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ACT AVH -Alien Versus Heroine- RJ098963

Re: AVH -Alien Versus Heroine-

Are you sure paizuri is right? I can never get him to constrict.
Re: AVH -Alien Versus Heroine-

Are you sure paizuri is right? I can never get him to constrict.

I don't know what the issue is, unless I labeled a button wrong or something. I think the keys I gave are just what Fighter Maker refers to them as, and you map whatever keys you like to them. I don't find the execution of any of them that hard.
Re: AVH -Alien Versus Heroine-

:( can someone pm me link for the games?
thanks :p
Re: AVH -Alien Versus Heroine-

Ok, i downloaded the game using the original link. So i have to ask... are the only two characters the girl and the alien?

Also, i found Loli Defense Forces move list and... None of them work, seriously, i keep trying, but nothing seems willing to work. I'm probably doing it wrong, because it said something about how timing is key... What kind of timing do i need?

Also, what's the difference between the single mode and the versus mode? because the most i can make out is that you now have to do it twice, only the second time, the controls are all fucked up... Please tell me that there is a way to turn off the AI so i can just get my barings.

EDIT: OH MY GOD I ACTUALLY MANAGED TO GRAPPLE!!! I don't know how i did it, i was mashing the attack buttons trying to get the bitch to lay off, and i grappled her with my tail... she broke out almost instantly, but i did have her for a second.
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Re: AVH -Alien Versus Heroine-

that was this games biggest problem, it was a bitch to do the moves or get them to cycle. There's an edited copy somewhere in here with fixes but good luck.
Re: AVH -Alien Versus Heroine-

Anyone have links to 1.04? Google is giving me dead links or fake torrents.
Re: AVH -Alien Versus Heroine-

Been lurking for a while. Here's the non-demo version 1.4, and a version I modified for simpler controls and better balance:


Mod changes:
+ Alien H moves are a lot easier to pull off, once you know what they are. (Down, Up, AB is a move new to 1.4, but it's really position-dependent.)
+ Changed overall rhythm and pacing of fight. Heroine starts with more meter bars, which she uses to resist some (but not all) H moves. There's more variety and wearing down needed to get to the H moves this way. H moves also do a lot more damage now, while PG13 attacks do somewhat less damage. In addition, PG13 attacks build up the alien's gauge and lower the heroine's gauge. The alien can die somewhat more easily than before (drill attack can do 50% if you jump into it), but it's not super hard to win.

Not done yet:
- No AI tweaks. Alien AI does no H moves. Someone else will have to do this, because I didn't find it self-explanatory enough to wing it.
- Backbreaker rape seems to not be in this version of the game at all, as far as I can tell. Unless I'm missing something. It would take cutting and pasting from the other version in order to implement it here, afaik
- Heroine AI health bar seems to blank out if you don't hit her for a while. This seems to be new to 1.4. I don't know what was done to make it like that, but it's lame. I could only figure out how to give her a tiny persistent health bar under her feet. :-/
htps://mega.co.nz/#!PdIEyAQS!f4cviz1lscRjNlrsAnQGZAGDjAVTDqr_bwurRnObgrc reup mega
Re: AVH -Alien Versus Heroine-

You know, he left the editor in the dl. So if you have trouble doing some commands, just pop open the editor and change them up. I don't see the pin move anywhere though. Everything else is in there though.
Re: AVH -Alien Versus Heroine-

I can't get the game to work no matter what I do, I'll accept the fact that I may never play it and move on.
Re: AVH -Alien Versus Heroine-

I rename the .kpt and the game file the same name and it gets a few screens in to Enter Brain and stuff before the demo error.
Re: AVH -Alien Versus Heroine-

I can't get the game to work no matter what I do, I'll accept the fact that I may never play it and move on.

Same for me.

Either it opens and immediately closes or it freezes on a black screen. Sometimes I see the selection arrow but that's as far as I got.
Re: AVH -Alien Versus Heroine-

The original alien CPU doesn't do any H-moves because H-moves aren't in the commands for it.

Modified it so that all the alien CPU does is jump around recharging special and H-moves.


  • A?A 1/2 A'A?A 1/2 A2A?A 3/4 EoeA?A 1/2 A+-A?A 3/4 A?A?A 1/4 A?A?A 1/4 A3-04.zip
    2.5 MB · Views: 47
Re: AVH -Alien Versus Heroine-

The original alien CPU doesn't do any H-moves because H-moves aren't in the commands for it.

Modified it so that all the alien CPU does is jump around recharging special and H-moves.

What's this and how to use it?
Re: AVH -Alien Versus Heroine-

It's the .kgt file, probably the alien himself in all his glory. simply backup the old alien file and then copy paste this into the file with .kgt files in it. Should work, haven't tested it yet.

Files probably the same name, unless you had to rename it for game to actually work for some reason.

EDIT: Okay, so the game instantly exits and sends me to 2D fighter maker... i must be doing something wrong.... Does it for the original, modified, and bgn's file as well.
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Re: AVH -Alien Versus Heroine-

Has anyone made a easy skill set for this game yet?