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Amestris - Central City

Re: Amestris - Central City

Gah! Sen cries out as she lunges to one side before sprinting to the nearest alley to take cover. She isn't a combatant really, she's just there to patch up everyone afterward.
Re: Amestris - Central City

Miranda swore, biting off curses like a dog tearing meat off the bone. Tumbling to the side she managed to evade the worst of the blast by quickly burying herself in the snow.
Re: Amestris - Central City

Jack dodged to the side, regaining his senses just in time to get out of the way. The trick with gunpowder worked after all - Cynder cursed himself for forgetting about the speed at which it burned. However, that didn't do enough damage... They needed something bigger. Jack looked around desperately, trying to find something, anything he could use in this battle.
Re: Amestris - Central City

As they all scatter several shots can be heard coming from a nearby building, their target is the robed figure pursuing the Alchemists.
Re: Amestris - Central City

Miranda started at the shots and stood up, shaking the snow off of her. She hummed to herself again, "Let try this..." she pulled out another array and activated it. Snow coalesced and compressed over her hand until she had a compact ice ball. Taking a chance she flung it right at the robed figure.

(I can do that right?)
Re: Amestris - Central City

The shots rip through the robe, slowing the figure, much like when Cynder tried shooting him, but there wasn't much effect.

The figure, though, caught clear sight of James, and seemed to pause. "So, they taunt me by making a mockery that looks like him?" With that, and a roar of rage, the figure raises his sword, and starts to charge directly at James.
Re: Amestris - Central City

((Hrm....I'll allow it this once seeing as the snow here I'd imagine has gone pretty watery so it would basically be controlling slushy water.))

"What the hell? Is this bastard a Homunculus or something?" Max darts towards James in the hopes of being able to assist him. As the man gets nearer to the gunpowder on the floor Max snaps his fingers again, sending it up in an almighty explosion.
Re: Amestris - Central City

((Actually, it's still snow. The temperature is significantly lower in the figure's vicinity...So, I don't think that the gunpowder would be damp.))

The explosion burned off a bit more of the robe, lower down this time, staggering the figure once again. James, quite intelligently, hadn't been sitting still, and the attacks gave him enough time to find cover. When he was sheltered, he spoke quietly, "There's nothing left..."
Re: Amestris - Central City

(But snow is just frozen water, why would I not be able to work with it?)

Miranda noticed her iceball had no effect on the man and let out another curse. She hastily pulled an ivy seed from her pouch, and then another array, "Grow." she crooned, letting the power of her alchemy flow into the tiny seed, hoping that it wouldn't freeze in the intensely cold air around her.
Re: Amestris - Central City

As soon as the smoke cleared, Cynder continued his desperate search. He began to look for anything he could use to fight, whether it was a better weapon or simply something heavy.
Re: Amestris - Central City

((hrm...I'll allow it just this once then. Next time though it'll be no. It's also ice which isn't controllable until you've gotten water temp. 1))

"Nothing left? What do you mean?" Max asks James as he rifles through his first aid kit and pulls out his scalpal.

There was a long pause before a few more shots were fired at the figure.
Re: Amestris - Central City

(Ah, I see. Thanks for clearing that up)

As the plant grew she stuffed it under her coat to keep it semi warm as she dashed towards the figure, intent on manually tangling him with as much of the ivy as she could get to grow.
Re: Amestris - Central City

((The fuck? Could've sworn I'd already posted this...))

Miranda's charge was met with a blow from the flat side of the figure's sword, that carried enough force to knock her off her feet and to one side. The figure didn't follow up on the attack, though. His attention seemed focused on finding James.

James glanced over at Max. "Bad time for discussions. Planning how to get rid of this thing after me sounds better."
Re: Amestris - Central City

Jack noticed how Miranda charged. He rushed to help the fellow alchemist. Cynder was carrying both of his weapons with him, hoping that he'd be able to at least distract the monster if it attacked his ally. "Hey! You ok?"
Re: Amestris - Central City

She shook herself, a little dazed from the blow, "Fuck! Yeah. I'm alright. Just a little dizzy. I'm useless here. I'm not strong enough to do anything permanent. Go help James!" She stood and swayed before running for the same alley as Sen.
Re: Amestris - Central City

Cynder was pretty much suprised. He rushed in, hoping that his ally would aid him in return - and was left alone, quite close to the seemingly immortal enemy. Jack cursed, preparing to defend himself - and slowly retreating to a less dangerous position, keeping his eyes on the enemy.
Re: Amestris - Central City

((here's hoping I'm doing this right >_>;; ))

The cloaked figure let out a laugh as it raised it's sword into the air.

"Let's put those people to good use," He shouts out as a wave of energy eminates from the sword and into the building behind him.

"Go my pets, kill the State Alchemists!" The robed figure yelled before a large number of injured people start pouring out from the building and charging towards the party.
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Re: Amestris - Central City

As the injured men under the robed figures' command chases the State Alchemists several explosions can be heard coming from the main building.

"What the hell has he done to these people?" Max shouts out over the sound of the explosion whilst running along with James, unable to use his gunpowder/torch combo just in case he accidentally killed one of the controlled soldiers. Though as one of them grabbed onto him Max let out a gasp of shock, the man that had grabbed him seemed lifeless; his eyes had clearly been dead for several hours prior to this and his skin had lost much of its colour. Punching the dead-controlled-man in the face to shake him off Max pulls James behind a wall with him.

"Shit, we're not dealing with something I can really handle," Max says, his voice quivering from fear as he fumbles around in his pockets trying to find another capsule. Though as he does the man that had grabbed him turned the corner to find him and James and lunged at them again. Though a second later gunfire rings out through the air and the man drops dead again, a bullet had clearly passed through his head.

As the robed figures' minions hunted down the State Alchemists he completely forgot about what lay in the bowels of Central Command.

"Well, looks like I wasn't invited to the party," A cool, almost sadistic voice could be heard coming from the entrance of Central Command. In the doorway stood Zolf J. Kimblee, blood splattered all up his front. "Care to tell me what these freaks are? Though either way I couldn't care less, it's the sound of them exploding that I love." Kimblee walks slowly towards the robed figure, who orders more of his controlled men to attack Kimblee. Even though they outnumber him Kimblee manages to dodge them with ease and one by one he manages to explode them all.

"I'd like to thank you," Kimblee says to the robed figure, mock appreciation in his voice. "If it weren't for your stupidity I'd still be locked up in a cell, ready to be tried by the halfwits that run this place." With that Kimblee goes to turn to leave though another voice stops him.

"Stay where you are, Kimblee," Mustang calls out to him as he walks up the stairs.

"Oh, it's you Colonel. I'm afraid I can't oblige you this time," And with that Kimblee makes a quick exit before Roy can react.

"Dammit, thats all we need now, that psychopath on the loose." Roys attention is then drawn to the battlefield. "I thought I told you all to do this on your own?" He calls out to the group who were now fighting for their lives. Good thing you have the Hawk's Eye's watching over you." Roy then slips on a glove.

"You," He addresses the robed figure. "I've seen your face from somewhere, but that doesn't matter now. What matters is what you've done here, and as a dog of the military I've been ordered to kill you. With that Mustang thrusts his arm into the air and snaps his fingers.

"This is not the end," The robed figure mutters as he is engulfed in a ball of flame that explodes, dirt and debris is blown all over the place and as the smoke and dirt settles the robed figure is no longer there and his men have stopped moving. The sword lays on the ground for a moment, then seems to dissolve into a cloud of snowflakes before blowing away to the north.

"Right, would any of you care to tell me what the hell had happened here?" Mustang barks at them, clearly pissed at them for dragging him away from whatever duty he was just doing.
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Re: Amestris - Central City

James turn to face Colonel Mustang as the snow began to let up, and the air warmed back to normal. He seemed very shaken as he spoke. "Sir, we arrived shortly after the alarms sounded...Right as that figure killed the Fuhrer. We were then attacked..."

After a moment, James added one more bit of information. "I don't know how...but he's back, sir."
Re: Amestris - Central City

Miranda looked miserably at her feet from the alley, "Not strong enough..." she muttered helplessly, "Couldn't do a damn thing." She seemed intensely angry at herself.