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Assassin! (OAMP)

Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

Lexwyns Stats: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Pregnant

What was left of her clothing collected along with the rest of her gear, Lexwyn trudged through the woods until she reached the road once more. Again, she had the choice between keeping to the path through the woods, or just following the road, though the town was fairly close now. She would only have to go through the woods once more to reach the town, but did she really want to risk another attack like the one form the tentacled plant creature by going through the woods?
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

The assassin paused, seriously disguested with how this little journey was going. Still, she wanted to remain unseen, and through the woods was the best path for that. She bet there'd be... things... waiting to ambush her at the road's end, that'd be no good, especially in her present state.
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

Lexwyns Stats: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Pregnant

Perception: Success.
Stealth: Success.

Lexwyn, still mentally recovering from her violation, creeps across the road and proceeds through the last patch of woods before she hits the edge of town. The trip takes less than five minutes and is completely uneventful, though she jumps at more than a few shadows along the way. When she reaches the edge of the woods, she pauses to examine the buildings immediately in front of her, all of them badly maintained hovels, listening, and hears what sound like voices coming towards her form the town. Hiding in the bushes, Lexwyns only has to wait a minute or so before two women walk around the corner of a small shack, dressed in highly revealing red robes.

"There are usually a few hiding out somewhere around the edge of town.... They seem to think it's safer here, or at least that's what some of them have told me after I caught them." Said the first of the pair, who was almost six feet tall and had long silky black hair. The other, a shorter woman with similarly colored but much curlier hair, glanced around quickly, though her eyes never found the spot where Lexwyn was hiding, before replying; "Well, hopefully we won't run into any that decide it would be nice to ambush us. They're much more dangerous than you give them credit for, you know. I've heard stories...." She seemed as though she was about to continue, but the other woman interrupted her with a laugh, followed by a contemptuous; "Dangerous! Hah! You'll see before long just how 'dangerous' these mortals are." The pair continued walking past her hiding place, coming within twenty feet, and seemed as though they would pass right by without even noticing her.
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

While part of her was quite focused on her first encounter in these woods, how she missed with her rifle, Lexwyn decided it was worth another try. These two targets were walking slower, instead of charging headlong, and she truely could catch these two offguard. Lexwyn could take her sweet time and aim, she'd got for a headshot on the tall one. Take out the one who would have their wits about them. Then, she'd try and dash out and take the short one by surprise, hoping the woman would freak, making her easy prey. The assassin wouldn't hurt her unless needed, yet, she wanted some information from her...
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

(Dropping stats since these are the wrap up posts.)

Her shot hits home perfectly, blowing the taller womans brains out the back of her head. The shorter stops in mid-stride, her mouth agape, and as Lexwyn leaps out at her, she yelped and turned to attempt to flee. Unfortunately, she couldn't run nearly as fast as the assassin, and Lexwyn quickly had her down on the ground, a knife to her throat.
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

"Start talking, or it's slicy slicy time!" Lexwyn would press the blade as close as she could without actually cutting the woman, staring her right in the eye with a cold expression that said she meant bussiness.

(Figured, you updated a week after I stopped checking)
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

"Errr.... What do you want to know? If you want to know something, it wouldn't hurt to ask." The demoness replied, looking less frightened than she had a moment ago, despite the blade to her throat.
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

Lexwyn realized her head wasn't exactly screwed on right after all that happened. She'd been hoping for just terrified word vomit, but apparently she wasn't up to being that scary today. Quickly covering the woman's mouth she stabbed through one of her hands in the blink of an eye, holding any screams in, before contiuing to pump her for information. Are you stupid!?! Who are you and what's going on! Why is this village invaded by demons!" A key to interogation was to always seem in control, the woman's attitude could not go unpunished.
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

The woman grunts into her hand as Lexwyn stabs her, her eyes turning blood red, and the assassin made the mistake of looking directly at them as she told the demoness what she wanted to know. For a moment, she seemed to black out, her body going mostly slack, until she came to, and found the demon now on top of her as they laid out on the ground, her mouth softly kissing Lexwyns neck and her uninjured hand groping the confused girls breast through her clothing. The last few seconds were blank in her mind, but the attention she was getting from her would be prisoner was starting to feel very good through the fog that still clouded her mind.

(You're grappled now btw. You can make your action however you want though, the stun only lasts for a round.)
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

As Lexwyn slowly came back to her senses her eyes fluttered in pleasure. She even let out a low moan as she slowly looked around, forgetting for a moment what was going on. "Mmmmm... that feels pretty nice." The image of a woman with her was comforting, until suddenly her memory returned. "WHAT!" With a bellowing cry she attempted to shove the woman off her and roll on top again, grasping for her knife. If she could, she'd stab a few more times, teaching this bitch a lesson.
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

Lexwyn pushes the injured woman off of her, but when she tries for the knife she'd dropped the demoness sweeps it away from them. The assassin delivers a powerful kick to the womans midsection, sending her tumbling away, and Lexwyn rushes for her weapon. When she picks it up, she finds her target stumbling away from her toward an alley, picking up speed but still easily slower than she. Catching up to her would be trivial at this point.
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

Lexwyn would actually let the woman get to the alley, it might provide some cover and privacy for the rest of the "interrogation". Walking slowly behind her, the assassin would savor the waves of helplessness that radiated off her target, before stabbing down onto her hip once she was sure they were out of sight in the darkness. "Nice try, but no one can defeat me. You better surrender now, most of the time people don't even get one chance with me, let alone two." Not all of her statement was pure confidence, but putting on an act was important to get information.
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

As she walked, Lexwyn noticed that the demoness was beginning to pick up speed and pull away from her, despite her hand which was leaving a trail of blood for her to follow. She broke into a run away from the assassin, disappearing down the alley and out of her sight. If Lexwyn wanted to keep her victim and get her questions answered, she'd have to start moving a lot faster.
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

Satisfied that they were in cover, Lexwyn put on a burst of speed, knife at the ready to stab into the woman's flesh. She used her training, being light on here feet and hoping to reduce the sound of her footsteps enough that the woman would not know when the assassin was taking a leap. When she got close enough she'd attempt a flying tackle in addition to the stab, that would probably be enough to take the target down.
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

Lexwyn caught the demoness ten feet from the end of the alley, tackling her to the ground, and jabbing her knife into the womans hip. She unleashes a howl of pain, and collapses to the ground, barely moving due to the agony caused by her second injury. She lay on the ground beneath Lexwyn, unmoving and sobbing quietly as her blood formed a pool beneath her.
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

Lexwyn smirked and pressed the woman's face into the dirt, rubbing it around a bit as she taunted. "Now, let's try that again, shall we? Why are you people here, in this village?" She yanked her up by the hair so she could speak again, comfortably keeping the advantage by straddling over the woman's rump. Just to be sure, she used both hands to help control and subdue her, in case she wanted to make further trouble.
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

The demoness sobbed, yelping slightly as Lexwyn tugged on her hair and pulled her head up, but otherwise made no reply at first, her eyes shut tight. Then, suddenly, her eyes shot open, glowing bright red, and she shouted; "To take from you what was taken from us centuries ago! At the behest of our god, we come to make war upon thee!" Her voice was filled with rage and anguish; "Kill me, pathetic mortal, but know that I go to be with my master and creator, who will come upon your world and devour your soul for your crimes against his servants!"

Then, she suddenly laughed, the sound echoing through the buildings, before she continued; "Fool! I can feel our corruption within you already! You are ours, now and forever, and there is nothing you can do about it!" Then, she began to laugh again for almost a minute, before she suddenly quieted, her eyes shutting, and she started whimpering in pain.
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

The assassin was made to take pause at the outburst. On some level she knew people would be running towards her, and she'd have to act fast, but the event was quite.... shocking. She didn't like the demoness' tone, either. Infact, that's what shook her out of her stupor. "Tell me, can you be hurt so bad you will not heal, like humans, or do you regenerate? Truthful answer now, as I can make it hurt either way." She traced the knife around the woman's arm, glancing around to see if any new attackers were showing up this fast already.
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

The demoness didn't respond, and seemed to have run out of resistance, as she simply groaned and clutched at the wound bleeding at her hip. By this point, the pool of blood beneath her was quite large, and she was looking rather pale and sickly compared to before. Apparently, these demons weren't as tough as the legends would have led her to believe.
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

Lexwyn sighed. She hoped to perhaps get a little more use out of her, either as a hostage, which would probably wouldn't have worked, or perhaps squeezed some last bit of info out in exchange for letting her die instead of saving her, but cutting off some vital parts.

Sneaking carefully, Lexwyn would venture back towards the town's edge. She wouldn't break from cover just yet, or indeed even attempt to back out into the woods. Instead, she'd look for a deserted building to hide in, or a dark cubbyhole no one would search, then observe the response force.