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RPG RPG Maker [arvus games] [M]Ass Effect

Re: [M]Ass Effect

I'm sorry try this dox(.)bg/files/dw?a=233796c5b5
Just remove the brackets from the link :)
Re: [M]Ass Effect

oh, rofl, sorry but when i read the title i was thinking M stands for male, male ass effect, no offence, will check this out ^^
Re: [M]Ass Effect

hears [M]Ass Effect EPISODE 3

Re: [M]Ass Effect

Has anyone found the Aria scene or the Miranda/Samara scene in episode 1?

There are graphics for it in the folder but I can't find the scenes in the game.

Edit: Apparently those are just leftovers that were never implemented.
Last edited:
Re: [M]Ass Effect

And it looks like this game is dead. Creator got scared with legal notices from EA and stopped development. Can't even make comments on the blog anymore. Shouldn't it be completely protected by parody law?

Major bummer since it appears Episode III was days away from the final update that would have added the Tali scene. I kind of wish they would at least release the artwork they intended to use for that update.

So hard to find games with the Western feel this one had. Really made it a favorite of mine.
Re: [M]Ass Effect

The creator just has to learn to go smaller. Having a blog like that is a mistake. He should limit himself to forums. They can provide plenty of exposure, especially if you use a place like 4chan.

What I don't get, though, is why Fugrup (who does all those really high quality animations with the 3D game models) hasn't been hit with it, since ME models are some of his favorites. Maybe he doesn't use the names enough? Not sure.

Anyway, if the author doesn't have a centralized place for them to attack, there's nothing really EA can do.
Re: [M]Ass Effect

My first thought to why he got EA's attention and people like Fugtrup don't is because he was using his games to garner attention for a kickstarter-esque project, indirectly using the Mass Effect series to get himself some funds. Again, this is just a guess.
Re: [M]Ass Effect

My first thought to why he got EA's attention and people like Fugtrup don't is because he was using his games to garner attention for a kickstarter-esque project, indirectly using the Mass Effect series to get himself some funds. Again, this is just a guess.

Yeah, that was foolish.

He needs to just make it for free and not use its success to launch anything else.
Re: [M]Ass Effect

Any1 knows the code from the art gallery in the abandoned village? i press the paintings and they dont do anything

Edit: never mind found it by accident i had to count the paintings to find the code
Re: [M]Ass Effect

Could somebody upload the full gallery saves for 2-3? I didn't find a gallery in one but the game played out really weird for me anyways so I dunno. I missed some scenes even though I thought I combed the full game.
Re: [M]Ass Effect

It looks like the blog is basically dead now. Is there anywhere else you can find the games?
Re: [M]Ass Effect

It looks like the blog is basically dead now. Is there anywhere else you can find the games?

Try that out, if that one isn't any good then try to download them individually by typing "Ass Effect" in the search.

PS: If you're feeling nice, could you upload it to mega so I can get episode 3? The internet I'm using doesn't have a stable connection, downloading anything from anywhere else other than mega is an unsuccessful attempt for me.
Re: [M]Ass Effect

Thanks. Ain't it funny how you can have basically nil interest in something until someone says you can't have it?
Re: [M]Ass Effect

Sorry to revive such an old thread, but I only just learned this was a thing that existed. I don't suppose anyone still has working links?
Re: [M]Ass Effect

Would not mind 'em either :D
Re: [M]Ass Effect

Here you got, AE 1-3: