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Anime: what do you watch?

Re: Anime: what do you watch?

It doesn't really count since I already finished watching those a good while back but...

> Ergo Proxy
It's pretty good and (Funimation) you should be watching.
> Crayon Shin Chan
I think that was that the name...
> The Tatami Galaxy
No idea how to describe that one.
> Osumatsu-chan
New season confirmed.
Re: Anime: what do you watch?

Watching Boku no Hero Academia right now. All caught up, so might catch up with Monogatari Series while I wait for the new episode. Also have to watch Digimon Tri Episode 4, so there's that. Might watch Kobayashi Maid-sama afterwards. Oh, and Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse.

Someone save me from this Hell! I just need Madoka S2 and Daily Life with Monster Girls S2!
Re: Anime: what do you watch?

most of the anime I am watching are about to end...with the exception of Made in Abyss and Boku no Hero Academia, this season feels kinda Meh...

then I looked to Anilinkz and saw a new season of Gintama...and the world is all right again :)
Re: Anime: what do you watch?

Nothing really atm. Though I will probably watch Queen's Blade Unlimited when it does come out.
Re: Anime: what do you watch?

Recently I have been just like rewatching A Silent Voice like religiously. I think it's really fucking good.

Darling in the FRANXX
Seven Deadly Sins s2
Boku no Hero Academia S3

So, Digimon Tri was a dumpster fire of shit and also sequel bait that will never produce anything because the franchise has been effectively neutralized. Is it too much to ask Toei for an Adventure s3 with a new cast, decent villains, decent digidestined, and only the most minimal reference to past events? Y'know, without raping the lore and Gennai's character in the process?
Pretty much just watching same as Ninja Bob, haven't had as much time or desire to watch much this season.

Digimon is still being made?! I remember that from way back in preschool, wow that's a while... Probably just for selling merch, then, if they did horrible with the writing :/
Just started Dragonball Super and I'm watching the subbed version, some of the voices just don't seem to fit while others are much improved.

Goku, Piccolo and Gohan's voices are waaaaay off.

Vegeta, kid Trunks , Goten and fat Buu are kind of a lateral move.

The biggest change is King Kai, as opposed to being a screechy annoying asshole the almost apathetic kind of tired old man voice makes him pretty hilarious.

Anyway I'm only 5 or so episodes in and it seems like the OVA did a better job with the battle of the gods arc... unfortunately. We'll see if this trend continues with the resurrection F arc. Kinda hoping not. Really wish I hadn't seen the OVAs now since it's boring to go back through them at a slower pace.
Unfortunately the movies are better. There's some expansion that's been done in Super, but most everyone agrees that it's better to watch the movies then start the series at episode 26.
They should have just gotten Team Four Star for it all.
They should have just gotten Team Four Star for it all.

Cancer, pls go

Since we've gone from Sping and Summer into Fall, I've followed suit. So, watching:

Boku no Hero Academia Season 3 {Second Cour}

Banana Fish

And just to add to the list and get my elitism up, I decided to wayback machine and watch Ef: A Tale of Memories.
I watch boruto only, mostly because I have no time to watch any others consistently lol
kimetsu no yaiba


literal fucking shit tier. Talk to me when Coda is your entire top 5.

I watch boruto only, mostly because I have no time to watch any others consistently lol

You have exactly five seconds to explain why you're not watching JJBA to offset the weeb.

Also, currently on:

-The Helpful Fox Senko-san (Or, "A floof becomes the loli waifu of a wage slave")
-Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind
-One Punch Man: Season 2

Golden Wind is arguably the best thing I've picked up from the previous/current season. OPM's animation issues definitely exist, but that's barely the worst aspect. I feel like if this current arc runs throughout the season, it'll kill the series anime-wise. It's just so... meh. Much of the stuff that's interesting doesn't involve Saitama and feels like it should, while the stuff that does involve him feels so side-story that you could have easily skipped over it and released it as a bunch of minis.

Helpful Floof is fine. It's very SOL, so feel free to skip. Honestly, Senko's purity as a floof is only rivaled by the countdown towards the protag's inevitable workplace massacre. Anyone know enough about Japanese wage-slaving to confirm the insanity these people suffer?

Fighting Gold is the best thing we've had since Great Days. Fuck MB, Flashback is a shit op.

You have exactly five seconds to explain why you're not watching JJBA to offset the weeb.

I don't really watch anime too much, used to watch shit like blood c, parasyte, mostly the darker ones. But the only ones that I followed consistently was Naruto, Shippuden and now boruto, no time to waste watching 20 or so episodes daily. You can call me a normie or whatever and I accept it
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I don't really watch anime too much, used to watch shit like blood c, parasyte, mostly the darker ones. But the only ones that I followed consistently was Naruto, Shippuden and now boruto, no time to waste watching 20 or so episodes daily. You can call me a normie or whatever and I accept it

Blood+ is the only decent Blood series. Blood-C and The Last Vampire are both meh attempts at edgy storytelling with none of the talent or investment to pull it off properly. Naruto was fine until post-chuunin exam mostly for the fact that everything that implied talentless scrubs could compete was then pushed to the wayside in favor of Naruto getting a variant of the rasengan every other arc. It starts to lose its appeal when guys like Rock Lee are relegated to cannon fodder despite having the best arc and the best characterization during that arc. If Kishimoto had maintained a status quo of the Konoha Nine all getting development and relevance throughout, it could have easily been on par with DBZ and JJBA.

I mean, if you're ever interested in casually investing yourself in something, watch Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Fair warning: Phantom Blood is the worst arc (and the first, unfortunately), but has the biggest payoff later on.
The mango was good, so I checked out the anime and it was also good
The description is both accurate and misleading. Nothing lewd about it
Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san
The everyday life of Nakano, a salaryman working for an exploitative company, is suddenly intruded upon by the fox, Senko-san (800-year-old little girl). Whether it be cooking, cleaning, or special service(?)... she'll heal his exhaustion with her tender "care."
You do not see anything lewd about floofing the tail of a floof? I bet you think hand-holding is also pretty tame!
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