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A Demon's Answer to the Heavens (Prudence;Termite)

Re: Passing Diamonds (Prudence)

Seras showed obvious hesitation to answer Prudence and he sudden declaration and extension of her hand. Seras spent that moment to look imposing and defiant, but before she'd look like a coward, she quickly seized Pru's hand. Their thoughts shared, she'd come to find a great deal about their relationship together.

It began with a bet. Seras was much younger than she was now at the time, and she carried with her the belief that all men were useless. She was one who spent a lot of company with women, even of the sexual nature, and felt most comfortable there. She successfully pushed aside any man who even thought about comparing themselves to her. She was skilled, strong, and intelligent enough to best any male she happened to step over and disgrace, except one.

Then, there was Alvin. He wore his typical cocky grin and was well with his biological ears and tail, which twitched every time he seemed to think. He happened to be tasked by the local female governor, after intimacies no doubt, to rid the presence of pirates from her town. Ergo, she wanted him to chase Seras out. He was more than happy to oblige, even if it were a favor, which it was not. Alvin enjoyed his purse as much as any sly fellow like his person. With such coin hanging from his belt, he stood with one hand on his hip as he said, "You own this entire town, no one doubts that, but there is one bit of property that you do not own, nor will you ever own it. Such a trophy is I, the King of Thieves." Alvin boasted.

All spectators broke out in laughter. There was a Queen of Thieves known by rumors, but a man holding such a title was enough to make everyone's faces go red with absolute amusement from the absurd idea of a man earning such a title. Indeed, no one heard of such a person, so as far as they were all concerned, he was a nobody spouting nonsense. What made Seras truly amused however, was that she know what he likely did not, the fool. Before him, a woman of such talent an infamy, was the women who enjoyed her former title, the Queen of Thieves. Before she became a pirate, Seras was something of a master thief, able to steal from anyone, mamono, angel, demon or human. She made her living by collecting the world's most valuable artifacts and selling them for enough profit to obtain an elite crew and the sea's finest ship, unmatched in speed, power, and toughness with it's supreme technology. With such a history, Seras actually began to feel giddy as the prospect of showing this man the reality of his foolishness.

Her giddy rush soon vanished. They agreed to casual sport on Alvin's offer to demonstrate his skill as the King. Dagger throwing, Alvin gave a simple 'ladies first,' before throwing his dagger immediately after her own. It struck her dagger and hit the board in the middle, making her dagger hit the ground. Just with that, Seras was hit by the realization that her opponent was no mere babbling fool, and that she was playing to his tune the entire time while she thought she was merely humoring him. She used all of the techniques she had used to become a true master, but was defeated in every category. Alvin was faster, smarter, and even tougher than her. At first Seras' morale sank. She blamed her total defeat on her overconfidence. She allowed herself to become soft. However, that mindset changed when she saw it. His story didn't match his purse. The shape the bag gave off was not spots of circular round areas, but more shaped like... Pills. She first thought to cut his purse and expose him, but she found the man looking right at her as he reached into his purse with a wide grin, and pulled out a blue pill between his index finger and thumb, as if showing it off to her.

Cheater, was the first thing that came to mind, but then Seras found a truly powerful admiration for the man. He had accepted how great of a foe Seras was, and came up with such a means as to best her. All others who faced her used what was within their own power to compete with her, but none accepted that Seras was their better. She could tell that this man was humble enough to know that he would have lost normally, and so he used her own overconfidence against her. He made her into what Seras had always viewed her opponents to be, and that is a fool who couldn't accept the possibility that she was weaker than him. Now, here was a man who managed to beat her. The only one who managed to do so. In response, Seras had only one thing to say.

"Capture him!" Seras shouted, before the chase began as she and her crew pursued the elusive man, who fled out to the docks, and jumped to the departing boat that was his ride. As he turned following his landing on deck, and blew Seras and her crew a kiss, Seras shouted out to him. "I will make you mine, Alvin!"

After that, she spent many years chasing rumors and even guesses at times, hoping that she was on Alvin's trail. Seras felt her heart pounding with excitement over the idea of meeting him again. Being around such a man was the most exciting time of her life, and she could view no other as the one to be her love. She didn't quite love him yet, but the attraction was strong, and as a result, she urged her crew on every day in order to try and turn that passion into blooming love. Such was the passion she desired all this time. She knew that sly man had it within him. Not even the women of her prior fancy would satisfy. She had never cum once, but was happy just from the act of passion. So many things she wanted to experience, and to Seras, Alvin was the key to unlock so much of what she has been unable to unleash within herself.

After Prudence was shown Seras' past, she received her answer.

Re: Passing Diamonds (Prudence)

Was she pushing too hard? Would Seras actually deny her? A ghost of these thoughts was running through Prudence's head as the pirate simply stared in defiance and hesitation, but once her hand was taken the sudden influx of thought that ran though her mind nearly had the human reeling. At first it was simply an unintelligible jumble, but soon enough her perception adjusted and let her relive the memory of Seras and Alvin's first encounter. She bore witness to the woman's cockiness and surety, her dismissal of the boastful man's prowess, her acceptance of his challenge and the subsequent humbling that he brought upon her, and all though it all Prudence started to realize one simple thing. Seras was enamored. She found someone who she could see as an equal, someone who had proven the potential and somehow promised more even as he ran and taunted. It was almost surprising how much she had fallen for him simply for being bested, and part of Prudence wondered if the pirate held some small trace of lizardkin within her.

So what now? The connection had yet to be cut, and Seras could most likely hear that question quite easily... Not sure... But when an answer came from another mind she would realize that she was bearing witness to something somewhat unique. On one hand we have an incredibly sexy pirate. On the other we have the deliciously cunning cat man. She was the first one we met. That she was. She's also given us much. Her own ship... Her own crew... Her first climax! She's even offered us her help when we're finally found. Yes...but...

But, dammitall, he's so cute!
I know! And he's such a clever little bastard! I know... And he's so receptive! I'm not sure how, but I think he understands us. He's responding to our interest, and he's actually trying to romance us! Well we are born from demons of desire, after all. You can't begrudge the man for having such excellent taste. But even then I think he understands our desire. Or at least mine. You are somewhat hung up on that whole romance idea, but I'll admit that I actually prefer someone giving themselves over to us. It's...fulfilling...

But... Yes, but...
A mental sigh passed between them. We want him... Yes. ...but we need her. ...yes... She's offering us far more than a simply night of pleasure. There's no telling who might find us, even out on the Island's seas. We have all of Hell prepared to chase after us, and no matter how strong Kat may think we are there's no chance we could fight off demon after demon after demon. We need support. We need allies. We need a haven. We need her. We can't betray her like this, no matter how much we might enjoy his company...

With a final shared silent groan the conversation the twins shared was cut just as Prudence gave Seras's hand a small squeeze. After that the human simply let go, and with a rather melancholic little smile on her face she turned over toward the captured captain. "I'm sorry, Alvin. I... I must decline..."
Re: Passing Diamonds (Prudence)

Once she pulled her hand away, Seras displayed a smile that was pleased and content with the thoughts she heard from the two demons. At the same time, following their decline, Alvin's smile did not vanish either. Instead his smile widened, as if pleased that they were not so quick to accept his desires. "Nothing has changed," he announced as frankly as he had accused Prudence of being. This announcement brought an absolutely shocked reaction from Seras, who found herself still on the short end of the stick despite how Prudence had refused him. "We all share common traits among each other. To look upon each other as unique is only correct when you acknowledge the fact that we simply have a unique assembly of traits, but the traits we share often result in the display of how similar we truly are." he said, but didn't seem to get at his reasoning quite yet, simply leading the three listeners on with a bit of personal observation. "One of the things we share," he gestured between himself and Seras, "is our persistence. I still feel the same way, and I won't easily be discouraged from enjoying my time with you." he said to Prudence with a wink.

"I didn't think you the type to pursue what you cannot obtain, Alvin." Seras said, still looking angry about his constant refusal to be with her.

Alvin merely chuckled. "Even if Prudence told me it was impossible, I'd still like those odds." he said, before finishing his meal.
Re: Passing Diamonds (Prudence)

The proclamation that nothing had changed was as much a surprise to Prudence as it was to Seras, and for a few moments the former was simply dumbfounded. But as Alvin continued her smile returned, a tad brighter but still quite depressed. That smile didn't change as Seras returned to her frowning, and when she commented on his persistence Pru could only shake her head at his answer. "Impossible is not a word I would use. I still fancy you, that won't change, but..."

But what? Tell the truth? Tell him that she has far more problems to deal with than the existence of her twin soul? Tell him of her flight from Hell, how her quest to understand herself led to Jezebel labeling Pru as a heretic? Explain that any chance meeting with any forces from Hell would most likely lead to a life and death struggle for Prudence, where even a single loss would render her nothing more than that harlot's personal property? Reveal that she needed help and had already found it in the form of the beautiful woman that he so constantly scorned? That she was the reason the reason that Pru would avoid him?

That last thought had her letting out a sigh. No matter what she may have already revealed Prudence would never be so heartless as to paint her ally as the villain. Even when that was the only reason she couldn't embrace that man to suddenly turn around and say 'It's all her fault!' would be nothing more than a betrayal of trust. It's why the human hesitated and carefully chose her words. "But sometimes desire just isn't enough. Some things are far more important."
Re: Passing Diamonds (Prudence)

Alvin's grin would meet her own upon her statement. It was a rather simple gesture, with no flourish of the hand or tilt of the head, it was only a smile. "What a stoic thing to say," he commented. "However, I wonder what the true reason is behind your thoughts. It is clearly as you say, I can tell that you are not refusing me for any traditional reason, so I imagine it's more personal, and for the sake of maintaining your friendship with Seras. Merits to be had there, to be sure. A woman who commands her own ship is handy indeed, but let us not forget that I am a captain as well. Is my usefulness something you expect from me out of obligation?" he asked with a wink. "I remain yet your prisoner. I will eventually make my escape as well, and Seras will want to give chase to me as priority over any objective you would wish her assistance with." Alvin predicted the coming events with accuracy, if Seras' expression was any indicator that she would favor pursuit of Alvin over aiding Prudence.

"There is a way for all of us to be happy, my dear." He said with a smile, leaning back in his chair as his eyes glimmered. Somehow, Prudence's inner sense told her that his words were a ruse, and that his aim to get Prudence to show interest in him had an ulterior motive other than simply pleasurable company. Indeed, he was looking at Prudence as if she were very important. However, it was a wary interest, like a fish eying food. On a moments notice it will vanish if it deems the reward not worth it, but if it feels the moment it's advantageous, it will be there in a flash to claim it's rewards. "As an example," he glanced at Seras. "If Prudence keeps me near her, then I will naturally be near you as well, Seras. No need to chase me. Certainly that is better than the natural outcome?" he asked, and was met with a hesitant response. Rather than show confidence that he wouldn't escape, Seras seemed to know that Alvin would be successful. She noticed his interest in Prudence as well, and seemed to suffer an internal struggle. A strong debate was being held in her mind to be sure, and the result would not come easily.

Alvin's eyes then fixed on Prudence. His smile was gone as he leaned casually over his finished plate and drank from his cup, tipping it so that his mouth and nose disappeared behind it while his feline eyes stared Prudence down with the ruse that was his mirth nowhere to be seen. He was simply watching her now, as if they were playing an intense game of mentality, and it was her turn to play. Like any tactician, Alvin looked as if he already had a plan for success for any decision she might make. With an expression like that, one has to wonder if he was also a grandmaster at chess.
Re: Passing Diamonds (Prudence)

His grin remained. He held steadfast. He was determined to remain near Prudence. But... There was something else there... Something that started suggesting that this all wasn't quite as innocent as it appeared... It started showing after he revealed what would happen when he escaped, and there was no question that he eventually would. He believed, Seras believed, and Prudence herself believed it. He was simply too cunning a man. But as his eyes nearly twinkled at his own cleverness some inner sense with Pru became... slightly nervous... mildly anxious... maybe even a little paranoid...

Whatever it was had Pru taking a cautious mental step back, and this she buried under that sad smile that she still wore. She remained quiet and melancholy as he argued a solution, one that kept him near and sent Seras fretting over the two possibilities that threatened her happiness in one way or another. And as he leaned forward to enjoy his drink that false mirth simply vanished. Alvin looked at Pru. He stared her down. He watched and waited, prepared to counter any argument she could make, seeking to remain at her side for Hell knew whatever reason.

He's just using her... And amid all this another voice joined in. Some aspect of herself spoke up, possibly even the same that made her cautious, and it revealed a possibility that changed everything she'd seen over the past couple of hours. Alvin was merely using Seras to reach his true target. He was merely stringing her along, forcing her to dance to his subtle tune. He'd already done so once, back when those two had first met. He made her interested in him, made Seras pursue him so he could win the prize the governess had offered. He'd been a clever little bastard in that... It even made Prudence wonder if those pills he had shown Seras were what they had seemed...

It also made her consider something else. If Alvin was using Seras now as he had used her in the past then how could Seras ever hope to capture his heart? He had yet to show her any actual interest, either then or now. Seras herself was chasing an impossible dream, and whether she realized it or not she was in for the heartbreak of her life. That thought made Prudence's sad smile genuine, and she wondered what she could do for the pirate. Nothing... That answer only strengthened her sadness at the sorrow that was heading for Seras, but there really wasn't much she could do to prevent it.

But maybe there was something else she could do. "You're putting me at quite the disadvantage, Captain. I cannot accept you for fear of losing someone I may likely need to rely. But if I deny you then you promise to flee and cause nearly the same. Damned if I do, damned if I don't, hm?" At that instant the demonic Pru finally made her appearance with her own plate in tow, and surprisingly it was rather sparse when compared with everyone else's. "But you could argue that I've already been damned. And since I've already been banished to Hell this all becomes a question of profit, does it not, Thief of Hearts?" With that she sat down and leaned herself forward, her arms resting on the table in a somewhat cocky fashion that seemed only natural.

But that suddenly vanished when she turned herself toward Seras. It presented Captain Kitten with a stunning view of Pru's wings and back, and with those in the way the low voice she spoke which shouldn't be overheard by the man. But even then she somehow knew he would catch what the two would say. "Seras, what would I need for your blessing?"
Re: Passing Diamonds (Prudence)

Alvin said nothing in response. He merely smiled and seemed content with Prudence's answer as he pushed forward his plate. "I am certain I will know of your decision without my being here. With that said, ladies, I will retire from this luncheon," he announced simply, before Seras gave him a sharp look.

"Bye," Seras said to the sailor coldly, earning a mere shrug from the man in question. Seras was angry at him to be sure, likely knowing full well that the captain was just using her. Once Alvin had left, Seras looked to Prudence with a sigh. "Such a man is difficult to contain... As much as I hate to agree, him being interested in you seems to be the only thing that will keep him aboard... With my blessing... Please, just don't steal off with him on your own, or else..." Seras lightly put her hand on the demon Pru's shoulder. "... Or else I will personally adapt the traditions of the demon hunters and track you down." She made such a firm promise that Prudence would be sure that she was seeing one of Seras' most firm facial expressions, no nonsense or jest to be seen nor heard. Seras didn't wait to hear Prudence confirm, deny, nor even snap at her if the mood took her, before Seras simply gave Pru a pat on her shoulder. "Since you hold more weight with him, please punish him a little for me?" she asked her of a favor, before gathering up her plate and taking it over to the kitchen.

"Never cleans up after himself..." Seras sighed, taking Alvin's plate as well.
Re: Passing Diamonds (Prudence)

Well... Pru had what she wanted. In a sense. Seras had what she wanted. In a sense. And Alvin had what he wanted. Most definitely. Looking at this whole mess like that had Prudence feeling somewhat cheated and defeated, and when Seras became serious and issued her proclamation both sides of Prudence nearly nodded in understanding. They could have promised they would never run off with him, sworn the pirates trust simply because they had too much to lose, even declared that no matter what he may try their heart already belonged to another and wouldn't be stolen, but she simply remained quiet. Responding to that threat just didn't seem right.

But that wasn't to say that Pru would say absolutely nothing. There was a matter of punishment to exact on the cat-man, and despite all the seriousness and heartbreak that seemed to hang in the air she couldn't help but say, "Any requests?" Part of it was to bring some levity back into the room, but it was also an honest question. Since Seras would most likely suffer the most from all this it seemed fair to give the woman a choice.

But no matter what they were told the twin souls were soon left on their own, and after taking a moment they both let out the same tired sigh. "No rest for the wicked, huh?" At that the demon let out a subdued chuckle, but after a while the both of them straightened out. "Waste not, want not, right?" "Indeed." At that they both started actually eating their meals. After that they would probably simply head up on deck and lounge for a bit to enjoy the sight and smell of the ocean. Of course they could probably go and seek out Alvin to give him their answer, but more than likely he would simply pop up somewhere. Until then they would try to relax and actually enjoy their time on the ship.
Re: Passing Diamonds (Prudence)

It was time for a quiet moment.

Prudence was allowed to eat the rest of her food and rise from the kitchen table within the bowels of the ship without any disturbances. The crew around her were broken off each into their own small groups, all apparently best friends with each other, though there were handwaves and conversation exchanges with others as well, a sign that the crew was relatively at peace with one another. But that sign became one that said they were friends only because it came naturally to them, when a fight suddenly broke out between them. There was a natural uproar, but not a chaotic event per se as there was still others that went about eating normally and casually going out to perform their duties on the ship. They threw punches and eventually one of the two brawny women won, stopping the fight when the other was so worn from the punches that the last one knocked her on her ass. The other crewmates came and lifted her back onto her feet, and the two who fought with each other began looking for the remains of food that were out for the taking and sitting down together, talking about their fight and commenting on their abilities. "Something in my eye," the loser made an excuse. "Saw your eye twitchin'. Too bad, eh?" the winner smiled and gave her pities to the loser. It was still a quiet moment despite these activities, because it wasn't exactly an event that involved Prudence.

Off and on, curious members of the boat would sit with the twins as well, and chat it up with them, asking them questions about their nature, why they looked like twins, and why the difference between human and demon. Some wanted to know why Prudence kept her bust such a moderate size if she had the abilities of a demon. Enticing a man proper was best with large double D's to be sure, they were certain. Even if Prudence made a good argument, the women were firm in their beliefs, and even advised she develop a full rack if she wanted to have an eventful evening with Alvin, as it would entice him well. The sailors around the twins would disperse, some being perhaps overly friendly with clear intentions made even clearer when they asked her to put in a good word for them with Alvin, as plenty of crew members wanted to have a romp with him. It was mostly due to his ears, according to the ones who spoke about it. To them, he looked so cute that it was so easy to approach him, and his natural charm was enough to make them want him badly. Though the real evil of Alvin's good looks revealed itself as it seemed the ones most smitten with him were talking about the brief exchanges they had with him. "He winked at me and asked if I could share some of my flintlock ammo," said a sharpshooter on the boat. "I'm making this necklace out of all the pearls we found for him. He blew a kiss at me from across the ship~ He'll be mine with this~" another sailor said confidently as she made said necklace over a barrel. "I let him see our map. He massaged my shoulders, which were already pretty stiff. How could I resist?" announced the navigator.

Just from that, Prudence would find that Alvin was taking their valuables, accessing all of their information, and gaining access to excess weaponry supplies just from his charm. He was robbing Seras and her shipmates blind, and they were willingly giving it to him. It seemed he even had the second best quarters in the ship to rest in at his leisure. The worst part was that it seemed all the girls were aware they were being used just as much as Seras, yet they didn't care. They wanted his favor, blindly smitten with the cute cat man. Meanwhile, the man himself was nowhere to be seen on the top of the boat. If Prudence wanted to know, a simple question or search of magical threads would reveal he was in the quarters that he had 'borrowed' from one of the crewmembers, and was in the middle of examining the map and reading through Seras' own logbook. Seras herself had given him that logbook, and the blush combined with her smile told the tale of a happy woman. Alvin worked his charms on her as well, and got good results, seemingly something of a trend for him. Which brought to conclusion perhaps, his interest in Prudence. Prudence hadn't given him what he wanted right away. She held Seras of higher importance than his pretty face. Perhaps he found that fascinating, though since it was Alvin, that pretty smile likely held a deeper and more cunning thought process. That much, Prudence would know from being around him. The man was cunning to a fault.

Should Prudence simply stay and enjoy the sea, nothing much more would happen. The crew tended to the ship off and on, though mostly relaxed while they sailed along calm seas. They gambled, playing a game called liars dice, which gave rise to even more fist fights following accusations of cheating. They drank the rum which they had seemingly in endless supply, then they sang and danced together.

"We'll sail till the morrow! We know no sorrow! We'll find a man to bed, and fuck 'im till he's red!"

That was one of the finishing lyrics of one of the many songs they made up on a whim, before all the drunken sailors fell down from having locked arms and danced about, each of them strongly drunk to the point of being unable to stand up any longer. Prudence was free to join in the festivities as well, they didn't care who participated, though the one always missing was Alvin, who remained below all day. Or so Prudence would supposedly know, as without warning, his presence would be found in the birds nest of the ship. He was standing dangerously on top of the mast without care for the risk, and looking out at the moon as it hung over the deep blue sea, watching the mermaids laugh and play together with the dolphins while the crew gave a cheer at the sight of the mermaids, blessing their goodluck and singing their praises at the mermaids, shouting "Thank you! Blessed mermaids of Atlantis!" to the sea creatures. But then there was a sudden grim air, as the mermaids stopped, and glared back up at the boat.

"A pox on Atlantis!" a mermaid replied, before she and the rest vanished under the water.

"... Interesting." Alvin mumbled from above.

Seras came from the wheel of the ship, looking shocked. "Mermaids wishing ill upon their own Atlantis? What on the blue sea is happening down there?" she wondered.
Re: Passing Diamonds (Prudence)

Despite the ruckus that was raised once a pair of women decided to settle some argument with their fists Prudence found herselves simply enjoying her time merely lounging and observing the crew as she finished her meal. One could definitely call them 'lively', especially when the one girl was knocked flat on her ass, but after that they simply forgave and forgot, the loser in that scuffle instantly given their pity before she was welcomed back with open arms. Definitely a friendly sort, and Pru soon found her own heart swelling with a bit of camaraderie even if she didn't quite feel that she belonged.

And even that was changing. The pirates themselves were apparently quite curious, and little by little they started approaching her and asking the obvious questions behind her dual nature. To her surprise Pru found herself truthfully answering them, at least as much as she could since she didn't have all the answers herself, but not once did she try to hide the fact that she was a single soul that had split in two. It was most likely a horrible decision on her part, there was no telling where that knowledge would go when it was shared so frequently, but deep down the demon thought that was no concern, and the human couldn't bring herself to argue against it.

After a while a certain question was asked, one that had the twins suddenly smiling at each other in a knowing glance. One woman asked why the pair didn't have larger breasts. They had the power of a demon, so why not make them larger and more alluring? To that the human turned her eyes to everyone gathered around her, and as both she and her sister subtly contorted themselves in ways that accentuated their curves without looking blatantly obvious she finally answered. "They are bigger. I just didn't want to go too far, because..." At that the demon practically giggled as she moved behind the human, and during that pause she brought herself closer. It was time for show and tell. "...any larger and they wouldn't fit within someone's hands so easily~" To prove that point Prudence leaned back, and a moment later Pru's hands inched forward until they were cupping and supporting the human's chest. "A handful is more than enough for most men, especially when he has a willing beauty writhing in his lap and letting out little mmmmmmmoooaaannns of appreciation when he rubs her just right~" To that the demon started massaging her sister through her dress, and when it came time for Prudence to let out her moan it wasn't the least bit forced. "And when he has the urge to place himself between them..." The demon's tail rose and laid itself down across her chest, and though not an inch of cleavage was to be found on the human the spade still managed to poke itself up and the appropriate spot to prove their point. "...there's always enough showing to do this...." The spade received a lick... "or this..." then a kiss... "and even this~" before it was consumed by a pair of lips that let out another deep moan before Prudence pulled her head back and let the spade go with a pop. "The more modest size also makes him look bigger, more potent. At least in his eyes. And stroking a man's ego will turn him on far more than a giant mound of flesh." Their performance ended there, and though they had everyone's attention they knew that not a single mind had been changed. It was a question they'd heard before, from their own demon sisters soon after Prudence had been reborn, and no matter how much they explained themselves some views would always stay the same.

The conversation continued on and off for some time, and though the crew of women saw absolutely no problem in it the twins couldn't help but notice the way they had all sought Alvin's favor. One gave the man some extra ammo she happened to have. Another let him pore over the ship's charts as he massaged that horrible, horrible stiffness from her neck. Another was simply smitten by his smile, and she planned to present him a necklace of pearls that she was making right then and there. It seemed that in one way or another most of the crew where being entranced by him, and he was using that to his full advantage. It was a little shameful, really, Pru wouldn't let that show on her face. Either of them. She just had to hope he didn't turn around and use their own treasure and knowledge against them.

The good captain seemed very proficient at his trade. Thief of hearts indeed. And Seras was no exception. Prudence watched the two make some exchange, and by the joy on her mate's face it seemed the woman was quite content with any attention she received. It was only when the demon actually took the time to look in on him that she realized just what he had. And it actually annoyed her. Whether it was only in name or title Prudence was the captain of this ship. She should be the one who controlled the log, even if it was her first day. And here he was reading it the entire thing over, and she hasn't even had the chance to skim through it! "I get to look at that once you're done with it!" None of her words actually sounded angry or spiteful, but even then she couldn't quite completely hide it from him, either. The man was simply getting too comfortable on this ship. Dammit, why couldn't he be a dog? At least then she'd feel at least a little righteous by putting him on a leash...

With that said and done the twins reconvened back on deck, and from there they simply decided to stay up top. It was a beautiful day with calm seas, and the girls went about celebrating it at their own pace. And after simply watching them for a bit the demonic Pru felt she just had to join in. She started by hovering around a game of liar's dice, watching to grasp the rules of the game before she tried a round or two. And when things obviously started looking bad for her she would turn to the one woman that was nearly constantly accused of cheating. "So how is one supposed to cheat at this game?" It was said in good fun, and she would accept whatever consequences fell on her because of it. And once that was done it was on to the booze. The glorious, glorious booze. It soon had her laughing and carousing and singing bawdy tunes that were the ancient tradition of all mariners great and small. She was in such high spirits that she didn't even notice the tricorn that now graced her head and sat at an appropriately jaunty angle, not even when she plucked the thing from her crown and used it to wave and greet the mermaids that had graced their ship.

But the sudden descent of that grim mood brought that all to a halt, and when that final cry of "A pox on Atlantis!" rung out both Prus were genuinely shocked to hear such blasphemy. The last she knew Atlantis was one of the few paradises that existed on or near The Island. It was supposed to be a land of tranquil beauty where the mamono of the deep could live a life of peace. It made Pru wonder why such a joyful looking mermaid could utter such a curse, and Seras was made to wonder the same as she voiced that question for all to hear.

After a few quiet moments Pru finally spoke up. "Let's find out." At that the demon was instantly sober, and she leaned over the side to rap a knuckle against the hull. It wouldn't sound like much to the rest of the crew, not with all the other noises of the ocean vying for attention, but as that knocking went underwater it would carry. It would reach down hot on the mermaids trail, and thought it didn't exactly say anything it should have been obvious as a signal that someone up above wanted to speak. Which was what Prudence wanted. For the mermaids themselves to wish ill on their home there had to be some kind of turmoil within those blue depths, and whatever happened in the deeps would eventually find someone way to break free to the surface and wreak whatever havoc it could to those creatures that were forced to breath air. And at this point the sea was the only home Prudence could trust. It was her last sanctuary, and if that was lost then so was she.

If one of the mermaids did finally return to the surface the human Prudence would give the lady an appropriate bow. "Good evening, my lady. Pardon our interruption, but we couldn't help but overhear your departing words. My friends and I can't imagine why you and your sisters would wish ill on Atlantis. Would you kindly enlighten us?" At the very least they could all learn of the troubles boiling on the ocean's floor. After that, well, they'd just have to see...
Re: Passing Diamonds (Prudence)

(Inspirational Song Used - )

The women that asked Prudence about her breast size seemed rather amused by her answer. They seemed to find her a modest woman by their general reactions, but by no means did they think less of her. Then, they all had rather large grins when Prudence even began making examples of her chest. They all got closer, seeming more comfortable, two even wrapping their arms around their new captain's shoulders and encouraging Prudence that she had done enough of a display as it was getting rather out of hand. Then a discussion would follow of how best to please a man. Everyone had their own idea, but no one seemed much to like the thought of allowing a man to feel full of himself. The pirates all came from mamono dominant locations, and men there would take advantage of such a naive woman as Prudence if she catered to one of them. It was an ironic statement to be sure as there was such a man fooling all of them, and he was seeming rather comfortable with his ability to do anything aboard the ship, a fact that Prudence noticed and didn't take kindly to. Still, no one's views changed. They all clinged to their old beliefs. The ability to change the way someone thinks was a difficult one, and is the result of so much conflict. Fighting in this world seemed to be the only way people proved that they were right. The one who could no longer speak was the person who was wrong. So many mamono and humans alike were all stubborn. Humans did not wish to see the change in mamono as a sign that times needed to change. Mamono who have had intelligence even since before the days of the succubus curse still cling to their old ways of tradition and wanton chaos. The war between so many came from the roots of stubbornness, and it seemed it would only end when someone finally won the massive battle between so many separate forces.

As a studier of so many books in her time exiled from Hell, Prudence would have read a lot on the war between the East and West of the world they all lived in. The war between Anubis and the East was the first time anyone had seen all of Zippangu unite together, and fight with a common interest. Kitsune gods sat together at the same table and discussed together, a Ryu and Echidna joined forces, and bled together in battle. She'd know everything about all the friendships that had to form as a result of this war. The time when the stubborn mamono of the world let go of their unmoving arrogance and worked together as friends. However, stubbornness will never die. Once the war was over... Everyone went back to the way things used to be. Alliances crumbled, friends became enemies once more, and so many who spoke together no longer wished to see one another. Their reason to work together gone, their beliefs and personalities met together once more, and clashed. Now the world is at war with itself again. There was no evidence that it would ever stop. Even if someone won this war, the next generation would follow, and they would meet with each other, and find something to disagree about. They would fight, and it would be as if the resolution of the conflict before meant nothing. In light of that... All of this fighting truly means nothing, and yet still, they might fight. Even if it's for the simple reason of believing that they should survive, when others think that they should not. Despite the nonsense of it all, even the most rational among everyone in this world must participate in the fighting. It is a monster's way of life. As a mamono, as a demon, as an angel... They must all fight one another. The only thing different this time around is the Fragments of Fate, one of which presumably resides within Prudence. As the books she read would say, this is perhaps an indication that Fate wishes to see something different happen this time. Prudence just happened to be one of the many people she trusted to stop history from repeating itself.

Whether Prudence decided to bother with that knowledge or not was up to her. The logs that Alvin would hand over would say just as much as one would expect. It listed all the cargo they hauled on, the time and dates of when they attacked or were attacked, and where they went and for what purpose. The parts Alvin was interested in seemingly was who they attacked, rather than the cargo or locations, oddly enough. Where it was written, "We caught Alvin," the words were scratched out and replaced with, "Alvin caught us," no doubt by the man himself. It was perhaps admirable how the handwriting for the new message almost perfectly matched Seras', as if Alvin had a knack for making forged documents. Speaking of being dishonest, as Prudence may muse over the documents, all containing information irrelevant now, but something she may recall later, she happened to come upon and ask the sailors how one might cheat at the dice game. They pointed fingers at one another, accusing some of making subtle gestures to change the side of a die facing up in order to confuse those trying to read their face. Others said that one among them was peeking at the dice under their opponent's cups in order to rule out dice numbers they might have, so that they can better bet and call bluffs. Prudence's question gave rise to another fist fight, accusations abound again.

Then, Prudence would call out to the mermaids. One would answer, swimming through the water, and lifting up her head near the side of the ship, allowing Prudence to .

"Is it so hard to imagine?" the mermaid asked. "Atlantis is allowing humans to do as they will to our home, the sea. They catch us in their nets, and friends and family go missing, the humans are actually harvesting us for our blood! Atlantis is treating anyone who attacks the humans as traitors!" she announced passionately.
Re: Passing Diamonds (Prudence)

That was... Well, that was a rather depressing train of thought Prudence found herself riding. The fist fight from earlier followed by her crew's refusal to even acknowledge her desire to simply please another sent her down a spiraling theory on conflict, and through all her reading Prudence came to realize that there was simply too much of it in the world. And in some way it all stemmed from one simple fact: people just didn't accept each other. Be they human or mamono no being would even attempt to reach out and welcome another, to try and understand just how similar they truly were. No, they were all too busy trying to push their faith onto the rest of the world. Organized religion, national philosophy, even something as simple as how large a chest was needed to gather a man's attention, each view was held with a bias that would never bend. It created friction, one where neither side would budge and simply butt heads until one side had finally had enough.

And that was when the fists flew. It seemed to be the only way to settle an argument. Prudence had seen it just now in the crew, and there were plenty of examples throughout the history of the Island. The most famous was likely that of Zippangu itself. There were so many factions just in that land, where so many mamono saw themselves as gods and demanded to be treated with the respect and admiration befitting such a title. So many small feuds and wars broke out, and it wasn't until a major threat emerged that they all sat together. Had they not Anubis most likely would have overrun the East region by region. They all realized this threat, and in that moment it was glorious. Petty differences were placed aside, and the gods came together to protect their ancestral land from the death that threatened them all.

But it didn't last. Once Anubis had been repelled and exiled those differences surfaced once more. The same gods that sat and shared tea in harmony started lunging for each other's throats once more, and that one shining moment of history became nothing more than a foot note of the Island's legacy of strife and chaos. Perhaps that was why Fate was starting to intervene. Fragments of her power were starting to reveal themselves all over the Island, one of which resided within Prudence herself. These fragments were said to hold power. Maybe not physical, but power nevertheless. It gave a soul the chance to act, to change the own little piece of the world, and if enough of these were brought together perhaps even History itself could be changed.

But so many of those pieces had fallen into the hands of mamono as well as humans. To simply give the chaotic powers even more strength seemed rather counter-productive, or at least in did in Prudence's eyes. Perhaps Fate was simply tired of the conflict and wished to see someone finally conquer and win the eternal argument that pervaded this land. Maybe she hoped people would see the fate in store for them as they continued down this cycle of constant destruction of disagreement and work to finally set things right or at least a little better. Maybe she was simply tired of all the bickering and wished them all to simply destroy each other so she could start anew.

And where did Prudence fit into all of this? What can a succubus who isn't truly a succubus do to end all this one way or the other? What kind of power can she exert on the world when she can't even bring her own divisive self back into harmony? What in the world could she change? Those questions kept plaguing Prudence's mind, and the human kept them bound within herself as she watched her twin sister enjoy simply carousing with the crew. She had no idea where these thoughts had come from and why they seemed to plague her mind, but if at least some part of her could be happy in this small moment of peace then she would give it that chance.

That small inner turmoil simmered down once the mermaids made their declaration, but as she listened to the tale that followed something changed. Some new emotion was starting to swell, once that was less than pure and noble and was easily felt mirrored in her other half. It bucked when the mermaid spoke of her friends and family simply missing, and it howled as she heard how they'd been captured like any other fish so they could be bled. It turned into a somewhat dark scowl on both the human and demon's faces, and when it realized that Atlantic itself was doing nothing to prevent it that scowl finally hardened. "Seras..." "Alvin..." "Have either of you heard anything of this?" They both waited for a response, the seriousness of their mood shown in how they were now both speaking with one unified voice.
Re: Passing Diamonds (Prudence)

"No," Alvin announced, jumping down from above. "This is something rather recent, otherwise this sort of thing would be widespread and known by all." He informed Prudence. "Atlantis is the greatest city in the world, and for it to suffer disloyalty from it's followers is something unheard of... Actually, for it to be so against standing up against an invading presence..." Alvin folded his arms under his chest, looking at Prudence with an entirely serious expression. "The Queen of Atlantis must be wanting to avoid war, desperately so it seems."

Seras frowned. "The ruler of the seas wouldn't tolerate something like humans attacking his children. For the ruler of an ocean known for it's wanderlust, life, and chaos to be so tame... What the hell is the Queen thinking?"

"If I had to wager a guess," Alvin sighed. "I'd say that it's due to the current stance Atlantis has in the war. Currently, they have no enemies. What she would be accomplishing by making the choice not to respond to humans ruining her lands is that she and her city would not become the target of offense by the angels. After all, there's only two logical things that could possibly ruin the deep sea city of Atlantis... Either Angels, or Atlantians themselves. Perhaps a lack of foresight would come into play if her city were to be destroyed by a rebellion, ironic if she was doing this to protect that same city."

Seras stepped forth towards Prudence. "What are you thinking, Prudence... No, my captain?" Seras addressed Prudence properly.

It was then that Katerina would make herself known from below decks. "We still have our original goal of taking the fight to Jezebel. Though, that look on your face tells me Jezebel is only in the back of your mind." The former captain said with a neutral expression, looking at Prudence expectantly.

Given where they were in the ocean, their locations available to them were Undine's Temple, and the shores of the Eastern Land. From the shores of the East, they could find measures to fight Jezebel, but if Prudence wished to put priority in favor of the issues at sea, Undine's Temple would be the only location with which they could start getting involved proper. Though, Prudence was free to land wherever she pleased, including the marshlands, the harbor of Pandemonium, and the northern lands of frost.
Re: Passing Diamonds (Prudence)

Alvin raised a valid point. If Atlantis were to rise up against the humans who harmed them then the very seas themselves would become just another stage for the Angel's war on all mamono. The mermaids would pay a dear price for standing against Heaven, and with the Angels patrolling the waters Prudence would be forced to return to the restrictive space of the Island. And with little place to run...

But even with the threat of being forced to reveal herself to Hell there was something in the humans' actions that she simply couldn't stand. It was the same reason she never participated on any of Jezebel's little raids on any of the human settlements on Gaea. The same reason she always hunted alone and never returned with a slave of her own.

That was the reason she already had an answer before Katerina stated their entire purpose for meeting with Kat's old crew. "You know me too well, Love." The ghost of a smile passed over the twins as they answered their mentor, but with their scowl still in place it nearly looked like they were ready to commit a little mayhem. "I'm thinking some acts are inexcusable no matter what race you are." And if I am to change anything I can at least change this. "Seras, set a course for Undine's temple. We'll see if we can ease Atlantis's burden a little. And a favor from a queen can be a powerful thing." Hell had a navy, didn't they? 'Twould be a shame if all their ships suddenly sunk while they were pursuing Jezebel's reward...
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Re: Passing Diamonds (Prudence)

With such a goal in mind to win Atlantis' favor, Prudence set out with Seras on the helm, though Prudence was more than welcome to pilot the ship herself even though her lack of skill as a pilot would no doubt come into question. Not by others, but only perhaps by herself. Seras would insist on taking the helm if things ever got hairy in a storm, or if rocks were spotted sticking up from the ground that could damage the ship. "Don't get too excited." Seras lectured everyone when they began to get excited over the fact that they were to sail to Undine's Temple. "We will be there in about three days time, so you've no excuse to be lazy through celebration! Back to work, you scum!" Seras ordered her crew sharply and with a commanding tone that seemed to get the rowdy crew back into working gear.

With everyone in working order, it was Alvin who approached Prudence first. "You think it wise to side with Atlantis in this exchange going on at sea? As one of demon background no less." Alvin cautioned her. "I understand your reasoning however... Just be careful."

With that, Prudence could continue speaking with Alvin, talk with another member of the crew or speak with one of her friends. It would be a long trip, and going into a sleep-like state (since demons do not require sleep) would help to pass the time.
Re: Passing Diamonds (Prudence)

While Prudence could have taken the helm at any time she wished she did not. With out any practical knowledge it would just be foolishness. But that didn't mean she wouldn't watch. One could learn a lot simply from observing, and as Seras steered her way through the water and past the few hazards it hid Prudence took the time to sit and learn. Maybe tomorrow she'd give the helm a try...

But during this Prudence expected someone to approach her, and finding that the first to do so was Alvin wasn't all that much of a surprise. "The wisdom of this decision can be called into question, especially since my nature brings with it a very real risk, but with the seas ready to become a battlefield either way I'd rather seek the favor of the god that controls the oceans over the humans. I have nothing against humans in general, but the thought of allying with a group of kidnapping blood-letters doesn't sit well with me. Besides..." At this point she turned toward the catman with a very serious expression on her face. "You should know how most mermaids are. It takes quite a bit to get them riled up. You say this kidnapping business is a relatively recent thing, but how long has it been going on if the mermaids themselves are ready to openly revolt against their own queen?"

As this exchange continued both Pru and Prudence closed their eyes during a lull in the conversation, and with that the conjoined voices once again broke into their respective halves. The human Prudence opted to stay with Alvin and comb through his thoughts, but the demonic twin broke away and headed straight for the only other demon on board. "It's been an eventful day, hasn't it, Kat?" Understatement of the year. "And it's probably going to get even worse, soon. So what do you think, Love? Is this path we're on foolish? Should I have focused on some way to strike at Jezebel?" While it was obvious there was no turning back at this point Pru was genuinely curious what her sister/mentor/lover thought about this whole thing.
Re: Passing Diamonds (Prudence)

Alvin chuckled at her words. "A god, you say? The ruler of Atlantis isn't exactly a god. Undine has more power than she over the waters we sail on. Any god we've come to know either lies in the lands of Zippangu or in another dimension entirely. The Queen has as much power as any ruler. Powerful she may be, but god she is not." Alvin stated firmly. "But since we're also talking about mermaids, let's not forget that they are impressionable. If an oppressive enough personality seeks to change their minds, then they're likely to get involved even if they don't initially agree. My own personal theory is that mermaids don't like being lonely~" Alvin cooed, likely thinking of such a romantic moment with a lonely mermaid.

"Given what we've found you to be, it would be strange if things did not become eventful around you." Kat said with a resigning sigh and helpless shrug. "If you want my honest opinion... The matters of Atlantis do not concern us. If the Queen of Atlantis cannot manage her own kingdom, then that's her own fault... That's what I think." Kat voiced her thoughts with a sigh of discontent. "Though I understand you seek side benefits from this course of action... Thus, I'll accept it. I'd outright refuse if we were doing this for charity."
Re: Passing Diamonds (Prudence)

"That is true... So that means when we get involved in this mess we'll have two parties to worry about." It should be noted that though Prudence was still talking with Alvin her focus had apparently drifted a bit away from him. In essence she was voicing her thoughts so she could get a better understanding of the situation. "One is lead by this maverick that rebels against Atlantis, and the other is this human faction that feels they have the right to kidnap the citizens of Atlantis. My main goal is the assistance of the most powerful force in the ocean, and freeing the mermaids would serve both Atlantis and the rebels. I guess I could throw my support to this new faction, but I doubt they have very much influence. But given the nature of the other aquatic mamono that influence has the potential to grow... Alvin, how much of my struggle do you understand? And I mean truly understand?"

Elsewhere the demonic Pru was giving her sister and lover a somewhat rueful grin. "I guess I should be truthful and say the possible reward isn't the only reason why I'm doing this. There's something about about a mermaid being harvested that makes me want to find the people doing this so I can break a couple bones..." The demon's anger could be seen in the way her muscles were flexing as if they were preparing to strike that very moment, but after a bit a sigh signaled their relaxation. "But I do see the larger picture, and though we may have free reign over the ocean I remember hearing that Pride had her own little navy. This ship is something else, but against an organized force I don't think we could last very long on our own." And now Pru had given voice to the ultimate goal behind helping Atlantis in this mess. "Kat, do you know much about Pride's navy?" Since Kat had been a pirate it only seemed fitting that Hell's Wild Card Would keep up to date on any news concerning her old stomping grounds.
Re: Passing Diamonds (Prudence)

Alvin grinned at her question. "When you ask me like that, I think the natural answer is that I'm just an onlooker. In other words, it's obvious I understand nothing. I will continue to never truly understand so long as you yourself do not tell me how you feel, nor will anyone else. All anyone can do is guess, until you tell them." He said honestly. "Though, I will likely never know. What business of it is mine to know your problems? I will listen regardless however, should you wish to risk someone like me knowing what makes you suffer~" He cooed.

"For now, I know that Pride's Navy isn't much to match against Atlantis. She might be able to launch a scary offensive against one of the shores, but there's a lot preventing her from doing that. One of the most pressing issues is that she currently can't be present for such an invasion. A demon invasion without a leader won't go far. Who knows when she might acquire the power to arrive in this world though? I imagine, if she were planning an invasion, that time isn't too far off." Kat replied while twisting her lips about in thought. "Though, that makes me wonder... Do you see yourself killing one of the Cardinal Sins, Pru?" Kat inquired. "I'm sure you're well aware that once dead, the curse passes to the killer... Or whoever suits the Sin the most. Perhaps you'd make a fine Pride?" Katerina suggested, chuckling to herself.
Re: Passing Diamonds (Prudence)

Prudence turned thoughtful once she'd absorbed Alvin's thoughts. While she hadn't told anyone outside of her little demon coven of her troubles Seras had displayed at least some knowledge of the twin soul's plight. And considering the sway Alvin held over Seras (not to mention the rest of the ship...) one would think he would have learned at least something by now. But that proved to be a bit of an assumption of Prudence's part. Either that or Seras didn't know as much as she let on.

But either way that lack of knowledge could prove detrimental to the ship, and that in turn would threaten Prudence. Perhaps it was time to come clean. "Very well. Come with me." With that the human escorted the catty captain up toward the helm where Seras was no doubt piloting her ship. "Seras, I think it's time I revealed why I'm on this ship." At that she turned and looked toward the rest of the crew. They were all busy with their own duties, but more than likely one or two would overhear what was about to be said. It was bound to be a huge security leak... but that shouldn't be a problem. Seras trusted them all, Prudence had seen that in the woman's soul, so if any of them chose to listen Prudence would allow it. "This involves Hell and Jezebel and whatever damned politics she likes to play when she isn't basking in her own sin." Of course she still had to give that little warning. This could be a heavy topic, and some people wouldn't be able to stomach it.

"You already know the circumstances behind my conversion from one soul into two, but I haven't revealed why I remain on Gaea. I'll start by saying it all began when I felt my inner self going stir crazy. I didn't know it at the time, but having to hide my true nature from everyone I knew was spurring some need within me to grow. It manifested in this odd light I felt blooming within my center, and I panicked. I couldn't reveal this to any of my sisters. I couldn't trust them to hold this kind of secret to themselves, and Jezebel had her little projects running to capture some unique souls she'd found. So I ran to this world to see if I could find a cure.

"I stayed for quite some time, and during this Katerina found me. That's when she revealed what Jezebel had done during my absence."
Prudence took a moment to gather herself and reveal something that might well spell her doom if the wrong ears overheard anything. "I'm a Heretic. Jezebel herself has labeled me an affront to everything Hell stands for. In some ways it's just the same as the Order or Heaven labeling one of their followers as a Heretic. But instead of simply issuing orders for my destruction I learned that Jezebel has put a price on my soul. She wants me intact for reasons I don't care to guess, but with her influence I'm quite certain that any demon wouldn't mind throwing me into her clutches if they had the chance.

"So now I run from the only family I've ever really known. The only demons I can trust are Katerina and Yuri, Kat because I know how she truly feels about me and Yuri because she's already sacrificed so much for my sake. I can't contact any others of my kind for fear of being turned in for my bounty, though Kat seems to think I could put my efforts into dethroning Jezebel and ensuring my own safety. Right now I'm compromising by ensuring my safety on the seas should we happen to run into Pride's navy, but she's got me wondering if I could do even more."
At that Prudence turned toward her comrades and watched them. She wasn't quite staring them down at the moment, but she did study them enough to make sure she caught their reactions. "Any questions?"


"No... Well..." Any other time killing a Sin would seem rather outlandish, but given what she was currently preparing to do and what Kat had said about her soul perhaps a little mayhem wasn't out of the question. "I don't quite plan on doing it, but if I need to in order to survive I won't hesitate. I plan on existing as long as I can, and the murder of one of the Sins would make just about every other demon think twice about trying to claim me as their prize. But that would make me the grand target for all the other Sins..." That definitely wasn't something Pru wanted to deal with now or any other time. As scary as Lust could be having to face Wrath sent a rather nasty chill down the demon's spine.

"Besides, I don't think I'd make a good Pride." Pru stopped right then and gave Kat a rather knowing hard look, and after a bit a bit of a smile started to creep along her face. "I like playing the bottom from time to time. That doesn't sound to prideful, does it? No, I'm fairly certain there's someone else I know who would make a far better Sin than I ever would."
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