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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Serra's skill is just an instant heal like Patra's and Fudou's regular skill. I wrote 0 seconds. Raising the skill level might have a dramatic effect on its WT and CT.

Patra's AW Skill is an instant map-wide 1.9x heal, and the duration is to increase her attack by 1.9x for 30 seconds, which suits her Gold Get ability. She basically loses her ability to refresh often to become a substitute for both the Platinum Mage Moldevort and deploying Saint Iris, Camilla, and Liana every so often.

While I would like a mode that shows enemy flow, it would decrease conversation, which is the most important thing for any kind of media to become popular (you want people to talk about your game). When an event starts, brave players talk to each other about what happens in each map, and share their experiences with the more timid players who have questions about new maps since they don't want to waste their charisma/stamina and crystals failing. I don't save the graph charts that are occasionally posted for the activity on the various Japanese boards, but it spikes heavily at the start of each event. While it's not quite the same for this thread, new events still cause us to warn each other about what happens in each map and seek and share information about a map; a practice mode would eliminate that kind of conversation since all of us would then just silently do practice trips which will lessen the amount of posts we make when an event begins.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Eh Serra skill instant heal only :(
dang and here i was hoping to use her for tanking while self healing... (like ether skill)

Hopefuly her heal power is high cuz her at stat abit on the low side and her aw ability is nice + short CD too !!
Well too much wishing, but i sitll use her in any case i really need those priest warior :p
In this event i only planned her to be CR-4 8/10 skill... cuz jumping to CR-5 require xtra 16 SC >.<

All these instant skill use (pupurun (can't remember her name spelling *the druid*) / sandra / and now Serra)make me really want Lian now, i guess i will farm her on the last week even i had to spend SC for her 1st copy
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

In the Light Novel, the Ikemen Prince's name is Arthur. Arthur Pendragon wields the Holy Sword Excalibur. In this game, the Platinum Princess Lilia is the bearer of the Holy Sword Excalibur.

Lilia, the shapeshifting robot assassin, travels to the past from the future by Aegisnet, terminates the Ikemen Prince Arthur, and takes his sword. This makes it so the one that has to save the kingdom is the hellacious bedhair Prince, who bears the blood of the Blue Man people (same as the citizens from the Bandit Princess Imelia's kingdom) that allows him to become blue and transparent, which prevents him from having his penis destroyed during various assassination attempts on his being.

Love it! Petite you should write stories :D

uhh they're still gonna get our crystals anyway since they constantly make farm events a practice mode would only slightly reduce their profits most of us wouldn't sit there and feed them crystals constantly trying to beat a map anyway

I would and I does sometimes. Since I really like watching these videos - I check them for 90/12 and 100/2 maps. I also check 70/6 if I will fail first attempt miserably.
mostly it is not possible to find started with the very same characters there so these videos are my base to make my own strategy. It's fun even when failing and makes me use crystals if I think "i can beat this map with some slight changes".
I agree with all @exkale and @Petite said on last page.

Marcus just told us that this game it's boring, despite having different event every week so I will just ignore this discussion later on. It is getting on my nerves.

Btw Petite, even here people talk about new maps, but I agree these talks are not to often. Every hard map exkale is telling us how he did it, sometimes people post screenshots Etc etc.

I am taLking about Aegis A LOT but I do it mostly irl with Crow. Our friends hates us for that.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'm getting a crap ton of bandits from farming 40/4 but I don't have any bandits I'd CC and I doubt I will in the future as well. Though of course I'll stockpile some for the future... if I don't change maps to farm I'm eventually going to have a really god damn lot of them by the end of the event. For the record I already have 6 from the map.

What to do with them?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'm getting a crap ton of bandits from farming 40/4 but I don't have any bandits I'd CC and I doubt I will in the future as well. Though of course I'll stockpile some for the future... if I don't change maps to farm I'm eventually going to have a really god damn lot of them by the end of the event. For the record I already have 6 from the map.

What to do with them?

Save for future CC and AW. In some situations it is worth eating one with 3 fairies (guys gives more exp). btw. 6 is not so much and you will eat them fast enough. I was bitching almost one year ago for having tons of soldiers and archers from Claudia map - they've been used much too fast ;/

Lacking proper silvers is most common trouble during CC'ing your group.


BTW. Back to main event ;D How many mithril ores you guys already have and what is your goal?
I have 256 and my minimal goal is 1100
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Yeah I know silvers are important for CCing and all, in fact I've run out of Leanne's already. But bandits? Who uses bandits for CCs besides other bandits? At least none of the ones I've CC'd so far consumes them.

As for me... I'll probably be content with aiming for around 300. Don't really feel desperate enough to spend SCs to get her maxed, not to mention
Serra's skill is just an instant heal like Patra's and Fudou's regular skill. I wrote 0 seconds. Raising the skill level might have a dramatic effect on its WT and CT.
Feels a bit meh.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

BTW. Back to main event ;D How many mithril ores you guys already have and what is your goal?
I have 256 and my minimal goal is 1100

Around 250. I will wait for the next week to see if Serra is worth the amount of SC that need to get her.

Her skill is not good, especially on unit with low attack like HA.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'm currently at 401 mithril ores. I'm rank 200 now, which I gained yesterday after spending 5 crystals after my 199 rank up to farm Fuujin Extermination. The charisma/stamina refill counts as 2 crystals, and rank 200 Princes need to spend 32~ crystals to reach 1.5k mithril ores, so that's 3-4 crystals back from the 5 I spent, and I'll definitely make up for the remainder in the future.

Bandits are only used to CC silver/gold Bandits and Dark Fighters; CC plat/black Ninjas, Pirates, and Thieves; and AW Soldier Chiefs (2), Assassins (2), Berserkers (2), Master Monks (2), Dragon Knights (2), Avengers (2), and Captains (2).

Considering that you have Erenia, you are going to want to keep some around in the future for her. Though, I constantly get bandits from base summoning, so I sometimes feed them to my units if they get out of hand. Right now though, I have an overabundance of ninjas, samurais, and soldiers. I really need more heavy armours, and mages...

It's too early to discern the usefulness of Serra's skill, since we don't know its multipliers for range or attack, or what they may give her as an AW ability. We're actually fortunate to know the nature of it now during the first phase, since it's generally been the case that we had to wait until the second phase or after the event to know how an item trial character's skill works.

Serra has better attack and defence stats than Katie along with the 15% magic resistance, which makes her better than a more expensive silver heavy after she awakens (she'll be able to fight off things as well as a rank 200 prince with significantly more defence and HP). She's not weak in the slightest (the 204 attack and defence at LV50 was without any attack or defence affection, which is currently unknown hence the two possible scenarios for her). I don't use Katie, but Soldier Elite Aria can hold off moderately dangerous enemies well enough that I know I can trust Serra to easily handle the same precarious situations I had when I accidentally had Aria tank 3 merfolk deep ones at once.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Feeling pretty damn shitty. Couldn't beat the Aamon map in the end, and wasted some stamina trying to grind through the Fairy maps to get to Black drops.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Free attempts at event missions will do more harm than good. What you are suggesting is going to make the game tailored for casual players who hate the idea of trial and error or hates trying to overcome a challenge and wants to play at 0 cost. I don't really like going in-depth about it because people have their ways to enjoy a game, and sometimes a challenging game can be a turn-off for some people.

Mmmmm not quite, precisely, "casual players who hate the idea of trial and error or hates trying to overcome a challenge" won't even touch such "simulator", it would be too bothersome... they would go for the videos right away.. a simulator would be used by "hardcore"/"serious" players.

To me, it's like going to the arcade and asking the owner to let you play for free until you get good at Street Fighter/Tekken because some guy is beating you and taking your quarters.

Those games have only 1 objective, to win the fight. In aegis winning the map is just the first and, except for star clear events, the most irrelevant objective. The real one is to farm them 12312313 times to get the drops.

It will invalidate every challenge there is to the extreme-tier missions. I paid 4 SC on refilling charisma and stamina just so I can clear the 100/2 mission for Paula's event while the strategy for my team is fresh in my mind. Do I regret spending those crystals? Nope. I had fun since I didn't have an easy time with the team I have and I had to manage my units better. Sure, my reward was a counterfeit rainbow fairy, but in the end I had fun trying to get that rainbow fairy. I've only watched 3 videos for that mission and based my strategy around it, since I couldn't follow them all exactly. After I cleared the mission, I watched a bunch of videos for that mission because I was interested in how others would clear it.

Well this just adds to my point. You only spent 4 crystals, that's not even 1 premium roll. How many times did you spend more than 5 crystals to beat a map?? (just to get the 3 stars, not because you needed/wanted the drops) My guess is almost never, but could be wrong...

This is the only mission where I've watched all the videos all week. I don't like watching videos of missions to base my strategy on unless I have to. I will do blind-runs because I like doing things on the fly, trying to find what works for me, and then try to do it efficiently later. I want to understand the mission, how I will do a mission after, and then later compare it to another person's if I find it to be an interesting mission.

I like to do that too, but then you get conflicted with the fact that spending crystals on that is not efficient at all. As a free player because resources are limited, and as a paying one because you are spending money to just "lose". The simulator would wipe away those negative feelings and let you play a lot. Of course some re-balancing on map drops should be done so we need to spend a little extra crystals on them, but not a big difference.

For example, this week's mission was a joke to me (as usual) and I never bothered looking for videos on how to solve it since I can place any unit how I want and I'll clear it. I will look for videos on gimmick teams because they're the type of people that challenge themselves and they make it interesting.

If your team is strong enough to 3 star the maps without using videos, (including users with a lot of blacks) then having a simulator would not change anything. Cheat buttons invalidate the game itself as Petite explained before, it happens in a lot of games. Given that, adding a simulator would have little impact.

And well this is just a wild idea, implementations can be done in infinite ways. Like limiting "practice mode" to only 2 runs per map. Or charging you a flat crystal rate for free simulations during the entire event, etc,etc,etc,etc

Petite may have a point with the communication thing, but on the other hand a practice mode would make some of us spend even more time inside the game, meaning more chances we spend money and get addicted. This is a single player game to begin with.

On the main topic again. This event unit may not seem impressive right now but given she is of a rather unique class and all the info we are missing (aw ability and skill, final stats), is better to farm now than regret later :p
Save 1 or 2 exceptions all item collection units were ultimately good for one reason or another (Claudia true dmg OP, Imeria only bandit event unit (until Rorone but she is weird as hell XD), Karma (no comment needed for her))
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Everyone already collected soo much and it still 1st week of the event >.<
As for me i only collected 140 so far ad yes my aim is 1100
Atm i'm focusng to hit rank 140 1st to get xtra stamina (current rak 139 -->5000 exp to go)
As soon hit rank 140 no more chr for unit lving :( its using SC time....
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Bandits are only used to CC silver/gold Bandits and Dark Fighters; CC plat/black Ninjas, Pirates, and Thieves; and AW Soldier Chiefs (2), Assassins (2), Berserkers (2), Master Monks (2), Dragon Knights (2), Avengers (2), and Captains (2).

Considering that you have Erenia, you are going to want to keep some around in the future for her. Though, I constantly get bandits from base summoning, so I sometimes feed them to my units if they get out of hand. Right now though, I have an overabundance of ninjas, samurais, and soldiers. I really need more heavy armours, and mages...

It's too early to discern the usefulness of Serra's skill, since we don't know its multipliers for range or attack, or what they may give her as an AW ability. We're actually fortunate to know the nature of it now during the first phase, since it's generally been the case that we had to wait until the second phase or after the event to know how an item trial character's skill works.

Serra has better attack and defence stats than Katie along with the 15% magic resistance, which makes her better than a more expensive silver heavy after she awakens (she'll be able to fight off things as well as a rank 200 prince with significantly more defence and HP). She's not weak in the slightest (the 204 attack and defence at LV50 was without any attack or defence affection, which is currently unknown hence the two possible scenarios for her). I don't use Katie, but Soldier Elite Aria can hold off moderately dangerous enemies well enough that I know I can trust Serra to easily handle the same precarious situations I had when I accidentally had Aria tank 3 merfolk deep ones at once.

Oh, didn't know that about Erenia. Will definitely keep a few rolling around in that case. As for Serra, true enough that it's without affection bonuses. It sounds like in the short term the silver may work better for tanking but after affection bonuses, higher level cap and AW kicks in she'll surpass the silver in tanking. Unless I either roll (unlikely since I'm feeling like keeping a stockpile of SC before rolling again) or it just so happens that the next event unit is a tank, it's unlikely I'll get my hands on anything better than it in the near future....

I guess either way I'll be using both of them when I need multiple blockers. It's mainly just a question of who I want to place when I only need a single tank.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Its ok, not too long ago we just have a HA platinum event unit Miranda.
I think the closest tank unit is priest warrior that we have now, can't think of anything else.... maybe def focused soldier ? :p someday
Can't think another tank type class atm that have multi block, maybe armored mage :p, we still haven't got any event unit of that class

I'm wishing the next event unit is either a new class with its own specialty role, or high cost (come with great stat :p) phy atk-er
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I never once said boring just monotonous like 5 times which I parroted from petite and what I meant by that is the game gets repetitive but this happens to most if not all online games just some are very good at disguising it. but whatever I guess Im just hated now for starting a debate
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Lets get on the topic of current event girl. Priest-warrior is a cheat class of this game. It allows you to work around one of the fundamental challenges of map design - limited ranged spots. Even if Serra skill and AW turns out to be terrible, she will still be awesome to have by virtue of her raw stats.

Ether is the only silver unit I have leveled for a looong time and it was worth it. Still, it was always clear, that she heals for barely anything (current event final map, she can barely keep up with heat damage). Serra should be able to heal almost twice as much.

Unless you believe that Aegis will throw another char with similar utility at us in near future (doubtful) or you have access to premium crusaders I recommend getting Serra as pumped as you can. Even with bad skill she will be core of many strategies in the future and can't be replaced by anything else (Ether on skill will do less healing than Serra w/o skill).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Umm... her skill is not bad o_O
We still don't know how far is her range and how much atk multiplier is her heal.
the aoe heal should be really useful for enemy that doing aoe dmg like this efreet for example and poison map.

Another good part of instant hit skill is their CD timer can start counting as soon the skill pressed, this make it easier to time when we going to need their skill again.
Well thinking if she can keep aoe heal with + atk and range is kinda overpower in 1st place :p (she not even black unit and not gacha unit too)
PS: as much i want max stat her my SC not enought T_T
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

True, there's times where even the silver one is very useful. I mean, not only does it serve as a healer for when one isn't enough, it can also sometimes serve as insurance in case something gets through your blocker. Although ideally it shouldn't happen at all since it would make it stop healing.

In a way this why it's one of the event units you really want to max CR though... I feel one of the good merits of the class is that it's cheaper than healers to deploy even. That's a huge plus in my books. For this event unit though, 19 cost is still reasonable when considering the big picture but not really much cheaper than healers anymore.


Still hesitant on throwing my SCs at it anyway though since I'm dubious on how far I'd get even if I did. I've piled up 16 SCs so far. Will probably wait until the last few days before giving the final decision.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hi everyone this is my first post here.i started playing in the middle of sandra's event and get her with cr -1 su 4/10 .in the last event able to get paula with cr -3 and su 7/10 plus one charlotte . also get the Strategist Len.

my premium units are;
Black :princess Olivier
Platinum:Sailor Vieira
Gold:pirate Mouret , Monk Gina , Cannoneer Zola , Witch Yuyu

i'm farming 50/7 map for mithrils. what should my realistic goal for this event.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hi everyone this is my first post here.i started playing in the middle of sandra's event and get her with cr -1 su 4/10 .in the last event able to get paula with cr -3 and su 7/10 plus one charlotte . also get the Strategist Len.

my premium units are;
Black :princess Olivier
Platinum:Sailor Vieira
Gold:pirate Mouret , Monk Gina , Cannoneer Zola , Witch Yuyu

i'm farming 50/7 map for mithrils. what should my realistic goal for this event.

700 ores is a good milestone. If you invest all your natural charisma/stamina and some crystals (less than 10, I dont want to do the math now :p) it should be realistic.

We always encourage new players to avoid events at the beginning but this unit is quite unique so I think you should get her.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I would want at least -2 cost reduction if you dont think you can make -3 at 700. I believe these event units cost 2 more points to deploy than the premium version so she should be equal to flamel's cost at that point