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Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Ashley, as her mate werent so focused on the others, in part because she dont wanted to know more about changes at her body and what the others see as her responsability. Both passed some minutes resting cuddling at each other, the perfume like scent in Ashley helped Angie to recover better and also enjoy resting at her feminine shoulder, maybe the noble human could have something similar as divine blood, but for the angel than dont mater, Ashley was like her personal goddess and lover, theirs hearts were united and enjoy every moment on tehir relationship.

Recovered from their long mating, Angie manage to get up, her hips still slighty affected as her member by such long time having sex the whole day, thanks for be an angel of love, she could still walk or get hard with such soreness. With the magic slime than Tezzy give to Ashley, the human manage to get up easily what amused her, her attention was placed on help her fiancee to walk, not like Angie really need it, but having Ashley supporting her was a kind touch. The two let the rest talk and decide what they would do for dinner, their slow and sweet walk together take them to where Sammantha beth herself before go to that other hall where the maidens are, so it was empty and ready to be used.

Let me help you, Angie. The noble human said still wearing her apron than she return at place to cover her again, she bring some bucklets with warm water and the strange sweet soap than they always use, with a soft blush and smiling she tried to clean the angel's back, her kind touch having caution with Angie's wings. I still remember our first... bath together. Ashley said with a giggle making both remember when she helped Angie that first time making the angel be a guess in her house. Then she tried to tickle Angie softly in the base of her wings, her wings were still sensitive yet instead of be really ticklish, Angie let out a sudden soft moan by having that pleasure at her wings recoil at her whole body.

Oh!..Im sorry, i dont wanted to cause you pain Angie. Are yours wings very sensitive now? Ashley ask as she tried to confort the angel with a Hug. I will be more careful now, but if you feel more pain then i will only wash your back. The human said ready to clean the wings than Angie couldnt reach. Returning to her task to clean the angel's wings, Ashley stop suddenly a pair of times as she ponders and rubs the ends of some feathers as if she werent sure of something on them, but after a while she ended and maybe would give to Angie the chance to clean Ashley's back too.

After their bath, they return to see the rest trying their best, what was not enough... into cook something, Sammantha wanted to help, but she was a guess and looks like the remain three maidens (Mize, Tizze and Ary) were trying to cooking something. It could take a while and really the food looks to be not edible for a human by how it looks and smell.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Thank you Ashley, I'd like to carry you, but I'm not sure my body would allow it unfortunately. But... maybe on the way out I can, hmhm," Angie said, giggling softly as she set Ashley back down to walk and leaning against her fiancee.

Angie enjoyed Ashley's touch as they walked on to the baths, and when they arrived she couldn't help but smile as they eased down into the water. Sighing softly, Angie relaxed as she felt the warm water on her skin. "Thank you Ashley, but you don't have to do all that. We can just relax if you want to," Angie told Ashley, who went and got a couple of buckets full of water and some soap to wash with.

Angie decided to relax though and let Ashley do as she pleased. Leaning forward when Ashley offered to help wash her back, Angie smiled as Ashley mentioned their first bath together. "Yeah I remember it Ashley. It seems like so long ago. I know it wasn't really all that long ago... O-OH!" Angie began saying in response before letting out a deep lust filled moan.

"N-No they aren't ticklish... well... not like that at least. It was a... pleasurable kind of tickle. Just be a little more gentle with them okay," Angie told Ashley, her wings fluttering softly as she relaxed again for Ashley to wash them.

As soon as Ashley had finished washing her wings and back, Angie maneuvered around and returned the favor on Ashley. While she washed Ashley's back, Angie slipped her hands around and groped Ashley's breasts, pinching her nipples a little too to return the pleasure from before. "I love you so much Ashley. And I can't wait to see our baby. I know she'll be beautiful," Angie whispered in Ashley's ear as she hugged her from behind.


When they finally finished and made their way back to the others, Angie saw that they were trying and failing to cook some food for everyone. "Ashley, let's help them out a bit. Those girls are hopeless it seems with cooking, hmhm," Angie giggled when they saw the trio trying to cook and failing at it, moving over with Ashley and taking over the cooking.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Heh, i can carry you from time to time too...now i could if you want, as i doubt to get tired by how close is the bathroom. Ashley answer back chuckling softly, leaving to Angie decide and meanwhile let her hang on her to make the walk less difficult for the tired angel.

When their bath started, the young human let the angel rest as she prepare all to help her in her relax time. Oh we will relax soon, dont worry for that Angie. But first i will have my fun washing your back, i cant have enough of touch yours wings. Ashley answer smiling, trying to hide her tickle motives.

The angel soon got all the arousal from Ashley's touch at her wings and the human stop confused by the angel words when this said than it was more pleasure than tickles what she got this time. Hmm, yes we should avoid make your sore dick get hard again, i dont want to see you hurt by try it again, after all... we can wait until this night or tomorrow when you get recovered. The human continued then with care, but her delicate feminine hands were too much for dont cause the angel enjoy her wings get so kindly lovely touched.

The time for Angie's payback soon come, the human tried to place her purple hair to a side as she lean forward. There was not doubt than Angie enjoy her task, such precious body all for herself to rub and drench in soap, she could take her time to explore this side of her lover and soon got to find the human shiver and gasp when the angel wash close the trapeze area at the upper part of her back, each time than Angie rub there Ashley relax more and her back get a soft pink tone what make game with her blush and soft parts of her body.

Affected by the wash of her back, Ashley could only gasp at the start. A-angie, no...no my sensitive breasts... so-something warm is getting out. Her voice half cut stop as softly arch and rest at the angel behing her, pressing her teeth as she closed her eyes some little drops of her milk escape to get at the angel's fingers, the strange feeling and be already lactating made her open her eyes in shame but also a soft smile was formed in her face. Im changing more...right? I should be scared and crying, but now is all different with you at my side, Angie. I want to have soon our beautiful children at my arms... I love you Angie and i cant wait to share my love to our baby too. Ashley then let her lover enjoy her body more as she stay in her embrance, the pair soon stay ther at the side of the other as they cuddle and relax as much as they could until they get out to eat something.

Still wet, both move to where they could smell the dissaster than the maidens had created, of course than the warm of the catacumbs and their divinity in boths protect them of get sick by not dry themselves and also Angie could find a way to solve it. Ashley meanwhile have her apron at her shoulder, maybe thinking on wear it later after their dinner.

The words on teh angel made chuckle her lover again as she placed her hand on the angel's shoulder. Oh i wonder what you could had said in my first try cooking, this is not so bad actually, so dont worry girls, i will teach the three to cook starting now and all will be as good like me before we leave to travel around the world. Ashley said as she wears her apron and try to find out what to do now if start from zero or find a way to make this be edible.

As if were magic her eyes wide open suddenly and she mumble before look to the four. Ok, lets do this girls. Please help Angie to find a good plain rock than we could use to warm the food, i will taste every ingredient and then decide what to do from there. She then take a small raw part of a fish and give it to the angel. Love, warm the stone the enough until you heard this fish start to get cook and try than the stone stay in that temperature.

Said this she return to taste all what was unknown to her and then tried her best to save the dish, gathred and prepared the stone, she ask to the maidens to cut some mushrooms and vegetables, meanwhile she let Angie help her so they could find some fun in their work.

At the end the dinner was made and it smell and looks exquisite for all.

It looks great... normaly i only feed of Tezzy dick's milk and some human food from time to time, that old priest also was good on the kitchen, but not so good of course. The succubi said trying to take her part with her hands.

Girls, please... some manners. Nyami said to stop the three to eat like wild beings.

Maybe i should call to Catleen to join us, i will let this little one rest here, maybe her belly will make her awake soon. Samantha then placed Heki on the huge seat to rest, as she went to look for the nun, hearing the nun name made Mize giggle a lot before prepare to eat until be stoped by Ashley now. Why dont you say some words Angie before we start, after all you are the muse than make me find this hidden talent. Girls one must do all with love or it will not work, right?

After Angie said her words or thanks for their food to the gods, they will enjoy a great fest, Ary will hold herself a little at the start as she said than she was used to eat raw meat of her preys, the same was for Nyami, but ussually was fish... at the end all eat and enjoy it, the nun would scream and then a huge noise will be heard for a time, but at the end she and Sammantha would sit on the table with Heki half sleep taking seat too, the nun have a red tone in her cheeks than would last for a while as she ask if they had already given thanks before she pray for all again if needed.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Well I'm a bit bigger than you are Ashley, so I don't know if you'd be able to carry me," Angie said with a smile, kissing Ashley as she carried her along.


"I don't mind if you want to tickle my wings, but I'd much rather you help me to wash them instead. It's actually a show of trust that an angel allows a mortal or anyone but an angel to help clean their wings. But be gentle, because they're really sensitive," Angie told Ashley, her wings fluttering gently just in front of Ashley.

When she got her payback however, Angie gasped when she felt Ashley's breasts beginning to lactate milk. "Oh Ashley, it's a sign. To show that you're pregnant, hmhm," Angie giggled happily, reaching down suddenly and caressing her fiancee's belly, where their child was now growing.

The rest of their bath was mostly them cuddling and showing their affection for one another, ending with Angie laying her head down with her chin on Ashley's shoulder as she rubbed her cheek against Ashley's. "I love you so much Ashley. I'm so glad we met that day in the woods," Angie said softly in Ashley's ear.


"I can manage that. I know some magic that can help smooth it out and clean it once we find a good one," Angie said, moving to help find the stone like Ashley wanted and using her magic as she mentioned she could.

Angie followed all of Ashley's instructions on everything about the cooking, taking the free time she had to slide up to Ashley and hug her from behind. Biting her bottom lip, Angie opened her robes back up and slid her member in between Ashley's thighs so it rubbed against her fiancee's pussy and ensured that they both enjoyed their time together, just like when they were in the temple for their lunch earlier that day. Angie wouldn't take things too far though, and she would do this secretly where the others wouldn't see her do it as she spread her wings out to block their view of things.

Angie nodded to Samantha about bringing Cathleen to eat with them, gently pulling Heki over into her lap and kissing her on the forehead, raining sweet little lover's kisses down on the younger monster girl's face. Nodding to the others when Ashley suggested that she lead them in saying thanks for the food, Angie smiled and looked around at the others.

"Let us give thanks to the gods for this bounty, and for being there for each other. I personally also give thanks to each and every one of you all, my friends, and my lovers. I love you all very much, and I hope that we can always be close," Angie said, smiling as she held Ashley's hand before helping to move Heki over with Samantha.

With that, Angie would dig in and savor every last bite of her food, praising Ashley several times on her cooking skills. She even reached over to grab Ashley's butt to give it a firm squeeze right there in plain view of everyone else, not caring if they saw her or not. When they finished eating, Angie laid back in her seat to rest, sighing softly as she did.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Each touch and show of affection toward Ashley cause a warm feeling in the human, know than her breasts having milk was sign of her pregnancy calm her worries, as fortunately she have so few knowledge of the topic to know than at this early stage was unusual. She and Angelique remain rubbing each other and enjoy their warm touch, theirs nude beings be like one as they relax in the clean water.

Do the cooking together was also filled with lovely feelings, Ashley just gasped softly and pressed her hips to Angie as she feels the futa trying to enjoy her fiance as this make the dinner. Part of the love in the dinner was earned in these moments, giving all what was needed for the rest of the night.

The time to eat what was served soon come when Angie give thanks for the food, the others were so desesperated to taste what the girls had made together, yet it was true than mostly was all thanks to Ashley and Angie too. The human squirm in delight when her lover touch her exposed back, Ashley soon placed her hand over the one of the angel so this remain there for more time, pressing her buttcheek all what she want. It was the best dinner than Angie have until now in this world, her many lovers and specially Ashley were there, even Cathleen calm and enjoy the moment, so peaceful as all eat and coexist together.

Ashley let all end before help to clean all, meanwhile the maidens who had eaten with few manners and eaten like at least three rations went to prepare the bed at the room where Nyami has been living for close half a week or more. A confortable bed was made where all except Cathleen would rest and mostly have some fun with the futa angel.

First, Tezzy started to make a soft foreplay on Angie, soaking the angel in her aphrodisiac slime than also heal her soreness, making her get ready to take each of them... Sammantha who needed more cum so she could birth was between the most used that night and Ashley let the rest have also a time with her fiancee, but at the end of the night she rested at her side, Mize at the other with Tezzy having her futa inside the succubi. Nyami who finally got the chance to act with the rest, reduce her size the enough so her tail remain in the underlake, all was fine for Angie who got all the energy needed from that heavenly food and bad given by hher future wife, she manage to fill them all and so all rested together until Sammantha started to moan aloud and masturbate without control, she begged for a dick as her cunt start to dilatate a lot so a child of almost three years started to come out of her, every move to get it out make her certainly cum, but she tried to mantain the control in such divine pleasure, her breasts grow and lactate, eyes got dazzed and her face was fighting to dont look as a sex broken slut in complete blissful happiness.

The baby in a loud moan of her mother get out, making Sammantha fall with a lusty smile on her face. Angie turn also the atention on the new born who was blue and have angel wings crawl to suck at her mother's breasts, the rest of the night pass in peace and Sammantha get recovered in part after an half hour, she was just loving to feed her baby and all suppose than such birth was so hard than they just needed to let her rest.

The time passed and some whispers between the maidens awakened Angie from her rest, she noticed than the baby who color was a light blue has mature completely in a seductive angel, naked and marked with runes, Angie soon get noticed than it was Saphire who now was a full grow up angel futa.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Dinner was perfect, and the most tasty she'd had since coming down to the mortal world. It was even better because of the fact that Ashley had made it for them. Angie was a little amazed at how much the girls all ate compared to her and Ashley. "Ashley, the food is delicious. The best I've had since coming here. You're a really good cook. You should go into business for yourself sweetie. As good as your food is, You'll likely be rich within a year," Angie told Ashley, leaning over to kiss her on the cheek.

When they finished up with the dishes once dinner was done, Angie moved to the bed that had been prepared for her and the others. She lay on the bed and let Tezzy tease her to work her body up, letting that aphrodisiac slime do its work. Once Angie was lathered up enough with Tezzy's slime, she smiled at them as her cock sprang to full mast and licked her lips hungrily.

"Come on ladies. I feel a second wind coming on. And I'm gonna use that to fuck you girls raw until you're completely satisfied," Angie told them in a naughty voice as she stroked her shaft and moved for Mize first.

Angie moved from one to the next, making love to each of them in the most passionate and loving way she could, just as good as she gave Ashley and Samantha earlier. The more she thrust her hips, and the more she came, the harder Angie's dick was getting it seemed. When she was finally spent completely, Angie collapsed down on top of Ashley, whom she took last a couple of times to make her feel nice too after everyone else.


Laying there resting with everyone, Angie along with everyone else were brought from their slumber by Samantha, who was apparently wanting more from Angie. Angie groaned softly and was raising up to oblige her fellow angel when she saw that Samantha was in labor. "O-Oh girls... GIRLS WAKE UP! Samantha's in labor and she needs us," Angie called out to the others in a panic before moving to help Samantha.

Angie moved over behind Samantha and propped her up so she was sitting back in the birthing position, though this inadvertently pressed her still exposed cock up against and between the other angel's perfect ass cheeks. Angie held Samantha while the others helped her to get the baby birthed, and when Samantha finally pushed the baby out, Angie was incredibly surprised to see how large she was. falling back as Samantha went dead weight on her, Angie lay underneath her fellow angel and smiled as the little one crawled up to drink heavily of Samantha's milk.

"She's beautiful Samantha. Now you get some rest okay. I'll hold down the fort while you rest," Angie told Samantha reassuringly, moving out from under her and making sure she was comfortable before laying back down in between Ashley and Mize with her dick pressed up between Ashley's ass cheeks.

Angie quickly fell back to sleep for the rest of the night and slept very soundly snuggled up between Ashley and Mize.


Groaning softly, Angie woke up some time later to the hushed whispers of the others. She raised up and started to ask what was going on when she saw Sapphira standing there. "W-What the... hell? Sapphira, how did you get here?" Angie asked curiously, checking on Samantha as she moved over.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Thanks to the apron or her young life as a noble, Ashley manners were refined in the dinner, but this dont stop her of enjoy the touch of her lover over her exposed skin or beg for more in soft moves to enjoy the hand of the angel more.

The words of her lover about the dinner made her smile and giggle softly before her mate kiss her. Thanks, i tried my best and you help me a lot in every moment, Angie. The human said as she take a small part of the ribbon of her apron to clean Angie's cheeks of the sauce than she made for this unknown food. I was already rich as a children, so is not a goal for me at the side of explore the world close you~ Said this she cut a piece of meal from Angie's dish and give it to eat to Angie in the mouth.

The dinner go on, most of the maidens loved too much this to decide than meanwhile Ashley teach them she should be the one in charge of the kitchen what Ashley could accept to do for a while, maybe until her wedding.


In the bed now recovered thanks to Tezzy's slime and horny by this too, the angel decide to take first the succubi in her daily quote to sattle her mates. The playful tail making the angel get wet too by rubbing at the cunt or Angie's breasts. The dirty girl was thinking in more, making Tezzy take the vacant hole than Angie dont get, so her depraved self get filled fully in both lower holes, the mutual piston also aroused the angel as she could feel the dick of the other maiden touching her own mamber, many times cumming inside the piscine of her succubi babies so tehy could enjoy her Papa cream too in such early stage.

She then take Nyami, the serpent girl was so needed for touch, so lonely in this huge chamber than conect to the seven rivers. Nyami needed to hold her tail inside the river to detect any terrible event if this happen, but she could enlarge her body the enough to be used and sattled, resting after some loads in the bed as the others soon will do.

Ary take turn, as Tezzy still was recovering herself, the spider was not so soft, using her web and poison in new ways to pleasure the winged one. The lusty harness made every erogenous zone by under her control these ones supersensitive thanks to her lustful poison. This made Angie cum as much as the arachne need and she rest hanging over the bed as she rub her bloated pregnant belly and cum inside.

Tezzy was easy, Angie could pleasure her in two places, her dick and cunny as the way than she want, Tezzy was a passive girl who loves to pleasure others so Angie was in charge with her as her suport to fill her as the angel could. The curse of Tezzy's slime come when her eternaly virgin folds get pierced what only increased the pleasure in the slug girl, very used to lost her virginity and recover it after some minutes to be broken her hymen again, almost cumming each time.

Recovered by Tezzy's slime Angie have all the eergy to cum almost endlessly on Ashley and Sammantha who was so aroused by her pregnancy than she could not stop herself to cum under her underling angel soldier. Filled with cum and belly more big than one pregnancy of twin of nine months, Samantha rest in blish drenched in cum as Ashley turn come. The human always would be the angel's favorite to penetrate, there was not just lust and passion, the inconditional inocent love of the goddess's descendant and her body were just always trying their best to share that love to Angie. The angel could take her back or front and Ashley would move as if they were one, just the max arousal and pleasure in each touch than lead to empty her tanks on her and so rest as the noble girl protect and pamper her in the angel's rest.


With Angie shouting for help, all the maidens wake up, Caitleen and Heki were resting in a different bed, so they never get at time to help. All get such huge surprise by the strange birth, but they helped as they could, being Nyami the one with more experience on this and Ary after the older one. All was made correctly and Ashley as Angie learned some tricks when the time for theirs childrens come. They let Sammantha rest with her baby drinking the vast quantity of milk from the divine breasts.

At the next morning all remain softly sleeping when Angie wake up and talked to the suddenly new guest. Mize who have Tezzy's dick inside her strech and huge Ashley who was also exhausted to awake with the touch, the succubi in lustful way pampering and rubbing the human by mistake as she between dreams suppose than is Angie.

Saphira stop to drink from the red winged angel's breasts and sit to smile to Angie. I come here thanks to you and the rest Angelique~ I has been drinking from Miss Sammantha my lover from the start and see all how cute look as all sleep. She extend her wings silver in color or maybe grey with shining bright to expose her whole body as also hard huge dick to Angie. So im beautiful... these were your words a few hours ago, right Angelique? I think than i will let Sammantha rest a moment and then impregnate her again or i should choice someone more, i havent decided yet. Sapphira ponders as she move to lay close Sammantha again who moans in drems again when her breasts were sucked again by the blue skinned angel, the baby was not in any place and the voices were making Ashley whimper as her body instinctively try to defend herself of the succubi as she only belongs to Angelique.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I... how did you... what?" Angie began to ask, looking incredibly confused about the fact that Sapphira was there now. "Of course you're beautiful Sapphira, you already were. I mean now you're even more beautiful obviously because you're... an angel I guess, or a mix breed. But maybe you shouldn't impregnate Samantha again just yet and let her rest. And don't even think about Ashley, because she's mine and I won't ease up on that," she added to Sapphira, hugging Ashley lovingly.

Angie wouldn't allow Ashley to have sex with Sapphira no matter what she said or how much she whined and begged for it, simply telling the blue skinned woman "no," in a firm tone. "I suppose we should start getting everything prepared for the wedding then. If there's nothing else to do. But first I need a good diamond to put into a ring for Ashley. Where can I get the best diamond around here? I don't care how difficult it might be, I will only have the best for my soon to be wife," Angie said, looking over at Ashley with a smile.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"How you ask? you were just there when i get out of my lover," Sapphira said after the angel ask.

"I know that Sapphira. But... I mean how did you get to be the child within her?" Angie replied with another question, still looking a little confused about it.

"I'm guided by my gods to do theirs will, Angelique. What they choiced for me is be part of this world and to that i needed to reborn," Sapphira said as her hand start to rub her blue member

The newborn was not completely sure of how she end there, guided by the steps imprinted in her mind

"I see... well, still the same it would be nice to know how all of that happened. But I won't pry if you don't know yourself. But so long as you let Samantha rest some more and you don't ask to have sex with Ashley, then I won't try and get in your way or anything," Angie told Sapphira, wrapping an arm lovingly around Ashley.

Ashley has somersault softly when the succubi hug her but now at Angie's arm she start to calm and softly awake.

"Dont need to try to defend your lover, she is yours as Samantha is mine. Beside all except Samantha and you in this room are already impregnated. So, you should answer me if you want to be my mate now or i should wait for Samantha," Sapphira said as she look to be in lust but controlled yet

"But, I have things I need to do, plus I'm still pregnant myself with two more of Ary's little ones. I'm not even sure I can get pregnant while already pregnant with them. Please though Sapphira, do this much for me. Samantha can't become pregnant again so soon, because it could hurt her, and I don't want her to be so addled from pleasure that she can't even think straight, because I will need her help soon," Angie begged Sapphira, looking hopefully at the blue skinned angelic succubus.

"Still pregnant? Sound like being reborn take less time than the one than I expected... Very well I will let my lover rest until she beg for be at my side, meanwhile it must be fine to look for more mates. Would you come with me?" Saphira ask amazed to heard some things from Angie pregnancy.

"I wouldn't mind coming with you no. But let's get something to eat first. I did just wake up after all, and I am a little hungry. Besides, I suppose Ashley and I should go into town so we can inform her mother about our coming marriage. And I need to ask around there too if there are any rare gemstones about that I can go and get for Ashley's wedding ring. Is that fine?" Angie replied, looking to Sapphira to see if she minded waiting for her to eat first.

"Very well, i will do my best to endure all that time. But dont worry about me, i had eaten enough this morning, so i will just cuddle close Sammantha and wait for you. I give you my word than i will not impregnate her today," Saphira said as she decide to rest at the side of the red winged angel.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

(The above post from Plm was from chat between the two of us the other day.)

"Thank you Sapphira, that's all I can ask of you. I'll go ahead and get something to eat and then Ashley and I can take you to town with us. I'd suggest wearing some clothing though, as you might not be well received otherwise," Angie told Sapphira, leaning around and kissing Ashley on the lips before heading with her to get them something for breakfast.

Angie would help Ashley cook again, though this time around she would be less lewd about everything. However she would still grope Ashley's butt and breasts from time to time while they cooked, reaching down into Ashley's panties to grope her directly a few times too. When breakfast was done, Angie would sit with Ashley and the others and eat heartily, making sure she sat as close to her as possible, and feeding Ashley herself with a few bites of food and showering her with affection.

When they were through with breakfast, Angie would help Ashley get dressed before dressing herself, accepting any help from her fiancee that was offered. Once ready to leave, Angie would pull Ashley into her arms before flapping her wings hard to take flight and motioning for Sapphira to follow along, where she flew towards the town.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The blue skined angel, have her hands around the sweet Sammantha, rubbing each inch as her attention was placed on Celine than just moments ago went to hug her lover and save her at the same time of Mize sleepy attenps to pleasure the human.

Uhm? I can swear than i was dressed... do my clothes got destroyed when we had sex? The alien said looking herself, her moves made her dick rest hard between the red winged angel's legs what caused a soft coos come out from Sammantha who remain sleeping after her hard birth labor. Can you give me some clothes, please Angelique? I want to try to avoid cause fear now than im someone like the rest. Sapphira said as she get up minutes later of her lover side, playing to open and close her new wings meanwhile she go to see the rest eat.

The whole talk and have Angie huging her made Ashley wake up slowly cuddling at her lover, as she needs some moments to understand what was happening. Mize also awake, in part until she heard than they would go soon to the town, mostly that made the magic to make her leave the bed too... But the others maidens werent early birds, they just looks to wish some extra beauty hours of rest.

Ashley return the kiss with her arms around the angel's body who help her to get up half sleep, taking her apron and dress it as she start to cook in the start half sleep, until Angie started to tease her with her sweet gropes. As usual Angie can detect how her lover enjoy her touch and her whole being softly move to beg for more even when Ashley dont notice some of her reactions.

It was a quick and healty breakfast, Ashley was serving to Mize after do it with Angie when she seet and almost split her food when she notice the blue winged girl looking to them eat in the dinner table seat. When we got visits? she ask as she turn to Angie confused. She looks so familiar... is someone related to you Angie? She ask as Saphira let Angie introduce her to the human again, meanwhile the food making sounds had called Cathleen senses, she went to the place ready to help, but Ashley ended really soon.

Good Morning, oh visits... let me serve you something to eat. She said, getting ready a dish to her and the guest, maybe cooking some of the remain of Ashley ingredients for this breakfast.

Once Angie talked about who was Saphira and than she will go to the town, Cathleen get up of her seat and tried to clean all as she said back with a tone than show than it must be her duty go to the town too. I will go to the town too, we should all the four go together to avoid any danger.

Uhm, we will be five in total, after all who know more about diamonds, rings and clothes than a love maiden? I also need to order to make clothes for all my sisters or at least the materials for Ary to make all... why dont you marry us all Angie? I dont have problems than Ashley is the first, but i was also the first in take you. With Mize words and giggles, Ashley get softly red, maybe remember that again was not a good idea.

The fiive girls prepare to leave, Ashley have at least five dresses there than Angie could choice, but she also want to wear her apron, in case than she needs to protect the dress of any mud. Angie have three dresses too to wear, all ready to avoid her wings to be pressed at her body. Sapphira was not interested in dress anything really and would take a random dress than could fit her well made body. Mize f course would wear a skimpy dress not short in a fashion style and Cathleen will wear her usual clothes.

Walking out the catacombs, the temple and then reaching the outside would be out of problems, Cathleen dont wanted a futa girl take her to fly, so the poor Mize will carry the prude nun to the town. Ashley would be taken by her lover to the sky, she just closed her eyes and hugs as much as she could.

The winged girls fly for minutes and then noticed the town get closer as they move to it, it looks to be out of problems and lack of population at the side of when Angie first come here. The market was the place with bigger population, young women trying to sell something, others hidding to pamper each other and of course some blue girls teasing and rubbing some of them without care than most were naked and hard, in some houses maybe a few were having fun. Angie could first go to buy something or go to Ashley house... as any other place.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I... don't have any clothes myself. Mize can probably help you there though I'd wager. She got Ashley a lot of clothes the other day, so maybe something could fit you too," Angie replied to Sapphira, pointing over at Mize who was still asleep.

After they all started getting up and everything, with Angie helping Ashley to cook breakfast, the young futanari angel enjoyed seeing Ashley's reactions to her gropes. When Mize finally noticed Sapphira for the first time, Angie nearly spit her water she was drinking out in amusement. "You only just now noticed Sapphira here? She's the one I was telling you about last night that was the leader of those blue skinned ladies that I made love to yesterday. She impregnated Samantha after I was done and Samantha gave birth last night to her somehow. It's all really hard to explain," Angie said with a giggle. "I'm heading into town soon with Ashley and Sapphira. Anyone that wants to com along is welcome to. Although we may have to walk if there's too many for Sapphira and myself to carry since we can fly and all," Angie added.

Angie blushed along with Ashley when Mize mentioned marrying all of them. "I... let's see how things work out with just me and Ashley first. T-Then we'll see about marrying the rest of you. I mean, we angels don't have rules stating we can't have multiple partners in marriage. Though it's not something we commonly do," Angie replied to Mize, looking very shy all of a sudden as her wings fluttered at the very thought of having all of them back home in Celestia in their own home, where they had sex every day.

Angie decided to take her most beautiful dress that was there for her, slipping her wings through so they were stretched out behind her. She helped Ashley into her dress after that and when everyone was ready they went out. "Mize, can you carry Cathleen please? I would appreciate it," Angie asked Mize as she wrapped her arms around Ashley to carry her.

During their flight towards town, Angie smiled and kissed Ashley on the cheek. "Hey honey, open your eyes and look. You're flying. Doesn't it feel wonderful for the wind to flow through your hair like this?" Angie told Ashley while they flew, holding her firmly against her to let Ashley know that she wouldn't drop her.


When they finally got to the town, Angie landed and walked in. She held Ashley's hand the whole way and didn't let go as they passed through the market. Angie noticed that several of the blue skinned ladies from before were here and butt naked for the most part it seemed. "Wow, I didn't expect them to be so forward about this. I suppose that so long as they aren't hurting anybody though, and that everyone is willing, then it's okay. But first thing's first. Ashley let's go see your mother. I guess it's best to get that part out of the way sooner rather than later," Angie said, squeezing Ashley's hand gently before leading the way to Ashley's house.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)


Do you talked about her yesterday? I dont remember or get it now what you just said all about she impregnate her mother before born, but im happy for Sammantha to have a beautiful daughter. The soccubi answer. Angie could see the gazing tease attemps of Mize still not fully awake, if she werent so interested in go to the town, maybe Mize would have her early breakfast as any succubi using Tezzy's help at least.

Angie answer at other hand helped to make the succubi chuckle and awake some more. Hmhm, i dont see any problem to be your lover for a while, it must be special for the angels have babies and sex with others in front of her wife, do it make you get hot, Angie? No doubt a soft morning tease from Mize but not so far of the truth after what they made this night, of course Ashley dont like this talk, but she just sight and hold Angie's hand, maybe to point than she was not mad with the angel or to show her support on her lover.

Once out Mize was not problems to carry Cathleen, the Succubi hold on the pure nun, as if she would enjoy cuddle on the prude woman who she take to rest in a bed yesterday taking a lot of time to that work yesterday... what would had been suspicious for someone else. Meanwhile Angie hold hard on Angie and let the angel take her up, of course than the apron magic work there to follow Angie's orders, so once the angel talk with her the human started to enjoy the trip. Yes, but it only is wonderful as you are at my side, Angie... No one else i would let them take me to fly

Reaching the town, Mize was loving the events happening in the market area as maybe Saphira too who maybe was deciding who take for herself and impregnate them just as the others, but Angie's words made her sigh and nods accepting go to check Ashley's mother. As they get close the house, they noticed at least three blue girls being in front of the door of Ashley's house. Two of the blue girls sitting resting on the door, as a woman suck theirs cocks, pretty much was not Ashley mother, but they needed to get closer to notice it, what made Ashley almost acream until get the truth and calm herself. The third was trying to look through the window and this trio havent noticed the group moving here.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

When Ashley replied to her question whilst they were in the air, Angie smiled and hugged Ashley tighter. "Let's have a little fun then. I know something that will really get your blood pumping. If you trust me that is," Angie replied, smiling happily at Ashley.

If Ashley didn't mind her doing so, Angie would go into a dive after going high up into the air, where she would pull up just before skirting the treeline and letting Ashley's feet brush the leaves. She would do this again over the lake, letting Ashley's feet brush the water just barely before going back up with the others, giggling softly as she did.


As they traveled about, Angie was a little worried about the way things were going in town, but she didn't stop them, hoping that everything would be okay. When they approached Ashley's home, they saw a woman kneeling down in front of two blue skinned women sucking them off. Angie gasped along with Ashley, but was relieved to find it wasn't Ashley's mother. "Um... excuse me, this is Ashley's home. We need to get inside so we can see her mother, please. And you shouldn't be doing that outside in public where everybody can see you. What if the children here in town see you doing this?" Angie said to the three, urging them to stop what they were doing in plain view of everyone.

Once they were able to get inside, Angie would let Ashley call out for her mother to let her know that the two of them were there. As soon as they saw Ashley's mother, Angie would smile at her and pull her into a firm hug.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The old Ashley would already have problems flying, but maybe she was getting used to it or maybe the magic in her apron make her trust too much on Angie to completely fear when this said than some fun was close to happen. I dont have any problem to get some fun with you, Angie. What do you have in mind? She ask without know what would come. Her confidence or charm placed on her almost lost with the sudden maneuver, quickly her arms tried to hold better on the angel's arms and a squeak come later when she almost reach to touch the trees. If she were a normal human there would had been scratch on her feet by the leaves as she pass above them, but thanks to her superhuman heritage her fine skin remain untouched, at least she manage to enjoy her time over flying over the water below them, there was almost not perturbance on the liquid as enjoy the touch of this before they return with the others. Ashley's feet remain without a single drop of water and she thanks with a kiss her angel, showing than before what she pass, this little act was enjoyable for her.

Of course if Ashley would had some shoes or socks these werent on her when they land, maybe they got struck on the trees or fall when they just rise up from the start.


The blue girls turn to see the group and focus on Angie once this start talking, but the woman remain working both of them. "Ashley?" One ask, certainly both dont know who she is, but they looks to recognize the angel and certainly were amused by the new look on Saphira.

We are just asking from house to house if they want to accept some love from us, there must not be anything bad with this and she... well, we are letting her decide which one of us choice. Said this the blue girls poke softly the woman who needed time to awake of her aroused state, they point to the other side of the street and maybe were having in mind continue there.

Uhm, i dont see why is bad for the childrens enjoy our love, but if you want than they do this in private, can you let them do it inside Ashley's house? Saphira ask, fortunately still dressed and with her member half hard making it be somehow visible below her dress.

Oh, we must ask too, would be Ashley's Mother interested in receive our love? What suddenly made Ashley answer slighty pissed by the idea. NO, she is not interested!.... And we have a guest room for all to use, it was Angie's room, but now she can share my room, as we will ...marry soon. She end softly blushing.

The blue trio would follow them with the girl in need for sex unless Angie said something against this. As they get inside, they notice Ashley's mother starting to awake on the armchair, a glass cup on the floor with some wine remain and two wine bottles enmpty in the desk show the reason of her state, but for what it looks she is just half sleepy without any hangover, easily Angie could hug her, as Ashley try to clean the scene before the others get closer. Oh, so kind as always Angelique... do we have visits? If only i had time to clean... She end as she yawn softly and hugging some more of the needed the angel as she look at a side of Angie's shoulder.

Hmhm...Hi Miss, its already so early, so why not let me help cleaning the second floor?~ Mize said as she tried to go up stairs... certainly cleaning was not her goal by how terrible is in the housework
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Well, the children are young, and they shouldn't be seeing this sort of thing yet. So please don't do this kind of thing where they could end up seeing it. Children can be so impressionable you know," Angie told the two blue ladies in a serious tone, not willing to let them or any of the others do this outside. "Ashley's mother would have her own choice in that matter. But I don't want any of you to seduce her please. But, it's Ashley's and her mother's home, so it's up to them if you can come in or not," Angie then told them.

When they entered the house, Angie saw Ashley's mother slumped back in her armchair, looking a bit tipsy with a glass of wine laying on the floor, with some spilled there. "Miss Elizabeth, what's happened here? Come on, let's get you up from there. Ashley and I have some things we need to talk to you about. I'll get you some fresh coffee or tea if you have any, and then I'll get this place cleaned up some," Angie said to Ashley's mother, reaching down and scooping her up in her arms, where she then carried her to the kitchen, where she did as she'd said and made a pot of coffee or tea to help wake Ashley's mother up.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angelique's serious words looks to place more questions on the minds of the inocent blue girls than answers, but they nod and decide to follow the angel strange rules about the kids for now, not their fault as even Mize looks to shrug. I guess than human's kids are very sensible. She mutters as she shrug and get inside the house with the rest, there was not way than the blue trio would be out doing theirs things when they could use a room.

At least the guest trio and the human woman dont caused troubles when Angie went to help the half awakened mother. Elizabeth just giggle softly as she shake her head. I just drink a cup to relax a little after return the last night, you dont need to worry about anything Angelique. Ashley's mother said, but clearly was more than just a bottle of wine.

Fortunately, Elizabeth looks to be really fine after all what she drink in the night, easily turning to heard the angel. Uhm, a tea would be fine, Angie... thanks, but the drink can wait, why dont you first talk with me, im curious about what both were doing these last days. Elizabeth said with a smirk, certainly she noticed Angelique's pregnancy and the apron than Ashley is using, her focus so fully placed than she dont care of the others persons in the second floor... having sex in silence, mostly. Meanwhile, Ashley tried to clean the wine mess or dont wanted to see how her mother would react when Angie talk about the wedding., maybe.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Well it's not so much that Mize, it's the simple fact that children shouldn't see that sort of thing until they're old enough to do it themselves," Angie said, as if her words finished the conversation.


"No miss Elizabeth, I have to worry about you. But... if you'd rather us talk first then we can do that. I was offering the tea to help wake you up and keep you relaxed while we talk," Angie said, pausing for a few moments as she looked over at Ashley and gestured her over to sit with them and forget about the wine stain. "I... well... it's hard to explain really, so I guess the best thing to do is just say it. I've asked Ashley to marry me. I love her with all my heart, and I want to be with her. I would like to ask for your approval miss Elizabeth. And I also must tell you that I believe that Ashley is already carrying my child," Angie went on to tell Elizabeth, blushing furiously at telling Ashley's mother this, but feeling that honesty was the best course of action here.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Im actually very relaxed and pleased to have all these visits so early, thinking about it i have some questions for both of you, but please continue you first. Elizabeth answer with a soft grin, she let Ashley come and sit with them, what looks like the young noble is displased to do, giving a soft wsigh when Angie gestured to come at her side. She sit at the angel side and hold her lover hand to endure the moment.

Angie release the bomb and the noble woman made an amused face before muff her giggles. Hmhm, i know it... It was mostly clear than you loved my daughter from that day when you literaly stop that wedding in your "shining armor" and then some days ago you take her away to, i must suppose your love nest.

The giggle and good mood on Elizabeth follow to her turning to Ashley, giving a proud smirk as maybe the woman remember old times. aw look at you, just the last week you were dressed as a man and run from any of them... finally all my effort to turn you into a refined lady has given fruits... Oh by the way Ashleen, is true than im waiting a lot of cute grandchildrens from both of you, but i dont want any born before both married, so we must end all yours lessons and send all the invitations than are stored for all the nobility in these next days... is a fortune than i have them ready from years ago~

Indeed, Elizabeth was very pleased with the idea of both get married and even need the marriage be exposed to all the high class of the area or maybe the country, the not so good mood on Ashley show than her mother has been focused in her marriage for a long time. However soon Elizabeth calm with her tea and pointed with her eyes to Angie's belly. What is a surprise is see you pregnant too Angelique, can i ask who is the father or woman from the ones in yours insides? The sudden cold tone on Elizabeth show her dislike in that topic.

Meanwhile no one of the others was in teh first floor... Mize, Saphira, the trio of blue girls, the other woman and even Cathleen had leave the three talk alone.
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angie was relieved that Elizabeth didn't seem to be taking the news badly as she dropped the bomb of her and Ashley planning to get married. "N-No, it wasn't to my love nest. It was to the temple in the woods. A-And I'm an angel of love," Angie stuttered, blushing even more furiously as Elizabeth continued, looking amused and happy that Ashley had someone she loved. "W-Well, while I think she is pregnant, I was hoping to get the wedding set within the next month, and I've already sent invitations via magical sending to my family. So they should all be arriving as soon as we have made a specific date. And... I'm sure you're wondering how I've gotten her pregnant too. I'm a futanari. If you would like, I can show you to alleviate any misgivings you might have," Angie went on to say, pulling her skirt up to reveal her penis to Ashley's mother if she asked her to.

"As for the wedding, I don't mind who all you invite miss Elizabeth. The more the better in my opinion. And these are from one of the ladies that reside in the temple's catacombs that live down there with the... demigoddess is the only term I can truly think of for her. Ary though is the name of the one who put these in my belly. She is an arachne I think... it's hard to tell honestly. But she's really kind and caring," Angie told Elizabeth after a few moments.