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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Seems like right now I have the chance to make Iris turn Luna into a kind/weak sap. Should I do it? We might be at a disadvantage due to Luna being in a weakened state but still...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

As the person who created Luna? Please don't drain Luna's emotional motivation to keep fighting just yet >_>;; Not until we find her a replacement so that she can keep fighting, but for better purposes.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

As the person who created Luna? Please don't drain Luna's emotional motivation to keep fighting just yet >_>;; Not until we find her a replacement so that she can keep fighting, but for better purposes.

Even though it would be better to do this at the inn I have no IC reason to stop Iris. Maybe we could find the reason to fight now and have Iris give it to Luna.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Unfortunately, that's not something that easily replaced. For now, I might just have Luna start attempting to resist any further attempts at converting her.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

If Luna starts to squirm and ask to be let go ill have Iris let go of her.

Tell me though, exactly how would Luna act after the change?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Lets see... Less of a will to fight, if any. Unwillingness to kill (this includes the monsters), emotion during rape/torture...meaning she will scream/etc as a normal person would... and probably more clingy to Iris than I would like as she attempts to remember what it was like to "feel" things after her icy shell had been broken. Meaning, Zoo where rapist monsters are = not the best place to rehabiliate Luna.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Lol. I'm just going to have Iris let Luna go while thinking to herself ' Ill do this when we get back to the inn...'
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Yeah... :X, although do recall that Luna is likely to be ninja-jacked by Jesse before that, mainly for what she did to Fleur. (Which should be highly amusing...)
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I just wonder how it will happen, if it does. Plus Iris is going to be fairly close to Luna the entire time so... Ya know, how does she react to Jesse trying to drag off Luna?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Jesse drags Iris in too? Jesse uses Iris to get at Luna? Jesse gets Iris to always supervise Luna?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

*Shrugs* That's future discussion though. And personally, given the nature of Jesse's punishments, wouldn't that be rather awkward for Iris and Luna? o_O;;
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Well... maybe...

I can imagine Jesse grabbing Luna (Fleur's still tied up), dragging her into Jesse's room, and tying Luna down in a similar fashion. Then leaving them there until they talked out their differences. She DID tell Fleur that she'd tie the both of them down until they behaved, after all.

Add in Jesse dragging Iris in to supervise, while she goes out and mans the shop. Maybe Iris'll be embarrassed at having to watch the two squirm in their respective bonds (it's kinda not clear whether Fleur was naked under the ropes...), maybe not, but this could be a really good way of getting Iris to face the thought that her sister is a serial killer. And then give Iris the opportunity to waken Luna's good side, without giving Luna the option of fleeing.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

(Fleur's naked under those ropes... yup.)

And on another note, I believe Iris does know that Luna is a serial killer o.o;; And has accepted it, although she's attempting to change that. On that note, it'd still be a "WTF" is Jesse dragged Iris along to "supervise" Luna after tying her up. And from my understanding of the character, I fail to see 'why" Jesse would do that, given most of her conversations/interactions with the characters are one on one. There's also that fact that I believe Jesse is unaware that Luna is Iris's sister still.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Guys... heads or tails?
Don't ask, just answer...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

isnt the point of that question to flip a coin? Are you telling me you actually don't have a coin?

Ok, Heads: you give me tail, Tails: you give me head
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Use random.org or something. That's what I do when I have to answer multiple choice questions I don't feel like answering when I'm filling out forms (what is your race, from this list; what is your gender; how old are you; what state are you in? - why does my freaking e-mail account care!). I'm sure even what you put down for those questions means "something" even if you lie. But not if you answer completely randomly!

Um... *on* topic and slightly more controversial.... Well it's a classic RPG problem. Your character has 18 intelligence, but the player only has 8 - how are you supposed to solve the puzzle? It's reasonably easy to fake lower intelligence then your character, but it's impossible to fake *higher* intelligence.

"But thetwo," you say, "your character doesn't have unreasonably high intelligence and you seem unreasonably intelligent yourself! What are you really talking about?"

I'm glad you asked, voices in my head! As it happens, IRL I don't have any levels of "smooth talking" worth speaking about. Jenn is far more able to talk people into things then I am. But apparently the words we pick *really* matter, like "impossible vs certain" matter.

So... next time it comes up, I'm going to post: "Jenn tries to convince Joseph to stay and help to the best of her abilities". It's crappy RP, but if that's the only way to leverage the ability to smooth talk in plot-critical situations... then that's the way it is. RJ can come up with the actual words Jenn uses to convince Joseph to stay.

The other option is to change the rules. Instead of deciding based on *the player's* smooth talking ability, assume the goal of the words stays the same but the Character comes up with the exact words, with possibly a plus or minus one or two "circumstance bonus" for the way the Player is going about the convincing. Do a roll with all the relevant modifiers against a difficulty based on the goal (again, with at most 1 or 2 points of modifications for the exact words).

It's nice if people post convincing words, but I feel like I'm being tested on my OOC skills rather then Jenn's skills.
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Re: AWMBI - Discussion

*points to AFMBE rulebook*

From my understanding, how well that you type the RP post/do the dialect can change the difficulty penalty from challenging/difficult to easy/normal. Given that Joseph was already challenging/difficult to persuade in the first place... Eh, you'd need some mad smooth talking skills in addition to Jenn's skills to get that to pass.

Also on another note, it's been stated that "good roleplaying" is rewarded depending on the ZM's preference in the AFMBE book, whether it be extra exp, difficulty decreases, etc. So crappy roleplaying "does not help" with this rulebook...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

A little bit of advice: Using examples from the book isn't as helpful to your argument as you think it is...