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Assassin! (OAMP)

Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

Lexwyns Stats: HP = 16/39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Clothing Shifted

To-hit: 16 + 28 = 44 vs 42 == Hit.
Damage: 2 + 9 + 4(RP bonus) = 15 damage.

The horse, predictably, charges directly toward her, and she slashes her blade directly against its throat. Her knife chews into the beasts neck, cutting deeply before it slides out, and a rush of blood floods out from the beasts torn neck. Unfortunately for her, the creature didn't even seem to notice her attack, and, despite the blood and the pain it likely inflicted, the mutated beast just kept on going.

To-hit: 4 + 40 = 44 vs 25 == Hit.
Damage: 5 + 20 - 2 = 23 damage. Armor at 9/20 TP.

The horse slams into her with its shoulder, and she very nearly drops her knife as the right side of her body goes numb. The hit very nearly sends her flying, but she instead manages to roll away from it as the horse keeps on charging, narrowly avoiding getting its tentacles wrapped around her legs. By the time she gets her feet back under her, the injured horse is turning back toward her, the blood flow from the gash on its neck already slowing. It paws the ground, likely preparing another charge, and she doubted that she could keep fighting after another hit like that. It was about then that she noticed that the horses attack had torn a good chunk of her shirt off as it had struck her, leaving most of her breast bare.
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

Lexwyn was quite dazed by the hit. Perhaps riding through the blow wasn't the best idea. Still, the thing was still attacking, she had to fight back. Only a slight change of tactics was needed. This time, at the last second, she'd jump to the side and stick the knife out, letting the horse run a long trail along its side. Not a critical area, like the neck, but it should still make a nice long gash, once again using the horse's strength against it.
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

Lexwyns Stats: HP = 16/39, PP = 32, EP = 29, Clothing Shifted

To-hit: 17 + 28 = 45 vs 42 == Hit.
Damage: 7 + 9 + 4 = 20 damage.

Lexwyn dodges out of the way just in time to avoid the horses charge, and slashes her dagger across the beasts side. A long gash opens in its body, followed by a massive wave of blood that splashes onto her clothes as it passes by. The horse flaters and falls to the ground a few feet after passing her, breathing its last as its blood rushes out of it from both its throat and its side. Its tentacles writhe disgustingly, getting slicked further by the beasts blood, before they fall limp to the ground.

(Gain 4 exp.)
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

The fight or flight instinct fading, Lexwyn immediately ran to the side of the road a purged her stomic. The blood and guts she could take, but the vile seed forced down her throat she could not. She must get as much up as possible, though no doubt some would remain. Afterwards the assassin would notice she'd failed to fix her clothes in her rush. She'd take a moment to sort it out, then collect her items, before finally taking a good look at the corpse of her foe. One must know their enemy to know how best to defeat it.
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

Lexwyns Stats: HP = 16/39, PP = 32, EP = 29

Lexwyn manages to purge herself of much of the horses seed, the vile substance being even more vile coming out than it had been going in, though she still feels something strange and unexplainable within her body. After retrieving her things and re-arranging her clothes to cover herself, Lexwyn heads over to the dead horse, and examines its body. Other than the tentacles extending from its belly, the horse has numerous other patches of skin where the fur is gone, and strange growths protrude from it. In its guts, she suddenly spots something glowing, just barely visible through the beasts blood.
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

Lexwyn had no idea what that item might be, but it was probably important. She looked for a large stick to help her cut it out if it was stuck. She'd rather not get the gore all over her, for all she knew it attracted the beasts or something. It would be a priority to get as little of it on her hands as possible. Perhaps some leaves could be used to wipe off whatever the shiney object was a bit.
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

Lexwyns Stats: HP = 16/39, PP = 32, EP = 29

Lexwyn pulls a branch from a nearby tree, and prods the stone from out of the gory mass with little difficulty. She uses a leaf to pick up the stone, and then another to wipe it clean, therefore avoiding getting much of the dead beasts blood on her hands and clothes, before examining it. It fits easily in her palm, and glows faintly red. It had the shape of an uncut gem, with many jagged protrusions, and glowed faintly as she held it. Even without the blood covering it, the gem was a deep crimson color.
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

While Lexwyn had no idea what this gem like object was, it was probably pretty important. She'd take it with her for now.

As for her current plan, Lexwyn realizes she should have gotten off the main road sooner. Despite her poor performance in the battle, it would have been better to avoid it all together. Even hiding in the bushes as the horse passed shouldn't have happened, she should have already been off the trail and deep in the woods, making a stealthy approach. As such, Lexwyn turned towards the forrest, looking for the path of least resistance. Eventually she'd go recon the village, but a nice secluded place to take a breather would be nice too.
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

Lexwyns Stats: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29

(Gain 1x darkheart.)

Lewynn puts the stone away, and then proceeds into the woods. The trees are mostly oaks, so they are spaced far enough apart and have little enough ground cover between them that the going isn't impossible, even in the dark of night. She keeps the going slow and quiet as well as she can, though she'd definitely prefer hiding in the shadows of a building than those cast by the trees, which she thought might have more mutated animals in them.

Perception: Success.
Stealth: Success.

She goes for about ten minutes before she spots a small clearing up ahead, visible by the brighter patch of ground it produced. In it she could see a strange plant, about three or four feet tall, with a mushroom-like platform three feet off the ground and a stamen sticking up about a foot above it. A vine slid around it in a circle, and she followed it to a crimson flower on the end, that seemed to be able to move around like a snake. She kept away from it at about thirty feet, and it didn't seem to notice her, though she wasn't sure how something like that could sense anything, much less a human hiding in the bushes.
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

Lexwyn kept her distance. No need to get closer and check it out at the moment. She briefly considered stopping her, carefully hiding herself, and watching the thing for awhile, but in the end the thought of getting closer to the villege was more appealing, though her curiousity was bubbling up, something that didn't happen very often. Lexwyn would stay behind a tree and watch for five minutes or so, catching her breath from earlier at the same time, then skirt around the plant, at roughly this same distance, before proceeding as before.
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

Lexwyns Stats: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29

Stealth: Success.

The plant doesn't seem to notice Lexwyn as she studies it, and she notices that a glowing blue fluid seems to be leaking from the tip of the stamen at the top of it. The flower moves slowly around every once in a while, not making any sound that she can hear. Eventually, she moves around the perimeter of the plant, and slips by it, leaving it to do whatever it does, and continues on toward the town.

Her hike takes another quarter of an hour before she comes out of the woods and back on to a road, which now runs perpendicular to her path. It turned going both directions, and another wall of forest stood across from her. Remembering the look she'd gotten of a map of the area, she knew that this must be where the road began to twist and turn for a while before she could reach the town. As far as she could tell, the road was clear, so she could take that to the town, but cutting through the woods would be a much more direct route.
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

People followed roads. It was an obvious statement, but one that summed up Lexwyn's choice. She'd continue on as she had been, through the forrest. Taking the road would no doubt increase her chance of running into another hostile creature or marauding bandits, both of which she wasn't really in the mood to confront right now. She was glad the area seemed deserted, but many things were not what they appeared to be at first. Lexwyn refused to let her guard drop, especially after what happened only a brief time before.
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

Lexwyns Stats: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29

Stealth: Success.
Perception: Failure.

Taking the forest path, Lexwyn proceeds through the thick woods, keeping as quiet and well-hidden as possible. At one point, she thinks that she sees something hiding in the bushes, but when she looks back, she can't detect anything further. Eventually she comes to yet another break in the woods in which she finds herself standing on the road. It having worked so far, she continued moving along the forest trail.

Stealth: Success.
Perception: Success.

As she proceeds through the woods, Lexwyn suddenly brings herself to a halt, and creeps forward a few paces, her instincts on high alert. She pauses once more after going a few feet further, and looks on the creature before her with a mix of curiosity and revulsion. It looks like nothing more than some kind of massive insect, with an almost ant-like body, but also with dozens of tentacles writhing in the air above it. It paced about a small glade, apparently not noticing her.
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

Lexwyn hates bugs. Odd for someone that spends so much time hiding in outdoor enviroments, but true. She stares at it in utter disgust for a few moments, while making up her mind. She decides she has time to put down one surreal horror. Still holding perfectly still, she theroizes the best way to sneak attack the creature. Upon forumlation of a good plan, she's strike with her dagger at what would be hoped to be a weak point.
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

Lexwyns Stats: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29

Stealth: Success.
To-hit: Automatic Success.
Damage: 11 + 7 = 18 x 2 = 36 damage.

Lexwyns strike is absolutely precise, and very nearly perfect, as the strange creature never sees her coming before it's far too late. Finding no other weak point, Lexwyn jabs her dagger into its head, and it drops unceremoniously to the ground as soon as her weapon is free of its head. It gives a final twitch before lying limp, greenish blood leaking form its head and coating her dagger.

(Gain 2 exp.)
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

Lexwyn lets a small smile onto her lips. That was more like it. She looks around for something to clean her dagger, but it isn't all that high a priority. Perhaps later, when she settles in one area as a temporary base, she can steal some extra clothes, and use some as a rag to clean up the constant mess she seemed to generate. But those were thoughts for a later time, now in a good mood, she'd keep heading towards the outskirts of the village.
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

Lexwyns Stats: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29

Perception: Success.
Stealth: Success.

Heading along, Lexwyn comes upon another of those strange plants from earlier, this one just off the path she'd been taking toward the town. Its mobile flower searched around, but hidden where she was behind a small boulder, it didn't detect her. If she gave it a wide enough berth just like the last one, she could probably make her way past it with relative ease.

(You're getting a lot of encounters.)
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

(Probably because I'm walking through an infested forrest instead of taking the road :D)

Lexwyn decided to skirt around this one too. The strange plant didn't seem like much of a threat unless it could somehow follow her. Sure, it had some range, but not near enough to get the jump on someone looking for them. Though the sheer number of things encountered out here was starting to worry the assassin. She was starting to wonder if perhaps the road was actually safter, but untill something proved her wrong, she'd keep trying this way.
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

Lexwyns Stats: HP = 39, PP = 32, EP = 29

Perception: Failure.
Stealth: Failure.

Lexwyn barely gets thirty feet beyond the stationary plant before a strange sound sounds just to her left. Turning, she finds a much more mobile, and much more humanoid, plant barreling toward her. It was shaped vaguely like a man, with two legs, two arms, and a head on its shoulders. That was about where the similarities ended, however, as it had a slew of tentacles stretching out from its back, and a small round closed bud at its crotch. Its skin was dark green and completely plant-like, and its hands had a half-dozen writhing tentacles instead of fingers, while its feet were simply stumps at the bottom of its legs, with no real shape to speak of. It rushed toward her, shrieking in a long, shrill cry that echoed throughout the woods, and was only 5 feet away before Lexwyn recovered fully from her shock.
Re: Assassin! (OAMP)

Well, this was certainly something you don't see every day. Lexwyn didn't really have time for a plan, she simply had to bring a dagger around and hope she made it in time. If it was aiming right for her, she'd have to try and let it impail itself on her small knife. She could only hope she could even get it unholstered in time, if she made it out of this, she might resort to carrying a weapon in her hand at all time while out here, she probably should have been doing that to begin with, and the assassin mentally cursed herself for letting a plant of all things sneak up on her.