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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

5/10 skill, min-cost Charlotte after feeding the last two copies of her. I didn't want to wait to farm for more Platinum Fairies so I fed them to the main one right away, and luck has favored me today. :D

I'm very happy to have gotten her at min-cost because she was one of the first units I really wanted. I remembered seeing her in one video for a Dragonewt event and I knew I had to have her. I won't be disappointed that I can't farm for any more copies of Lian now.

Paula will now have to wait to be CC'd because I used the silver units I got from her event to CC Charlotte. Why must you tempt me with that information about her, Petite!? I must raise everyone. :(
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Huh videos already out? A bit surprising, thought they'd take more time so I didn't check.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Brought gold thief Leda along on 2nd run of 50/7 map (cleared it once before without her to be safe) - almost cost me the run :eek: (survived with 1 life)

- Without Leda: Prince could tank the goblin wolf rider thing until healer is deployed.

- With Leda: Prince dies before enough cost to deploy healer

So yeah, Leda's buff (for enemies) is really noticeable... that 1.2x attack on enemies really hurt on harder maps :3

(did get full drops 11 mythril & 2 demon stones on Leda run though - minus archer Kazuha)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@Exkale you was too low to get Hores when she was around, right?

Btw. I sticked with 2 stars 100/2.I can live without rainbow fairy, although they are always needed...

After last 2 events I am again low on plat cans (something like 3 left) but I am high on gold fairies (I ate allm y platinum ones when I was trying to do 100/2... ;/ ). I am saving them for female synthesis, together with 2x Claire, 2x Bernice, 1x Iris, 1x Mehlis - and I still doesn't have enough ;/

40/4, fck. I am too op already. I didn't notice it is rush map untill I read it on forum D:
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Gold/Platinum Elder Bishop Skill AW:
Platinum Bishop Marius:
Change Heal (10 seconds; attack 1.4x; recovers health until the next time skill is activated; WT: 10; CT: 20)
Change Attack (10 seconds; attack 1.4x; fires magic until next time skill is activated; WT: N/A; CT: 20)

Gold Bishop Noel:
Change Heal (10 seconds; attack 1.4x; recovers health until the next time skill is activated; WT: 13; CT: 20)
Change Attack (10 seconds; attack 1.4x; fires magic until next time skill is activated; WT: N/A; CT: 20)
After a second look, the 10 seconds buff duration will change how I view this skill.

With a CT of 20 seconds, it means Marius/Noel will be healing for 30 seconds. The duration of 30 seconds should be enough time for a tank's skill to come back up again. 30 seconds is better for me because 10 seconds was really awkward before since the last heal would never finish.

One interesting thing is that on a second run of a mission, after being familiar with the patterns and timing, you can change to healing early and then switch back to attack for the 10 seconds of 1.4x attack buff when the next wave of enemies appear.

I was not around for Hores' event, so I never got her. I started around the Pirate/Marie event and Azami's event.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

oh, ok. I was panicking a bit because seems like I am the only one here who didn't farm Charlotte D: You guys were stressing me out ;p

I have so many girls to raise, I don't know how I was suppose to find resources for Charlotte. Especially with her 10 lvl skill.... D: MY Hores is feeling well enough, even if Charlotte has cute sprite. (Hores sprite is boring and her AW sprite is just the same as CC one...)

btw. anyone found who got sprite update?

-Certain Units' Sprites Modified.

I think they changed bronze ninja apperance a bit but I am not sure. Also Khuri seems a little bit different. I am also almost sure Kaguya maid (someone help me with her name, I can't remember it...) is changed.


Nice 80/9 here
But only 10 mithril ore from first time ;/
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Java scriptのエラーのようだな。 (It looks like a Java Script error.)
JavaVMのバージョン確認か。 (JavaVM Version Confirmation)

Are you playing with Google Chrome? Maybe Opera, or Iron will work for you; I haven't gotten any errors yet. You can also try updating your java to the latest version and then reactivate it.

Please note, that Java Script has nothing to do with your Java version. If the above explicitly states it is a JS error, don't get your hopes up with this solution.


I am tempted to roll for th gold thief. The 1.2x buff to enemies is solid and I am not sure I can do current god-tier magic crystal or affection items with this. However, the 3% drop bonus is rather pathetic, especially for farming mass items like red gems or collection event drops. It is good when trying to get a diamond for a gold rush, but for general purpose it might be a bit underwhelming...


I managed to get 3star in final map last event using strategy linked by exkale ( ). It drops Eden straight in the face of the shadow, while it is still on the throne. It also showcases synergy between Memento and Eden. This event reaffirmed, that feeding happy fairy to Anya was a good choice and that Eden can be Karma2 (even better, due to def drop).
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Found the Mythril Ore Timer for current event:

Seems like it's still a work in progress though - you've to enter the amount of drop for each map yourself.

Tried entering 11 for 50/7 map and 15 for final map - amount of crystals used to get to 1500 is almost the same (refill stam only) (still around 40 for me though, ugh...). Too bad final map doesn't drop 20 ores all the time (amount of crystals spent drops to around 20 or so... but yeah not gonna happen).

Edit: Actually last map seems slightly worse off even with the 15 ores on average (hopeful) entered (and way worse if 10 is entered) - but it does drop tin can though...
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

woohoo I just summoned platinums like they were silvers but I got that thief within 6 tries in order

valerie < bastard wouldnt get base summoned
gold trapper/ranger woman forget her name
then finally the thief

I may live to regret this since I dont know exactly how much she raises monster attack/ drop rates but I figured she couldn't be anywhere near as impossible to summon as platinums or blacks
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Rolled twice, Got gold Ranger and the new Gold Thief. Aigis-sama, love you~


PS: Also got these drops on the 9 stamina map

Meanwhile i rolled 30 times, got 20 silvers 8 golds and both chance up plats. No new Gold Thief...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Meanwhile i rolled 30 times, got 20 silvers 8 golds and both chance up plats. No new Gold Thief...

I feel you... Yes, death to lucky people!

Took me 26 rolls until I got Gold Thief (about 2x the average I should be spending according to gatcha simulator).

Did get Black Pegasus Rider Esta though... not sure if I should be happy or not... is she even good? :confused:
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

decent if you ask me aoe dmg Id like to have her one day mainly because of how she looks but also to combine her with mikotos slow anything that isnt like boss class that comes near them would just get blendered
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I may live to regret this since I dont know exactly how much she raises monster attack/ drop rates but I figured she couldn't be anywhere near as impossible to summon as platinums or blacks

It is in Petite's post for current patch. It buffs enemies greatly (1.2x hp and attack) and increases drops only slightly (3%). Maybe will get better drop rates upon AW?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I will wait for the next week before farming this event. The drop list for last map really suck.

What are we going to do with that useless Silver Bishop ?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

4 silvers in a row aegis sama is not happy with me and I don't know why
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

How likely is it for this thief girl to show up at a gold rush event? Still fighting my urges to throw my SCs at the goddess.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Mmmmmmmmm my only hope is that the devs DO NOT take the thief unit into account when balancing events... it would suck to have to roll for her just to be on par with previous drops...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I got the golden *treasure hunter* I think it is her class, from a 5 SC roll, anyone knows if she is good or has any special traits. Thanks in advance.

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

^ There's plenty of discussion about her in these last few pages. In a nutshell, 3% more drops, enemy attack&hp multiplied by 1.2.

On a separate note...

I plan on CCing some plats but honestly I find it a bit demotivating when I think about the increased costs. Especially because high unit costs in rush maps is already an issue for me. Though Paula is fine I guess since range is important, is it really a good idea to CC Erenia and Esta? I mean, eventually I will but I feel like it's something that can be put off for a while. It feels like both of them won't get much out of CCing except for more levels. Affection cap raised is a good boost but I already don't have enough affection items to go around...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I guess she may not really be worth it if you think about it 3% or 5% more AW orb drop isnt going to mean squat if she can even be awakened to gain 5%
I guess it could matter for magic crystal farming combined with monica. Im not sure what the drop rate for god tier is but extreme tier still kind of sucks with the 50% rate. same for affection items.

so how much better is this platinum preist warrior than flamel, am I interpreting petite's post correctly she does an area heal with her skill on? Trying decide if its really worth going the extra mile for a platinum using 40~ crystals to max reduce her

@shadow I wouldn't cc either of them unless you find them necessary or helpful for beating a current event. like erenia maybe be a good boss killer since she can tank but probably not so great for minibosses that come early because of the huge cost. I think Esta is really only good for fragging weak to moderately strong enemy rushes since she doesnt block during her skill things with higher hp will live and just walk past her which is why I think shes good with someone that can area slow like mikoto though I guess multiple witches could work too
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