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Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

If she took offense to anything he said she didn't show it, most likely her military type training kicking in to not question a percieved order, even if technically he WASN'T her superior.

"Standard op, if we're over run is to fall back to the most defensible place around here, which would be the air craft bunker. There's only one craft in there right now, and other than the large hangar entry door, only one other entry way or exit. IF anyone else survived, they'd likely be there. Go past these ... oh screw it, by the time I can give you directions I can just take you there."

She grabbed her weapon and started moving, Leena just shaking her head slightly to Roger, probably asking him not to say no, that they had no time to lose.
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Roger gave Leena a side glance, "Don't give me that look." he told her, before picking up his pace, and following Alyssa.
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Leena stifled a small chuckle, knowing full well RJ had gotten the message and probably didn't like it, but that was the least of her concerns right now.

Alyssa led them past the buildings they had found her near, across some kind of paved runway, likely for the aircraft, and then towards a door that was almost missed by their eyes, largely because it was designed to blend in.

In doing so, they had to pass a large steel shutter that was currently closed, and from the inside they heard the sounds of automatic weapons fire, followed by screams and bone crunching loudly.

Alyssa blinked.

"Um ... Plaga don't break bone, not that loudly. What the hell?"

Leena shot RJ another look, this one of pure worry. Her eyes spoke volumes to him with the unspoken thought of, you don't suppose HE's here, do you?

Regardless, out came the Tesla, and a frown crossed her face.

"Two shots left on the Teslas, yours should be the same I think since we both used ours about the same number of times."

If he checked, he'd discover he actually had three left, but only just barely enough charge for that.

((They are currently outside the 'miraged' door, Alyssa's hand on it prepared to open. No description of interior yet since the door is not open, and none of them have x-ray vision.))
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

"If he is here..." Roger wondered, then furrowed his brow, feeling the urge of seek revenge build quickly inside him, "Then I'll kill him right here, right now!"

"Get us the fuck inside! Stop fucking around!" he shouted.
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Alyssa yanked the door open hard, and a pair of arms suddenly yanked her inside.

A moment later, a single gunshot was heard, and the man who'd grabbed her, infected with a plaga, slumped to the floor, dead from a single head shot.

At the same moment, the sound of heavy metal being rolled up was heard, followed by the roar of a mighty engine coming to life.

"No fucking way."

Alyssa stormed forward along with Leena, just in time to watch a medium sized stealth bomber turn, the cockpit window facing them. Inside was Wesker, who shot them a grin before gunning the craft, and it shot out of the bay, racing down the tarmac faster than they could catch up to it. Within moments, it was gone.

It was then they noticed the smashed bodies of over a dozen BSAA agents, clearly victims of Wesker's insanity and power. Each one had been almost snapped in half, their mouths gaped wide in frozen shock from the last thing they had seen in their lives.

Alyssa was furious. One of their aircraft had been jacked by an unknown party, and she had a feeling the guy with Leena knew who that party was. Spinning around, anger in her voice she tore at him.

"Who the fuck was that? He seemed to know or recognize you. What the fuck did you bring down on us?"

Leena started to say something in reply, only to be cut off by the other woman.

"I want to hear it from HIM. Start talking."
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Roger cursed as Wesker ran away with the bomber, "YOU MOTHER FUCKING COWARD!" he shouted at the top of his lungs. And when the woman turned on him, and demanded answers, most of which he couldn't give, Roger felt the urge to take out frustration of his own out on her. "What did I bring down on you?" he shouted at her, and looked right back at her, dead in the eyes, "DOES IT LOOK LIKE I SENT THAT MOTHER FUCKER AN INVITATION!?!" he shouted.
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Her reply came back sharp and cold.

"If I thought you INVITED him Mister, your ass would be dead already. No, you didn't invite him, but something tells me you've seen him before. Who is he?"

Leena finally cut in, getting in the middle.

"Albert Wesker. That's who that was."

Alyssa's demeanor changed from anger and challenging Roger to a stunned expression.

"What? But ... the report says he's dead."

Leena shook her head.

"Obviously that report is wrong, and I think you know about as much as we do now on that. Now, Captain, why don't we check to see if anyone else survived in one of the other areas here? Maybe not all of them were able to make it here."

To Roger, it would be clear Leena had stressed the rank when she addressed the other woman, and might wonder after the reaction that followed if there was something Leena wasn't saying.

"Right. I'll check this way, you folks ... watch your asses."

She moved off out the door, swinging towards a group of buildings to the left, leaving RJ and Leena to work on the right.

Leena shook her head.

"Good kid, solid in combat, but she needs to work on her skills as far as staying cool under combat and not lashing at allies."

She looked around then frowned.

"There are over a hundred people stationed here, but I've only seen about twenty or thirty bodies belonging to BSAA, not counting Alyssa there.... So where the hell are the rest of them?"

She was more talking to herself on this, though Roger was open to reply if he had any ideas.

((Fucking Firefox keeps crashing on me when I'm posting, so if these are depth lacking any I apologize, trying to recreate entire lines doesn't always work out right.))
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

( You could use an alternate program, like notepad instead. Unless that crashes to. In that case, I think you've got a virus, my friend. )

As soon as Alyssa turned to leave, Roger quickly looked at Leena, "I'm not gonna leave the girl on her own. She can't handle herself under life threatening situations, and I'm not going to let anyone else die like Brandy did if I can help it." Roger quickly followed Alyssa, hot on her trail.
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Leena didn't hesitate.

"I'm going to stick in here then til you folks get back, best not to split apart too far. Just in case."

Roger would find the other woman just entering a room, one that was devoid of much of anything save a smashed glass table on the floor, and three BSAA agent bodies. One however seemed to have had the head cut clean off, and it didn't look like Wesker had been responsible.

Alyssa hadn't yet acknowledged his presence.

((It's cuz I have ESPN stuff up too it always does that cuz of the auto refresh. I really need to learn to notepad it first lol.))
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

As he was running he turned back to Leena, not losing a step, and simply gestured at her with his hand, "Would you just come on!" he yelled at her, catching up to Alyssa, annoyed over the woman wanting to be on her own.

Roger didn't bother to say hello just yet, he quickly checked behind himself, to make sure Leena had followed, and hadn't gone off on her own.
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Leena had followed, which was fortunate because she was able to pick off a plaga infected person before he could get anywhere remotely close to Roger. He would turn around just in time to see it's head explode from a nicely placed 9mm round, and Leena give him a slight grin.

"My turn I guess."

Alyssa shook her head, looking up after the gunshot.

"I'm not liking this, this guy looks like his head was cut off by a blade of some kind."
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Roger couldn't help but smirk a little, "You wish," he said teasingly, before turning to Alyssa. He folded his arms, and looked at the body. "If Wesker's the pussy I know he is, he likely didn't come alone." he stated, gesturing at Alyssa's dead comrade, "Likely some lackey that took your friend's life..."

"... I need to get to Africa as soon as possible. That's more than likely where Wesker took that plane..." Roger tensed up a bit, "Damn it... If only that freak wasn't so transformed by that virus... I could easily handle his sloppy tactics and skills, the only thing that puss has to his name is that power..." Roger thinks to himself, standing silently.
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Alyssa barked a harsh laugh.

"I'd say he definitely didn't come alone. A variant of plaga's, a Tyrant AND Wesker showing up here all at the same time? That's no coincidence, that bastard had this PLANNED out the whole time. What I don't get is why. Why attack this base, why steal an unarmed stealth bomber that can only be equipped with specific missiles? It just doesn't ..."

She was cut off by the sound of a chainsaw revving nearby.

Leena's eyes widened.

"You've GOT to be fucking kidding me. Where the hell did a chainsaw come from?"

Alyssa shrugged.

"Dunno, but it explains the decapitation. Roger look out!"

From off to his left, a single female carrying a large chainsaw came running out, trying to swing and lop off his head.

Roger probably wouldn't even have needed the flash in his mind of danger given the warning, and the fact the aim was so bad of the infected woman that she would have missed even if he chose not to move at all.

Of course, with him in the way, neither woman could shoot the chainsaw maniac without hitting him.
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Roger immediately saw the lack of aim, and as the flash went through his head, he already knew how she'd attack. Roger didn't know if it was because of Wesker, or something else, but rather than what it used to be, cold, hard, instinct, the hunches were turning into predictions... Which unsettled Roger.

When the infected woman went to lob Roger's head off, he ducked under her swipe, and as the woman was recovering from swinging the heavy industrial tool, he came back up with a fierce uppercut to the woman's chin, followed by a solid kick with his leg, against the woman's chest, knocking her back.

He took a step back, out of their view, and gave Leena a look, "By all means, after you," he said to her, allowing her to finish it off. He knew full well these things could take bullets like a champ, so his 9mm was useless, and he wasn't about to use the Tesla just for a grunt with a chainsaw. And to top it all off, he didn't want to get in close quarters too much, not with a chainsaw involved.
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

((Hmm, time to bring the sister in I think.))

As the chainsaw woman staggered, Leena took aim to fire her own pistol ...

And a single shot, much deeper than a 9mm rang out, the head of said plaga host literally exploding. Standing about two feet off to the right, back by the door they had entered stood a highly attractive woman dressed in what could only be described as a spy or infiltration suit.

The woman stood about five nine, and probably wasn't much more than a hundred twenty pounds, if that. Slim, and agile appearing, the only real shocking thing about her was the fact that her hair was a deep red color.

Alyssa shot a look over and then a smile reached her face.

"Regina! So someone else DID survive. Good to see you."

She walked over to talk briefly and privately with the newcomer, while Leena walked over to Roger, looking a little uncomfortable.

"We've got a problem RJ. That woman there? That's Chris's sister I think, if I remember her photo right. Which means .... RJ ... your friends might not have been the immediate targets."
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Roger, without making any movement other than his mouth to indicate he was speaking to her, said in a dark, serious tone, "He came here for more than one reason... But I think that the bomber he took was his main objective. He plans on putting a weapon onto that thing, that much is certain, and if he only needed one, then I can only imagine what kind of weapon he's going to use with it..."

Roger sighed, and his gaze fell to the ground, "But, he's not going to use it yet... At least, not something like a nuke..." Roger lifted his hand, and wondered about his humanity, "If he was telling the truth... That would explain why he didn't finish me off..." Roger forgot, once again, about Leena's presence, and quickly shut his mind before he let anymore slip.
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Leena shook her head, having picked up that tidbit from him but deciding it best to not push him right now.

Alyssa and Regina finally walked over, with the latter looking at both RJ and Leena.

"So ... I'm told that you both are working for my brother ... Either one of you want to tell me how long you've known that he was hiding from me and letting me think he was dead along with that asshole Wesker?"

Leena shot a look to Roger, seeming to be quite stunned by this.

"Wait, you thought Chris was dead? THAT I didn't know about, but until tonight we all thought Wesker was dead. As for Roger here, he just joined a couple days ago, so he wouldn't have known anyway."

Regina slowly nodded then let loose a slight sigh.

"I've been ordered by the surviving command officers to get you folks the hell out of here. The plaga hosts have been barricaded into one general area, and we're pretty sure there's only a dozen or so left. Everyone else who survived has made their way to an underground bunker. The intention is to drop a small anti-plaga bomb on the local area. While it will kill any infected hosts ... we don't exactly want to be around when that radiation goes off. Once that's done and we can leave ... I'm heading back with you to have a bit of a chat with Chris."

She appeared to be quite angry at the deception, though it was partially tempered with a slight understanding of perhaps why he'd done it. Nevertheless, she was still mad.
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

With that, Roger seemed to feel content about the survivor situation... Anyone else alive was likely safe in the bunker. Without the sense of danger to keep him occupied, Roger's mind wandered back to all of his friends who are likely dead, or monsters. Roger didn't look, or respond to anyone during their chat. None of it meaned anything to him. During their chat, Roger suddenly turned, and walked back down the way they had came, towards the car.
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

"Good luck then, I'm making my way to the bunker to see if there's anyone who needs medical attention, cuz I think that body over there WAS our doctor."

This being from Alyssa, who moved off quickly after reloading her rifle.

Regina nodded, noticed Roger heading out and, as one with Leena, began walking with him.

Leena of course spoke to him again, whispering so it was at least partially private.

"What do you want to do now Roger? See if we can find your other friends, or ..."

She paused for a moment, almost seeming afraid to ask before finally saying it anyway.

"Or do you think it might already be too late for them? I really hope not ..."

Regina trailed a foot or so behind them, sweeping every few moments as if she expected them to get attacked even now, which perhaps she did. Neither of them knew if she'd been attacked on the way here, though the way she was sweeping made it likely she either had, or was just that damn cautious. For the moment though, all was quiet.
Re: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Roger suddenly stopped, and turned his head slightly enough so he could look at her out of the corner of his cold, icy blue eyes. "... All my friends are dead." he said coldly, and loudly enough for Regina to hear. And that was all he said, simply looking back ahead, and continuing to walk back to the car.