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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

That explains a lot about the shift and increase in quality. He is really talented to be able to make sprites at these levels while maintaining the style of this game. It was also weird to see them updating sprites at a fast pace without acknowledgement of the artists.

1o3 got mad at WankoP
I like this guy already. If there was an angry fist emote, I would spam it just because of WankoP.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

What min-cost bronzes do most people run?

Bronze mage was probably the unit I have used the longest. However, do not think you will be using bronze units for long period of time and don't bother investing into min costing any. If you suddenly need a min cost bronze soldier for some awkward strategy, you can just farm it 'on demand'.

I like Verdinath, but cost is definitely an issue for when you compare her to other classes, and specifically, a shaman. 21 cost is too high for how she can perform. You can deploy a better dedicated healer with that cost, which provides a stable run. A shaman is cheaper and you can choose when to heal, even if the duration isn't long.

The great thing about Verdi is her skill. I just wish it had a shorter CT because of her cost.

I think the 'pure' classes are so strong, that a need for 'hybrid' classes (like Rune fencers or Dark priest) is limited. I foresee I will be using her in some of those 'healerless' subjugation mission strategies, when an off-heal or two she will throw will be useful. I have not tested it, but she might be a decent anti-rush unit, for maps like Sunday orb daily. You need reasonable DPS to kill early spawns, yet you also need to heal up a bit of the damage from archers. Finally, she can come in handy as a throughput unit, as her skill can work as a 3.4x multiplier to 'throughput'.

All in all - healerless subjugation strategies is her main place, I believe.

(Event) Platinum Feng Shui User Pippin (ピピン):

Ah, so they can still make an event for something we need and want. Feng Shui users are among the 'cheat' classes in a similar fashion as priest-warriors (though not as broken as them). Will farm.

This is the guy responsible for the sprites in this game:

They hired him when the game became popular; around when characters started looking less like clones (all archers excluding Spica were cloned from Ars DNA), and more like individuals (Gold Witch Yuyu).

Didn't expect there was only one person making sprites. Mad props to him (her?), they make the game enjoyable a lot.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Upcoming Maintenance on the 27th between 10:00~15:00:
-Emergency Mission "Geomancer and the Crimson Cult" (風水士と紅の教団) Begins.
-Revival Mission "Fencer of the Burning Sands" Ends.
-Daily Mision, AW Orb Mission Drop-Up Ends.
Shop Menu and Divine Intervention of the Goddess Combination Renewal:
-Divine Intervention Buffs Added to Shop.
+Buffs Effect the Following From now On:
・ストーリーミッション (Story Mission)
・曜日ミッション (Daily Mission)
・緊急ミッション (Emergency Mission)
・復刻ミッション (Revival Mission)
・大討伐ミッション (Subjugation Mission)
・戦術指南クエスト (Strategy Tutorial Quest)
・緊急ミッション演習 (Emergency Mission Practice)
・チャレンジクエスト (Challenge Quest)
+Buffs that can be Purchased:
1.ダメージ軽減 (神聖結晶3個/5日間) (Damage Decrease [3 SC/5 Days])
2.近接攻撃力アップ (同上) (Melee Attack Up [Same as Above])
3.遠距離攻撃力アップ (同上) (Range Attack Up [Same as Above])
4.出撃コスト+5 (神聖結晶1個/5日間) (Deployment Cost+5 [1 SC/5 Days])
5.まとめて購入 (神聖結晶7個/5日間) (Purchase All [7 SC/5 Days])
+Can Purchase Multiple Times to Extend Duration (Including Gold and XP buffs).
++Cannot Exceed 30 Days Remaining (i.e. cannot purchase more than 6 at once).
++Effects for Users Who Purchased Old +5 Buff Will Continue for its Old Full Duration.

-Certain Emergency Missions Automatically have "New Power" (新たなる力).
+This is the buff for Certain Chance-up Units (i.e. 1.7x attack and 1/2 Cost).
-Premium Summoning Chance-up Units Changed.

New Shop Image:

(Event) Platinum Feng Shui User Pippin (ピピン):
"I don't have any power left in me, but I can still guide you to the places where the seal hasn't been released. I beg of you, Prince! Please give me your aid...!"

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Rasahann has been drawing stand-up illustrations of various characters that look really cool:
(R-18; Not Safe for Work)

I like his version of Pales and (No White Light Version) in particular. Noel is easy on the eyes and has lived long enough to know all manner of special grandma makeout secrets along with being a literate conversationalist. Older, wiser people are awesome, shame so many of them become wrinkly and senile, which is why eternal youth must be seized.

So far, Rasahann has done:
Gold Witch Ryuryu
God Mage Mehlis
Platinum Mage Odette
Silver Mage Pales
Gold Bishop Noel
Black Healer Liana
Platinum Healer Saria
Silver Angel Niel
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ouw... the 1.5x drop rate daily event finally ended :(

So i took the bait and spend tons of SC and now looking at my stock i still felt satisfaction on it.
Total Spoilt:(Ex) 1.5mil G 5 plat cans / (Ex)3 black fairy 1 Rainbow (F-A-I-L) (2x run only) / (God)~20 diamond + ~60 ruby / (God)~500 magic crystal :D / 5 skill fairy / 0 aw orb.
( still keep getting all full drop on magic crystal in this 1.5x drop rate too on god-tier like last time 1.5x drop event... so yeah wonder whats its actual drop rate cuz exkale got 6x only drop before in 3x out of 8 run)

I really need to start aiming to be able to clear god-tier Tuesday.
Knowing God-tier monday have less money than Ex, i might less focus on it as there plenty plat cans drop lately :p (specialy star event 2nd week also give revival unit and have plat cans lately in the map as well)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'll have to say it's grave error on my part!

Normally, I reset teams during the event and not before the event. Since I knew what this event was, I did it the night before and I used my third team as a reference. My fourth team is the team I always do a mission with. It's not normal for me to use the other team slots for a mission ever since the auto-clear and reset function was added.

Because of that, and the similarity between teams, I might have mistakenly used the wrong one, which included Iris instead of Monica. The third team was made before I got Monica and it's been months since I did the daily so I never bothered to fix it. All I remembered about each team was "Magic Crystal daily team" and "Team to use."

I will have to apologize for my mistake. If I wasn't on autopilot and was giving the game my full attention (since I was watching a show at the same time), then I would've been completely sure. Since I've made the habit of using the last team, I was 100% confident that I used that one, when I might not have used it during the daily. Most of my apology will go towards Petite, who definitely tries to insure that information is correct. I'm not 100% confident about the validity of the information I posted last week since I'm unsure if I used the correct team or not.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Upcoming Spoilers:
-Silver Princess Rosette (ロゼット) Added to Summoning.
+Skill: Sword of Damocles (ダモクレスの剣): All rarity silver units' Attack and Defence raised for long duration, but after skill expires, all rarity silver units' current HP halved.

(Summoning) Silver Princess Rosette (ロゼット) Spoiler:
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Erm, petite, i love you and everything but... I have doubts.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

This is like, 'Beat all map with silver! WankoP will assist you~!' -> Aegis ates lots of crystal. (The black tacticians will have a field day, and all 'silver' map will now include a new 'given chara')

How hard to get will a silver rarity unit possibly be? -> Famous last words.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'm worried the fact they release a silver ver of princess.
This felt like having at least 1 princess is needed to clear future map.

On another note a silver princess doesn't require CC so its easy to max her lvl asap (50). But having too much of them can kill your box as i doubt they will be use for CC / AW fodder.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Upcoming Spoilers:
-Silver Princess Rosette (ロゼット) Added to Summoning.
+Skill: Sword of Damocles (ダモクレスの剣): All rarity silver units' Attack and Defence raised for long duration, but after skill expires, all rarity silver units' current HP halved.
-Platinum Thief Anita (アニータ) Added to Summoning.
+Skill: Flash Bomb (閃光玉): Halts enemy movement within AoE blast; possible to use 3 times per battle.

(Summoning) Silver Princess Rosette (ロゼット) Spoiler:

(Summoning) Platinum Thief Anita (アニータ) Spoiler:

(Serial Code) Sapphire Princess Knight Patel Spoilers:

Unsorted Skills and Abilities:
Magic Spear Gáe Bulg (魔槍ゲイボルグ): (1/10; s; attack yx; magical and instant death attack; 110%-150%; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )
Flash Bomb (閃光玉): (1/5; s; range yx; halts enemy movement within AoE blast; can be used 3 times per battle; 120%-160%; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )
Sword of Damocles (ダモクレスの剣): (1/5; s; all rarity silver units' attack and defence yx; current HP halved when skill ends; 110%-120%; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )

Added Patel Illustration.

Added Skill Information.

The Dragon Princess's Revival was an absolute bitch without a princess-type unit (last map of the first phase required a lot of healers/witches/mages if you didn't have one or two of them). They've always been a class that you kind of needed—though maybe not as much after they made it so easy to power level units past CC status so they could hit past those kinds of units' defence, and added magic resistance.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The Dragon Princess's Revival was an absolute bitch without a princess-type unit (last map of the first phase required a lot of healers/witches/mages if you didn't have one or two of them). They've always been a class that you kind of needed—though maybe not as much after they made it so easy to power level units past CC status so they could hit past those kinds of units' defence, and added magic resistance.

I know that feeling just way too well.
After all i started JP aigis again somewhere in Liana, which also the revival of dragon princess (well aria + drania revival)
And yes i wasn't able to 3 star that last map until at the very end of the weekend (1 month duration revival - weekend daily)

I did 3 star that last map with.... well put a foodder unit take 1 fire ball and withdraw after the dragon mage trow 2nd fireball to seperate the 2.
and yes during that time i only have CC archer (Claire) and 1 CC healer (G.Iris) from the serial code x3, which already expired now (Nope didn't get Camilla)

Edit: Regarding thief drop rate up / enemy atk hp up.... this is based on class right ? not unit character.
So the new platinum thief also have that effect as Leda..
+ I dun't wanna see thief stat as we all know how Leda stat is like.....
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Upcoming Spoilers:
-Silver Princess Rosette (ロゼット) Added to Summoning.
+Skill: Sword of Damocles (ダモクレスの剣): All rarity silver units' Attack and Defence raised for long duration, but after skill expires, all rarity silver units' current HP halved.
-Platinum Thief Anita (アニータ) Added to Summoning.
+Skill: Flash Bomb (閃光玉): Halts enemy movement within AoE blast; possible to use 3 times per battle.

(Summoning) Silver Princess Rosette (ロゼット) Spoiler:

(Summoning) Platinum Thief Anita (アニータ) Spoiler:

(Serial Code) Sapphire Princess Knight Patel Spoiler:

Unsorted Skills and Abilities:
Magic Spear Gáe Bulg (魔槍ゲイボルグ): (1/10; s; attack yx; magical and instant death attack; 110%-150%; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )
Flash Bomb (閃光玉): (1/5; s; range yx; halts enemy movement within AoE blast; can be used 3 times per battle; 120%-160%; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )
Sword of Damocles (ダモクレスの剣): (1/5; s; all rarity silver units' attack and defence yx; current HP halved when skill ends; 110%-120%; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )

Summoning Banner:
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I was thinking really hard trying to figure out why the illustration for Anita looked familiar and it seems to be created by the same artist that made the illustration for Miranda, the Platinum Heavy Armor.

I'm clueless about Rosette. I'm more inclined to believe that it's something for new players to obtain so they can have a smoother progression in the early game. It would be kind of pointless for veterans to raise her unless they have a specific use for her. At the very least, she wouldn't require class changing or awakening. I'm just worried about her skill because if her skill has a decent WT, then I'll raise her and try to use her for Tiny vs Giants. If not, then she'll most likely be food for Kaguya.

Using Rosette as EXP food got me thinking. Wouldn't she be the best silver unit to use for experience? At level 21, her value is going to be 550 experience. At level 31, it is going to be 750. Well then.. what have I done. Rosette, I'm sorry~
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Wait, your were serious??
silver princess is a thing? fun times
Also, would the platinum thief stack with the gold thief? Or is it just one or the other?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Oh my god Rosette~ She was one of my favorite designs from the broadcast behind Kanon. I hope they make more story maps soon and have her be a drop.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Emergency Report:
-Maintenance Extended to 16:00 (+1 Hour).

Also, would the platinum thief stack with the gold thief? Or is it just one or the other?
The +3% item drop is a class perk, which means Anita is the exact same as Leda unless their awakening abilities differentiate their class perks. The thief class perk doesn't stack with multiple thieves, but it does stack with abilities like Kyuteri, Monica, and Roberto's.

If Rosette functions the same as every other silver unit, then her mincost is 14. A 14 cost magical unit is good; the only way you could do better is if you use an Attack Title + Anna for a 10 cost Princess <s>Lilia</s> Prince (without Lilia's skill, HP, regeneration, and magic resistance). There's rumours that if you share a drink with your male units as a Princess Prince, your Prince will wake up the next morning with +x% affection.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Upcoming Spoilers:
-Silver Princess Rosette (ロゼット) Added to Summoning.
+Skill: Sword of Damocles (ダモクレスの剣): All rarity silver units' Attack and Defence raised for long duration, but after skill expires, all rarity silver units' current HP halved.
-Platinum Thief Anita (アニータ) Added to Summoning.
+Skill: Flash Bomb (閃光玉): Halts enemy movement within AoE blast; possible to use 3 times per battle.

(Summoning) Silver Princess Rosette (ロゼット) Spoiler:

(Summoning) Platinum Thief Anita (アニータ) Spoiler:

(Serial Code) Sapphire Princess Knight Patel Spoilers:

Unsorted Skills and Abilities:
Magic Spear Gáe Bulg (魔槍ゲイボルグ): (1/10; s; attack yx; magical and instant death attack; 110%-150%; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )
Flash Bomb (閃光玉): (1/5; s; range yx; halts enemy movement within AoE blast; can be used 3 times per battle; 120%-160%; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )
Sword of Damocles (ダモクレスの剣): (1/5; s; all rarity silver units' attack and defence yx; current HP halved when skill ends; 110%-120%; AS: ; WT: ; CT: )

Added Patel Illustration.

Added Skill Information.

The Dragon Princess's Revival was an absolute bitch without a princess-type unit (last map of the first phase required a lot of healers/witches/mages if you didn't have one or two of them). They've always been a class that you kind of needed—though maybe not as much after they made it so easy to power level units past CC status so they could hit past those kinds of units' defence, and added magic resistance.

Silver Princess ... SILVER PRINCESS! Will definitely get her. She's cute :3
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

14 cost sounds better. That definitely allows her to be used in some cases where you need a low cost unit with magic damage. The other option is Kaguya w/Hikage, but then that takes 2 team slots. Kaguya has higher stats after awakening, but she doesn't benefit from Sherry's AW ability while Rosette would. Magical Princess Prince is definitely an option, but I would hate to lose the shiny level 192 title.

I've been thinking about adding in the book for Hikage before the batch order of the third light novel is processed, but the addition of Rosette is making it tough for me to decide. I guess I'll take the time tonight to make a decision.

This is new. I've never noticed this before while visiting Amazon.co.jp.
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