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Anime: what do you watch?

Re: Anime: what do you watch?

Waiting To finish. :> If you haven't it's pretty decent :>

To all anime and netorare enthusiasts. There's an anime coming out in the summer that's literally called "Netsuzou Trap -NTR-".

Yuri NTR? That is a rare sight.
Edit: Just read the ongoing manga. I have a feeling it's going to really dragged out manga. 99.9% change that the girls going to end up together in the end ;3
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Re: Anime: what do you watch?

Must say I love One punch man and dragon ball + naruto.... so classic...
Re: Anime: what do you watch?

Waiting To finish. :> If you haven't it's pretty decent :>

Yuri NTR? That is a rare sight.
Edit: Just read the ongoing manga. I have a feeling it's going to really dragged out manga. 99.9% change that the girls going to end up together in the end ;3

I will stop you right there.
First few episodes of Sousei no Onmyouji were interesting, then from time to time there is a good episode. Generally this anime is 4-5/10, so it's far from being decent.

So I checked out manga and... OH BOY. Ok, they twisted/changed a bit this or that in few first episodes, it's fine, happens often. Some things worked well (like Mayura showing in first episode) but most of the time it's pretty much shitty cancer...
More than 80% of this anime is filler, they don't even bother with manga continuation, they simply took ideas, twisted them and used how they wanted. Looking at director, I am shocked that he agreed to this crap.
You can barely find any relation to manga after episode 21-27 and whoever wrote those fillers must have trained under Pierrot filler writers (idiots responsible for Naruto fillers).

Sure, using source to make 1:1 version isn't always an option, so some changes are needed here or there... But for fuck sake... This is almost on Vampire To Rosario level... Good manga, shitty, cancerous anime - writers didn't bother reading more than 1st chapter.

Do I recommend it? If you want bad writing, romance that needs 50 episodes to develop above kindergarten level, nice visuals and nice music, then sure, go for it. Otherwise go for manga or don't bother at all.
Re: Anime: what do you watch?

I will stop you right there.
First few episodes of Sousei no Onmyouji were interesting, then from time to time there is a good episode. Generally this anime is 4-5/10, so it's far from being decent.

So I checked out manga and... OH BOY. Ok, they twisted/changed a bit this or that in few first episodes, it's fine, happens often. Some things worked well (like Mayura showing in first episode) but most of the time it's pretty much shitty cancer...
More than 80% of this anime is filler, they don't even bother with manga continuation, they simply took ideas, twisted them and used how they wanted. Looking at director, I am shocked that he agreed to this crap.
You can barely find any relation to manga after episode 21-27 and whoever wrote those fillers must have trained under Pierrot filler writers (idiots responsible for Naruto fillers).

Sure, using source to make 1:1 version isn't always an option, so some changes are needed here or there... But for fuck sake... This is almost on Vampire To Rosario level... Good manga, shitty, cancerous anime - writers didn't bother reading more than 1st chapter.

Do I recommend it? If you want bad writing, romance that needs 50 episodes to develop above kindergarten level, nice visuals and nice music, then sure, go for it. Otherwise go for manga or don't bother at all.

Only thing that came to my mind, when i read your comment was:

Just to note: I have already watched 42 episodes.
But i agree with you in some degree. But is there any anime adaptation that follows the manga 101%? Take for example "Akame ga kill".. AMAZING Manga. Retarded anime.. Please just burn it to the ground..

But the romance part is dragged out, But they have a reason why it has been.
Would you like to date your lover when she can be blown to piece next time you see her?

Remember i said decent, not good. Even i knew some places i was like.. "what the fuck is this shit" -_-
Re: Anime: what do you watch?

Only thing that came to my mind, when i read your comment was:

Just to note: I have already watched 42 episodes.
But i agree with you in some degree. But is there any anime adaptation that follows the manga 101%? Take for example "Akame ga kill".. AMAZING Manga. Retarded anime.. Please just burn it to the ground..

But the romance part is dragged out, But they have a reason why it has been.
Would you like to date your lover when she can be blown to piece next time you see her?

Remember i said decent, not good. Even i knew some places i was like.. "what the fuck is this shit" -_-

I never said there is anime that follows manga 1:1, I think I even mentioned that twice.
"Ok, they twisted/changed a bit this or that in few first episodes, it's fine, happens often."
"Sure, using source to make 1:1 version isn't always an option, so some changes are needed here or there"

My problem with this series was that it started nicely and then went into dumpster. So I checked out manga to see if I am correct about studio fiddling too much.
I was, romance in manga version is much better... Baah, whole story is much better.
Even fact of having your lover being K.I.A. is a reason for actual events in manga, not this crap they served in anime.

They completely changed story at some point, filled it with crap and right now, this is end for this series unless S2 is just another filler as it simply CAN'T follow manga anymore due to recent chapters reveal.

Taking into account source material, visuals, music and such, it's sad looking at what they did.
First 15, maybe 20 episodes are decent, rest of 50? Nope.

Depending on ending, it will either be 4 or 5 out of 10.
Not the first time I see this happen, not the last. Nothing to cry about, just a shame it went that road.

Small edit:
Regarding that gif... Well, if it's shit, it's shit. There are more than 10k series out there, so a lot to choose from.
Let's not even start about how many manga is out there... I have seen great titles that still didn't get adaptation.

Also, just one more time about studio fiddling, there are great examples of it being done correctly and making it an improvement over source material.
Damn, even Youjo Senki got some changes that weren't a bad idea - like art style change, which works for anime better than manga one.

Another edit:
I am sorry... Did I say that they fillered it like studio Pierrot? I just checked what studio was responsible for this anime:
Yep, it's Pierrot... Everything now makes sense.

And worse of worst, they will be making Black Clover adaptation... Well... FUUUUUck
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Re: Anime: what do you watch?

Blood'n'GUTS: Berserk, Elfin Lied, Hellsing
"Adultish" Comedy: Needless, Golden Boy (still holding out for season 2), High School of the Dead
"Safe" Comedy: One Punch Man, The Devil is a Part-Timer, FullMetal Panic: Fummoffu
Romance: Never looked, got hentai.
Re: Anime: what do you watch?

I've been thinking time and time again to post here, but I guess I'll just finally do it. Though I'm not looking for a discussion regarding the series I'm about to mention: I like them for my own reasons, that's all that matters.

When it comes to genres, my series usually include one or multiples of: comedy, school life, slice of life, romance, harem. Optional genres are: fantasy, ecchi, psychological.
Sooo, out of the anime series I watched throughout the last two years or so (years of anime pause before that), my favorites were and still are:

  • - begins as a generic, innocent one boy-two girls-love-triangle story, turns more and more into a spiral of sex and abuse, ends with the protagonist being a lusty pig, and slaughter. The anime that kind of rang the "adult bell" inside me when it comes to an anime's content, and that made me check if I actually have a thing for blood and gore in anime. I grabbed one - probably the goriest, slaughteriest of them all - and decided that I don't need gore to be the main thing in anime...
  • - a rather artistic "Sailor Senshi" for adults. Making a contract with some sort of magical being fulfills a girl's biggest wish, and in return the girl turns into a "magical girl" who has to use magic powers to hunt "witches", evil spirits. Though it all sounds exciting and adventurous, this anime doesn't hide the fact that gruesome deaths await those girls who are not fully aware and prepared.
  • - a love/romance anime that does two things I look forward to in romantic series: sex scenes (because I know relationships aren't just one or two shy kisses), and "rewinds" in the story to fully go through every character's story arc (so it's not one single love interest throughout the whole series that goes "all the way"). Plus, the last love story arc happens to be what was hinted at right at the start of the series: an incestuous relationship, with the story exploring both possible ends of this relationship. It made me think about the topic, and actually check out more anime series on the topic. I picked two OVAs, which happened to be nothing but incest hentai rather than anime, so that didn't help at all.

Apart from these three latest favorites, some other anime series I watched and finished were:

  • (seasons 1-3)

Since my internet broke down on short notice two days ago, I started watching the one anime series I had left to watch: !

Browsing through myanimelist for new series to check out, so far I have the following few out of all my "to (possibly) watch"-list:

Phew! Alright, that should be more than enough information. More than anyone would've asked for, probably. :p
Re: Anime: what do you watch?

Anime I watch/ currently watching but liked.

Dragon Ball Super
Hunter X Hunter
Bleach (ending sucked)
One Punch man
Attack on titian
Boruto: Naruto next generations
JoJo's Bizarre adventure
Tokyo Ghoul
My hero academia
Samurai Jack (Not really an anime by definition)
Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World
To love Ru
Fate series
Yu Yu Hakusho
Afro Samurai
One Piece
Blue Exorcist
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Re: Anime: what do you watch?


Ye olde school
Re: Anime: what do you watch?

Currently i'm watching
It's kinda stupid but i'm at season 4 and i want to finish it.

My recommendation if someone would ask me(who would ever:rolleyes:):

Most liked
Re: Anime: what do you watch?

Nice, fellow Death Note fan, and Code Geass is good too :cool:

Trying out Renai Boukun and Eromanga sensei right now, not too bad, not too bad at all.
Re: Anime: what do you watch?

I think I've watched death note twice :D the first half was superior but I liked the rest none the less.

One anime that I hold dear is Shirobako, which deals with the process of developing anime series. Since I'm in touch with both the design and the games industry, this series really struck a chord with me. It's 90% stress and struggle but the feeling of delivering something the audience loves makes it all worth it. You just have to love the characters in Shirobako, a bunch of weirdo nerds who have the same insecurities every artists knows so well :D plus, you learn a ton about what is going on behind the scenes.

I also love one punch man and attack on titan and found Elfenlied to be very enjoyable too, while it is highly rewatcheable due to it being rather short. Incredible title music btw.
I can also recommend Mob Psycho 100 for anyone who likes goofy japanese humor as well as Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou (high school comedy) with it's absurd situations, weird characters and especially dry wit.

Back in the days I've also seen Dragon Ball (+Z) and Pokemon of course :D

Not sure if this is only about tv shows, but if not I pretty much love all of the Studio Ghibli movies.
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Re: Anime: what do you watch?

After finishing "Sakura Trick", I picked up and started watching " ".

Quite entertaining and sweet to watch, with sorta monster girls like in "Monster musume no iru nichijou", but without the heavy ecchi. Plus, this series has an Irish dullahan for a school girl character - a perfect reminder that nothing's too crazy for anime. :D
Re: Anime: what do you watch?

Nice, fellow Death Note fan, and Code Geass is good too :cool:

Trying out Renai Boukun and Eromanga sensei right now, not too bad, not too bad at all.

Watching Renai Boukun as well ;) I thought the other girls were intense until that pink haired girl came in...

Also Code Geass is getting a third series :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Re: Anime: what do you watch?

Currently watching ..

Alice and Zoroku : I now realize there are not enough bad ass old geezer's in Anime.

Akashic Records : This show illustrates why you never drop a show after the first episode .. Even if those school uniforms are stupid.
Re: Anime: what do you watch?

After finishing "Interviews with Monster Girls", I followed up with starting to watch . While the first episode was surprisingly mean-spirited, the following episodes didn't really tingle my interest, and I dropped it after the fifth episode.

Now I'm watching . Well-animated, colour- and cheerful slice of life anime in a game company. I'm halfway through and enjoying it, and I noticed this year season two will start to air. :D
Re: Anime: what do you watch?

I`m looking for a good anime. Do you know something legendary exept Evangelion and Miyazaki`s films.
What`s your favourite anime, that you can watch again and again?

I really loved Spice and Wolf. Its the story about travelling trader, who met a human-wolf goddess. Nice climat of trading and old times
Re: Anime: what do you watch?

I really loved Spice and Wolf. Its the story about travelling trader, who met a human-wolf goddess. Nice climat of trading and old times

Ooooh ? I have that on my "planning to watch" list, good to hear it's gonna be great. :)
Re: Anime: what do you watch?

Seeing some good words about titles I plan to watch.

Spice&Wolf is great, though it's more in Maoyu Maou Yusha style (economics, politics, etc, but in layman tier rather than complex study xD) and generally it's more young adults/mature series.

Both series I mentioned are solid 7/10, definitely a should watch.

Interviews with monster girls?
Good, light anime. Nice for a cozy evening.
Though, there is that hidden meaning behind whole plot, but, oh boy. I would take this any day rather than brutally shoving such ideas into viewer's face.
6/10, would interview kawaii monster waifus again :p
Re: Anime: what do you watch?

The last thing I watched was the original Ghost in the Shell movie a couple weeks ago. Wanted to have a point of comparison for the Hollywood remake to see how shit it was.

Downloaded some stuff recently, though I don't know if I'll ever actually get around to watching it. Little Witch Academia, Yuki Yuna, Love Lab...

If that person who asked is still around, watch Madoka Magica. Shit's pretty nice.