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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Aw, you never let me have any fun. :(

Anyway, yes, Marx is me, and the purpose behind him was just to see what would happen if I made a criticizing post about my own game, to see your reactions. And perhaps, it was my own mistake to include the words, "You're doing it wrong," I just couldn't help it. :D I made that post in memory of everyone's criticisms, after all!
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Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Hurr, very funny RJ. I thought Marx was Kayi actually.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Aw, you never let me have any fun. :(

Anyway, yes, Marx is me, and the purpose behind him was just to see what would happen if I made a criticizing post about my own game, to see your reactions. And perhaps, it was my own mistake to include the words, "You're doing it wrong," I just couldn't help it. :D I made that post in memory of everyone's criticisms, after all!


Does a player's opinion matter so little to you?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Aw, you never let me have any fun. :(

Anyway, yes, Marx is me, and the purpose behind him was just to see what would happen if I made a criticizing post about my own game, to see your reactions. And perhaps, it was my own mistake to include the words, "You're doing it wrong," I just couldn't help it. :D I made that post in memory of everyone's criticisms, after all!
Okay, consider me thoroughly trolled.

Think of it this way, we feel possessive enough about AWMBI, and by extension its DM, to defend it that much.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion


Does a player's opinion matter so little to you?

Absolutely not, it's those opinions, both good and bad, that help me learn from previous mistakes. I wouldn't have been able to make that post, insulting my own game, if it weren't for you guys. Thinking of how the problem would be from your position helped me achieve a higher understanding of criticism, and why people would dislike certain aspects of my choices for the game's structure. From Wallpaper's distaste for my roster of creatures, Kayi's obsession with drama, Phoenix's posts neglected, and your dislike for the lack of the ability to make your character exactly the way you want her. I did read, and to this day, remember exactly what you all said. And while this is an opinion, I agree with you in a way. I am doing it wrong. I thought that this game was a good idea, to share what I thought was the best little bastardization of a game made perverted I had ever concocted. When, to my own surprise, not everything went as expected. Posts were neglected without my knowledge, certain players found my selection of creatures dislikable, and some people joined just to cause drama within' the game.

In retrospect, if I could keep all of this knowledge I obtained from making this game, all the things I learned from you, and go back in time, I'd decide to not make this game, and would likely have focused on something much simpler, likely becoming a GM for Jumpers, and abandoning any thought of making a game like this, and sharing it with the public, ever again.


... I am sorry, but I have to ask... How'd you hurt your leg again? 0.o
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Note: GMing for Jumpers is NOT simple.

And AWMBI is awesome, just because things didn't go as you'd have liked them to is no reason to be so down. Things like those are going to happen in any RP, don't let it bother you too much.

Like this one time in D&D, one guy got really pissed when a giant counterspelled his flamestrike and was depressed for an hour before he started getting back into it.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Emilia frowned, "No... There are women here that are like you... But we never gave them a gun... Not after one pretended to cooperate... And shot one of us in a rage..." she put a hand to her chest, and had a look of fear in her eyes, "It was awful... Just for someone... To die like that..."
Oy. THAT attitude's not gonna help the cause of unification. Why would "prisoner faking loyalty to get released" mean "loyal from the start" can't be trusted, Emilia? Really shouldn't paint all women with the same brush if you expect women to not paint all futas with the same brush. Yeah, I can understand women who've been kept locked away, if not being raped, being just a little pissed. So I can understand not allowing THEM firearms. But are you truly afraid that lady over there who says "Yeah, I like bedding my girl!" is mentally adding "Right up until I get my hands on a weapon!"? Or are you afraid that she'll start saying "Eh... not tonight, I've got a headache," and be able to enforce it?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I did express a preference for the ones that were in there to begin with, but yeah, anyone without a dangly bit down there is what River was implying.

Also, RJ, you haven't answered my question up there about your post being a joke yet...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'm guessing Ashley getting out of the prison is going to be a pain in the ass, in that case.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Or you could fast-forward to the day River's there, and go back with her ;)
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Completely possible, and it'd let her work out in the meantime. Prisons all have someplace to work out. Though I imagine not being allowed to leave and forced to walk around dressed in rags by the prison futas is just going to make Ashley hate them more.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

"What should we do with her? Is there someone in charge around here we can talk to about what she did?"


..I kicked someone.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Now, normally, since you're my wife, I'd race right over and teach that person a lesson about eggs being implanted in your stomach, but I think you should have known better than to have used your injured foot to hurt things.

I think you owe your foot an apology.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Absolutely not, it's those opinions, both good and bad, that help me learn from previous mistakes. I wouldn't have been able to make that post, insulting my own game, if it weren't for you guys. Thinking of how the problem would be from your position helped me achieve a higher understanding of criticism, and why people would dislike certain aspects of my choices for the game's structure. From Wallpaper's distaste for my roster of creatures, Kayi's obsession with drama, Phoenix's posts neglected, and your dislike for the lack of the ability to make your character exactly the way you want her. I did read, and to this day, remember exactly what you all said. And while this is an opinion, I agree with you in a way. I am doing it wrong. I thought that this game was a good idea, to share what I thought was the best little bastardization of a game made perverted I had ever concocted. When, to my own surprise, not everything went as expected. Posts were neglected without my knowledge, certain players found my selection of creatures dislikable, and some people joined just to cause drama within' the game.

In retrospect, if I could keep all of this knowledge I obtained from making this game, all the things I learned from you, and go back in time, I'd decide to not make this game, and would likely have focused on something much simpler, likely becoming a GM for Jumpers, and abandoning any thought of making a game like this, and sharing it with the public, ever again.

RJ, I need a straight answer on this one, it's very important: Do you mean the entirety of this post?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Note to those interested: Selena's going on a random run, those who want to do something, join her in the shops and missions thread.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

would you mind so much making a run with me (and perhaps dixie) to the police station? Supposedly their armory was locked, so I doubt it's been raided, and if dixie comes, she'll know where it is, and if you come, we won't need the key :)

And RJ, it's ok, calm down. We were both kicking each other. Mine just collided harder at a worse angle. *edit* oh yeah, and now it's the shin, not the ankle.
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