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An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Re: An Innocent Quest

Was four the max amount of people you were looking for?
Re: An Innocent Quest

Was four the max amount of people you were looking for?

I'm fine with up to six, as 3-4 is kinda the minimum to get things started and I've come to expect dropouts along the way.
Re: An Innocent Quest

If your taking up to six, then I'm going to put myself in to the running for the sixth spot!
Re: An Innocent Quest

If your taking up to six, then I'm going to put myself in to the running for the sixth spot!

We have spots? I only see spots filled as soon as I see a proper character sheet. *chuckles*
Re: An Innocent Quest

And done. I can switch it back to elf stuff if it's a problem but it's mechanically just the wood elf.
Re: An Innocent Quest

Do we have any starting gold, along with the 10 gp we get with out background?
Re: An Innocent Quest

Do we have any starting gold, along with the 10 gp we get with out background?

nah but you could ask for a specific gear thingie, 5.0 is stingie with items.
Re: An Innocent Quest

Okay, I was wondering if I could get a Longbow since i'm a hunter and stuff. But I can't afford them because they're 50 gp, which is fives times more than my starting money.

Why are bows so expensive again?
Re: An Innocent Quest

Okay, I was wondering if I could get a Longbow since i'm a hunter and stuff. But I can't afford them because they're 50 gp, which is fives times more than my starting money.

Why are bows so expensive again?

Their sellers are stringy.


Drop another main weapon get a bow and 20 arrows, no problem.
Re: An Innocent Quest

Alright then, lets look what we got so far over,..

Dabomb: Not finished.

Corruptive spirits errr.. cute character:

All looks in order, Approved

Zilrax If you create a custom race, you have to explain the entirety of that race, including who they are, how they do, and what their unique language is about. You're propably easier off making her the descendant of a werewolf, the unique race is not an innate problem, the way you present it, or rather don't present it is.

Nullified: How exactly does that backstory lend itself to a paladin of Vengeance? that.. fluffy wing-tail thing you see in the picture isn't part for her IC description, right?
Re: An Innocent Quest

I am finished now! Do you need more out of my past, or is that fine?
Re: An Innocent Quest

Same, hope Alice's past is okay at it's size.
Re: An Innocent Quest

I am finished now! Do you need more out of my past, or is that fine?

So how would you describe the relationship with your parents

Same, hope Alice's past is okay at it's size.

Seriously, don't worry about it, I can take lots of sizes.
Re: An Innocent Quest

So is alice passed then? Or should expand more?
Re: An Innocent Quest

So how would you describe the relationship with your parents
Her Father was put hunting most of the time, so she didn't see him very much. The little time they had together, was when she hunted with him.

Her mother on the other hand, was home most of the day. She taught her how to sew and for the mot part had a good relationship with her.

When she started her apprenticeship, she didn't see either of them as much and grew a bit distant with them, though she still enjoyed spending time with them, when she could.

Is that good?
Re: An Innocent Quest

Sure I can do that in no time flat, but first you'll have to tell me if there's any unusual things of this world and such? I mean I could do the skinwalker style thing but there's other options. In fact, I'm in the mood to write a bunch!

Walfen: Descendents of those mortals caught by the hounds of the Wild Hunt, rather than being torn apart by the erlking and his riders, many end up quite pregnant and sometimes changed by the contact. It became a common enough occurrence within the confines of the Sidhecall Forest that most mortals began avoiding it, but not before a sizable breeding population of canine like children were born.

Since then, the Walfen have colonized the outskirts of many wild regions, having a natural skill at blending in. There, they build villages and make lives for themselves, trying to resist the call of the hunt that echoes in their bloodlines. To lose oneself to it and turn to the wilds as a hunter is considered to be quite the mark of shame, and most Walfen take incredible pains to present themselves as paragons of civilization. Still, they can't resist the call entirely and thus rarely remain for long in cities, and their villages usually carve off groups into colonies looking for a new home when they get too big regularly.

Walfen, due to their fae influence do not need to sleep. Rather they enter into a trance that's familiar to those of elf blood. some theorize that the trance is in fact entrance to a shared fae dream, where the walfen's souls run wild and hunt to their hearts content.

Walfen are primarily herms, due to their mixed circumstance of the fae hounds being all male predators, the walfen are built as both predator and prey. Still, in going with their resistance to the call, walfen take rape very seriously, seeing it as a massive breach of their code and resistance. Though it doesn't help they all tend to have that urge when they gain dominance over others in battle.

Lacking natural weaponry of any sort most Walfen naturally turn either to the weapons of the hunter, the bow, or the blades of civilization, the sword, to defend themselves with. While many use other weaponry, these seem natural to them.

Your average civilized walfen is well dressed, groomed, soft spoken, generally dressed somewhat on the prudish spectrum and takes every pain to seem civilized to the point of almost feeling like they're putting on airs. Still, they are a driven people, and generally eager for acceptance from the civilized societies around them.

When under stress however, the walfen's other side can come out. Predatory, aggressive, dominant, the determination to be civilized transforming into a determination to pursue their object of focus to the ends of the earth. And with the Walfen's enhanced speed and natural stealth talents, a Walfen lost in the throes of their fae like passions becomes dangerous swiftly. While not berserk like a werewolf, until a walfen calms down, they are prone towards more savage behavior and will often need to be forcibly calmed until it passes.

Those walfen who become uncivilized permanently often become loners out on the fringes of societies or fully into the wilds, becoming survivalists with a bent towards the hunt. Some may become as though wild animals, sometimes literally if their nature taps into the primal energies of the world and become druids, but most still seek acceptance in the form of a pack that can earn their loyalty and a drive to protect others.

The vast majority of Walfen are Neutral. Constantly caught in an inner war between the wild whims of the fae and the authoritative trapping of civilization, the walfen maintain the balance best they can. Good and Evil aren't really common concerns for them. Sometimes they can be pretty unpleasant, other times kind but rarely are reliably either. Still, exceptions abound and a Walfen can be of any alignment.

Walfen have a deep fondness for team sports. Favoring any game that involves chasing or catching a thing, it acts as a vent for their more wild tendencies, yet held in check by rules and controls. Those more wild still keep predilections to sports, though they can be more bloody. a popular game amidst wild walfen is Blood Pig, a fairly barbaric game involving several squealing hogs, two pits each with a rabid wolverine and a lot of tackling, punching and throwing of a wild pig.

Sexually, the duality comes out again for walfen in many cases. Walfen have fairly large libidos and most of their cloth designs are built with hiding their erections in mind. Fortunately, their canine anatomy ensures that initial erections are small since true engorgement only occurs once buried in a partner. Walfen are very virile, usually having large balls, and generally getting knotted by one ensures one carries a walfen pup or two, as the species breeds true with any civilized species or canine, though lying with animals is another major taboo for them. Walfen generally keep one wife and maybe two consorts each, making for extended family lines. Incest is frowned on but not nearly to the degree that other species find it as their fae blood being concentrated seems to defend from any defects, though it does tend to lead to increased canine traits sometimes. Multiple breasts, more fur, or more canine female parts are the most common mutations, though rumors abound of tribes of degenerate walfen who've interbred so much as to become intelligent wolves, though some thing that's just superstitious explanations for Worgs and Winter Wolves whom wild walfen sometimes form packs with.

I can do other writeups too. Versions born of Hound Archons, or an alternate of the worgs and winter wolves who were given a blessing/curse to be humanoid. Extreme genetic offshoot of gnolls. Etc.
Re: An Innocent Quest

Geesh, its almost like y'all take me serious.


I'm fine with it, Approved

Ranger: That picture doesn't really fit, its modern art for starterz.

Walfen: Descendents of those mortals caught by the hounds of the Wild Hunt

Aaand you got me, I've been writing on a darker campaign for a while and that would literally fit in there.
How do other races regard them, are they mistaken as humans regularly?
Re: An Innocent Quest

Blame that it comes out of final fantasy tactics with its tendency to throw strange outfits on anyone. Guess I'll go look for a different image later or something when I'm back at a comp instead of phone. Didn't really get any hits I liked other then that one when I did a quick search earlier
Re: An Innocent Quest

I'd say it would depend on the species. I can't do write ups for everyone but I can hit most of the core ones because there's way too many species.

Humans: Walfen and Humans can take or leave each other. Humans can't really understand the Walfen's internal struggle and the Walfen can't understand humans willingly leaving civilisation to act like them. Still, the species overall aren't enemies, and trade happens quite often between them. Humanities adaptability let's them fit into walfen villages fairly easily, and most Walfen are law abiding enough to get by in human towns and cities. There does tend to be some bristling when humans try to treat walfen like pet dogs though.

Elves: Walfen and Elves sit in a more awkward position. Though they share fae blood, the walfen don't actually like that part of themselves and it tends to make them a bit more standoffish towards elves. They respect the High elves magical tendencies but their innerselves find the wood elves too attractive for them to trust them much. Wild Walfen however often find themselves making friends with the wild elves in turn and often easily fit in amidst them. No Walfen like Drow though. Which works out since Drow don't like anyone.

Dwarves: If there was any species the Walfen admire, it's the dwarves. Dutiful, hard working, traditional, law abiding, skilled, taciturn except when appropriate, the Walfen admiration for dwarves is very high, and to have dwarven craftsmanship of any sort in ones home is a large symbol of status for the Walfen. Dwarves in turn find the Walfen generally fit in quite well and are eager to please, though behind closed doors they do mention it sort of reminds them of their dwarven warhounds. Wild Walfen tend to view the dwarves in a less fanciful manner but given they usually don't share territories, the wild Walfen don't mind the dwarves at all and are happy to trade for good equipment.

Halflings: Walfen tend to view the halflings kind of like puppies they need to protect. The two species often share habitats and the simple pastoral and peaceful lifestyles are something Walfen can appreciate, though they also find it a little naive and often step in to be their guardians. Part of this admittedly is also born of jealousy as many wish they could have such simple lives free of their own urges. Still, they see it as something to protect, and if the halflings can handle the somewhat condescending behavior of the Walfen they find loyal allies.

Dragonborn: Much like the dwarves, Walfen respect greatly the dragonborns great restraint and devotion to higher goals and duties. That they too are species born from the blood of a higher power makes them something the walfen can sympathize easily with. Most walfen don't have the hard moral convictions of Dragonborn though, and as such they tend to not get along will when actually in each others company. So it's more a respect from afar. Wild Walfen find them rather stuffy on the other hand.

Gnome: Nothing can wind up the Walfen like a gnome can. If they sorta see Halflings like puppies in naivety, they see the gnomes as puppies that need to be trained and housebroken like their own. running around, playing pranks, getting into everything... Walfen generally go out of their way when gnomes are in their presence to seek to tame them and work them into their own image. Wild Walfen on the other hand tend to get along with them well enough, as long as the pranks aren't on them.

Half-elf/Orc: Walfen and half-elves get along fairly well, the half-elves natural diplomacy helping to deal with the Walfen's somewhat antipathy towards fae blooded. Half-Orcs on the other hand tend to get either the cold shoulder or open embracement depending on how they contort themselves. More than anyone else, the Walfen understand a half-orc. The urges to violence and passion, the desires, are all things Walfen grapple with themselves. Those half-orcs who are at least trying to rise above it find a welcoming encouraging group in the Walfen. Those who are embracing it though find themselves as unwelcome as any wild Walfen. The Wild Walfen are the ones who welcome and embrace them then. Of course, some half-orcs find this kind of condescending and grow to dislike the Walfen.

Tiefling: Much like the half-orcs, Tieflings tend to find support amidst the Walfen. Depending how much they can handle the paternal behavior of the walfen, they might find friends or find themselves leaving from the overbearing and ever present attempts to guide and corral them. Wild Walfen tend to be more calm in welcoming them, but also are not quite as supportive too.

Fae: Walfen do not like Fae. At all. Even the Wild Wargen tend to be very standoffish towards the fae. The species existence owes itself to violation from fairy hounds and whether they embrace their wild side or not, no walfen is going to forget where they came from. While vengeance is not something most seek, most being descendent's who've never seen a fae in their life and also aware the Erlking is a force no mortal could face, this does tend to come as an apathy and natural suspicion towards even the kindliest of fae. The Fae are many walfen pups boogeyman and they're the force that drives their society to such extremes to resist giving in. The wild Walfen may even take to hunting fae and visiting upon them what progenitor their own species in turn. How the fae see the walfen however, is as unpredictable as the fae themselves. After all, who knows if the Walfen were made with a purpose in mind?
Re: An Innocent Quest

I'll prepare a character sheet when I'm out of class.