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RPG [Ahriman] 風紀剣士アサギ/ Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (RJ149951)

Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Dang there's some actual like, deep lore going on in here. I never did manage to beat the ninja game thing... and it never did get a translation to my knowledge. What's the timeline we're talking here?
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

A couple more things I'm not sure on with the Merchant's dialogue.

\>I-I'll pay you greatly for bringing the girls・・・
Gefun Gefun! (Fuck if I know)\!
I'll protect them.

\>Asagi、how are you doing?
\>(Something about a rose?)・・・\.
How outrageous!Punpun!

No、\. お主の探し人かと尋ねたのだが?

\>This girl・・・\<\.(no idea)♪

The limits of machine translators...

ここはイヤらしいこトばかりですばら = This area has nothing but lewd events.
ぷんぷん = onomatopoeia. Shows disgust on the part of the speaker.

お主の探し人かと尋ねたのだが = there might be a grammatical error with the particles here, but the gist of it is: The person you are searching for was here making enquiries...

この娘なら・・・\<\.こんなトころデすね♪: Context is obviously when you pass girls to the merchant for cash. Hence: For this girl... (you) deserve this much in cash!
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Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

what does version 1.10 do??? bug fix ? or new content?
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Dang there's some actual like, deep lore going on in here. I never did manage to beat the ninja game thing... and it never did get a translation to my knowledge. What's the timeline we're talking here?

Timeline? I guess something like this

Angel Hunt (alternate universe, angels aren't mentioned in the Kunoichi or Asagi games... demons are though... hmm.)

Kunoichi: Den of Pleasure -> Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi

In the end of Asagi's story it is revealed to the group that Boris is a well known, infamous rather, sex slave trader. How he responds to the four heroines of the previous game indicates that he has met them before. Rather than simply saying a generic line he says something like "I'll make sure you don't get away again!..." Like I said before I don't think this is a canon appearance, more so an Easter egg for players who've played Kunoichi.

As for lore, Ahriman's told me a bit about the character's history, mainly Yomi and Miya. I'll probably have to clarify a few points and correct myself later but here goes.

Yomi: A highly skilled kunoichi who usually travels alone but is under the watchful eye of her brother. She possesses skills in close quarters combat and silent execution. You can see some early art of her and the other heroines on his Pixiv page, by the way. Yomi has a hidden power sealed inside her which manifests itself as a speed and strength boost. By removing her blindfold/eyepatch this power is activated. Her eyes glow yellow and her killer instinct enhances, causing her to cut down foes quickly and mercilessly. I've only seen her use this power on two occasions, one when absorbing more demonic energy in the final battle against Aradama and the other in some old art Ahriman made.

Here's the art

Yomi's main weakness is her sexuality. Like Ahriman's other heroines she is vulnerable to sexual attacks and techniques, like groping or aphrodisiac gas.

Her father and Miya's father were friends. They worked together to seal away a false God. Yomi's father was (is, unsure on if he is still alive) a highly skilled ninja himself named "Jolo" and Miya's father was a very powerful swordsman. Yomi and Miya were childhood friends and they are working together to prevent the resurrection of the false God.

I did ask who would win in a fight, Yomi or Miya. (I was and sort of still am making a little manga of Miya fighting against a brainwashed Yomi and Shirabe. I wanted the fight to be accurate to how they were created.)
Ahriman stated that while Yomi has hidden power, Miya is a master swordswoman and would win in an one on one confrontation.

Miya: Full name Miyabe Keihime; A master swordswoman who is working with her childhood friend Yomi to prevent the resurrection of a false God. While in a foreign country, she had been captured and sexually trained by Boris before and as a result is very vulnerable to sexual attacks. After her intial failed escape attempt she was subjected to even harsher sexual training by Boris.

Here you can see it for yourself:

The last three continue with Miya but I am unsure if they are directly related to when she is captured by Boris. They may be what would of happened if she never escaped.

Kuna: A novice kunoichi, who caught the eye of the infamous slave trader Boris. I don't know a lot about her but I will ask to learn more on her backstory. I only just learned she was even a ninja from the description of her first picture done by Ahriman. She doesn't seem very experienced sexually and when groped by male enemies she'll respond in a very confused manner.

Shirabe: Full name Shirabe Eto, she is a ninja/detective/police officer. I think. I'm not 100% on her being a ninja but the name of her first picture is "Kunoichi Police".

I don't know much about her except that she tends to investigate cases of sexual misconduct (rape). Which seems to have lead to her becoming a victim of what she was investigating.

Her goal is to protect her town and it's residents. Of course she is vulnerable to sexual attacks, like all other Ahriman heroines.

Sources: Kunoichi: Den of pleasure, and conversations with Ahriman himself.
Here's some excerpts that you can translate yourself if you'd like:

(Ahriman on Yomi and Miya’s friendship)
そして、ヨミとミヤの関係についてですが 彼女たちは幼馴染です。ミヤの父親は古い邪神を封印していた一族のリーダーでした。かつて、邪神が復活してしまった時に、ヨミの父親である偉大な忍者「ホロ」が邪神を封印しました。つまり、彼女たちの父親は協力関係にありました。その縁でヨミとミヤは協力して邪神の復活を阻止しようとしているのです。

(Ahriman describing Yomi and Miya)
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

The right most lever does nothing, as far as I can tell. (might be a secret to pull it ahead of time or something).

The second one opens a back door to the "second" area where you fight some Japanese looking guy. Go to where you were jailed, and go way left.

Thank you!

The green-haired girl, Sabre is her name, doesn't want to wear clothing. It's just her nature.

Duck is right. There's an area above the church that you can't go into. If you go around there's a way into that area from the top.

Thanks too!

I think i'm near the end, already got out of the alternate dimension, but the i keep returning there when going back to the "start area" outside the whole enemy base thing. Where you see a clone of the main character, and if interact with her, you just teleport back. Am i missing something important?
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

The limits of machine translators...

ここはイヤらしいこトばかりですばら = This area has nothing but lewd events.
ぷんぷん = onomatopoeia. Shows disgust on the part of the speaker.

お主の探し人かと尋ねたのだが = there might be a grammatical error with the particles here, but the gist of it is: The person you are searching for was here making enquiries...

この娘なら・・・\<\.こんなトころデすね♪: Context is obviously when you pass girls to the merchant for cash. Hence: For this girl... (you) deserve this much in cash!

Ah, thank you.
I've considered trying to learn at least the basics of reading kanji but was always overwhelmed by the amount of time and work it'd take. More work then I wanted to put into a passing hobby.
But given this could take months as it is, hmm. Anyone know any good free tutorials? Might take a look before being overwhelmed with the amount of work again.

Alternatively, if there's anyone on here who wants to work with me on this, I'd much appreciate it. I'd hate to keep cluttering the forums for months with translation requests. I can get about 95% of the text but that remainder, it'd be nice to be able to reliably PM or Skype message someone for those bits.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Thank you!

Thanks too!

I think i'm near the end, already got out of the alternate dimension, but the i keep returning there when going back to the "start area" outside the whole enemy base thing. Where you see a clone of the main character, and if interact with her, you just teleport back. Am i missing something important?

You need to get 2 halves of a heart-like "orb" click on the blackened crystal, and use that. It teleports you to the final location.

BEWARE OF A GAME-breaking bug!
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Just bug fixes?

What about NG+?

Sorry but this update only fixes the game breaking bug everyone's scared about.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

has anyone posted a link to this or nah? if it has loli or something can someone dm me it? thanks
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Late again, but in case you still need these.

A-anyway, I'm always ready to buy- cough cough- take care of the girls for you.
Lit: A-anyway, I will buy the girls with a high price... cough cough... I mean take care of them.

This place is so full of lewd stuff that it's wonde- outrageous! Bad bad!

No, I'm asking if this is the girl you are looking for.

These girls should be... about this much♪

Basically, the merchant just let his tongue slip a bit too many times, and yet Asagi somehow didn't realize his true nature.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

You need to get 2 halves of a heart-like "orb" click on the blackened crystal, and use that. It teleports you to the final location.

BEWARE OF A GAME-breaking bug!

Thanks again! Really appreciated

Just finished the game, and can only say damn it's good!

Really decent length of playtime, decent amount of CG's. Difficulty level was perfect
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Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Okay, so I have played the game up to the otherworld area. I want to know what everyone's favorite scenes are.

This can be sexual or not. If it's not sexual, it needs to be explained.

Currently, I love the third act, where you're trying to find and free Sabre, and its capture scenes. I particularly like the rescue scene of Whip and what they end up doing to her and Sabre. I guess it's the "two girls on a sawhorse" thing that makes me grin stupidly.

And are Act 3's capture scenes set up as competitions between Sabre and the other three girls? I keep seeing "xxx vs xxx" in it.

Edit: I just realized that the Masked Boss is filming his own heroine series with Blade as the heroine. Love it!
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Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Late again, but in case you still need these.

A-anyway, I'm always ready to buy- cough cough- take care of the girls for you.
Lit: A-anyway, I will buy the girls with a high price... cough cough... I mean take care of them.

This place is so full of lewd stuff that it's wonde- outrageous! Bad bad!

No, I'm asking if this is the girl you are looking for.

These girls should be... about this much♪

Basically, the merchant just let his tongue slip a bit too many times, and yet Asagi somehow didn't realize his true nature.

Thanks, I went ahead and used these translations.
This merchant is painful and a bit of a dick.
A couple more that I'm unsure on:

Rude、\. I am Moushi Kuremashita.\! (What should his name be? I heard Boris up in the thread.)
A humble merchant at your service.

Hmm、how can I know you'll do as promised? (Just a little unsure on phrasing.)

I'll also give you nice goods.
The exchange will be good!(Just a little unsure on phrasing.)

\>Hoho、Asagi is it?
Sounds great!\!
Myself?\. I'll collect and explore. (Unsure on this last line.)

それを 売るなんテ トんデも ない デ~す
それを 売るなんテ トんデも ない デ~す (No idea, translator doesn't like spaces me thinks.)

Well、I'll start selling good immediately.\!
Look at these products to fight these villians、night mwuahaha. (this last bit seems ... unnecessary?)
They'll be sure to help.

Still、there are more girls who need helped. (Is this close enough?)

\>What a wonderful look!!
\>I'll pay a lot.♪

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Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

My contributions are in bold, do what you want with them. I expect Rin Umiko to be more creative with his translations than my more literal interpretations.

The dialogue isn't hard, your translator can't handle the information since the author deliberately used katakana for some sentences where hiragana would have been conventional. He's also gone out of his way to recreate spoken Japanese in writing which is the bane of machine translators everywhere.

Thanks, I went ahead and used these translations.
This merchant is painful and a bit of a dick.
A couple more that I'm unsure on:

Rude、\. I am Moushi Kuremashita.\! (What should his name be? I heard Boris up in the thread.)
A humble merchant at your service.
I apologise for not introducing myself sooner.

Hmm、how can I know you'll do as promised? (Just a little unsure on phrasing.)
Hmm, I don't know who it is but I'll keep my word.

I'll also give you nice goods.
The exchange will be good!(Just a little unsure on phrasing.)
If you hand them (referring to the girls) over, I'll give you wonderful items in exchange!

\>Hoho、Asagi is it?
Sounds great!\!
Myself?\. I'll collect and explore. (Unsure on this last line.)
Hoho, if it isn't Asagi. Busy as ever I see. Myself? I'm just looking around at present.

それを 売るなんテ トんデも ない デ~す
それを 売るなんテ トんデも ない デ~す (No idea, translator doesn't like spaces me thinks.)
Selling that would be such a waste!

Well、I'll start selling good immediately.\!
Look at these products to fight these villians、night mwuahaha. (this last bit seems ... unnecessary?)
They'll be sure to help.
Right then, let's get down to the business of selling useful items.
My items will be of great help for fighting villains and ensuring pleasurable evenings.

Still、there are more girls who need helped. (Is this close enough?)
Please come back when you have more girls who need saving.

\>What a wonderful look!!
\>I'll pay a lot.♪
You look gorgeous!
These photos are worth every cent/penny spent!

No. Only lewd appearances are allowed here.
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Need help, i defeated the japanese looking guy, the girl with the green hair got captured, and i got defeated and started outside of the castle/dungeon, cleared the beach and the underground, but what do i need to do next?

the red haired girl is vanished with the doctor behind a locked door, all lever are switched, the castle with the poison water is locked and the doors in the underound with the orcs are closed aswell, dont know what to do next.

Greetings Candiru
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

Need help, i defeated the japanese looking guy, the girl with the green hair got captured, and i got defeated and started outside of the castle/dungeon, cleared the beach and the underground, but what do i need to do next?

the red haired girl is vanished with the doctor behind a locked door, all lever are switched, the castle with the poison water is locked and the doors in the underound with the orcs are closed aswell, dont know what to do next.

Greetings Candiru

check the fireplace in that room...
Re: Defender of Public Morals: Swordswoman Asagi (Ahriman) 風紀剣士アサギ

My contributions are in bold, do what you want with them. I expect Rin Umiko to be more creative with his translations than my more literal interpretations.

The dialogue isn't hard, your translator can't handle the information since the author deliberately used katakana for some sentences where hiragana would have been conventional. He's also gone out of his way to recreate spoken Japanese in writing which is the bane of machine translators everywhere.

Thanks, I didn't realize he was using more ... unconventional? ... writing techniques. That would explain why some things just don't work. Hmm, I don't suppose there is anyway to account for that in the future is there?