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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Relax Shrike, I don't think RJ is going to outright ignore you, he just has to think about what you've written. Right RJ?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I know it's not my business, but what needs to be discussed? It seems you're both on the same page with each other, except maybe not understanding rj's (lack of) feedback to the suggestions. The most I can see is an apology if you thought it was rude or if it seemed like he was ignoring you, but what else do you want to talk about in terms of game breaks and possible solutions?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

And for how long have you had nothing more to say about it, pray tell?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Right, well then, I'm fucking gone, as you have just proved without a shadow of a fucking doubt that you have not heard a word that I have said, no matter how many times you may have said it. Good bye, good riddance, have fucking fun.

Fuck you.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Ouch. Mucho anger. :(

I think she took that one personally RJ.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Wow. And here, I was just saying I didn't want to argue anymore. Although I definitely wasn't taking the situation as nearly serious as she was.

My first thought is to say sorry, but I think I have a feeling that that won't do too much good. I did read everything, even though you will likely continue to think I didn't. I just didn't have anything to say. I'm sorry you took it so personally, but I was just tired of the whole argument. That, and with how unhappy you were with the entire game, perhaps this was for the best.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Shrike7 said:
...but it just seems like I've got to be a hell-consuming bitch just to get a straight answer...

Shrike7 said:
...If I had been told that you had thought about it...

Shrike7 said:
...Only then did you explain...

Shrike7 said:
...where if you had come out and told me...

Shrike7 said:
...If you had told us...

Shrike7 said:
...without explanation, until i moan and whine and hassle for three days, and then i finally get something out of asking you about it...

Shrike7 said:
...and I get frustrated when I'm not at least told why something can't be done, or shouldn't be tried, etc ...


Shrike7 said:
So, uh, finished that post like seven hours ago, just in case you hadn't noticed...

Tassadar said:
Relax Shrike, I don't think RJ is going to outright ignore you...

ToxicShock said:
...not understanding rj's (lack of) feedback...

RaptorJesus said:
I don't really have anything more to say about it.

Shrike7 said:
And for how long have you had nothing more to say about it, pray tell?

RaptorJesus said:
Seven hours.

Edit: Eight


Wow. And here, I was just saying I didn't want to argue anymore. Although I definitely wasn't taking the situation as nearly serious as she was.

Now, how many of the top quotes fit this little snippet?

My first thought is to say sorry, but I think I have a feeling that that won't do too much good. I did read everything, even though you will likely continue to think I didn't. I just didn't have anything to say. I'm sorry you took it so personally, but I was just tired of the whole argument. That, and with how unhappy you were with the entire game, perhaps this was for the best.

I didn't say that you hadn't read it, I said that you didn't hear it, which you seem to prove again and again every time you post. I wanted a discussion, if you didn't have anything to add, say so. This has come up almost every time we've had an argument, and you have yet to clue in on it. You think I like all this? You think I want to keep arguing with the person running the game? Cause i can assure you, i absolutely hate it right down to the center of my being. if you had made that post when you had decided it, eight hours ago, i would still be playing. But not only did you decide to wait until I had to ask again, you made a fucking joke out of it, when I have repeatedly asked you for a serious conversation. That's why I'm leaving, and that's why I am unhappy with the game. I can deal with fuzzy rules, I can deal with awkward situations, I can deal with my character not being what i want her to be, I can deal with all of that shit and more, because that's what happens. It's your bullheaded insistence that you can do no wrong, and that other people's opinions have no weight in anything, that I can't deal with. And since I have tried and tried to help you grow as a person and overcome that since day one on this game with exactly zero success, I'm gone.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

The fact that you think I insist that I could do no wrong, and that I completely ignore people's opinions proves to me without a shadow of a doubt that you didn't hear what I said either.

People have gotten so worked up over my mistakes, beginner GM mistakes, as this is my first game

I took Wallpaper's dislike for the creatures to heart, and felt as if I failed in another aspect of the game because of it

I messed up in one scene with Kayi, and it was completely my own fault, as I brought OOC knowledge into action, that ruined what might have been an interesting scene.

None of that was sarcasm, it was the truth. And since I'm sure this kind of superfluous suspicion, and accusations about my intentions would only continue, I'm glad to see you're willing to stop it, at least in some degree. I won't complain.

I have received a lot of learning experiences from all most every member that joined to play in this game. DeMatt and Kayi taught me about how important character development can be, over simple game play mechanics. DeMatt also taught me how to make interesting, and involved NPC's, rather than just have the players go about, and make their own story, while the NPC's give simple answers, and guide them on their way. Keylo helped me learn how to work with the players if their having trouble making their character interesting, via many steam chat sessions. After viewing his side of the story, and seeing just how interesting he wanted Luna to be, it helped us both to form a bond between each other, to work together to make something interesting, rather than bicker and argue about whatever problem either of us had. I was surprised at how well Keylo and I worked together, as I had already grown accustomed to working with players like you, who only seek to find the problem in everything, and address it in the most confrontational, and childish manner, even resorting to insults and curses when they get angry. Keylo, along with a few more substantial figures I've still yet to name in this post, were the core inspiration I had to keep posting, and maybe think about a new, improved sequel. And had you have acted in a more civil manner till the ending of this game, I would have taken up your suggestions for the new game system when I made it. But, seeing as how you pursue the lie that I'm evil, ignorant, and downright disrespectful to the players I wanted to share this game with, rather than keep it to myself as I always did before this, I'm glad to know that away from this game, and me as well, you'll be further away from misery.

Other players, like TheTwo, BurningGold, ToxicShock, Loli, Burnt, Tassadar, and Silthe, have all told me that they enjoyed the game, and some of those people have given suggestions, and asked me questions about certain decisions I've made about the course of the game, which I answered, and they had little problem with. The reason I still bother to get on this computer, give them updates to their threads, is because they tell me they're having fun. Not because I'm getting some kind of a power trip, which I'm assuming you think I wanted from this game, but because of the very first thing that came across my mind when I saw hardly any erotic role playing games like Jumpers, Dark Conception, and GenX around. I thought that because I enjoyed playing these things so much, perhaps I should share it, and you'll have as much fun as me when I play. After hearing you rant, and rage, I realize this was an entirely idiotic idea. Thinking just the game would satisfy, and everyone would be happy. Thinking that even though I had no experience, and would likely be terrible, perhaps some people would enjoy it for what it is, a simple, fucking, game. And while you give my game more credit than it deserves by telling me to go fuck myself, I'm glad to see you've made the decision to evade anymore drama by leaving. While I, and several others will miss you, we can't stop you in your pursuit of happiness.

And if my personality is something that gets in the way of that, I'm terribly sorry.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

It's a shame Shrike7 is quitting, twas a good role playing and shall be missed. Oh well.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

She looked into the womans eyes, her breath coming in short gasps; "I hope I'm not being too forward..."

Regina backhanded ashley hard so she turned from the pain and fell face first on the bed. She then reached one hand down to rip the rags away from her nethers while the other hand pressed down hard on the back of her neck. She pressed the tip of her penis against Ashley's not unfamiliar ass before stopping to tell her, "This will not be over quickly. You will not enjoy this."
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Regina backhanded ashley hard so she turned from the pain and fell face first on the bed. She then reached one hand down to rip the rags away from her nethers while the other hand pressed down hard on the back of her neck. She pressed the tip of her penis against Ashley's not unfamiliar ass before stopping to tell her, "This will not be over quickly. You will not enjoy this."

I am not your king.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I didn't put king or queen cuz I don't know what regina would be really.
...I'm not your unisex dictator? (hehe dick-tator)
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

HAHA I DIDNT EVEN THINK OF THIS BEFORE. RJ did you do this on purpose?

"Heh, I like you, kid, you've got a real mouth, but that'll get you into trouble, if yer not careful."

Technically, it already did! Hell it's the reason she's got extra junk IN FRONT of her trunk.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I kinda did it on purpose, but that's mostly what I thought Dixie would say.

Edit: Also, wowzers, haven't seen this many new posts in a while.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Sorry, that was a typo. That was supposed to be "I'll take that, your dick."