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Re: Anthophobia

i haven't kept up with this in awhile. he make the normal enemys less hardcore?
Re: Anthophobia

Sourjelly has started a Patreon page for Anthophobia, for those interested

and they're taking in player feedback, for those of you that didn't like the dark lighting or maybe the difficulty, you can vote and give feedback on the things you'd like to see improved here
Re: Anthophobia

wow, this is good! It's still too difficult though especially considering this is still the 1st stage o.o ... this kind of difficulty should be saved for later stages

the sprites look great, character design is amazing with all the clothing damage. I really love the shredding effect <3

animations are all awkward T__T ... it's pretty fluid though.
Re: Anthophobia

looks like there's some more pictures up on the patreon feed for those that have pledged, and if I'm reading the blog correctly chapter 2 is going to be released to patrons at the 'Citizen ID" level which is 15$ that is assuming I've read the blog correctly.
Re: Anthophobia

beat it, finally. Very nice game, good animation, not easy to beat, but not too hard. And it has a piece of the atmosphere of old RE games. Like it very much, and looking forward to it.
Re: Anthophobia

2. And shoot off the zombies falling off from the crack nearby. There's probably 2-3 zombies if my memory is correct, so 75% of an entire clip of ammo is needed.
No, they're not. I killed 15 of them falling off from the ceiling, then tried to make a run for it and got stuck
in the endless loop of the spores and died. I threw the molotov but only 2 of the fucking spore shooters
died, and the others killed me while another 5 zombies that came through the crack were incoming. That
part is bullshit, and every time it takes 15 minutes to get there with maximum ammunition.
Re: Anthophobia

No, they're not. I killed 15 of them falling off from the ceiling, then tried to make a run for it and got stuck
in the endless loop of the spores and died. I threw the molotov but only 2 of the fucking spore shooters
died, and the others killed me while another 5 zombies that came through the crack were incoming. That
part is bullshit, and every time it takes 15 minutes to get there with maximum ammunition.

This. It isn't an action game if the molotov is necessary for that exact part, it's a puzzle game. (And even that doesn't automatically solve all the spamming chaining spores)
Re: Anthophobia

There seems to be an update and it now includes the whole part of Ch.1 in the game.

Um if anyone has a guide to get to the final boss, can it be posted? Im stuck at the part where there is this arrow pointing to a generator machine or something?
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Re: Anthophobia

There seems to be an update and it now includes the whole part of Ch.1 in the game.

Um if anyone has a guide to get to the final boss, can it be posted? Im stuck at the part where there is this arrow pointing to a generator machine or something?

the demo previously had all of chapter 1 in it, the new demo has a new Easy mode, which is supposed to kill zombies when you break out of a sex attack, but it isn't working properly atm, so for now it just slightly reduces damage taken. it also has the option to turn off the lighting effect that makes the game really dark, and your character no longer turns around your character when you get attacked.

as for the part you're stuck on, from the generator, you've got to go backwards, remember that key you pick up at the end of that long hallway? that goes to the door halfway through that hallway, a little bit backwards. from there you will find another key in a room there, and that goes to the locked room where the generator is at, which has a gas can in the top left corner.
Re: Anthophobia

Hmm for the gauntlet (where the generator opens the wall) I don't recall needing the molotov. After a couple deaths to figure it out it became fairly simple (Annoying to get to that point from the last save point to be sure)

It's been awhile since I played but i doubt it was made more difficult. From what I recall, you can hit the lamp from pretty far away aiming up. Upon entering the room, rush in til where the plant enemy is right off the edge of screen, aim up and drop the lamp. then back up to where the door opened by the generator was and wait for the spore to settle. You should be able to pop in, drop the lamp and pull back before the spore even has time to fall onto your position.

about 2-3 zombies should drop from the ceiling in front of you, gun them down and there should be a lull in zombie drop where you should rush ahead and gun down 2nd plant on the edge of the screen. afterward rush forward and you should see a pile of ... 2-3 plants I think? Don't worry about the spore and let yourself be pulled into the 1st plant. After you break out of grapple you have a few sec of invincibility, charge through the pile of plants with the invincibility and you're done. (I hope the new version didn't nerf the invincibility frames too hard)

That's the rough outline, I can't remember the minute details but it should be easy nough to figure out. Once you get the hang of it you can pull it off every time easily.
Re: Anthophobia

how do you download the demos? i went to the download demo page and i made an account but all it says is that it's a secret article.
Re: Anthophobia

how do you download the demos? i went to the download demo page and i made an account but all it says is that it's a secret article.

Click the word "link" under the 2nd picture from the top.
Re: Anthophobia

the demo previously had all of chapter 1 in it, the new demo has a new Easy mode, which is supposed to kill zombies when you break out of a sex attack, but it isn't working properly atm, so for now it just slightly reduces damage taken. it also has the option to turn off the lighting effect that makes the game really dark, and your character no longer turns around your character when you get attacked.

as for the part you're stuck on, from the generator, you've got to go backwards, remember that key you pick up at the end of that long hallway? that goes to the door halfway through that hallway, a little bit backwards. from there you will find another key in a room there, and that goes to the locked room where the generator is at, which has a gas can in the top left corner.

Oh thanks. i never through i had to backtrack.
Re: Anthophobia

This. It isn't an action game if the molotov is necessary for that exact part, it's a puzzle game. (And even that doesn't automatically solve all the spamming chaining spores)

Actually there's another method. Lanterns hanging from the ceiling can be shot down and there's one above the plants there. It insta-kills them but at that point, I think it's where a bunch of zombies start spawning. I think it's endless.

I made it to the boss once. I was at the end of my patience when I got looped endlessly by those plants a few times. I've been able to get to that point without really losing any health and having full ammo clips, but there's just a lot of crap you have to deal with in that hallway that I rushed through it once and hit another checkpoint or something. And I couldn't really get to the boss without much difficulty because my clothes were torn up from rushing the hallway, and no clothing lying around in the final stretch.
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Re: Anthophobia

the modern gamer, folks

I was just confused since other H-game are similar and thought it was a "Adventures of Alchemist Annette" another H-game where all you do is fight monsters.

And i didnt thought it was a Resident Evil Progeny style h-game.
Re: Anthophobia

Actually there's another method. Lanterns hanging from the ceiling can be shot down and there's one above the plants there. It insta-kills them but at that point, I think it's where a bunch of zombies start spawning. I think it's endless.

I made it to the boss once. I was at the end of my patience when I got looped endlessly by those plants a few times. I've been able to get to that point without really losing any health and having full ammo clips, but there's just a lot of crap you have to deal with in that hallway that I rushed through it once and hit another checkpoint or something. And I couldn't really get to the boss without much difficulty because my clothes were torn up from rushing the hallway, and no clothing lying around in the final stretch.
Now the game's been updated. There's a checkpoint right before the boss and it's a bit bugged, so
if you die against the boss you keep the stuff you had when you hit the checkpoint, but the drops
in the last room are respawned, so eventually you get to maximum clothing and ammunition. By the
way, to get there I just ran through the assholes spam and didn't shoot a bullet, I just kept ready
to struggle out of holds and ran through. It's much better than fighting, but I don't like this design
choice very much honestly.

TL;DR: get the last version and just run through the two final rooms, you'll have everything you need.

Too bad that now I can't kill the goddamn boss. When he only has one hand on the elevator, he throws shit
on the floor so fast I can't do anything.
Re: Anthophobia

Too bad that now I can't kill the goddamn boss. When he only has one hand on the elevator, he throws shit
on the floor so fast I can't do anything.
Shoot hands and jump on the shit, that's it, and don't forget to dodge flying hands.
Re: Anthophobia

Too bad that now I can't kill the goddamn boss. When he only has one hand on the elevator, he throws shit
on the floor so fast I can't do anything.

you dont have to crouch attack the things he throws on the ground, you can jump and land on them to kill them too. I found that alot easier.
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