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Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

22 vs 5
7 vs 19
19 vs 6
15 vs 8

The party charges into combat, Alyssa and Jeff landing solid hits, the slime absorbing Mary's blast.

The slime however, returns in kind by walloping Alyssa, knocking her to the ground, leaving her pinned with the slime holding her to the ground. Slime slime is warm, and Alyssa isn't sure she wants to leave it, it's almost like a hug.

Slime 3/6
Aly 5/7 1/5
Mary 6/6 0/6
Jeff 4/4
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Oh damn it. Slimes are such annoying enemies. Alyssa struggled to get to her feet and attack it, regretting not eating a ration just a little.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

11 vs 19 | 15 vs 6 | 12 vs 18
14 vs 17

Mary blast the slime while Jeff and Alyssa slash uselessly at it. The slime tries to smack Alyssa again, but is off by a mile because of her cloak.

Slime 2/6
Aly 5/7 1/5
Mary 6/6 0/6
Jeff 4/4
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alright guys, we've already got it weak. Just a little more! Alyssa pressed the attack, confident in their ability to beat the thing.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

12 vs 10 | 4 vs 12 | 15 vs 21
10 vs 11

The party moves forward for battle once more, although only Alyssa manages to damage the best, deftly avoiding the counterattack by not being where it attacked. She was starting to like her cloak.

Slime 1/6
Aly 5/7 1/5
Mary 6/6 0/6
Jeff 4/4
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa continued to attack the slime, beginning to enjoy what felt to her to be a huge boost to her stats over the course of the last dungeon.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

15 vs 21 | 12 vs 22 | 18 vs 17
Alyssa and Mary both tried their hardest, the slime resisting their attacks.

The slime looked like it was about to topple over and overwhelm both of them when Jeff landed a solid blow, merely turning it to liquid as Mary and Alyssa instead became soaked head to toe instead of covered in slime.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa twitched as the slime fell onto her, drenching her in sticky goop. Well shit. I really don't like those things. She ran her hands through her hair, trying to squeeze the slime out of it, but found no success. She sighed and opened her pack, eating two rations to recover her energy. Alright guys, farther down and farther in.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Mary also tried fruitlessly to get the goop of her. But sighed when she realized it wasn't coming out without a bath.

Moving onwards and downwards, the party find themselves in a small room, spying a creature from the darkness before it can ambush them. Moving forward, it seems simply like a massive mass of shadows...though, with tendrils, like tentacles...and it had quite a lot of them

Shadow Beast (Lvl. 2) 6/6 HP
-(Level 2 monsters tend to have a higher hp, and gain bonuses to attacks and defenses. A shadow beast is hard to hit in general, and this partiular one can attack twice in a round.)
Aly 7/7 0/5
Mary 6/6 0/6
Jeff 4/4
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

What the fuck is that? Maybe this place is haunted after all. Alyssa cautiously advanced on the shadowbeast, trying to slash at it. Will a sword even do anything to this thing? It's just some shadow. Maybe we need holy magic or something...
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

11 vs 27 counter | 20 vs 21 | 13 vs 26
13 vs 21 | 19 vs 23

The party attacks the beast, Alyssa finding herself hanging upside down as the shadow had already entangled her feet, she landed with a thump on the ground when she tried to move, slowly lifted up after that.

Although attacks were made, no progress was made on either side.

Shadow Beast (Lvl. 2) 6/6 HP
Aly 6/7 0/5
Mary 6/6 0/6
Jeff 4/4
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa cursed as the shadowbeast grabbed her feet as she ran at it, flipping her upside down and slamming her onto the ground. She groaned as the thing slowly raised her into the air. Luckily enough, she had enough sense about her to avoid the thing's other attacks, and tried to slash at the shadows that held her ankles, still unconvinced that her attacks would be able to scratch something of that nature.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

12 vs 19 | 19 vs 15 | 2 vs 14
9 vs 18 | 16 vs 16

Combat moves forward, Alyssa failing to get herself free as Mary blasts the creature and Jeff ineffectively cuts it. The beast fails in it's attacks on Alyssa and Mary.

Shadow Beast (Lvl. 2) 5/6 HP
Aly 6/7 0/5
Mary 6/6 0/6
Jeff 4/4
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

In the mess of attacks that followed, nothing at all seemed to get done. Of course, Alyssa was still upside down, which was beginning to annoy her quite a bit. She slashed again at the shadows holding her in place, trying at the same time to maneuver herself such that she wouldn't slam head-first onto the ground if she managed to free herself.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

15 vs 20 | 14 vs 26 | 20 vs 17
23 vs 23 23 vs 5

The battle moves forward slowly, only Jeff making progress on the beast, Alyssa just manages to avoid becoming more entangled as she hangs in her helpless position, as Mary finds herself suddenly very entangled by the beasts.

Alyssa feels a wave of arousal come over her as the tendrils move towards her privates.

Shadow Beast (Lvl. 2) 4/6 HP
Aly 6/7 1/5
Mary 4/6 0/6
Jeff 4/4
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Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa screamed her frustration as she failed to break the shadows' hold on her. At least Jeff is being useful. At this point in the game she wasn't surprised when the thing made no secret of its intentions if they were to lose, and was almost curious as to what it would do to her. After all, she'd never lost to one of these before... Focus, Alyssa. Just beat the damn thing. She summoned up her strength and tried to free herself once again, hoping this time to strike at more than just air.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

3 vs 14 | 13 vs 26 | 20 vs 14
22 vs 18 | 14 vs 12

The fight moves on, Alyssa and Mary only becoming entangled in the shadows as Jeff continues to hack away at it. Alyssa finds herself feeling more aroused at being upside down as the beast envelops her arms.

Shadow Beast (Lvl. 2) 3/6 HP
Aly 5/7 2/5
Mary 3/6 0/6
Jeff 4/4
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

This is starting to really piss me off. I can't seem to do anything to this damn thing. Alyssa thrashed around, trying to get free of the thing to attack it. Her odds weren't looking good, though, being held upside down with her arms increasingly entangled in the strange shadow.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

9 vs 27 counter | 21 vs 16 | 3 vs 8
21 vs 6 crit | 16 vs 19

Alyssa finds her efforts to escape punished with pain. As she tries to escape she feels the tendrils constricting, somewhat crushing her and making her lose her breath. Mary blasts the beast, getting from it's grasp, but starts to feel aroused at the thoughts of what it might do. Jeff returns to being useless.

Shadow Beast (Lvl. 2) 2/6 HP
Aly 2/7 2/5
Mary 3/6 0/6
Jeff 4/4
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa gasped as she felt the thing begin to constrict the air out of her. Alright, this isn't at all fun. I need to get this thing off me. She thrashed from side to side and slashed at the shadows holding her upside down, trying her best to get them to release her, or at least force herself right-side up.