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RPG RPG Maker [azurezero] Majo

Re: Majo - Witch RPG (rpgmaker ace wip)

That's a cute witch.

Do you have a list of the currently planned enemies?

not really, the only place where it's anything goes is the final dungeon which will be a dungeon of many floors... until then i have to plan enemies according to the setting, and ill be designing on a dungeon by dungeon basis... layout first, then puzzles, then enemies

let's see i want some miko's and maids, maybe some monster girls

the red dungeon will have some brainwashed girls and the orc/goblins that corrupted them. And i'm still waiting on suggestions to poll on, though i can tell you that the game will feature at least 4 dungeons before the final boss dungeon.

also got her bondage piccy done

orcs, mimic, warrior men/girls, miko, maids, dryads and naiads, maybe a fire sprite or two
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Re: Majo - Witch RPG (rpgmaker ace wip)

Mikos, maids, horny/corrupt nuns, (horny) village girls, various elven girls (commoners, archers, sorceresses), succubi, fairies, harpies, corrupt/fallen angels... plenty of possible enemies.

Nice pic, by the way!
Re: Majo - Witch RPG (rpgmaker ace wip)

Mikos, maids, horny/corrupt nuns, (horny) village girls, various elven girls (commoners, archers, sorceresses), succubi, fairies, harpies, corrupt/fallen angels... plenty of possible enemies.

Nice pic, by the way!

I'm hoping that all the female enemies (and traps) will have a sexy bondage image, and some of the others will have funny ones
Re: Majo - Witch RPG (rpgmaker ace wip)

tiny update

quistis weapon is now in chest top right of hub area (grassy), you need to get it with the hookshot, bondage tie up skill is learned at level 4, and you can test it on the slimes and a new enemy i added for the demo,

you can find her in the cave and she'll be bulked up and used as a boss much later, but for now she heals you fully even if you lose.
Re: Majo - Witch RPG (rpgmaker ace wip)

You probably know this, but the way the Naught Witch is set up now some of her skills will never be used (well, almost never, but the odds are so low it might as well be never).
Re: Majo - Witch RPG (rpgmaker ace wip)

You probably know this, but the way the Naughty Witch is set up now some of her skills will never be used (well, almost never, but the odds are so low it might as well be never).

she only has attack, fire 2, heal (under 40%hp), mana drain(under 5%mp) and bondage. the heal is kind of a bitch though cause percentage based. i ought to raise her attack stat though...either way for now she's mostly there for fanservice, theres a skill hidden away that makes her laughable though...it's a 6 hit attack that does huge damage on tied up enemies, you can pick it up at any time, but you can't see the spot without a key item...i'm hoping most dont find it til new game +
well new game+ is wrong but some things will be unlocked after beating the last boss
Re: Majo - Witch RPG (rpgmaker ace wip)

Her skills are:
- Attack - always, rating 5
- Fire II - always, rating 5
- Bondage - only if her MP is between 0 and 10%, rating 5
- Double Lashing - only if her MP is between 0 and 10%, rating 5
- Mana Drain - - only if her MP is between 0 and 2%, rating 6
- Heal - only if her HP is between 0 and 40%, heals ~2400 HP, rating 8(!)

In other words as long as she has enough MP (4 or more) and her HP is below 40% she will ALWAYS use Heal. The only time she will use Bondage or Double Lashing is if her MP is 10% or less and her HP is over 40% - and even then it's only a chance since she can still use a normal attack (or Mana Drain if her MP is 2 or less). In practice she might never use those two skills, especially since the player is likely to keep her bound most of the time, thus her MP will never get low enough.
Re: Majo - Witch RPG (rpgmaker ace wip)

Her skills are:
- Attack - always, rating 5
- Fire II - always, rating 5
- Bondage - only if her MP is between 0 and 10%, rating 5
- Double Lashing - only if her MP is between 0 and 10%, rating 5
- Mana Drain - - only if her MP is between 0 and 2%, rating 6
- Heal - only if her HP is between 0 and 40%, heals ~2400 HP, rating 8(!)

In other words as long as she has enough MP (4 or more) and her HP is below 40% she will ALWAYS use Heal. The only time she will use Bondage or Double Lashing is if her MP is 10% or less and her HP is over 40% - and even then it's only a chance since she can still use a normal attack (or Mana Drain if her MP is 2 or less). In practice she might never use those two skills, especially since the player is likely to keep her bound most of the time, thus her MP will never get low enough.

:) the player will also have access to mana drain at that point in the game, she's used every skill against me so far while i tried different methods of beating her, i first tried draining her completely while also using my mana so she couldnt drain it back (fire 2 hits pretty heavily, so i had to heal until she was too low to use it), at which point she switched to using the bondage stuff... ultimately the best way i found of beating her was tying her up continuously
Re: Majo - Witch RPG (rpgmaker ace wip)

ENEMY POLL IS UP, closes on the 3rd

3/5 dungeons designed (but with no enemies yet)
1/5 dungeons complete (enemies, etc)
testing for multiple equipment sets
intro added (with name change option), though i might nerf the demon king since he pretty much one shots you...

I was originally gonna have him steal your panties during the fight too, but now i've decided what the starting pairs do, that's a bit unfair , i think later on there will be a pair that lets her use magic all the time or bondage, so you can do a bit of multiclassing

the way to the 4th dungeon is also complete, both the 3rd and 4th ought to be accessible after beating dungeon 2 but i haven't quite figured out what you get from them yet, but i can always introduce a strong hand ability for lifting things heavier than barrels. the usual trope would be to require things from all 4 to get into the dungeon the demon king sets up in your basement, but i could just have the things from those two make things easier (because higher level+more options in battle)

if anyone has any ideas for loot that would be good too, because i have a pyramid full of chest locations and no loot to put in them :)
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Re: Majo - Witch RPG (rpgmaker ace wip)

I voted Miko simply because I don't see enough Mikos in RPGMaker games. If we could choose multiple I would have chosen Undine, Sylph, Succubus, Naiads/dryads/etc, Nuns, Miko and Maids.

About things you could get from regular dungeons: One could be a strength-enhancing item that allows Izuki to move heavy stones and rocks blocking the way. Another could be a spell that allows her to freeze water (similar to the Manipulate Wood spell).

If you decide to add a bonus dungeon you could also do this:
In the final dungeon have a lot of floors that damage the player, and in the bonus dungeon add an item that prevents floor damage. People who take the time to obtain it will need to spend a lot less time healing, but even without it the game can be finished.

Rather than nerfing the Demon King at the start why not increase the player's starting level to - for example - 20 and then, after the battle, drain the player's experience to 0 and level to 1. A taste of power, so to say.
Re: Majo - Witch RPG (rpgmaker ace wip)

I voted Miko simply because I don't see enough Mikos in RPGMaker games. If we could choose multiple I would have chosen Undine, Sylph, Succubus, Naiads/dryads/etc, Nuns, Miko and Maids.

About things you could get from regular dungeons: One could be a strength-enhancing item that allows Izuki to move heavy stones and rocks blocking the way. Another could be a spell that allows her to freeze water (similar to the Manipulate Wood spell).

I allready thought of the rock lifting ability (since theyre all equip dependant), but that would need to be loot in a different dungeon, the loot i need now is loot that becomes accessible after youve switched off the trapdoors in one of them (after the boss basically)

2nd dungeon goes like this, make your way to the top of the dungeon, activate orb, also acquire key item, return to first floor, new door opens cause orb, top floor, acquire bow, head back to entrance, fall in new trap door just as leaving, solve final puzzle and fight boss on way back...oh and probably, the trap doors will cause a game over if you fall through enough of them
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Re: Majo - Witch RPG (rpgmaker ace wip)

I'm concerned that there wont be enough content in the demo, so i'm going to extend the demo to the 2nd dungeon (after the slime boss) once it's finished
it only has one enemy type and the boss so far with no game over content.

also I'm putting all my hopes into this project, if this doesn't sell well enough
I won't be able to sustain myself long enough for the first person dungeon crawler (that Lustfire is making the art for) to be finished...

I really don't like having to beg, but I don't want to have to stop making games. oh...people can also help by purchasing my games if they haven't allready done so

edit... i dont know how to make someone look both brainwashed and like theyre looking at you
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Re: Majo - Witch RPG (rpgmaker ace wip)

Okay, the game over stuff isn't there yet, but the second dungeon has it's enemy placement :) and you can now access it (haven't bothered to seal off the lava dungeon though you get the bow in dungeon 2)

once all the content in the current areas is done this will be the final demo :)

added 2 new enemies, the 2nd dungeon, another boss... hopefully this much should give a better example of gameplay even though i still havent added a single rape attack beyond the grope ability enemies have (but it doesnt have a picture so it doesnt count)


IMPORTANT! i need feedback on whether this game is fun so far, because i seem to have accquired a taste for grinding all of a sudden, so i can no longer trust my own judgement, seriously comment
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Re: Majo - Witch RPG (rpgmaker ace wip)

In order: The effects of panties are unknown until after you have chosen. So to find out the effects of both you need to start the game twice.

Outside the pyramid there's a barely visible crystal on the left, but the Hookshot works just fine with it even before you get the magic eye (although there's nothing in the chest).

The opponents are way too strong compared to the ones before them. To beat the slime boss all you need is level 4 to learn Bondage and make the fight easy. But even without it you can still beat the slime boss easily at around level 3 or 4. In the Pyramid if you are level 4 you are severely under-leveled. The opponents there have spells that can do more damage with one strike than your character's max HP. In addition they have a skill that drains your HP, are immune to Bondage (both the Foxgirls and the Succubi), and the Succubi have a skill that hits three times. All of these things together encourage avoiding the enemies. As a result you can be level 4 when you get to the boss, making the battle against him a luck-based mission (he can one-shot you with a spell if you fail to tie him up).

Game-breaking bug: Get the bow, then lose to any of the random enemies. You will be brought outside the pyramid, allowing you to skip the boss battle.
Re: Majo - Witch RPG (rpgmaker ace wip)

In order: The effects of panties are unknown until after you have chosen. So to find out the effects of both you need to start the game twice.

Outside the pyramid there's a barely visible crystal on the left, but the Hookshot works just fine with it even before you get the magic eye (although there's nothing in the chest).

The opponents are way too strong compared to the ones before them. To beat the slime boss all you need is level 4 to learn Bondage and make the fight easy. But even without it you can still beat the slime boss easily at around level 3 or 4. In the Pyramid if you are level 4 you are severely under-leveled. The opponents there have spells that can do more damage with one strike than your character's max HP. In addition they have a skill that drains your HP, are immune to Bondage (both the Foxgirls and the Succubi), and the Succubi have a skill that hits three times. All of these things together encourage avoiding the enemies. As a result you can be level 4 when you get to the boss, making the battle against him a luck-based mission (he can one-shot you with a spell if you fail to tie him up).

Game-breaking bug: Get the bow, then lose to any of the random enemies. You will be brought outside the pyramid, allowing you to skip the boss battle.

panties description is fixable but you actually get both when you choose neither ^^,
magic eye is persistant switch data (which i forgot to delete before making the demo, will have to move punishment time)
level 4 is severely underleveled for the pyramid, and skipping a boss is not game breaking and i left it in deliberately, though it would've been a simple task to disable the trapdoors except the boss one, or had them all drop you in the boss room once you had the bow, and you get a game over after 6 losses/trapdoors (not counting the boss one)

maybe i need to add more to the first dungeon if youre running past every enemy at level 4

also you didn't answer the most important question, is it fun?
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Re: Majo - Witch RPG (rpgmaker ace wip)

Is it fun going from "one-shotting slimes" to "getting one-shotted by succubi and foxgirls" with no warning and nothing in-between? Well, maybe for some people it is fun, but I suspect for most the answer is "no".

Before I forget: It was really annoying to get the "turned into a statue" end with no warning whatsoever. I had to fight the slime boss a second time because of that. Now imagine that the player has forgotten to save and loses all of his progress just because of this bad end...

Question: Exactly WHY should I bother fighting any of the enemies once I have reached level 4 (which doesn't take long at all)? Isn't it better to just run around them without fighting them? It's faster and it doesn't cost me anything, so why should I fight instead?

One example (consisting of several parts) of what you can do:
1) Add a slime mini-boss: A single giant slime (no other slimes in the troop) blocking the way to the plant area
2) At the entrance to the plant maze instead of a door put an unavoidable one-time battle that goes like this:
- at first the only opponent is an Azulu
- when that Azulu's HP are 80% or less a Rojyo appears
- when the Azulu's HP are 50% or less it flee from combat
- when the Rojyo's HP are 80% or less a Noctis appears
- when the Rojyo's HP are 50% or less it flees from combat
- when the Noctis's HP are 50% or less it flees from combat
- when all three have fled the battle ends
This will give the player a good idea what to expect from the enemies in the area and whether to grind more or not.
3) After the player has obtained the Hookshot a boss Plant appears at the same spot mention in 2). That boss needs to be defeated before Izuki can leave the area
4) The Boss Slime battle: It starts as it does now (the boss and 2 Medislime), but when the boss' HP are 80% or less 2 Slime join the battle. When the boss' HP reach 40% or less 1 Medislime and a regular Slime join the battle and the other 4 slimes all get resurrected with max HP, so the player ends up facing 3 Medislime, 3 Slime and the wounded boss. This will make the boss fight a bit more interesting compared to the current "kill the two Medislime, then spam Bondage and Ice until the boss dies"
5) The entrance to the Pyramid: Leave the Pyramid door open at first, but when Izuki tries to enter a Succubus comes out and attacks her. The Succubus flees from battle after her HP are 50% or less and destroys the statue in the upper right corner, closing the door and blocking access to the Pyramid. Then Izuki has to figure out a way to get inside (preferably a puzzle that's a bit more complicated than 'move stone from point A to point B'). And fighting the Succubus should give the player some idea what to expect from the opponents inside
6) Give some indication where the trap doors are. Especially since some trap doors activate only from a particular direction

I'm out of ideas for now, so I'll stop here.
Re: Majo - Witch RPG (rpgmaker ace wip)

I really like the concept for the game. Sex both when you're winning and when you're losing is awesome. I'm not having much fun playing the game right now. Here are the things I would most like to see different, in order:

  1. Combat isn't as much fun as I would like.
  2. There's much more grinding than I want to do.
  3. There are a bunch of arbitrary game overs without much payoff.

Combat could be more fun.
For a combat to keep me interested, I need to have either a strategic challenge or something to fuck. A lot of the fights so far don't provide either. I'm not going to enjoy fighting slimes or plants once I've figured out the most efficient path to beating them, and there's not much to figure out on that front. I'd love to see elemental weaknesses or more complicated enemy groups, but to really feel much of a challenge, I need to be able to do more than one thing in a turn. There's a reason that traditional rpgs have multi-character parties. I'd like to be able to mix attack, defense, and control, or vary my action from turn to turn in response to enemy patterns. Right now I'm only using bondage, double whip and potion.

The sex part of the game(not fully implemented, I understand) is also a little lacking. I've only found those interactions when one of the characters is in bondage and functionally helpless. I'd like sex to be part of the fighting or a pure reward after I've won the fight. Right now it's somewhere in between and doesn't capture what I like about either. I put my opponents in bondage, because it's usually the best strategy, and then I just sort of think about how hot it is while I finish the battle. Don't misunderstand me, it's really hot, but it can only keep my interest for so long.

Here's what I'd like to see. First, I should be able to molest a supermajority of the enemies. Have Alraune instead of plants, or something, and no immune-to-sex attacks fox girls. The slimes look really cute in bondage, so I vote for them to stay. Second, I'd like sex to be part of an overall strategy. Maybe groping the opponent reduces their defense, or you could regular hits damage their clothes and open them up to more intense sexual attacks. Anything to get me out of the really simple attack loops that define current gameplay.

An alternate route could have 'molest' as an alternate way to win the fight, much like 'capture' in pokemon. In that case, you get an image(or one of a handful of images) and a slightly different reward than defeating them traditionally. Maybe, in this case, they boost your stats slightly instead of dropping equipment.

There's a lot of grinding.
I hate grinding, but sometimes I'll put up with it for dirty pictures. So maybe I'm just not your audience, but I still felt like there was way too much grinding going on. I started out just trying to go through the game and fight whatever was on my way, neither grinding nor dodging fights. I fought boss slime at level 5. I didn't get any experience for beating him(that didn't feel fun, maybe change that?), so I go into the temple at level 5. One fire II later, I'm back to grinding for levels. I find a plant mob that always spawns 3 enemies for maximum efficiency. I spam double whip, occasionally drink a potion, get bored. It takes me at least ten of these to get to level 8. At this point I can survive one fire II, but not two. Still much too weak to reasonably go through the temple.I mean, I can survive most fights, but it takes two or three potions for each fight, and the ones with two enemies are out of the question.

What level do you expect people to be when they go into the temple? 10-12? It takes, what, 50 plant fights to get there? I'd rather not do that. This is something you can definitely tune, so I'm not too worried about it. But I do want to register my desire for there to be less grinding.

Arbitrary Game Overs
The 'turned into a statue' and 'fell down pits' game overs were pretty lame. Maybe you at least have scenes planned for them in the full game, but I could definitely see the pits getting annoying after the fifth or sixth time anyway. You shouldn't be able to get the game over with fewer than 20% of the pits discovered; that's a recipe for frustration.

I don't want to be really discouraging. I think the concept is cool and the art is really sweet! The gameplay needs work, but that's pretty normal for a first prototype. I could definitely see you ending up with something really cool here.
Re: Majo - Witch RPG (rpgmaker ace wip)

I really like the concept for the game. Sex both when you're winning and when you're losing is awesome. I'm not having much fun playing the game right now. Here are the things I would most like to see different, in order:

  1. Combat isn't as much fun as I would like.
  2. There's much more grinding than I want to do.
  3. There are a bunch of arbitrary game overs without much payoff.

Combat could be more fun.
For a combat to keep me interested, I need to have either a strategic challenge or something to fuck. A lot of the fights so far don't provide either. I'm not going to enjoy fighting slimes or plants once I've figured out the most efficient path to beating them, and there's not much to figure out on that front. I'd love to see elemental weaknesses or more complicated enemy groups, but to really feel much of a challenge, I need to be able to do more than one thing in a turn. There's a reason that traditional rpgs have multi-character parties. I'd like to be able to mix attack, defense, and control, or vary my action from turn to turn in response to enemy patterns. Right now I'm only using bondage, double whip and potion.

The sex part of the game(not fully implemented, I understand) is also a little lacking. I've only found those interactions when one of the characters is in bondage and functionally helpless. I'd like sex to be part of the fighting or a pure reward after I've won the fight. Right now it's somewhere in between and doesn't capture what I like about either. I put my opponents in bondage, because it's usually the best strategy, and then I just sort of think about how hot it is while I finish the battle. Don't misunderstand me, it's really hot, but it can only keep my interest for so long.

Here's what I'd like to see. First, I should be able to molest a supermajority of the enemies. Have Alraune instead of plants, or something, and no immune-to-sex attacks fox girls. The slimes look really cute in bondage, so I vote for them to stay. Second, I'd like sex to be part of an overall strategy. Maybe groping the opponent reduces their defense, or you could regular hits damage their clothes and open them up to more intense sexual attacks. Anything to get me out of the really simple attack loops that define current gameplay.

An alternate route could have 'molest' as an alternate way to win the fight, much like 'capture' in pokemon. In that case, you get an image(or one of a handful of images) and a slightly different reward than defeating them traditionally. Maybe, in this case, they boost your stats slightly instead of dropping equipment.

There's a lot of grinding.
I hate grinding, but sometimes I'll put up with it for dirty pictures. So maybe I'm just not your audience, but I still felt like there was way too much grinding going on. I started out just trying to go through the game and fight whatever was on my way, neither grinding nor dodging fights. I fought boss slime at level 5. I didn't get any experience for beating him(that didn't feel fun, maybe change that?), so I go into the temple at level 5. One fire II later, I'm back to grinding for levels. I find a plant mob that always spawns 3 enemies for maximum efficiency. I spam double whip, occasionally drink a potion, get bored. It takes me at least ten of these to get to level 8. At this point I can survive one fire II, but not two. Still much too weak to reasonably go through the temple.I mean, I can survive most fights, but it takes two or three potions for each fight, and the ones with two enemies are out of the question.

What level do you expect people to be when they go into the temple? 10-12? It takes, what, 50 plant fights to get there? I'd rather not do that. This is something you can definitely tune, so I'm not too worried about it. But I do want to register my desire for there to be less grinding.

Arbitrary Game Overs
The 'turned into a statue' and 'fell down pits' game overs were pretty lame. Maybe you at least have scenes planned for them in the full game, but I could definitely see the pits getting annoying after the fifth or sixth time anyway. You shouldn't be able to get the game over with fewer than 20% of the pits discovered; that's a recipe for frustration.

I don't want to be really discouraging. I think the concept is cool and the art is really sweet! The gameplay needs work, but that's pretty normal for a first prototype. I could definitely see you ending up with something really cool here.

That's actually a lot of good info, I was scared of introducing multiple builds too early, and i didn't want to cram in too many different ways to get skills early on, though there are things i could do like have a move that learns a skill on finish, my main issue is i don't know how to set a variable to the target of a skill, with which i could use to show specific pictures on specific enemies.

I especially didn't want to give the player more than one action per turn near the beginning of the game, though multiple turns is itself rather useful, I'm limited in the types of the enemies i can do atm because i dont have the art, i dont wanna get rid of the plants because i allready did the game over and dont wanna feel like im backstepping... but alraunes were gonna be a boss.

as for the foxgirls being immune to bondage, i hadn't drawn the tied up pic yet and i wanted to make the player learn some different tactics because tieing up had been pretty OP up until then. as per moonblack's comments i'd allready made the slimes absorb elements and weak to others, and added a slime boss in the first dungeon that goes through each type, a stronger blue slime, a medislime, then a boss slime...

I kind of want to do a sex attack for the slimes where they thrust a tentacle into her mouth and shoot delicious liquid into her...

I'm starting to feel i shouldve taken the pokemon route and made a few builds the player could choose from at the start, that's still doable :)
what should the choices be? bondage skills without needing a whip? skill fusion? mind charge (skill fusion to use higher level skills over 2 turns)? or perhaps that extra turn you wanted but a weaker stat line to compensate

also... i think level 7 is manageable

I've wasted 2 hours trying to find a way to store the target of a skill as a variable so i can show the appropriate pictures... currently, we ain't getting any sweet pictures for enemies that arent state based

EDIT- there's still some problems with my battle pic common event, when you break out of the bondage state the picture doesn't reset until you take action (yes i finally did that picture but it will be in the next demo update, along with the foxgirl and succubi ones)
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Re: Majo - Witch RPG (rpgmaker ace wip)

You're probably correct to be concerned about how quickly you're introducing complexity. I have an atypically high complexity tolerance. I still think it's coming at your players kind of slow.

Another way in which I may be somewhat atypical: I'm not very interested in choosing between different builds. I like the equipment plan that you're on now more than a pokemon-style idea, but it's still out-of-combat tinkering that I don't think is exciting. I care a lot more about having enough to do once I get into the fight. Since you have limited time to work on the game, I'd encourage trying to make one really good build over three or four average ones.
Re: Majo - Witch RPG (rpgmaker ace wip)

You're probably correct to be concerned about how quickly you're introducing complexity. I have an atypically high complexity tolerance. I still think it's coming at your players kind of slow.

Another way in which I may be somewhat atypical: I'm not very interested in choosing between different builds. I like the equipment plan that you're on now more than a pokemon-style idea, but it's still out-of-combat tinkering that I don't think is exciting. I care a lot more about having enough to do once I get into the fight. Since you have limited time to work on the game, I'd encourage trying to make one really good build over three or four average ones.

well i just mean that people prefer to take on a game in different ways, they might get bored if the optimum strategy for everything is tie them up and go nuts

also, i think i will be adding the two actions per turn thing for the witch, the alternative is adding another party member for fusion skills
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