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Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

lol does that means, he doesn't even know about internet piracy till now?
guess he is disgusted because his other game already got spread through the internet.

but that's the part of internet freedom i love (downloading everything for free)
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

I can understand his frustration, but the fact of the matter is; Most Non-Japanese speaking people wouldn't pay for the game anyway because they cant understand it.

ROBF is a good RPG, one of the best really and he deserves to be compensated for creating it, unfortunately because of the barriers (Language, Dlsite Paywall, ect) it is difficult to pay for the game even if we wanted to do it.

I have paid for H-titles before, but not unless i could understand them, there have been some titles which have been translated or were not in any language like an Platformer, this is the kind of title which i have no problem paying for.

Something like ROBF isn't something which is easy to buy and even if it was, he doens't sound like he wants our business anyway.

I think he is most frustrated with the fact that the links remain up and are cutting into his homeland profits.

If more Developers made their games like Eluku (Fairy Fighting) or Fenoxo (Corruption of Champions) and relied on donations instead of purchasing from Dlsite, the developer might make a close amount of money without having to worry about the transaction.

This would ofcourse require a developer to continue to release updates to their existing game, something H-RPG creators are unwilling to do for some reason.

Free to play is a thing when it comes to gaming, League of Legends is free and it makes tons of money, nobody is forcing anyone to buy anything there; people do it because they want to.

I would suggest to the Developer of this game that he should switch this business model; i mean hell, Fenoxo made almost $200,000 in crowdfunding donations for his next project.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

So basically his idea to stop people from pirating his game is to alienate every non-Japanese speaker to the point where they can't play the game and therefore have no reason to buy it...

Also to add on to the F2P thing, most F2P games make more money than P2P games (WoW excluded for obvious reasons).
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

I'm in the dark here! ^^
can he do it? I mean, is there any way to make ROBF not work here in the computers of the West?

Or he's just complaining and will not take any action on the game?
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Lets hope there isn't going to be a DRM of some kind.

He makes games that aren't marketed towards english speaking westerners but then complains when we go out of our way to get his games.

I'll never understand Japanese game makers.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Ya'll are a little too worried about this, I think.

1.) He's pissed that 30% of his views to his blog are coming from foreigners who presumably don't speak Japanese, and therefore didn't buy his game legitimately. This seems reasonable, I think. Man worked hard on it; it's got a ton of content and lots of free updates.
2.) He's not putting DRM on his next game. He specifically says so, and that it would likely do nothing.
3.) He may put in some question that requires Japanese knowledge to progress in his next game. If he does, I'm sure someone here will have the answer before long.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

So he's mad about non-Japanese people visiting his blog because they are all pirates? The logic is still flawed in many ways, mainly the part of them not buying it because they don't speak the language. Honestly I think this makes it worse than when I thought he was actually mad about pirates since this shows hints of racism or general hatred of foreigners.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

racist jap h game producer makes sense i mean almost all h games are in jap written.
even though english is mutch more easier to write and reading if they would writing the text in there hgames in english many non japanes wuld puy them.

i mean nindendo,sony edc are jap to and ther games are translate
(well maybi just becouse there big companies and need our money)

i think japanes hating all english speakers because of 2.ww (first use of nuke weapons) and western lifestyle don't fit in their old culture
(or somtink like that) oh and the englandar and amis enslaving them and colonized,conquered ther island.
but that's old history (guess some japanese still not over it)
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Actually if you can't speak any language and are just learning, Japanese is much easier to learn than English. English is actually one of the hardest languages to learn apparently.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Or it could be that English translation of lots of text is expensive (I guarantee you the author doesn't speak English well enough to do a translation of something like this), and that hentai games like this one have a very limited market. So it would be a financially losing proposition. The game only sold 7,000 copies online to begin with, and that's through an established distribution site that has no English equivalent. You can't really sell a game called "Ragnarok Online Battle Fuck" on Steam, after all. And even if he wanted to do it, I don't know if he'd be able to sell it in the West because our attitude toward trademark infringement is much different than Japan's. So he'd be spending a lot of money to probably sell no copies and then get sued.

But yeah, I suppose it could be... racism? Too? Maybe?
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Actually if you can't speak any language and are just learning, Japanese is much easier to learn than English. English is actually one of the hardest languages to learn apparently.

you're kidding me don't you i mean everyone in the world has english at school ther only 26 letters english is everywhere: at airport,train stations,ports,journey guides,manuals, ewryone in europa,austarlia,america can speaking english is the easiest language of the world.

japanes is well runes they dont hafe leters they hafing runes
(not the magical once) and ther many of them for example(梱包の指示)
hof can anyone read somthink like thad:eek:
and there speaking sounds senseless

(man this thread is going so of topic):)
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

So he's mad about non-Japanese people visiting his blog because they are all pirates? The logic is still flawed in many ways, mainly the part of them not buying it because they don't speak the language. Honestly I think this makes it worse than when I thought he was actually mad about pirates since this shows hints of racism or general hatred of foreigners.

Japanese aren't known to be very fond of foreigners. This is just another example of this stereotype.

Also @anon, if English is so easy, then how the hell do you manage to butcher it so bad??
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Can you fix your post to be actual English please? I know you can type it with ease as I've seen you do it and it's honestly too hard to tell what you are trying to say when you type it like that.

As to what you're saying, I'll try to respond to what I think it is. English is the most commonly spoken language world wide as far as I'm aware. In terms of learning it, Japanese is much easier as it doesn't have letters with 15 different sounds like English. Japanese Hiragana and Katakana all have just 1 sound for each letter while the English alphabet has multiple sounds for nearly every letter. It is much harder to learn words in English because of this. Be honest, if you weren't a native English speaker could you honestly pronounce words like Xylophone, knight, or even something simple like rain? Rain alone could confuse you if you weren't a native speaker. A lot of words with "ai" in them are pronounced like "I" instead of "A", so if you learned to read it as "I" before you learned it could be read as "A" you'd misread it. Sorry if I explained it poorly, I'm pretty bad at explaining stuff.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

There's that in French too, and I'd say even more so than in English. Even as a native speaker, I consider French one of the hardest, only because it's composed of almost no rules, only exceptions -.-'

Anyway, we should probably get back on topic!
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

Ya'll are a little too worried about this, I think.

1.) He's pissed that 30% of his views to his blog are coming from foreigners who presumably don't speak Japanese, and therefore didn't buy his game legitimately. This seems reasonable, I think. Man worked hard on it; it's got a ton of content and lots of free updates.
2.) He's not putting DRM on his next game. He specifically says so, and that it would likely do nothing.
3.) He may put in some question that requires Japanese knowledge to progress in his next game. If he does, I'm sure someone here will have the answer before long.

This seems incredibly petty and desperate.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

I do not quite understand his last post.
looks like he had some error in the PC, the folder that contains the graphics of monsters.
someone could clarify, please, if it will make him postpone the launch of the game.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

I do not quite understand his last post.
looks like he had some error in the PC, the folder that contains the graphics of monsters.
someone could clarify, please, if it will make him postpone the launch of the game.

It happend to him in the past before so he have back up store else where, so no problem.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

It happend to him in the past before so he have back up store else where, so no problem.

thank GOD! I love this game! And thank you for the reply!!
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

new post, if anyone can clarify, I'd really like to know the release date, from what I understand, it will be in late June or early July, but would like a confirmation. Thank you.
Re: [アスガル騎士団|RPG]ROBFS4U

new post, if anyone can clarify, I'd really like to know the release date, from what I understand, it will be in late June or early July, but would like a confirmation. Thank you.

There is no confirmation - his May 10th post strictly said to regard his "June 10th" estimate to be purely hypothetical. I'm not going to make any claims to speak Japanese, but my understanding is that he's only estimating how long it'd take to brush over 15 characters and pump out a trial/demo for the public to try.


In regards to the ongoing topic,
It's indeed one of the best H games in existence. I can understand the discomfort of strange foreigners "spying" on his blog, but not so much why he doesn't set up a donation box for us to show him our thanks/support in bitcoins or other digital commodities.
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