom you see a dark tentacle filled shadow go above you near the surface level.
..Must be a squid demon or something. Well whatever it is, you're too deep down for it to notice you and it swum over you, going swiftly away from you.

Good thing you didn't stay at the surface, it would've most likely tried to catch you! ...But maybe going deep down here wasn't that smart either.
You feel something taking a hold of your leg! Dragging you downwards! Something slimy! Sticky! Icky..!

"what the?!"

More of these slime icky sticky things start taking grapples on you! Dragging you to the bottom, positioning you to your belly, pushing you down.
After you were pushed down you managed to take a small peak as the water clears a bit..
... Slimes. A lot of them.
These slime creatures began to mount you inside them, making you stuck inside their jelloy bodies.

You start to feel alarmed, how much breath do you even have left?! If they are gonna try something, you might drown..!


But then one of them pushes some slimy tendrils inside your mouth and suddenly you feel somehow.. Affected by a water breathing spell of a sort?
You felt a bit of relief.. But then the slimy tendril took another push in your mouth! And another stroke! Slowly start to thrust in and out.. Pushing vile, weird tasting liquid down your throat..

The other slimes were starting to get busy too. Your top was pushed down exposing your breasts as the slimes began to tangle their bodies around them, making small slime tendrils that playfully suckle on the nipples and squirt more of that weird liquid you were already swallowing.

The weird liquid.. The playful gentle touching of the slimes on your breasts were slowly making you feel oh so turned on! Your nipples were feeling so sensitive and the pleasure was building from the suckling, twisting, groping..

A few slimes were gathering near your crotch moving your leg to the sides, forcing your butt up, preparing a doggystyle position..
One of the slimes slipped underneath your naughty thongs, pushed them aside and..!



The slime began to push in and penetrate your sweet succubi pussy like no tomorrow! Slowly pushing itself in deeper in a phallic shape, squirting its vile liquid as it went deeper.
Another slime took the opportunity to move your spade tail aside to go in the other place for perfect all hole experience!
And so with the slimes having you perfectly under their mercy, the all holes fuck was under way with the titty play bonus.
As the slimes pushed on their thrust inside, the vile liquid kept raising the poor ol succubus lust and sensitivity up up up!
The liquids effect seemed to affect her breasts too.. they seemed to grow a little..


After several deep, lustful, pleasurable pushes, the slimes gave their final ejaculations of their foul liquids inside of you! The one on the face, one from your butt and the ones on the breasts released their hold..
.. But the one that kept pushing up and deep on your most private place wasn't moving anywhere.

"...What is it doing? ...Oh no.."

Instead it made one more push!


With great force it made itself's way deep inside your womb! Pushing way past inside you!
Your lower belly was greatly bulging and inflated, all jiggly too as the slime made new home within you~.
humiliated, slime filled.. You finally float to the surface and crawl back to the gravel beach.

"...aahh.. gahh...~"

The slime within you seem to insist to keep on teasing you. It is gently stroking your uterus with its tendrils from within and leaking more of its vile liquids that keep building the sensitivity of your cameltoe like no tomorrow.

Surely this stuff would be pretty desirable for any normal succubi, but curses, you're no normal succubi.
Damn you and your lack of succubi abilities.

So here you are on the gravel beach, on your knees, taking breath, all exhausted from the slime fuck with a slime still giving you an aftermath..

Now what?

A) ...So tired. ..Take a rest..
B) Let's move out somewhere else entirely (and try out best to ignore the slime inside us..)
C) Let's go investigate the gravel beach (and try ignore the slime inside..)
D) Push this slime out of you! You can do it! ..Then do one of the above.
E) Other?
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

E. Go back into the lake for a swim, maybe reintroducing it to its natural habbitat will make it leave.

Maybe a helpful trendril will help remove it
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

E Since you've really had no luck with your Hellish existence, why not try your hand at divine intervention? Pray to a god or goddess, or all of them. Nothing ventured, nothing gained...right?
Re: Bad Luck Succubi


You continued to gasp for some more breath as you kept on thinking about your other options of action.. Things from getting this slime out of you to praying entered your mind, which is kinda silly, you do not even know any gods.

Resisting the urge to sleep you get up and began to slowly walk the gravel beach around the purple lake.
The slime's vile liquids and inner teasing was keeping your face bright blushy red and making your steps carefully.

"... agh. ..hah.. I hate you, slime.. uhuhuu.."


After a while of walking the gravel beach you seemed to see some humanoid shapes.. You got closer and closer and..

"..Oh great."

Other succubi. 5 normal and one greater. Some of the normal succubi were wearing the skimpiest of swim wear, some not.. But having noticed you, they seemed to whisper and giggle.

The other succubi didn't seem too different to you really, atleast body wise, they all had their personalized looks here and there and generally had larger wings, longer horns.. one of the succubi was wearing yellow thong, going around topless, blonde medium hair.. one of them was naked with long red hair.. another naked with short black hair.. One with a bikini set that was two sized too small coloured blue, long black ponytail.. And the last one was wearing a japanese styled blue swim suit and had short orange hair.

The greater succubi however.. She had long, long wings that were positioned in a kind of odd way behind her, going down and to the sides, almost like they were giving her bit off a dress like effect? Her head horns seemed more wing like than horn like. Her red eyes glowed with power and her hair was giving the illusion of fire. Her suit was a red two piece bikini that seemed very classy and old fashioned, it had very nice decoration patterns of demonic runes. The greater succubi just reeked of a an aura of lust that would definitely make her irresistible to any non succubi or higher demon.

The greater succubi, or succubi mistress as other succubi tend to refer them as turned towards you and gave a little happy seeming greeting.

"Why Azeleila! Daahling! I didn't know you were informed of our little beach party too! ... Well you've arrived quite late dahling, but I see you had some fun that occupied you before, hmm?"

The mistress was giving a look towards your jiggly inflated lower belly where the jolly jelly slime was having fun.

"...uhm.. yeah.. I uhh.."

"Now now dahling, don't worry about such little things like arriving late. We still have plenty of fun things ahead of us. Why I could say you arrived just in time. You could say we were just about go.. fishing."
The mistress winked.

Rest of the succubi seemed giggle again a bit.

"What do you say dahling, wanna join in the fun? Or would you rather stay here to clean the beach?"

The mistress's was giving you bit of a.. demanding look.

Looking at the beach area the succubi were partying in.. It was pretty messy, broken glass.. barrels.. general mess.. Good grief you don't even want to know what those stains are that some of these rocks have. ... what is that thing sleeping there is it a.. nevermind.

A) Join the fun. Fishing doesn't sound so bad.
B) This is fishy. Just clean the beach and avoid trouble.
C) "..Well I'd love to but I uhh.. Have a important meeting with the.. uhm.. baron at the hell fortress nearby! Yeah! That baron, you know!" (lie)
D) Decline the offer and refuse to clean the beach. You have pride you know.
E) Other?
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Re: Bad Luck Succubi

A maybe we can learn some actual succubi skills.
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

Declining will probably have her attack us with whatever is sleeping there.
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

Her offer sounds totally aboveboard and with no hidden subtext. A!