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Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

14 vs 9 | 13 vs 21

And so Jeff was freed, as the shadows faded away at the last strike. He looked tired, but not injured, and decided to pass out after giving a small thank you. Alyssa spied the box, and watched as it sort of imploding in on itself.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Thank god he's okay Alyssa thought as she watched Jeff lay down to sleep. I'd feel terrible if I had killed him because of some stupid little box. She sat down beside him and placed his head in her lap, allowing him to use her as a pillow instead of the cold and dirty floor of the mine. She looked over at Mary and quietly said I've had just about enough close calls in here.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Jeff wakes up a little while later, blushing once he notices he's resting his head on Alyssa's lap. "Oh...what happened." he asked, he looked sort of dazed, not quite aware of what exactly happened.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Uhhh... Nothing big, you just sort of... got possessed by a tentacle demon. Sorry about that. She stroked his hair and asked so, are you feeling alright?
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Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

"Oh..." he blushes a little deeper, but quickly returns to normal. "Right, thanks for saving me, then...did I...do anything?" He asks. "And yes...I'm fine, just a little tired, is all."
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

You didn't actually do anything, really. The demon was surprisingly weak. That, or Mary and I are surprisingly strong she said, with a wink at Mary. So, ready to get going again? she asked, smiling at Jeff.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

"Yeah" Jeff nods.

"I bet the monsters are only going to get stronger below..." Mary mutters aloud. "Are you sure we really want to go down there?"
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

We've done pretty well against the monsters so far. I mean, better than we did back in the swamp. The three of us should be able to deal with the enemies just fine. Alyssa nodded reassuringly at Mary as she helped Jeff up, and readied her things to go deeper into the mine.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Mary and Jeff both give a small shrug, letting Alyssa lead the way down into the darkness. They follow the signs that say "Danger, cursed, do not enter" until they arrive in a room, there's a large chest in the center of it, as the room itself is almost perfectly circular, the only entrance being the one they entered in.

Of course, on the chest is another sign. "Warning! Do not not open! Curse Inside!" Of course, warning, not, and curse have been crossed out, the last being replaced with 'Treasure'.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Huh. Well this is weird. I say we open it, personally. It's like reverse reverse psychology. Alyssa looked to the others, though, waiting for their input.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Mary sort of shrugs. "Maybe? Or maybe it's really bad?" she says. Jeff also mentions it's probably a bad idea anyways, but leaves it for Alyssa to choose.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Hmm... We have a yes vote, a no vote, and a maybe. So much for being democratic. Alyssa opened the chest, hoping to find some decent treasure inside.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa is quickly whacked away almost as soon as she opens the chest. Tentacles fly out, quickly entangling Mary, grabbing her as she yells out. "Oh no...nonononono" She says as she's dragged inside, the chest shutting closed when she's out of sight.

Both Jeff and Alyssa can hear the sounds of the mage quickly being fucked, as she moans out in pleasure. However, they're both distracted at the moment by a large amount of what appears to be perhaps mummy wrap appearing in the room, forming into a sort of demonic human hybrid look.

Wrap Demon: 19/19 HP
Mimic: ???

Alyssa: 7/7 FP 0/10 AP
Mary: (In Bliss)
Jeff: 5/5 HP
(Alyssa gains Sword Expertise 3, Jeff Gains Combat Expertise 1)
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Damn it, the fuck was that? Alyssa staggered back as the chest swallowed Mary and closed itself. This was definitely a bad idea! As she went to try and pry the chest open again, she was stopped by the appearance of some sort of bizarre mummy-like creature. I have to deal with this quickly she thought as she ran at it, slashing at its torso.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

"A Mimic!" Jeff yells, also charing forward at the wrap demon.
19 vs 25 | 17 vs 18
20 vs 27

The demon sends it arms towards Alyssa, but she manages to avoid the attack, weaving out of the way as she and Jeff move forward to attack, sadly, they are unable to do much.

Mary can be heard screaming loudly from the pleasure in the chest, before it becomes muffled, though her moaning is still quite loud. Alyssa become aroused at the sounds.

Wrap Demon: 19/19 HP
Mimic: ???

Alyssa: 7/7 FP 1/10 AP
Mary: (In Bliss)
Jeff: 5/5 HP
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa cursed herself for opening the chest, but at least Mary seemed to be having fun... She lashed out at the mummy again, somewhat annoyed that nothing had been accomplished in the last round of attacks.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

8 vs 7 | 10 vs 24
24 vs 10

Alyssa barely manages to hit the demon, diverting its towards Alyssa, which she can't avoid, starting to become entangled in the demons wrap.

Mary is still moaning loudly, but Alyssa resists the effects.
Wrap Demon: 9/10 HP
Mimic: ???

Alyssa: 7/7 FP 1/10 AP
Mary: (In Bliss)
Jeff: 5/5 HP
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

So it's just a different version of a rope demon, huh? I've never lost to one of those, and I'm not going to lose to this either. She slashed at the wraps that were starting to entangle her, not wanting to be mummified.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

19 vs 16 | 7 vs 25 counter
8 vs 10

Alyssa manages to strike the wraps, removing herself from their entangling presence. Jeff attempts to attack again, only getting swatted to the side. The demon attempts to attack Jeff again, intending to remove one member from the party for the combat.

Mary still sounds pretty happy.
Wrap Demon: 8/10 HP
Mimic: ???

Alyssa: 7/7 FP 1/10 AP
Mary: (In Bliss)
Jeff: 4/5 HP
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

That round went a bit better than the one before, which was at least a little encouraging. Alyssa attacked again, hoping to get the thing away from Jeff.