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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

What, so in your post it actually pings google and tries to render robots.txt as an image? That doesn't sound right...
Yes and no. "It", meaning the vBulletin webboard software, merely goes "Aha! tags! I must turn them into <IMG SRC> tags!". "It", meaning your web browser of choice, goes "Aha! An <IMG SRC> tag! I must get the image file! Wait a minute... this isn't an image file...". So, really, it's a two-part effort to make that mistake. :p
[QUOTE="thetwo, post: 0"]Well yea, it'll do line wrap... but I hate newspaper style inch-wide columns. >.<

Anyway, I re-arranged the skills page so that skills are listed in 3 columns and I'm reasonably happy with how it looks at 900x700.[/QUOTE]So am I. :)
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Okay, it appears that the "only way to be sure" is to get the file at the given valid HTML address and use your language's appropriate libraries to see if it's an image. So... I decided that as long as what you put in "http://" or "https://", no white space, and a "." somewhere in there, I'll count it as an image.

And with that, I'm off for the night.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

My cousins came to visit me on my birthday on the 14th, so updates might be... Yeah. >.>
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Uh oh.... Oh well, have fun with your family once in a while :p. Real life does come first after all.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Rofl I blame myself for this but RJ completely messed up the action that I wanted to do...

Oh well XD
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Jeez, not even a few minutes after I reappear, you guys are on the ball... :eek:
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Jeez, not even a few minutes after I reappear, you guys are on the ball... :eek:
Kehehehe... well, if one happens to be idling whilst watching a different game, and then one notices your name pop up in the "Users Online" list... :cool:
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Heh. So we were...

Also in the last 10 minutes I finally got around to making myself an acceptable avatar for my name on these forums. >.>




(Interesting note: that water picture was actually *drawn* by someone in photoshop. Seriously, I've seen the video.)
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Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Heh. So we were...

Also in the last 10 minutes I finally got around to making myself an acceptable avatar for my name on these forums. >.>




(Interesting note: that water picture was actually *drawn* by someone in photoshop. Seriously, I've seen the video.)

Purty! :p
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

One of my biggest drawbacks, as I see it, is my complete inability to draw. I mean, I've taken a couple starter lessons and I know the principles, but if I do anything more then sketch outlines of geometric shapes I fail horribly. On the other hand, I'm great at using computer programs to make relatively minor changes to other people's artwork, sometimes with pretty decent arguably non-derivative results! (Like this avatar)

Hell, that's tangentially related to one of the reasons I decided to finally register and join a game. Some casual practice with creative writing, to keep my brain from being completely logical... and I think I'm not doing too badly for someone in computer science.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Going to reply to Laws of Night, then head to sleep. Don't forget to post BG and Neo, or you'll suffer crucification x26 :p.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I don't know if I should have Aya attempt to make a run for it and follow Josipe or spin around and see what's behind her.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I don't know if I should have Aya attempt to make a run for it and follow Josipe or spin around and see what's behind her.
It's up to you. Does Aya want to complete her Goddess-given mission in the face of opposition, or does she want to remove all opposition before completing her mission?

I'll point out that while Aya tries to fight off Melissa and company, it gives Joseph time to do whatever it is he's trying to do. I'll further point out that if Aya pursues Joseph to the exclusion of all else, it'll give Melissa etc. openings which they will not likely be hesitant to exploit.

I and thetwo are not your friends in this scenario. Consider yourself warned.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Yeah but you shouldn't go attacking Aya right off the bat seeing her because your characters don't know she's an enemy... <.<
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Oh come on, white-haired woman, red eyed... she's so similar to the goddess in appearance, I'd assume the others might mistake Aya to be her. Attacking her seems reasonable enough tbh.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

The goddess has brown eyes...

Going by hair by your logic we should attack Iris...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Aya, in my opinion, doesn't look like the goddess. The goddess doesn't have snow white skin and red eyes. If people should start attacking her because she has white hair like the goddess that Iris better start sleeping with one eye open.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Yeah but you shouldn't go attacking Aya right off the bat seeing her because your characters don't know she's an enemy... <.<
Yeah... so she gets a verbal challenge first - with a gun pointed at her.

We know Joseph was in here. She's not Joseph. It's possible she could try verbally tricking us ("I'm an ally of his! Help me find him!"). It's also possible she could merely run away.

But, as the Director said, the "infamous white-haired woman" is believed to be behind the strange events here at the Zoo. Aya's white-haired, and none of the threesome ever saw the Goddess so as to know Aya is not the Goddess. So Aya's got a fairly large credibility problem.