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Amarant: Noble's Path

Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Yeah, this actually sounds like a sensible course of action. It has my endorsement.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Since the vote seems to be pretty one-sided, I'm going to get to writing sometime tonight. Also, with this post marks the tenth vote since we started our main journey and has earned some people a "Power Vote" (Name not final)

If you remember on the first post, I said
I have decided to implement a system whereby voters can apply a bonus for being "veterans". Every ten votes, will give you one charge, which you can use by saying you want to use your "voting bonus". When used, you will apply a +1 bonus to all rolls for the next post.You can have up to two charges, but you may not use more than one on a vote, nor can more than 3 people use theirs at the same time. To avoid abuse, one "vote" is participating in a vote between 2 story posts - making 2 separate posts between a single story update does not count twice towards this.

As of now, Gear47Demon and Moonblack have just earned one charge.

When I update, these charges, and how close you are to gaining them will be in the "Game/Dice Report".

With that done, I'll have the update up sometime tonight.

And, before I forget: Thank you to the two individuals who gave me +Rep - I'm glad you're enjoying the story!
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Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Since Fireball explodes can the explosion affect multiple targets? If so:

A) Attack! Have Maria shoot arrows at the nearest one while Jane casts Fireball at the one in the middle in the hopes that all three will be set on fire (I hope they are close enough to each other; also in both cases aim for the body to maximize chance to hit). After that focus on finishing off the most wounded one: Jane casts Magic Armor on herself and attacks with her dagger. She will target the victim's head and eyes in an attempt to at least blind him if she fails to kill. At the same time Maria continues to shoot arrows at the other rats.

If necessary (such as two opponents attacking her at the same time) Jane casts Wave of Force to get one of the opponents away from her (if possible target one that will get slammed into the wall).

Last, but not least, Jane should try to pick a target that is not set on fire by her fireball.

P.S.: For future info: Can Jane cast Magic Armor on Maria, or only on herself?

Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Okay… so writing combat sections is a bit more time-consuming than I thought.

Also, as this is the first real COMBAT post... let me know how it seems, as I think I got everything working and functioning right.

A) Attack! Have Maria shoot arrows at the nearest one while Jane casts Fireball at the one in the middle in the hopes that all three will be set on fire (I hope they are close enough to each other; also in both cases aim for the body to maximize chance to hit). After that focus on finishing off the most wounded one: Jane casts Magic Armor on herself and attacks with her dagger. She will target the victim's head and eyes in an attempt to at least blind him if she fails to kill. At the same time Maria continues to shoot arrows at the other rats.

If necessary (such as two opponents attacking her at the same time) Jane casts Wave of Force to get one of the opponents away from her (if possible target one that will get slammed into the wall).

Last, but not least, Jane should try to pick a target that is not set on fire by her fireball.

P.S.: For future info: Can Jane cast Magic Armor on Maria, or only on herself?

Yes, while not explicitly stated, the fireball can affect nearby enemies – one of the more apparent examples of many different ways you guys can try to use spells, cantrips, and other actions in creative/useful ways.

As far as the armor however: No – Jane can only cast it on herself.

Jane’s eye fell once again on the gashes in Maria’s scarf and dress: It was all the reason she needed.

“Kill them” Jane said, small sparks already forming near her hand as she prepared a Fireball spell.

The words felt weird to say, Jane never having gave such a command before. Still, they had attacked her friend and that was the only reasons she needed.

Maria didn’t reply, simply drawing her bowstring as she lined up the shot. She held it for a bit, trying to follow the movements of the squirming rats. Finally, she let go. Foom – the arrow shot through the air, catching the middle rat in the arm. It let out a cry of pain, a high-pitched squeal as the shaft pierced its flesh just above the elbow. The cry was quickly silenced however, as a ball of fire, a foot in diameter, hit the creature dead center before exploding, gouts of flame covering the nearby area. The sheer force of the blast knocked the rat-like humanoid down, its form still and unmoving as flames consumed it.

The other two rats were caught in the blast, small bits of flame now singing their fur as they too let out squeaks of panic. They managed to avoid being knocked down, only taking a bit of damage from the fireball’s explosion. As they attempted to put out the flames that lapped at their arms, the two girls wasted no time trying to finish the job, Jane rushing in with her dagger as Maria nocked another arrow.

As Jane rushed in, a white light flashing from her hand, an almost invisible sheen now covering her form. She saw the claws these rats had: they were short, but looked to be extremely sharp – a layer of Magic Armor should make sure she doesn’t suffer any severe wounds while trying to finish them off.

Before she reached them, the two rats had managed to extinguish themselves, suffering only minor burns. They weren’t safe yet however, a swift reminder coming in the form of another arrow from Maria’s bow, the shaft now protruding from the shoulder of the rat on the right.

Jane continued to rush her target as Maria dealt with the other one, thinking it wise to avoid melee with the enemy who was being fired upon – hopefully she could finish this one before the other one recovered enough to counterattack. She lunged at the rat with her dagger, but fell embarrassingly short of her mark as the wood beneath her feet shifted. She sank down to her knees, her legs splaying beneath her as she attempted to recover. The rat in front of her saw the opportunity to counter and rushed the young girl with blinding speed, tackling her and attempting to grab her arms as it forced her down onto her back.

Jane let out a hiss of pain as she was cast back, the pile of wood beneath her making for a poor spot to land. It was so fast, she had barely registered that it had attacked, the rat managing to pin her dagger-wielding arm down on the ground as it squatted over her, it’s crooked legs leaning against hers.

Jane recoiled in disgust at the rat’s touch, its fur brushing against her legs and along her exposed groin, her limbs twisting under its weight as it tickled the sensitive area. She tried to fend it off with her free hand, punching, jabbing, flailing wildly - trying to do anything she could to keep the creature from grabbing her other arm. The rat twisted about as they fought one another, it’s body continuing to rub up against Jane, constantly reminding her of her lack of underwear.

Jane would have been worried about why her opponent was trying to pin her instead of simply raking at her with its claws, but her worry turned towards Maria as she saw the other rat out of the corner of her eye, bounding on all fours towards her friend. There was little she could do at the moment and she hoped her friend would be alright as she dealt with this other one…

Primary Vote: How does Jane get out of the grapple?

As a refresher:
To escape a Grapple, the character can choose to check their strength (Pushing the enemy off or attacking) or dexterity (Movement based/slipping out of the grapple) against the enemy to escape, although keep in mind: Some checks will suffer a penalty depending on how the character is grappled.. If the player simply matches the check, they manage to escape. If the character is penetrated, matching the check will only dislodge the offender, as completely throwing off an opponent while they are already screwing the character requires a check to be successful by 5 or more (a crit).

Certain elements in the environments or characteristics about the enemy can apply bonuses or penalties to the character’s escape attempt. Some of these are passive while some need to be actively sought out. I also apply bonus points in the roll depending on how you guys suggest escaping - Be creative! If you think you can utilize a bonus, put it in your vote and see if it pays off!

Of course, the character can always attempt to use a spell to free themselves if they are able to cast or straight up stab their foe if able.

X Other/Different course of action

Z) Minor Actions

Fluff/NPC nudge: Small, inconsequential NPC actions: allows voters to give their own little touch to the story descriptions and add their own flavor text.

So, just to clear something up: Jane slipping on the shifting wood was a result of critically missing. No, I am not that picky DM who’s saying “You should’ve remembered the wood before rushing in there!”, it’s simply my way of writing the critical miss into the narrative.

As far as initiative goes and who acts first… I’m going to have it be organic instead of clearly defined by dice rolls and dexterity: whoever has actions that you would expect to come first will usually go first, although I’ll tend to favor our main characters when unsure. For instance, with the Right Rat’s next attack, you can probably expect Maria to get another shot off with her bow before it swings as it is making its way to her the previous round.

I also updated the first post with some new clarifications on how clothing being removed works and grapples, as when I reread it there was room for clarification – let me know if it’s still a little ambiguous.
Jane Theriner.
Age: 20
Height: 5’ 7”
Weight: 128 lbs.
Breast Size: 34d
Hair: Brown. Shoulder length. Few bangs in front, rest pinned behind head.
Eyes: Green

Magic Armor: -3 damage from all attacks.
– 4 Rounds remaining

Constitution: 20/20
Mana: 7/10
Cantrip Charges: 2/5
Corruption: 3/100
Pleasure: 0/20
XP: 35/100

(STR) Strength: d6 + 1
(DEX) Dexterity: d8 + 1
(INT) Intelligence: d10 + 3
(WIS) Wisdom: d8 + 2
(CHA) Charisma: d10 + 0

Minor Cure Wounds (1 Mana): The caster concentrates on their wounds, healing themselves in the process.
Effect: Heal yourself for your INT + Base INT.
CT: Medium(20 Seconds). Range: Self. Gesture. Requires Focus.

Magic Armor(1 Mana): The caster puts a protective shield over themselves to ward off blows.
Effect: The caster has an armor value equal to their Base INT for 5 rounds.
CT: Short(3 Seconds). Range: Self. Gesture.

Fireball(2 Mana): The Caster shoots a ball of fire towards their foe that explodes on impact.
Effect: The target takes the caster’s INT die + Base INT in fire damage during the initial cast and 1d4 – 2 fire damage for the next 3 rounds.
CT: Short (5 Seconds). Range 30 ft. Gesture. Saving Throw: Dex (6+ to put flames out).

Wave of Force(2 Mana): A massive amount of force blasts forth from the caster’s palm, sending their opponent flying backwards.
Effect: Deals 2d4 + Base INT and send the target flying d4 x 5 ft.
CT: Short (5 Seconds). Range: Melee. Gesture.

Comprehend Language: The caster closes their eyes and concentrates, able to understand whatever those around them are saying for a short period.
CT: Medium (10 Seconds). Range: Ear-shot. Duration: 5 minutes. Requires Focus.

Material Shift: The caster focuses, enhancing or weakening the strength of an inanimate material, such as wood or metal for a time.
CT: Long (60 Seconds). Range: Touch. Duration: 1 hour. Requires Focus

Create light: Create an orb of light to illuminate your immediate surroundings. This orb becomes solid once conjured and can be held, rolled, or otherwise manipulated.
CT: Short (3 seconds). Duration: 1 hour. Light Range: 20ft. Gesture.

Mercantile Mind: +2 on rolls to negotiate the price of goods. +1 on rolls for any perception or sense motive checks involving the value of an item.
Charming: +3 to Charisma-based checks against Human, Elf, Dwarf, Half-orc and Half-elf males.
Mana Reserves: After casting a spell, roll a d6: On the result of a “6”, the spell uses 1 less mana.
Budding Diplomat : +1 to Diplomacy rolls.

Sexual Experience: None
First Kiss: Edwin Darnel
Stripped for Riordan and Ulmag


Dagger: Damage: STR + d4
+ 2 to hit.

Mana Potion (x2): Consume to Restore 5 Mana.
Necklace of Invisibility: Allows Jane to become invisible for a minute. Touch and focus to use.
Ring of Bolt: Has one Charge of the "Bolt" spell.
Scroll of "Bolster"
Scroll of "Racking Pain"
Scroll of "True Strike"
Spell Descriptions for scrolls can be found here, under the 3rd Spoiler.

Head: N/A
Chest: Pale silver blouse.
Arms: Long Sleeves from blouse.
Legs: Dark grey skirt, extends to just above knee. Dark stockings.
Shoes: Flat boots, brown leather, flat heel .
Brassiere: Black silk bra.
Underwear: Nothing.
Jewelry: Necklace of invisibility - small silver pendant.
Maria Chauss
Age: 21
Height: 5’ 6”
Weight: 122 lbs.
Breast Size: 32c
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue

Constitution: 16/16
Mana: 6/7
Cantrip Charges: 5/6
Pleasure: ?/20

(STR) Strength: d4 + 0
(DEX) Dexterity: d8 + 0
(INT) Intelligence: d12 + 5
(WIS) Wisdom: d8 + 0
(CHA) Charisma: d6 + 1

Daze (1 Mana): Make contact with an enemy’s head and daze them, causing mental trauma. The target suffers 1d4 Mental Damage and is unable to act next round.
CT: Instant Range: Touch. Gesture
Saving Throw: WIS vs. Caster’s INT (Can only avoid 2nd round of stun)

Blind (1 Mana): The caster produces a searing light, blinding enemies and making them unable to act effectively for a turn.
CTL Short (3 Seconds). Range: Line of Sight. Gesture.

Barrier (2 Mana): The caster sets up a large field that will keep anyone or anything from passing through it as long as it remains active. The shield has 20 health and has no roll to hit when attacked. Once its HP reaches “0” or the caster stops channeling, the shield dissipates. The barrier does not consume additional mana for each turn.
CT: Short (3 Seconds). Range: Melee. Gesture.

Disintegrate Object (3 Mana): The Material Shift Cantrip in a much more volatile form, the caster sends forth a bolt of energy that eats away at any solid, inanimate object it hits. Permanently destroys one piece of enemy equipment or armor.
CT: Short (5 Seconds). Range: 25 ft. Gesture

Transfer Mana: The caster channels their mana, sending it to another nearby magic user. The caster can send up to 3 points of mana with one cantrip charge.
CT: Medium (10 Seconds). Range: 30 ft. gesture

Create light: Create an orb of light to illuminate your immediate surroundings. This orb becomes solid once conjured and can be held, rolled, or otherwise manipulated.
CT: Short (3 seconds). Duration 1 hour. Light Range: 20ft. Gesture.

- Mending: Repairs a simple object or a piece of clothing.
CT: Long (1 Minute). Duration: Permanent. Range: Touch. Requires Focus

- Detect Magic: The caster attempts to scan a piece of equipment to see if it contains any magic.
CT: Medium (30 Seconds) Range: 5 ft. Requires Focus.

Language: Ancient (Intermediate)
Magical Theory Prodigy: +5 INT
Studious Charm: +1 CHA
Archaeophilia: You have an obsession with ancient artifacts and relics, both magical and mundane.

Sexual Experience: ---


Hip Quiver – Arrows: 15/20
Short Bow.
Damage: (STR + DEX) /2

Mana Potion (x1): Consume to Restore 5 Mana.
Corked Inkwell/Quill
Lantern w/ Oil
Blaze Rod
Rope – 20 ft. worth
Book: “The Tarmen Journal of Academic study and Archaeological Findings. Vol. XXXVI”
Goblin Carving

Head: Striped Scarf around neck. Large tear.
Chest: Teal dress. Large Tear near shoulder.
Arms: Teal dress.
Legs: Teal dress. Simple cloth pants.
Shoes: Walking Boots.
Brassiere: Grey silk bra.
Underwear: Grey silk underwear.
Stats will be gleaned from enemies during combat if they have not been encountered beforehand.
Ratfolk x3

Left Rat HP: 11/14
Middle Rat HP: 0/0 - DEAD
Right Rat HP: 7/14

(STR) Strength: d6 + ???
(DEX) Dexterity: d10 + ???
(INT) Intelligence: ??? + ???
(WIS) Wisdom: ??? + ???
(CHA) Charisma: ??? +???

Claws: ???
Rat-folk racial ability: ???
Rat-folk racial ability: ???
Rat-folk racial ability: ???
Game/Dice Report:
Power Votes:
Gear47Demon: I
MoonBlack: I
Diagasvesle: I

Middle Rat – Blinded: Lost Turn
Left Rat – Blinded: Lost Turn
Right Rat – Blinded: Lost Turn

Maria – Bow Shot on Middle Rat
(DEX + STR) / 2
Rolled: (6 + 2) / 2 = 4 Damage

Jane – Fireball on Middle Rat
Miscast = No
Rolled: D8 + 3 = 8 + 3 = 11 Damage on Middle Rat
Rolled: d6 AoE = 3 Damage on Left Rat
Rolled: d6 AoE = 3 Damage on Right Rat

Middle Rat

Right Rat – Dex Save on Flames
Rolled: Dexterity: 10 – Success.

Left Rat – Dex Save on Flames
Rolled: Dexterity: 8 – Success.

End Round.

Maria – Bow Shot on Right Rat
(DEX + STR) / 2
Rolled: (5 + 2) / 2 = 3.5(4) Damage

Magic Armor – Miscast?
Rolled: No

Attack Roll – Jane’s dagger vs. Left Rat
Dexterity: d8 + 1
Rolled: 1
+2 from Dagger
Total 4 vs. 11 – Critical Miss (Difference > 5 = Counterattack)
Left Rat
Dexterity: d10 + 2
Rolled: 9

CounterattackLeft Rat’s Grapple attack vs. Jane
Rat’s Dexterity: d10 + 2
Rolled: 8
Counterattack penalty: -2
Total: 8 vs. 6 – Grapple Successful.
Jane’s Dexterity: d8 + 1
Rolled: 5

Pleasure Check – Brushing against exposed Groin
Jane’s Wisdom: d8 + 0
Rolled: 8
Total: 8 vs. 1 – Nothing.
Pleasure: d4
Rolled: 1

Free Clothing Attack from GrappleLeft Rat
- Not taken

Right Rat charging Maria

Round End.
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Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Jane slips out of the rats grapple (DEX) after giving the rat a knee to the groin (if possible in the current position). attack the rat by stabbing. leave Maria to her own fight unless she gets into serious trouble until left rat is dead.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

What happened to Jane’s Ring of Bolt? It’s missing from her inventory…

Anyway, I’m having a little trouble imagining the exact situation Jane’s in. Can she use her legs right now?

Aim for the rat’s eyes with her free hand. Doesn’t matter if she can do any damage or not – the goal is to force the rat to pull away for a few moments so that she can cast Wave of Force with no interruption. Also, try to pull her right hand free at the same time, and if successful – slash at the rat at random (again the goal is to get him off Jane, not do do damage). Last, but not least, if she can use her legs, try to kick the rat – preferably in the crotch – as an additional distraction.

Hopefully Maria can take care of herself while Jane is busy…
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

I... have no idea how Jane has been missing that ring for this many posts :( Still, it's fixed now.

I will admit, I am hesitant about having the vote be "Open", that is to say: No A, B, C, etc... but I wanted it to be more of a free-form post suggestion about how to best tackle the issue, rather than simply going "Yeah, just make a DEX check..."

As for Jane's legs... you'd have to make that call.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Have Jane try and grab a piece of wood. Rock. Something hard or swingable to hit the rat. Shes lying on a pile of it now just take one and jam it or swing it as hard as she can and then slip out from underneath. If the rat man thing let's go go ahead and stab it and then escape.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

What happened to Jane’s Ring of Bolt? It’s missing from her inventory…

Anyway, I’m having a little trouble imagining the exact situation Jane’s in. Can she use her legs right now?

Aim for the rat’s eyes with her free hand. Doesn’t matter if she can do any damage or not – the goal is to force the rat to pull away for a few moments so that she can cast Wave of Force with no interruption. Also, try to pull her right hand free at the same time, and if successful – slash at the rat at random (again the goal is to get him off Jane, not do do damage). Last, but not least, if she can use her legs, try to kick the rat – preferably in the crotch – as an additional distraction.

Hopefully Maria can take care of herself while Jane is busy…

Yeah, my brain is dead for combat currently.

Also, I'm not going to count as a veteran poster :<? I thought I got here during character creation :p.

Fluff Nudge: The smell! Sweet scent, delicious scent! Lilies? Was it lilies?! No, but it smelled sweet! Then, a thrumming, my veins, they popped, I swelled. The smell of female! Not my female but female! Something big enough! They appeared! Two tall creatures with fat teats hanging off their chests! I want! I go! They won't stop me! I take! - Clumsy attempt at the rats being horny at the smell of Jane and Maria. More focused on getting their cocks inbetween their legs and into a hole.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

With Jane's free hand conjure up a light orb with Create Light and smash it into the ratfolk's head, hopefully dazing it, confusing or, blinding it, or at least causing enough of a shock to allow Jane to slip her legs free and kick the ratfolk off. If Jane get's free from that ratfolk, then immediately turn to Maria to help her, attacking her ratfolk pursuer from behind. I want to use as little magic as possible, but if Jane doesn't get free then have Maria use Daze on her attacker when he gets close, then shoot him in the body before turning to help Jane out by charging and tackling the ratfolk on top of Jane, allowing Jane to try and go in for an execution stabby-stab.

Z Hug and kiss Maria for being so awesome with that bow! Seriously, what magic she does know she's good at and she's a crack shot?
Keep this one around!
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

What happened to Jane’s Ring of Bolt? It’s missing from her inventory…

Anyway, I’m having a little trouble imagining the exact situation Jane’s in. Can she use her legs right now?

Aim for the rat’s eyes with her free hand. Doesn’t matter if she can do any damage or not – the goal is to force the rat to pull away for a few moments so that she can cast Wave of Force with no interruption. Also, try to pull her right hand free at the same time, and if successful – slash at the rat at random (again the goal is to get him off Jane, not do do damage). Last, but not least, if she can use her legs, try to kick the rat – preferably in the crotch – as an additional distraction.

Hopefully Maria can take care of herself while Jane is busy…

I'd like to go with this but maybe without the Wave of Force. On top of wanting to save mana, I just don't know if this bastard is going to give Jane the full 5 seconds it takes to cast it before he tries attacking again.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Aim for the rat’s eyes with her free hand. Doesn’t matter if she can do any damage or not – the goal is to force the rat to pull away for a few moments so that she can cast Wave of Force with no interruption. Also, try to pull her right hand free at the same time, and if successful – slash at the rat at random (again the goal is to get him off Jane, not do do damage). Last, but not least, if she can use her legs, try to kick the rat – preferably in the crotch – as an additional distraction.

Hopefully Maria can take care of herself while Jane is busy…

Sounds fine to me.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Also, I'm not going to count as a veteran poster :<? I thought I got here during character creation :p.
Oh! No, no, no, you misunderstand me: Veteran voting is simply when you have ten votes you can "spend them" for a bonus on dice rolls in a post - I know you're a long time voter here as you haven't missed a single update (among a few others). I not only started counting at the beginning of this adventure (Dungeon Diving) but the very next post you made after I had declared Gear and Moonblack earning one charge of that ability, put you at ten as well. (Post #243) If you look under the Dice/Game Report in the last post, you'll see that you too have a charge.

The current count - adding up all the votes above this one (but after the start of Dungeon Diving) puts you guys at...
Gear: 11 (One Charge)
Minerve: 6
Xaero: 9
Rose: 7
Moonblack: 11 (One Charge)
1Cyka: 7
AngelEater: 6
Tomaito: 8
Denmu: 5
Diagasvesle: 11 (One Charge)
Kasei: 9

Also, I hope these numbers spur friendly competition instead of animosity in the form of "They have more votes than ME!?" But you guys seem pretty cool - There's not a one of you I could name who may react in such a way.
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Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Oh! No, no, no, you misunderstand me: Veteran voting is simply when you have ten votes you can "spent them" for a bonus on dice rolls in a post - I know you're a long time voter here as you haven't missed a single update (among a few others). I not only started counting at the beginning of this adventure (Dungeon Diving) but the very next post you made after I had declared Gear and Moonblack earning one charge of that ability, put you at ten as well. (Post #243) If you look under the Dice/Game Report in the last post, you'll see that you too have a charge.

The current count - adding up all the votes above this one (but after the start of Dungeon Diving) puts you guys at...
Gear: 11 (One Charge)
Minerve: 6
Xaero: 9
Rose: 7
Moonblack: 11 (One Charge)
1Cyka: 7
AngelEater: 6
Tomaito: 8
Denmu: 5
Diagasvesle: 11 (One Charge)
Kasei: 9

Also, I hope these numbers spur friendly competition instead of animosity in the form of "They have more votes than ME!?" But you guys seem pretty cool - There's not a one of you I could name who may react in such a way.

Can I spend my vote on getting Jane a gift from the heavens in form of a gift?
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

STR check to get out (since the rat has a d10 for dex, str will give us better odds). Also, I second using a piece of wood or a rock. Maybe the light orb, but it seems like a waste.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Aim for the rat’s eyes with her free hand. Doesn’t matter if she can do any damage or not – the goal is to force the rat to pull away for a few moments so that she can cast Wave of Force with no interruption. Also, try to pull her right hand free at the same time, and if successful – slash at the rat at random (again the goal is to get him off Jane, not do do damage). Last, but not least, if she can use her legs, try to kick the rat – preferably in the crotch – as an additional distraction.

Hopefully Maria can take care of herself while Jane is busy…

Fluff Nudge: The smell! Sweet scent, delicious scent! Lilies? Was it lilies?! No, but it smelled sweet! Then, a thrumming, my veins, they popped, I swelled. The smell of female! Not my female but female! Something big enough! They appeared! Two tall creatures with fat teats hanging off their chests! I want! I go! They won't stop me! I take! - Clumsy attempt at the rats being horny at the smell of Jane and Maria. More focused on getting their cocks inbetween their legs and into a hole.
Z Hug and kiss Maria for being so awesome with that bow! Seriously, what magic she does know she's good at and she's a crack shot?
Keep this one around!

The smell! Sweet scent, delicious scent! Lilies? Was it lilies?! No, but it smelled sweet! Then, a thrumming, my veins, they popped, I swelled. The smell of female! Not my female but female! Something big enough! They appeared! Two tall creatures with fat teats hanging off their chests! I want! I go! They won't stop me! I take!

The rats did not speak, but flurried thoughts raced through their heads as these three caught the scent of females within their cave. Their cave, which used to belong to short, green beasts. Gone now, driven away. Out of their cave, its walls driving them into a frenzy as they always searched, always sought out more females, more mates. Not like the others, not like the ones that came before. Not violent and loud. Not big and dangerous, but small, lithe, warm. It drove them into a frenzy.


Jane struggled with the creature on top of her, desperately trying to fend off the beast long enough to push it off. She kicked out with her legs, but it was no use, the rat-man’s torso lying between her thighs as she squirmed beneath its weight. She couldn’t bring her dagger to bear, the hand wielding it pinned under one of the rat’s claws. She knew she needed to go on the offensive, lashing out at her enemy’s eyes in hopes that it would back off enough for her to escape. If not, she would have force it off of her.

Her fingers drove forward as they tried to gain purchase on the hairy face, her hand clenching when she felt a material different from that of the coarse fur. The humanoid rat let out a panicked cry as pain filled the right side of its face. Instead of backing off however, the creature lurched forward, burying its head next to hers as its body gripped her even closer. That’s when Jane felt it…


Maria let fly another arrow at the rat-folk that now charged her. It met its mark, the shaft burying itself in the creature’s arm. Still it charged, Maria trying to fire another arrow as far as he could. She drew back the bow string again taking aim at her target. She didn’t fire however, as her eyes caught sight of her friend lying on the ground, one of the rat-folk rutting away on top of her.

“Jane!” she shouted, turning the arrow towards the pair. She trembled as she held the string taught, worried about hitting her friend. The arrow never met its mark though, the other rat-folk crashing into her as it wrestled her to the ground.


A soft, warm object, rubbed against Jane’s lower lips, eliciting a gasp of surprise from the young noble. Jane could feel it brush against them as the creature pushed forward, her lips parting slightly as it rested on top of them. She knew what it was, but she didn’t want to believe it, this human-like rat attempting to… insert itself into her! The thought nauseated her, but even so, a sensation which she had only ever inflicted upon herself, blossomed below. The feeling spread out and over her body as she let out a quick gasp of surprise, along with a short moan as the pleasure sank in.

There was not a single doubt in her mind now that she needed to use a spell – any longer and she feared what might just happen. Throughout it all, Jane had fortunately managed to keep her hand locked to her opponent’s skull, a subtle warmth forming in her palm as she prepared to send the creature flying off of her. Now she just had to endure as the spell charged.

The few seconds it took Jane to channel the spell felt like an eternity, every second a humiliating reminder of how she lacked any protection down there. To call it protection may have been an overstatement to anyone else, but to Jane she felt as though she was completely vulnerable.

It never pulled back far enough to enter her, the creature so consumed by its lust it simply bucked its hips in a wanton frenzy of desperation, so eager to plunge itself into the warmth that would temporarily end the hunger it had felt ever since it came to this cave. Even so, it knew it was pressing against something soft and moist, and it didn’t want to stop.

Each motion against Jane’s body attempted to elicit more cries from her mouth, the girl trying desperately to subdue the pleasure she felt. The friction against her lips was unlike anything she had experienced before, the heat building as the phallus sawed against her. She shut her eyes as she was almost overwhelmed by all the different sensations: Disgust, shame, pleasure, anger, and a collection of magic that grew until it finally burst forth from Jane’s hand.

The magic that was condensed in Jane’s palm released in a single moment, a blue jolt blasting the rat-folk off of Jane and rolling across the ground. Its body tumbled over and over, eventually coming to a rest at the water’s edge. Jane struggled to her feet as fast as she could, fighting the throbbing in her loins and the quivering in her legs.

She was just about to rush the dazed beast when she noticed her friend Maria in a situation not unlike the one she was just in. While the enemy atop her had yet to do anything - Maria managing to hold each of the creature’s arms in her own - she questioned whether she should attempt to kill the other one while it was still stunned or if she should rush to her friend’s aid…

Primary Vote: Does Jane finish the rat while it recovers from the Wave of Force or does she go aid her friend.

A) Kill the other one first – Maria can handle herself for a few more seconds.
B) Attack the rat-folk on top of Maria – Jane can’t risk it doing anything to her.

X Other/Different course of action

Z) Minor Actions

Fluff/NPC nudge: Small, inconsequential NPC actions: allows voters to give their own little touch to the story descriptions and add their own flavor text.

Well, fortunately the rat failed its check to copulate with Jane, but Jane failed her pleasure resistance check – quite the roll of the die. I wonder how Riordan would react knowing what was taking place now due to his perverted nature?

You may also notice the “Virgin’s Favor” bonus on the check: I didn’t want Jane’s first time to be too soon, so I decided to put the odds in her favor – it’s going to take one heck of a roll to deflower this princess.
+ 5 Pleasure
+ 3 Corruption from Pleasure (5/2 = 2.5 rounded up)

Jane Theriner.
Age: 20
Height: 5’ 7”
Weight: 128 lbs.
Breast Size: 34d
Hair: Brown. Shoulder length. Few bangs in front, rest pinned behind head.
Eyes: Green

Magic Armor: -3 damage from all attacks.
– 3 Rounds remaining

Constitution: 20/20
Mana: 5/10
Cantrip Charges: 2/5
Corruption: 6/100
Pleasure: 5/20
XP: 35/100

(STR) Strength: d6 + 1
(DEX) Dexterity: d8 + 1
(INT) Intelligence: d10 + 3
(WIS) Wisdom: d8 + 2
(CHA) Charisma: d10 + 0

Minor Cure Wounds (1 Mana): The caster concentrates on their wounds, healing themselves in the process.
Effect: Heal yourself for your INT + Base INT.
CT: Medium(20 Seconds). Range: Self. Gesture. Requires Focus.

Magic Armor(1 Mana): The caster puts a protective shield over themselves to ward off blows.
Effect: The caster has an armor value equal to their Base INT for 5 rounds.
CT: Short(3 Seconds). Range: Self. Gesture.

Fireball(2 Mana): The Caster shoots a ball of fire towards their foe that explodes on impact.
Effect: The target takes the caster’s INT die + Base INT in fire damage during the initial cast and 1d4 – 2 fire damage for the next 3 rounds.
CT: Short (5 Seconds). Range 30 ft. Gesture. Saving Throw: Dex (6+ to put flames out).

Wave of Force(2 Mana): A massive amount of force blasts forth from the caster’s palm, sending their opponent flying backwards.
Effect: Deals 2d4 + Base INT and send the target flying d4 x 5 ft.
CT: Short (5 Seconds). Range: Melee. Gesture.

Comprehend Language: The caster closes their eyes and concentrates, able to understand whatever those around them are saying for a short period.
CT: Medium (10 Seconds). Range: Ear-shot. Duration: 5 minutes. Requires Focus.

Material Shift: The caster focuses, enhancing or weakening the strength of an inanimate material, such as wood or metal for a time.
CT: Long (60 Seconds). Range: Touch. Duration: 1 hour. Requires Focus

Create light: Create an orb of light to illuminate your immediate surroundings. This orb becomes solid once conjured and can be held, rolled, or otherwise manipulated.
CT: Short (3 seconds). Duration: 1 hour. Light Range: 20ft. Gesture.

Mercantile Mind: +2 on rolls to negotiate the price of goods. +1 on rolls for any perception or sense motive checks involving the value of an item.
Charming: +3 to Charisma-based checks against Human, Elf, Dwarf, Half-orc and Half-elf males.
Mana Reserves: After casting a spell, roll a d6: On the result of a “6”, the spell uses 1 less mana.
Budding Diplomat : +1 to Diplomacy rolls.

Sexual Experience: None
First Kiss: Edwin Darnel
Stripped for Riordan and Ulmag


Dagger: Damage: STR + d4
+ 2 to hit.

Mana Potion (x2): Consume to Restore 5 Mana.
Necklace of Invisibility: Allows Jane to become invisible for a minute. Touch and focus to use.
Ring of Bolt: Has one Charge of the "Bolt" spell.
Scroll of "Bolster"
Scroll of "Racking Pain"
Scroll of "True Strike"
Spell Descriptions for scrolls can be found here, under the 3rd Spoiler.

Head: N/A
Chest: Pale silver blouse.
Arms: Long Sleeves from blouse.
Legs: Dark grey skirt, extends to just above knee. Dark stockings.
Shoes: Flat boots, brown leather, flat heel .
Brassiere: Black silk bra.
Underwear: Nothing.
Jewelry: Necklace of invisibility - small silver pendant.
Jewelry: Ring of Bolt – small gold ring.
Maria Chauss
Age: 21
Height: 5’ 6”
Weight: 122 lbs.
Breast Size: 32c
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue

Constitution: 16/16
Mana: 6/7
Cantrip Charges: 5/6
Pleasure: ?/20

(STR) Strength: d4 + 0
(DEX) Dexterity: d8 + 0
(INT) Intelligence: d12 + 5
(WIS) Wisdom: d8 + 0
(CHA) Charisma: d6 + 1

Daze (1 Mana): Make contact with an enemy’s head and daze them, causing mental trauma. The target suffers 1d4 Mental Damage and is unable to act next round.
CT: Instant Range: Touch. Gesture
Saving Throw: WIS vs. Caster’s INT (Can only avoid 2nd round of stun)

Blind (1 Mana): The caster produces a searing light, blinding enemies and making them unable to act effectively for a turn.
CTL Short (3 Seconds). Range: Line of Sight. Gesture.

Barrier (2 Mana): The caster sets up a large field that will keep anyone or anything from passing through it as long as it remains active. The shield has 20 health and has no roll to hit when attacked. Once its HP reaches “0” or the caster stops channeling, the shield dissipates. The barrier does not consume additional mana for each turn.
CT: Short (3 Seconds). Range: Melee. Gesture.

Disintegrate Object (3 Mana): The Material Shift Cantrip in a much more volatile form, the caster sends forth a bolt of energy that eats away at any solid, inanimate object it hits. Permanently destroys one piece of enemy equipment or armor.
CT: Short (5 Seconds). Range: 25 ft. Gesture

Transfer Mana: The caster channels their mana, sending it to another nearby magic user. The caster can send up to 3 points of mana with one cantrip charge.
CT: Medium (10 Seconds). Range: 30 ft. gesture

Create light: Create an orb of light to illuminate your immediate surroundings. This orb becomes solid once conjured and can be held, rolled, or otherwise manipulated.
CT: Short (3 seconds). Duration 1 hour. Light Range: 20ft. Gesture.

- Mending: Repairs a simple object or a piece of clothing.
CT: Long (1 Minute). Duration: Permanent. Range: Touch. Requires Focus

- Detect Magic: The caster attempts to scan a piece of equipment to see if it contains any magic.
CT: Medium (30 Seconds) Range: 5 ft. Requires Focus.

Language: Ancient (Intermediate)
Magical Theory Prodigy: +5 INT
Studious Charm: +1 CHA
Archaeophilia: You have an obsession with ancient artifacts and relics, both magical and mundane.

Sexual Experience: ---


Hip Quiver – Arrows: 14/20
Short Bow.
Damage: (STR + DEX) /2

Mana Potion (x1): Consume to Restore 5 Mana.
Corked Inkwell/Quill
Lantern w/ Oil
Blaze Rod
Rope – 20 ft. worth
Book: “The Tarmen Journal of Academic study and Archaeological Findings. Vol. XXXVI”
Goblin Carving

Head: Striped Scarf around neck. Large tear.
Chest: Teal dress. Large Tear near shoulder.
Arms: Teal dress.
Legs: Teal dress. Simple cloth pants.
Shoes: Walking Boots.
Brassiere: Grey silk bra.
Underwear: Grey silk underwear.
Stats will be gleaned from enemies during combat if they have not been encountered beforehand.
Ratfolk x3

Left Rat HP: 1/14 (Attacking Jane)
Middle Rat HP: 0/0 - DEAD
Right Rat HP: 5/14 (Attacking Maria)

(STR) Strength: d6 + 1
(DEX) Dexterity: d10 + 2
(INT) Intelligence: ??? + 0
(WIS) Wisdom: ??? + 0
(CHA) Charisma: ??? +0

Claws: ???
Rat-folk racial ability: ???
Rat-folk racial ability: ???
Rat-folk racial ability: ???
Game/Dice Report:
Power Votes:
Gear47Demon: I
MoonBlack: I
Diagasvesle: I

Jane’s attacks rats eyes – Automatic hit
1 Damage to Left Rat

Sexual Attack – Insertion vs. Jane
Rat’s Dexterity: d10 + 2
Rolled: 5
Penalty from damage: -1
Total: 6 vs. 13 – Sexual attack Misses.
Jane’s Dexterity: d8 + 1
Rolled: 7
Virgin’s Favor: +5

Left Rat Grinds instead.

Pleasure Check – Jane resisting pleasure vs. Left Rat
Wisdom: d8 + 1
Rolled: 2
Total: 3 vs. 8 = Pleasure not resisted.
Pleasure: d8

Maria – Bow Shot on Right Rat
(DEX + STR) / 2
Rolled: (3 + 4) / 2 = 3.5 > 4 Damage

Grapple Right Rat’s Grapple attack vs. Maria
Rat’s Dexterity: d10 + 2
Rolled: 9
Heavily Wounded: -2
Total: 9 vs. 7 – Grapple Successful.
Maria’s Dexterity: d8 + 0
Rolled: 7

Clothing Attack Right Rat’s Clothing attack vs. Maria
Rat’s Dexterity: d10 + 2
Rolled: 4
Heavily Wounded: -2
Total: 4 vs. 6 – Clothing Attack Unsuccessful
Maria’s Dexterity: d8 + 0
Rolled: 6

Jane – Wave of Force vs. Left Rat
Miscast = No
Rolled: 2d4 + 3 = (1 & 4) + 3
Contact cast on head: +1 Damage
= 9 Damage on Left Rat

Round End
Last edited:
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

A, it is just a single stab and then it will be two on one in their favor.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Definitely B: Go help Maria. Aim for a quick kill by targeting the creature's head.

No need to take chances - our friend is more important. Besides, the rat Jane attacked is almost dead and should remain dazed for a while (or might even expire on its own) giving them enough time to finish it off afterwards.

Assuming that the girls win the fight without further issues:
Make sure they are both alright, and that there are no more enemies headed their way (the last thing they want is to get surprised while celebrating). If necessary - use Minor Cure Wounds on Maria. After all of that hug and kiss Maria (a-few-seconds-long kiss on the lips) in excitement over their first victory.

After that we decide what to do.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Let's try B.

Save our friend. Drive the enemies off. If the NPC rat has any survival instinct in its head, it'll turn tail and flee the sinking ship that is this combat.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path


Since the clothing attack failed on Maria, I think she will be fine for the amount of time it should take to finish off the other rat.