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Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Aug 22, 2012
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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

i did walk around..until i hit blue doors kinda then went back..nothing

You literally must have tried for like, 25 seconds before giving up and posting here.


Demon Girl
Nov 16, 2010
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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)


Just tried v0.2. feels really good. Controls are smooth, reactive. graphics nice too for this kind of game. Only minus is that i cant get to slimes yet ^^

Great job, keep on working.


Grim Reaper
Feb 12, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)


Just tried v0.2. feels really good. Controls are smooth, reactive. graphics nice too for this kind of game. Only minus is that i cant get to slimes yet ^^

Great job, keep on working.
Thanks! Unfortunately, the slimes were far from complete in that version. They glitched around a lot, so I had to hold them in a controlled environment. I just wanted to get them in there so people could see how they function and everything. And as a sort of sneak-preview of the next update. Which is coming out in about 3 days on Patreon. ;)


Jungle Girl
Aug 22, 2011
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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

I just wanted to say I think this game has a lot of potential to be great. I sincerely hope you keep up the great work and I look forward to seeing it through to the end. I like the current update enough that i became a patron supporter. :)


Grim Reaper
Feb 12, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

I just wanted to say I think this game has a lot of potential to be great. I sincerely hope you keep up the great work and I look forward to seeing it through to the end. I like the current update enough that i became a patron supporter. :)
Awesome, thanks so much for the support! I'm working on it right now as a matter of fact, getting prepped for the next release. I couldn't possibly give up on it now after everyone has shown so much excitement for the project!


Grim Reaper
Feb 12, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

Evenin' gents! Just thought I'd sling up a post to let you all know that the Patreon update came out tonight! Any pledges made after the update comes out still let you view said update, so if v.02 impressed you enough, feel free to hop on and contribute - if not, I understand, and v.03 will come to the public on September 20th! (give or take - I'm terrible at not releasing things early)


Dec 8, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

I like your decision to make the patreon releases public after a few weeks, up to a month or so. It makes it less uninteresting to not be a patreon, but also enough incentive to become one. Nice one.


Grim Reaper
Feb 12, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

I like your decision to make the patreon releases public after a few weeks, up to a month or so. It makes it less uninteresting to not be a patreon, but also enough incentive to become one. Nice one.
Thanks, man. I know people have plenty of different reasons for not being a patron - doesn't necessarily mean they don't think the game is worth it, they might just not have the income or they might want to see it get a bit further first, and I totally get that. I don't want to completely forget everyone that's not a patron; this is where I started, after all!


Tentacle God
Apr 10, 2011
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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

I joined that, why the hell not. you got things rolling along now game is coming together nicely. if you stay at it you should have the game done in a few months. up to 60 patrons so that means you should be putting at lest 60hrs of your life a month into this game now. its a job now not just a hobby. I wish you all the luck in the world, and am looking forward to next months update.


Grim Reaper
Feb 12, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

I joined that, why the hell not. you got things rolling along now game is coming together nicely. if you stay at it you should have the game done in a few months. up to 60 patrons so that means you should be putting at lest 60hrs of your life a month into this game now. its a job now not just a hobby. I wish you all the luck in the world, and am looking forward to next months update.
A few months is.. quite a stretch, man.. Development takes a lot of time. Even if I worked 60 hours a month, in 4 months, that would only leave me with 240 hours left to finish the game. That may sound like a lot of time, but it really isn't. Not when practically every aspect of the game is designed, animated, programmed, tested, debugged, balanced, iterated, re-designed, etc.. all by me. The only thing I don't do is the background art, and even then I end up making edits to the tiles when I need them. It's a LOT of work, especially when you're dedicated to quality. Crisis Point isn't a tiny game by any means. People can easily spend over a year making smaller games than this.

It IS a job, but keep in mind it's also not my only job. The $600 I'm earning from Patreon is amazing - far more than I ever expected, especially at this stage - but it's not enough to live off of, so I have to work part-time elsewhere right now, too. Because of that, the amount of time I can put into Crisis Point isn't unlimited. I don't want to burn myself out so I have no desire to work on anything anymore. I think I've managed to strike a good balance of work every month, not to mention I always list my plans for every update when the month begins - that way people know how much I aim to accomplish, and that I'm not just slacking off.

Tea Leaf

Jungle Girl
May 5, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

Yeah, got to be careful of burnout. Of course people will also get demanding, but they aren't doing the work piece by piece of putting it together.

Keep at it when you can!


Nov 26, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

Not when practically every aspect of the game is designed, animated, programmed, tested, debugged, balanced, iterated, re-designed, etc.. all by me. The only thing I don't do is the background art, and even then I end up making edits to the tiles when I need them. It's a LOT of work, especially when you're dedicated to quality. Crisis Point isn't a tiny game by any means. People can easily spend over a year making smaller games than this.
You could always ask for volunteers to help test.

*hint* *hint*


Grim Reaper
Feb 12, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

Yeah, got to be careful of burnout. Of course people will also get demanding, but they aren't doing the work piece by piece of putting it together.

Keep at it when you can!
Thanks, tea! I fully intend on picking up the pace a bit with the more patrons I get, especially if I start earning enough to live off of. Even working full time though, a few months would never happen. I ran some numbers and, if I have the amount of sex scenes I hope to have, it would take around ~150-200 man hours just to finish all of the h-animations on their own. That's not counting designing the enemies and animating everything else, either. Crisis Point has a lot of work cut out for it, but it'll be worth it!

@MrMe - That's pretty much what the monthly updates are for, lol. I have to do dozens of tests throughout the day - in the amount of time it would take for me to export and send the files to someone for testing, I could easily do the test myself and be back to working. However, your enthusiasm has been noted ;D

Tea Leaf

Jungle Girl
May 5, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

Yeah, don't let the large number of hours blow out your enthusiasm.

I just finished a gaming project, and it took over 100 hours. This is the price to make something, got to spend time in the forge sweating away.


Grim Reaper
Feb 12, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

Yeah, don't let the large number of hours blow out your enthusiasm.

I just finished a gaming project, and it took over 100 hours. This is the price to make something, got to spend time in the forge sweating away.
Nah man, the long hours don't worry me at all. I know it'll take a lot of time and effort, and I'm perfectly cool with that.

It really is hard to know how long a project like this takes without having actually been a part of one though, so I don't really blame people for assuming it would be quick. I just don't want anyone expecting it to be done in a few months when, in reality, it needs much more time in the oven than that.


Grim Reaper
Feb 12, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

Now that September has started, I'll be posting info about the v.03 update every couple of days until it's released. Today I figured I'd share a little animation of the health pickups that were added, so Alicia can restore some of her lost HP without visiting a save station!

They come in two different sizes. The small ones restore less health, obviously. Each health pickup will scale based off of your current max HP, as well - so even once you've found every health upgrade in the game, the collectibles will still be useful.


Grim Reaper
Feb 12, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

Another update from the Patreon campaign, this time showcasing one of the pose changes for Alicia's shooting animations. One of my goals for v.03 was to update some of her poses to make them look nicer, have more shoulder definition, and make her breasts hang more naturally.

Slam Sector

Sex Demon
Dec 24, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

Another update from the Patreon campaign, this time showcasing one of the pose changes for Alicia's shooting animations. One of my goals for v.03 was to update some of her poses to make them look nicer, have more shoulder definition, and make her breasts hang more naturally.
I see you've added an Antonio-Banderas-like cocked-shoulder. No complaints, here.

Do you expect to be doing a lot of art touch-ups as you go? I think the character art is quite good, as it is.


Grim Reaper
Feb 12, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

I see you've added an Antonio-Banderas-like cocked-shoulder. No complaints, here.

Do you expect to be doing a lot of art touch-ups as you go? I think the character art is quite good, as it is.
Glad you like the pose. It gives her a slightly more triangular stance, which sends off a more threatening, powerful vibe. I'm pretty happy with it myself, certainly a lot better than the old ones.

As far as touching up art.. hard to say. The shooting poses were never really done, per se, so they kinda needed fixing. It was a massive pain in my ass, but a necessary change. If I can avoid reworking things again, I will - and I certainly won't be making any major changes from here on out. Like you said, the art in general looks good. Still, if any particular animation/pose ends up looking terrible, I'll go back over it eventually to fix it up. Detail like that is low on my priorities list right now though, I want to get the game moving first.


Grim Reaper
Feb 12, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (August 19th)

It's been a while, so here's another small update, consisting of Alicia's "shooting upward" sprite.

In other news, the update will be coming to the public later than last month. Unfortunately, there's been a large amount of people lately who have been, essentially, 'pirating' the beta by signing up to the patreon and removing their pledge before it's charged. I get that some people following Crisis Point might not have money to contribute - that's why I release the update to everyone after it's been on patreon for a month - but stealing the game from me is killing my motivation to work.

Personally, I don't have much of a problem with pirates. We've all pirated things before, whether it's because we don't have any extra money at the time, or we're unsure of whether it's worth our time or not. But the problem lies in the fact that I get an email every time someone pledges to me. Seeing that I've got a new patron is exciting; it shows me that I'm doing good work, and that people like what I'm doing enough to throw a couple bucks my way. It's an amazing feeling. Seeing that I've got a new patron, only to find that they've already removed their pledge - because all they wanted was to steal it - is hurtful and demotivating in equal measure.

TL;DR - pirating isn't a big deal, but it's hurtful when you're forced to watch people stealing something you put your time and effort into.

From now on, I will be using a different distribution method on Patreon that will prevent people from being able to 'pirate' the beta, and it unfortunately requires me to delay the update slightly. As such, v.03 will be coming to the public around the end of the month, say, around the 27th rather than the 20th. Sorry for those of you who were looking forward to it.

EDIT: I'd like to clarify my reasoning for pushing the update back a bit, lest anyone think I'm doing it to get back at pirates. I have two main reasons for it - one being a lack of motivation to work because of all of this that's happened, and the other, more important reason being that the Patreon campaign itself is getting updates pushed back. To combat the 'piracy' on Patreon, I won't be distributing the demo to patrons until around the 4th/5th of the month. The only patrons that will receive the update are ones who have had their cards successfully processed, and Patreon doesn't finish that process until a few days into the new month. Because of that, I have to push both public and Patreon updates back. Sorry for any confusion on that matter.
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