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Re: Anthophobia

This sounds like it would be awesome to try, except I can't. When I download and run it, everything is fine until I press start because it force closes with the generic 'this program has stopped working'. There's no error code or anything from the program itself. I've tried an older demo and the same thing happens. Tried running it in compat mode, as admin and even in a lower resolution. Nothing works.. I don't suppose anyone else is having this issue? Or had?
When I started it my PC froze for about 30 seconds - couldn't even alt-tab out. After that it runs fine.
Re: Anthophobia

crashes as soon as I hit play/new game on my laptop, where i usually have all my hentai games. Works fine on my gaming rig.
Re: Anthophobia

When you were in the rooms with the two exploding barrels, when I shot the left barrel, my game froze my computer and I had to reset. I know the barrel explosions really slow down the game, but did anyone else have problems with the boom barrels?

Didn't get any slowdown on my PC, not sure if playing fullscreen helps or not. The game is too small for me window...
Re: Anthophobia

For the record, the author did respond to people complaining about extreme lag/crashing when running the game. As far as they've said, it's a gamemaker issue conflicting with some hardware.

Sourjelly:3 said:
Ah, some graphic cards just hates gamemaker's surface. I'm really sorry I can't help you with that problem. X_X

Sourjelly:3 said:
I've got couple of reports from my friends who had same trouble just like your had.

have you ever played any [game maker] based games such as [Risk of rain] or example games from yoyo games?

if those games won't work on your PC, Mine probably not work ether.
Re: Anthophobia

I think this is the save file...
The location should be

C:\Users\(user name)\AppData\Local\Anthophobia_11_13_14_1st_stage_DEMO

Theres no checkpoint after this one. You just gotta pray you can run past all the enemies without getting caught. If you get caught near the plant enemies its pretty much gg from the spores that they keep shooting.


  • SaveGame.zip
    411 bytes · Views: 2
Re: Anthophobia

Decent game. The sounds are pretty nice but they are quiet and few and far between. The animations are pretty nice but just wish there'd be some other trigger for them or maybe her health would regenerate a little or something....the amount of enemies and the lack of health and resources makes for a pretty frustrating game to me. The combat isn't THAT great that making it difficult(for me at least) makes it fun.

Also, FYI, the save just above didn't work for me. Copied to location but it's no different. No "continue" option available.
Re: Anthophobia

Decent game. The sounds are pretty nice but they are quiet and few and far between. The animations are pretty nice but just wish there'd be some other trigger for them or maybe her health would regenerate a little or something....the amount of enemies and the lack of health and resources makes for a pretty frustrating game to me. The combat isn't THAT great that making it difficult(for me at least) makes it fun.

I hate making posts with no content, but I literally agree with everything you just said. The sounds are quality but too quiet. The animations are nice but too impractical to ever really enjoy. The quantity of enemies is too high and the backtracking/survival difficulty is too high for such a basic combat system.

Also, FYI, the save just above didn't work for me. Copied to location but it's no different. No "continue" option available.

The continue option never works. You have to go to "New Game", kill yourself before reaching the first checkpoint (which is the vertical shaft leading to the hallway with the first hypnoplant), and then select "continue from last checkpoint".
Re: Anthophobia

Have you considered making the checkpoints a bit more frequent? Perhaps as often as every other level.
Re: Anthophobia

I didn't find it *too* difficult, but then if this is only the 1st stage of the final game then I can't imagine what the other stages are going to be like.

Some things that made life easier for me were:

0. You have a few second of invulnerability after you are hit/grabbed. Intentionally getting grabbed at the right place makes the later part of the demo much easier

1. At the start of some stage, you can stand one ledge up and free hit the zombie horde til they all die.

2. Hypno plant calls for bullets. They can be hit from a bit off screen.

3. For the apartment room with 2 hypno plant, it might not work out everytime with 0 damage but I usually go in facing left, fire off 2-3 bullets and back out the room, repeat until the room is cleared. Basically don't give them time to drop a hypno seed on you.

4. For the last gauntlet, make good use of the strong zombies, their grab is basically free invincibility given very little damage. Everytime you run past a lamp turn around and shoot it down to stop pursuit. Usually nothing would be chasing me by the time i make it to the barrel and I can leisurely grab the final supply room key in peace. You can also mad dash thru, but you likely won't be able to max hp for the boss missing the supply room.

Having more checkpoint would be nice though, it did take me a few tries before i worked out all the kinks for the area before the gauntlet. I do like the oldskool sort of difficulty however.
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Re: Anthophobia

I like the difficulty level, zombies aren't hard to kill till there is a bunch of them so I kind of like that. but there are a few unnecessary things, spores in the dark mainly. I think the check points should be each room that has been cleared so if you fail you restart in the room before it would make it less aggravating later on in the game. this game as a lot going for it, any thing with zombies with me though would but this should turn out to be a great game. wonder if there will be a zombie plant dog? it should have a flower for a head.
Re: Anthophobia

I like the difficulty level, zombies aren't hard to kill till there is a bunch of them so I kind of like that. but there are a few unnecessary things, spores in the dark mainly. I think the check points should be each room that has been cleared so if you fail you restart in the room before it would make it less aggravating later on in the game. this game as a lot going for it, any thing with zombies with me though would but this should turn out to be a great game. wonder if there will be a zombie plant dog? it should have a flower for a head.

It could bark flowers!
Re: Anthophobia

Game works fine for me :)

run speed is normal :) no lag and no stuck problems ether
Re: Anthophobia

I saw on the blog someone has the same problem as me. Unfortunately, there was no solution. Other Game Maker games run and work fine, so that can't be the problem..
Re: Anthophobia

I saw on the blog someone has the same problem as me. Unfortunately, there was no solution. Other Game Maker games run and work fine, so that can't be the problem..

Your computer could have issues with certain features of Game Maker that were in one game and not the other.
Re: Anthophobia

Your computer could have issues with certain features of Game Maker that were in one game and not the other.

You could be right, I didn't even consider that. I think it might just be the new Game Maker in general, I'm not sure. I'll have to test run a different game first with the same GM version. This sucks, I wanted to try the game.
Re: Anthophobia

Going to release the hounds? Or the bees? Or the hounds with bees in their mouths so that when they bark they shoot bees at you?!

Re: Anthophobia

LOL I lost it when the enemy lunged at me with its penis seriously laughed my ass off so hard at it.
Re: Anthophobia

LOL I lost it when the enemy lunged at me with its penis seriously laughed my ass off so hard at it.

What? Bro that's normal sexual intercourse. LOL this kid hasn't even gotten an erection and leaped 10+ feet at a girl
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