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Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

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Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Well, I believe it appears to be the full version.
The only way to find out is to play it lol.

I believe I already posted the full version. I put it out there in case anybody wants to take a "crack" at it. I don't even have any wryies since its DRMed anyways.
lames pun are lame puns. Also i need more posts.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

:DYeah, it's 373MB not 431.84, which means it's from the blog not DLSite.

It has 12 pre-installed saves, for those interested.

Looks like the DRM is holding up, not that I would expect anyone trying, given that there is supposed to be an uncensored DRM-free version coming along?




Your link has been suspended due to excess traffic... must be a lot of wannabe crackers out there? :D
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Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

:DYeah, it's 373MB not 431.84, which means it's from the blog not DLSite.

It has 12 pre-installed saves, for those interested.

Looks like the DRM is holding up, not that I would expect anyone trying, given that there is supposed to be an uncensored DRM-free version coming along?




Your link has been suspended due to excess traffic... must be a lot of wannabe crackers out there? :D

oh thanks new link for drm version cause why not its DRMed
needs https://

And also the smart thing to do according to this guy @Onyxdime (you should also give fuller disclosure as your name is on his blog as in you two are promoting each other. soo much bias. this is why we have #GamerGate)

would be to not give out the preorder 1.0 copys in order to force preoderers to buy retail game then disappear because dick moves are good business.

also crackers tastes good
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Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Incoming rant about piracy. But firstly, full disclosure: I have written some of the text for various scenes in this game, but have not received anything in return. It was entirely voluntary. I have also pre-ordered this game, so am one of the individuals waiting for the full release to be emailed out.

Given that previous releases that he gave out to those who preordered were leaked online it isn't exactly a pointless exercise on his part. This is the game developer's primary job at the minute and given that this has taken the better part of a year to produce it is necessary to ensure that enough money is earned to cover living costs as well as turn a profit on the time invested in the production.

As someone who has pre-ordered the game I am slightly upset that we didn't receive the game at the same time as the commercial release. But when you look at it critically we received monthly updates via email. We have already gotten to play what I estimate to be 80% of the game before anyone else. Waiting a short period of time to guarantee that no one else shares the work and threatens the future of this small developer makes perfect sense.

What you have to realise is that a comparison to EA doesn't work. This developer doesn't operate a multi-million pound budget. The developer's games are advertised to a much smaller market share, they don't receive any console support. Unlike EA who can sustain the release of a bad game and live off cash reserves from hundreds of other titles, this developer is small time. Piracy hurts him disproportionately more than it does to a leviathan like EA.

When a crime is committed you can't simply ignore the context. Stealing £20 from someone is bad. If they're a multi-millionaire they won't likely miss it though.

If you steal from a poor person though £20 can be a week's groceries.

Why should someone enjoy, for free, a game that the developer poured their sweat and blood into? A game that 300+ Patreons and others paid money in advance to help fund when they have contributed nothing.

For a game like Skyrim or a triple A title a leech is a nusiance, but the impacts are minor. When it comes to small time games leeches can destroy the company and prevent future games from being produced and kill off further investment in the industry.

Once again, trust has already been broken by some individuals leaking the game to those that hadn't paid. This threatens the future of this game developer from producing more games.

I agree with most of what you said.
i lead a nice career and am not short on money, but i play at least 2 games per week (sadly, with work load, a-bit less now) and many times i find myself play a game for an hour, disslike it, and stop. so i use "Piracy" as a demo. if i know for sure ill love the game i won't only preorder it, ill but the most expensive edition in the hops that ill make the developer stronger still. and if i DL a game and love it, ill pay for it after playing.

I know most don't that that, and i understand them as well. MANY people here are young and can't but the game on their own ("mom can i get the CC for a porn game?) so they wouldn't have gotten the game anyhow - But they do talk about it online it make it more well known.

I think the debate on piracy is way out of the scope of this place.

In regards to the people who are losing hope - DON'T, think about it this way.

If the 0.6 and 0.85 versions are out its because someone who pre-paid is distributing them, which means that its more than likely that once they get their 1.0 version, they will post that too.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)


If the 0.6 and 0.85 versions are out its because someone who pre-paid is distributing them, which means that its more than likely that once they get their 1.0 version, they will post that too.

And the developer is well aware of that!

His mistake was to promise a full release at the same time, That was never going to be practical, given basic human nature.

Better release a censored version then, with an uncensored one with some "goodies" to the sponsors at a later date. Then it's up to them if they want to pay for freeloaders.

Basically, the actions of a few have screwed it up for everyone else.

Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)


And the developer is well aware of that!

His mistake was to promise a full release at the same time, That was never going to be practical, given basic human nature.

Better release a censored version then, with an uncensored one with some "goodies" to the sponsors at a later date. Then it's up to them if they want to pay for freeloaders.

Basically, the actions of a few have screwed it up for everyone else.


haha its reward VS gain.
that one pre-payer wanted to post that same game 3 times (im assuming) and get the credit on the torrent site 3 times (for example) but the developer learned from that. A better job would be NOT to release it at all and maybe the DEV wouldn't have thought about it (or maybe he would've anyway)

Fact is, there is pressure from the people that paid, so it won't be long now. and once that certain person gets the game, i hope/assume he will post it.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

haha its reward VS gain.
that one pre-payer wanted to post that same game 3 times (im assuming) and get the credit on the torrent site 3 times (for example) but the developer learned from that. A better job would be NOT to release it at all and maybe the DEV wouldn't have thought about it (or maybe he would've anyway)

Fact is, there is pressure from the people that paid, so it won't be long now. and once that certain person gets the game, i hope/assume he will post it.

I wouldn't even give you odds of 1-1000-(on) regarding your hope/assumption. That means for every $1,000 you bet, you stand to win $1. He'll do it alright!

The dev would probably have kept faith if the sponsors had done the same. Instead he was faced with two breaches, so his reaction is somewhat understandable.

In future he should secretly code each e-mail update (if he knows how) so he can identify moles and exclude them from the privileged release and updates.

Also, recruit a few friends to do some DMCA policing for the first few weeks?


Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

I wouldn't even give you odds of 1-1000-(on) regarding your hope/assumption. That means for every $1,000 you bet, you stand to win $1. He'll do it alright!

The dev would probably have kept faith if the sponsors had done the same. Instead he was faced with two breaches, so his reaction is somewhat understandable.

In future he should secretly code each e-mail update (if he knows how) so he can identify moles and exclude them from the privileged release and updates.

Also, recruit a few friends to do some DMCA policing for the first few weeks?



So your solution is that he should take their money and give them nothing? That is such a great solution to make people stop pirating his game lol.

And this is all assumption but if No of Donations Received : 406 and since its the blog just maybe it was $20 each donation hes already made a crap ton.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

And this is all assumption but if No of Donations Received : 406 and since its the blog just maybe it was $20 each donation hes already made a crap ton.

I thought that as well. But then I examined the data and concluded that he wasn't raking in that much at all.

Let's take an (obviously oversimplified) estimate and say that all of those 406 donors donated $30. It adds up to $12,180 ignoring taxes. DLsite will be eating a chunk of future profits too from sales made on there.

Combin_ation has been working on this game for a year now. So this gives him a monthly wage of roughly $1015. This puts him slightly above the average monthly wage of a citizen from Belarus or Russia; and $400 below the monthly average in Estonia. (Source: unece.org/pxweb/dialog/varval.asp?ma=60_MECCWagesY_r&path=../database/STAT/20-ME/3-MELF/&lang=1&ti=Gross+Average+Monthly+Wages+by+Country+and+Year)

We obviously don't know where the developer lives, but unless he lives in a poorer country in Eastern Europe it is extremely unlikely that he is earning above the average monthly salary.

Once again, it comes down to context. Is $12 grand a crapton of money? Sure.

Is it a crapton of money when it is all you have to pay your bills, buy food, clothing, heat your home, and have a social life like any other human being for a whole year?

No. It really isn't.

To put things even more in perspective working full time in the UK on minimum wage earns you £13,124 a year. ($20'244.) This divides up to $1687 a month. A person working full time on the minimum wage is potentially earning over 50% more for their work than this developer.

Now, it is entirely possible the developer has another job. In which case: Kudos for taking a hobby which also nets you some income. (I am 90% sure that he doesn't have another job though based on blog comments he has made.)
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

You sound literally butt hurt from getting dicked in the ass by the developer. I'm glad I don't preorder because that's what happens when you get dicked from a preorder.

A.) Ad hominem fallacy.
B.) I don't feel like I got 'dicked.' I was more than happy to support the developer, I purchased at a time when the British pound was stronger against the dollar saving me money, and the developer has been good at communicating and releasing updates.

piracy is piracy. As long as there are people there will be piracy. People also say the best things in life are free.

None of what you said here is an actual rebuttal to the arguments I presented. It's just a collection of three idioms tied together.

Whats the purpose of a game demo: the purpose of a game demo is to get people interested enough to buy your game. i think it worked.

I'm not sure what you're getting at here? There's a demo up on Dlsite now you can download if you want to try it out.

i don't compare him to EA. i compare him to the dick moves EA( think battlefield 4 launch) does to its fanbase and EA isnt the only one around. Ubisoft on watchdogs and assassins creed unity. Sega with Aliens: colonial marines. Konami on silent hills. Capcom with resident evil. Its not okay to fuck over your fan-base.

I completely agree with you; but once again, it was elements of the community that turned on Combin_ation first, forcing him to adopt different methods to protect his product that he was creating.

In fact, he already gave a second and third chance in trusting the community. Two prior versions of the game were leaked via email. Despite warnings some elements continued to do it. This is the way he chose to protect his product and the future of his career.

And now i can add this guy launches game on dlsite but dicks over preorders who trusted him to get day 1 download that coincided with the retail release.

Circumstances changed, cut the guy some slack. If you were part of the pre-order group you would know we had been receiving updates to the game very regularly over the past year. We've already got 80%+ of the game before anyone else. It wasn't Combin_ation who screwed us over; it was the people who leaked the game files.

The game itself is alright just needs a damned skip scene option cause of so many goddamn restarts for ending flags and repetitive scenes for every freaking play-through. you know for when a person is scene and ending hunting.

Agreed, a skip option would be very welcome!
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

So your solution is that he should take their money and give them nothing? That is such a great solution to make people stop pirating his game lol.

Please read my post more carefully; I never made any such suggestion. This appears to be the developer's solution, and his alone.

And this is all assumption but if No of Donations Received : 406 and since its the blog just maybe it was $20 each donation hes already made a crap ton.

The math is simple: 406 x $20 = $8,120 which isn't what I would describe as a "crap ton"... and how long is this supposed to support him for? I know that if I wanted to hire a half decent junior developer I would be looking at $675 a week (5 days) at least. That wouldn't contain design, project management or anything distracting like that either. There would also be 4 weeks paid holidays, insurance, pension and other benefits.

His current sales are about 540,000 Yen, which is $4,500 of which he will be lucky to see 50% from DLSite.

That gives us $8,120 +$2,250 = $10,370 for how many weeks work?

I can see why he might be concerned about piracy, and extremely pissed off at being betrayed.

Just a few thoughts,

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Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

well if you put it like that then that would be 1233843 YEN so far that he has made...that's a nice chunk of change.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

A.) Ad hominem fallacy.
B.) I don't feel like I got 'dicked.' I was more than happy to support the developer, I purchased at a time when the British pound was stronger against the dollar saving me money, and the developer has been good at communicating and releasing updates.

None of what you said here is an actual rebuttal to the arguments I presented. It's just a collection of three idioms tied together.

I'm not sure what you're getting at here? There's a demo up on Dlsite now you can download if you want to try it out.

I completely agree with you; but once again, it was elements of the community that turned on Combin_ation first, forcing him to adopt different methods to protect his product that he was creating.

In fact, he already gave a second and third chance in trusting the community. Two prior versions of the game were leaked via email. Despite warnings some elements continued to do it. This is the way he chose to protect his product and the future of his career.

Circumstances changed, cut the guy some slack. If you were part of the pre-order group you would know we had been receiving updates to the game very regularly over the past year. We've already got 80%+ of the game before anyone else. It wasn't Combin_ation who screwed us over; it was the people who leaked the game files.

Agreed, a skip option would be very welcome!

you don't need to "feel" getting dicked over to know you got dicked over. what you're feeling and what's happening are two different things. You got hit with dick move and you even acknowledge it.

i didn't know we were arguing

the way he chose to protect his investment is to get people to preorder. that's the purpose of a preorder in today's context to get money before things are made. there's a good reason why major gaming media people say that preorders are bad.

so early demo versions of the game gets leaked. Its not like the full game got leaked before preorders were made. if version .85 got leaked days before release then id be concerned. except .85 wasn't what got leaked it was .3 or .4. That's the difference.

demo why would i need a demo i already have the complete version. sure it may be censored and stricken with pointless DRM but hey i have it before the investors who are usually priority 1. i even paid less money.

The developer already made a good chunk of cash before he released anything. So why bother postponing the investors version.

did the developer get hit with dicks nope. did the people who bought the game from dlsite get dicked nope.

The only people who got hit with a dick moves in this scenario are the people who preordered. oh and the pirates cause DRM. Which means Both the preorderers and the pirates are the in the same boat to him.

Sry bud i got jade colored glasses on and I'm just calling it how it looks.

but im also just a random lurker who needs more posts
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Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

I though buying from the blog is $30, am i mistaken?
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Just want to point out that his 0.6 version actually has a date next to it...8/30/2005.. for anyone thinking he made alot on the game. Not saying hes been working on it for 10 years straight...but hes been at it awhile.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Just want to point out that his 0.6 version actually has a date next to it...8/30/2005.. for anyone thinking he made alot on the game. Not saying hes been working on it for 10 years straight...but hes been at it awhile.

Just want to point out that you are wrong. total wrong. he/she started early 2014 with the game;)
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Just want to point out that his 0.6 version actually has a date next to it...8/30/2005.. for anyone thinking he made alot on the game. Not saying hes been working on it for 10 years straight...but hes been at it awhile.

It looks like he has a habit of posting new stuff on old posts lol
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

I found a 1.0 eng and uncensored on forumophilia.com just search for alona

the post also has a download for RTP Runtime Packcage and says its mandatory to play it

im not sure what exe i should run from the runtime packcage though (it has several)
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

I found a 1.0 eng and uncensored on forumophilia.com just search for alona

the post also has a download for RTP Runtime Packcage and says its mandatory to play it

im not sure what exe i should run from the runtime packcage though (it has several)

Those are all version .85
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