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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Holy crap that makes kaguya really good. 14 cost with hikage?! damn that's cheap. AND that's not even her AW either.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

rather dark for an Indian girl seems a little out of place to me but I guess I'll have to take it since I don't have fran, well if she ends up being an event platinum

unfortunately for you, she's premium black. 455 attack at max AW level make her quite good added with Quick Draw. But she's black unit...

Holy crap that makes kaguya really good. 14 cost with hikage?! damn that's cheap. AND that's not even her AW either.

It only make Kaguya good with Hikage around, but you lost a slot for other unit
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

that just doesn't seem right to me somehow because 25% simply means you should expect 1 out of 4 tries to succeed if it doesn't then doing more trials should approach that 25%. which means if you fail all 4 tries you should expect successes to put you back on track of reaching that 25% or 1/4. I remember some of this stuff from statistics class but this just isn't making sense to me for some reason

It's probability. You could feed a girl 500 times and fail it every time, it's just nearly impossible. Think of it like flipping a coin, the events are independent. You're not guaranteed to flip a heads and tails in two flips right? The 50%'s don't add up. You could flip 10 heads in a row, it's just very rare.

I have a mighty need for the new vampire unit.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It only make Kaguya good with Hikage around, but you lost a slot for other unit

I already reached the point I can just place whatever I want so... Team slots don't matter to me. I have Aisha + minerva for ranged damage, Cornelia for heavy tanking, min cost Aria. Rest can be whatever really.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hnnng Vincent daughter is really cute~
That black vampire hunter looks good but I already have Elizabeth who is plenty strong and I know that my luck with getting blacks is still bad as ever so I'll never be getting her.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I already reached the point I can just place whatever I want so... Team slots don't matter to me. I have Aisha + minerva for ranged damage, Cornelia for heavy tanking, min cost Aria. Rest can be whatever really.

Well good luck for that.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

AW99 Stats (100% Affection):
HP2080 AT455 DF284 MR0% R200

Aegis please.
1028 Damage with Skill Activation and Prince. Triple Attack. Slows target. Quick Draw.

But Elizabeth still higher dps.
Rachel and Elizabeth's skill are so broken. Minerva even more so.

Aegis is up.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

New gacha girl shows up in the event story.

I'm kind of surprised that the new vampire girl is a clear event. I thought she'd be a super farm event ala Karma and such. Argh, she has that silly gradient clothing shading style like Elva, otherwise she's adorable.

The black Vampire Hunter is pretty cute, darn. Not enough dark skinned girls and one of the better ones is unavailable without premium gacha, rip.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

[hook=event]Maintenance Update On March 26th:[/hook]
-Emergency Mission "Alchemist and Philosopher's Stone" Ends.
-Emergency Mission "Vampire's Counterattack" Begins.
-Subjugation Mission "Treasure Buried Beneath the Desert" Extreme-tier Added.
-Sedis and Ryuryu To Be Removed from Trading Post on April 2nd at 10:00.
-Certain Stand-up Illustrations Modified.
-Certain Unit Bust-up Placement Modified.
-Eastern Blade Includes Front Tacticians for Divine Intervention Buffs.
-Bow Rider Bug Fixed (One Apology Crystal if Daisy is Possessed).
-Trap Bug Fixed (One Apology Crystal if Fuuka is Possessed).
-One Apology Crystal for Android Users Registered Before March 26th.

New Bronze/Silver Units:
-Added to Summoning.
Bronze Samurai Yojirou:
Ability: Veteran Teacher (Same as Hashim)

Silver Archer Kazuha
Skill: Double Shot

Silver Ninja Saizou
Skill: Strengthen Attack I

Silver Bishop Fudou:
Skill: Heal Shower (Same as Patra)

Vampire's Counterattack:
-Platinum Vampire Eden
-Star Trial: Eden Joins After Event on April 9th.
-Class: Vampire Lord (Melee unit that can paralyse enemies with her attack. Paralysed enemies have half defence. Vampire Lords cannot have their health recovered by any means.)

Star Trial:
5: Eden Joins
6: Skill Level 2
7: Skill Level 3
8: Cost -1
9: Skill Level 4
10: Skill Level 5
11: Cost -1
12: Skill Level 6
13: Initial Level 30
14: Skill Level 7
15: Cost -1
16: Skill Level 8
17: Initial Level 50
18: Skill Level 9
19: Cost -1
20: Skill Level 10
21: Cost -1

5: Gold Armour
6: Magic Crystal x3
7: Gold Armour
8: Gold Fairy
9: Gold Armour
10: Magic Crystal x5
12: Gold Armour
14: Gold Fairy
16: Platinum Armour
19: Magic Crystal x7
22: Platinum Fairy
23: Platinum Armour
24: Rainbow Fairy

Night Monsters (20/1) (闇夜の魔物たち):
Iron Soldier (x2), Bouquet ()
Anna: "Here's are the rural homes that were in the report. Something has been attacking these houses at night..."
Anna: "Prince, we've received a report. Monsters appear to be heading this way! Prepare for battle!"
(Lesser Vampire Appears)
Anna: "That's the true form of the monster that attacked the homes..."
Anna: "Prince, if you receive multiple attacks from a vampire, you'll be paralysed. Whatever you do, be careful!"
Anna: "Why are vampires..."
Sue: "More importantly, quickly take the citizens to a safe place."
Anna: "Who are you...?"
Anna: "No, the citizen's safety comes first. Prince, let's return to the royal castle at once."

Sue Introduction:
Sue: "Pardon the late introduction. I'm Sue. I work as a Vampire Hunter."
Sue: "Long ago, my family was attacked by vampires. Ever since then I've been living like this in order to destroy them..."
Sue: "I'm not the Prince's enemy, so you can relax, OK?"
Sue: "In any case, although there's a way to help those who had their blood sucked by vampires by collecting serum from those things and administrating it to the afflicted..."
Sue: "There has been too many people who've been attacked, and we don't have enough in stock. Halting their turning with serum is difficult."
Sue: "So I've been going around collecting information to see if there is some other way."
Sue: "Get in touch with me if you figure something out. Until then, you guys also be careful..."

Vampire Girl (30/2) (吸血鬼の少女):
Silver Soldier Asar (), Silver Archer Daniella (), Bronze Mage Roy ()
Soldier: "Report! Monsters have appeared in front of the temple!"
Anna: "I wonder what the enemies' goal is... We must not lose the temple here. Prince, quickly prepare for battle!"
(Eden Appears.)
Eden: "Geez, they're not here yet~? Those rock golems sure are slow, huh—."
Eden: "So many yummy humans standing before my eyes... I can't wait anymore!"
Eden: "My name is Eden. Nice name, right? Just so you know, my attack is quite different from the vampires over there, OK?"
Eden: "I can paralyse you in a single bite—♪"
Eden: "Fufuh. You're pretty good. Mister human~♪"
Eden: "As a reward, I brought a message from my father."
Eden: "'If you want to rescue the townspeople, then come to my lair.'"
Eden: "'If you defeat me, the king of vampires, then I'll halt the process of their turning.'"
Eden: "'However, there isn't much time. There is nothing I can do once the townspeople turn.'"
Eden: "Now then, I made certain you received it~. I did a pretty swell job, right?"
Anna: "She's gone... Prince, this might be a trap."
Anna: "However, we don't have any other leads, it seems we have no choice but to accept their invitation if we wish to save the townspeople. Prince, let's go...!"

Entrance to the Abyss (40/3) (深淵への入り口):
Silver Witch Calliope (), Silver Bandit Funes (), Bronze Heavy Russel (), Platinum Fairy ()
Anna: "This place... Brings back memories, doesn't it? We also fought the vampires here back then."
Anna: "What kind of enemy is waiting for us up ahead..."
Soldier: "Report! The enemy is heading this way!"
Anna: "It seems they've arrived early. Prince, let's engage them!"

Underground Lair (50/5) (地下の魔窟):
Silver Ninja Kagerou (), Silver Mage Pales (), Platinum Armour (), Bouquet (x2)
Anna: "It looks like we've reached an underground hall."
Eden: "Fuffuffu. I've been waiting. Monsters! Defeat the humans! If I defeat the Prince here, father will praise me!"
Anna: "This could only be the enemy's stronghold. Vampires, and so many of them..."
Eden: "Now then, I shall show you the much stronger power I received from father!"
Anna: "We've confirmed the enemies' retreat. Now then, let's proceed onward."
Soldier: "Prince! An army of monsters has appeared at the temple! Please return at once!"
Anna: "This timing... Don't tell me the reason they've invited us here was for this all along...!? Anyway, let's return to the temple, Prince!"

Temple Assault (70/6) (神殿強襲):
Silver Pirate Velotte (), Silver Vamp Hunter Khuri (), Silver Heavy Bernard (), Ruby (x4)
Anna: "Somehow, we made it in time, but... What are those giants...!?"
Anna: "From the looks of them, they appear to be both strong and durable. I believe it will be necessary to engage them with care."
Anna: "I anticipate a fierce battle. Prince, give us your order!"
Anna: "We somehow managed to force the enemy to retreat."
Elizabeth: "Oh, what's this? Finished already? Too bad."
Vincent: "I heard the news from Sue. Let's pass on what we've learned for the time being."
Vincent: "About that vampire called Eden."
Vincent: "Long ago, she fell into the monster's hands, and died once."
Elizabeth: "Besides that, she also lost her memories of her past life, right?"
Anna: "The one that had the power to revive her dead body into a vampire... I believe it was the doing of the one she was calling father..."
Anna: "Poor thing... I would like to bring back her memories at the very least..."
Vincent: "... And have her remember turning into a monster before she died?"
Anna: "...! That's..."
Vincent: "... In any case, we don't have time. We have no choice but to defeat the enemy leader to save the townsfolk."
Vincent: "We'll help defend the temple. You guys head to the enemies' base."
Anna: "Based on the previous battle, I believe the enemy to be quite the schemer. I anticipate fierce battles up ahead..."
Anna: "Prince, let's brace ourselves and go! ... I'll also steel myself."

March of the Dead (40/4) (亡者の行進):
Silver Valkyrie Elaine (), Silver Rogue Ballad (), Black Fairy (), Magic Crystal (x2)
Anna: "Such an eerie dungeon..."
Anna: "This is the enemies' base, who knows where monsters may be lurking. Please be careful."
Anna: "...! I feel the presence of the enemy. Prince, let's fight!"
Anna: "Prince, let's be on our way."

Blood Banquet (50/5) (血の宴):
Silver Magic Fencer Ricardo (), Silver Healer Christopher (), Platinum Armour (), Magic Crystal III ()
Vincent: "At last, we've made it. I'll also join you for what lies ahead."
Vincent: "The enemy leader up ahead is fearsome. Don't be careless."
Vampire Lord: "You've done well to have come here, dirty humans... However, this is where you'll perish!"
Eden: "Father, I'll also fight!"
Vampire Lord: "Silence, failed creation! A useless thing like you fighting with me? Makes my stomach wretch."
Anna: "Eden-san is a failed creation... What do you mean?"
Vampire Lord: "Hmm... Very well. I'll tell you. An extraordinary number of years are required for a vampire to become a vampire lord..."
Vampire Lord: "We, who are in need of strong servants, have been pouring our vast magical powers into corpses, and have been conducting experiments to forcefully revive them into vampire lords."
Vampire Lord: "During that time, I obtained the corpse of a girl before she turned. That was when I had my vampires attack a village long ago..."
Vincent: "...!!"
Vampire Lord: "However, the experiment failed. And she has become this useless..."
Vampire Lord: "Don't interfere in my fight. Begone!"
Anna: "How horrible... I won't forgive you for toying with people's lives!"
Vampire Lord: "Now then, let's begin the blood banquet. Monsters born in the darkness, devour the Prince!!"
(Vampire Lord appears.)
Vampire Lord: "I shall show you the power of a true vampire lord...!"
Sue: "You're finished...?"
Elizabeth: "Looks like we're late."
Anna: "Prince, the battle is over. Let's return to the castle at once."
Eden: "Wait!"
Eden: "I have a request for everyone. You released me from my father's influence, so I'm now free."
Eden: "However, I may lose my mind, and become an existence that lives to create further tragedies... At least let me die with a smile before I cause trouble."
Sue: "... I-Indeed, we don't know whether or not you'll become a being that will attack humans one day. Putting an end to your life here isn't wrong, though..."
Elizabeth: "... I have one idea to put her at ease as per her request..."
Vincent: "Wait. First of all, we should look at her condition right now... Besides, we may find a way to return her to normal. If the situation changes, we should consider it when that time comes."
Elizabeth: "The more time you spend together... The more painful it will be later..."
Anna: "I also think it's still too early to make a decision here. We need more time to consider our options."
Anna: "In any case, let's leave this awful, eerie place."

Vampire Hunter (100/2) (吸血鬼狩人):
Gold Fairy (50, 100 first drop), Platinum Fairy (10, 100 first drop), Black Fairy (5, 100 first drop), Completion: Rainbow Fairy
Elizabeth: "... Prince, I'll go ahead and apologise first. I can't let her be when she might attack humans someday."
Khuri: "Such a cute girl is a vampire..."
Flan: "We've defeated countless humans that turned into vampires. Let us complete our duty as vampire hunters."
Anna: "They have a mission, and are working towards it... However, I want to save Eden-san."
Anna: "Prince, let's show them our resolve by fighting them here."
Vincent: "You people..."
Vincent: "Eden. You hide. I'll also show them my resolve...!"
(Sue Appears)
Sue: "A girl that has been created as a vampire... Does that make her sinful?"
Sue: "... No, it does not. However, vampires are our arch-nemesis. Before she gives birth to yet more tragedy, I will..."
Sue: "Prince, you intend to keep Eden alive?"
Anna: "If there's a possibility, then I want to take that risk... Eden-san, we will protect you."
Elizabeth: "I said it earlier, but you don't know when she'll suddenly change. She may turn her fangs towards you. When that time comes, will you be able to kill that girl with your own hands?"
Anna: "When that time comes..."
Eden: "When I'm no longer myself, I cannot say it won't happen, but I'll stay with the Prince and the others until that time comes."
Eden: "In the event I lose my mind, before that time, I have a request for the old man over there."
Vincent: "I see... When that time comes... huh..."
Elizabeth: "Well, if the person in question says so, we'll also watch over you."
Sue: "We're all in this together..."
Anna: "Prince, I cannot say the current matter is settled, but let's hope that time never comes..."

Emergency Mission Millennium War Kanpani:
-Until April 2nd 23:59

Millennium War Kanpani Gaiden (10/0) (千年戦争かんぱに外伝):
Soldier: "Bad news. Enemy attack on the shrine!"
Anna: "What in the world are those gates...?"
Goddess Aegis: "Those are doors that connect to another world."
Anna: "Aegis-sama! Another world... you say? What on earth is happening!?"
(monsters appear)
Anna: "From the door, Monsters I've never seen before are stepping out...!"
Goddess Aegis: "Those are monsters from a completely different world. There aren't any creatures of this world nor the monsters of hell that are like them."
Soldier: "The enemy is heading toward the shrine!"
Anna: "We must protect the shrine no matter what kind of enemy it may be. Prince, give us your orders!"
(Monique appears.)
Monique: "Huh? I was chasing the monsters, but I wonder where I am...?"
Anna: "You, the small girl over there! It's dangerous. Please come this way!"
Monique: "Wa, wait! Who are you calling small!? Fine... I shall show you my refined sword technique!"
Anna: "Eh, please wait a moment. There's no reason for us to fight with you!"
Monique: "I'm just using you for a little practice. It'll be OK! I'll go easy on you."
(Monique defeated.)
Monique: "W, well excuse me for being small."
Anna: "... It looks like she returned to her own world."
(??? appears.)
Anna: "Someone else stepped out."
Anna: "D, don't tell me that's who I think it is! Na, na, na... v..."
Goddess Aegis: "I sense a fearsome power from that girl. Even with the power you wield, will you succeed...?"
Anna: "I don't feel any hostility from over there. If we don't provoke her, I believe she'll return to her own world."
(monsters appear)
Soldier: "More monsters!"
Anna: "Prince, let's be careful so as to not upset that girl."
Anna: "Why on earth did these visitors from another world appear...?"
Goddess Aegis: "It seems the other world and this world were close together for just a moment."
Anna: "That doesn't sound good at all...! There's a possibility new enemies may appear. What are we going to do after this...?"
Goddess Aegis: "Fear not. The other world aligning with ours will only happen once a year."
Anna: "Thank goodness... That's a relief."
Anna: "But, Prince. The warriors from the other world earlier felt like they would make strong allies. It's a shame we didn't have the time to talk to them..."

New Story Missions:

Port Town in the Eastern Country (45/0) (東の国の港町):
Iron Samurai (x2), Bronze Ninja Hayate (x3), Bronze Samurai Yojirou (), Complete: Silver Ninja Saizou
Anna: "We followed the monsters, and have crossed the sea. I wonder when we'll find land."
Hikage: "Please wait. The scent of the tide... I remember it. Could it be this place is..."
Kaguya: "Fumu? I see, the scent of the wind is also familiar... Ahh!"
Anna: "Is that the continent? No, more like a peninsula or a silhouette of a large island?"
Hikage: "Th, there's no mistaking it, Hime-sama! That stone masonry harbour is one from our land...! Could it be the tide has swept us and brought us all the way to our homeland!?"
Prince: "That's the land of Kaguya and the others, the eastern country...?"
Kaguya: "That's right, Prince. This is surely quite the coincidence. Perfect timing. How about we bring the ship to port, and relax for a while?"
Kaguya: "Of course, we could also make babies in my country? Fufufu."
Kaguya: "Fumu. However... now that we're closer, isn't this place our eastern city?"
Hikage: "Perhaps, we're close to the south or eastern city. Hime-sama. ...!? Odd, I don't sense the presence of any people? Ahh!"
Anna: "Prince! Over there, monsters! Could the Orient have also fallen into the monster's hands...!?"
Kaguya: "No, those are oni. They're a kind of Mononoke that have been in this country from long ago. However, I haven't heard about them coming down to any human settlements before...!"
(Karasu Tengu appears.)
Kaguya: "What? That's a Karasu Tengu!?"
Anna: "A flying monster, no, Mononoke?"
Anna: "Ahh. It's flying towards us, and it's holding some kind of weapon in its hands! Please be careful, Prince!"
Anna: "We finally chased away the Mononoke."
Anna: "However, what on earth happened to this city... I don't see any people anywhere."
Kaguya: "The port's completely destroyed... How could they...? Ugh."
Anna: "Although it would be possible to leave if we turn back to the ship..."
Anna: "No, Prince. I was speaking nonsense. We swore that we would defeat all of the monsters."
Anna: "Let's fight, Prince!"

Cherry Blossoms Scattered by the Wind (48/0) (風に散る桜):
Iron Soldier (x2), Bronze Soldier Atra (x2), Bronze Samurai Yojirou (), Complete: Silver Samurai Sanosuke
Anna: "We've traveled along this highway from the port all the way to this village-like place, but... I don't sense the presence of people even here."
Anna: "Perhaps they caught wind of the monster's attack, and took shelter; I don't see any traces of blood or any sign that a battle has been fought."
Carrie: "Hoheh. By the way, the designs of the buildings are quite different here, aren't they?"
Carrie: "The port was filled with splendid buildings with white walls, but over here they're built with thatched roofs. Looks like they don't have any problems feeding their horses!"
Hikage: "That's because back there, those are also the residents of merchants. But these kinds of structures can be found in just about any farm village."
Kaguya: "But this kind of scenery is much nicer, don't you think? When I was a child, I would often sneak out of the mansion, and—look—climb those kinds of cherry trees and play."
Kaguya: "Ah, that reminds me... Prince, is this your first time seeing cherry blossoms? What do you think? They're in full bloom. Fufu."
Anna: "Cherries, you say? Indeed, they're light pink and beautiful."
Yojirou: "You! Damn oni! Curse you—!!"
Anna: "Hahh! Did you hear that voice?"
Anna: "Is it a citizen of this country? They're being attacked by the Mononoke!"
Kaguya: "That dress, is he a footman? There's no mistake he's a member of this village!"
Anna: "Someone failed to escape!? We must rescue them!"
Hikage: "No, that dress means they're fitted for battle! Even though they're farmers, they're samurai going out to fight!"
Hikage: "Therefore, *cough*. I would prefer that you use the word 'support' rather than 'rescue'!"
Anna: "Ehh... R, right..."
(Kamaitachi appear.)
Anna: "Kyaaa!? Wh-what is this? The wind...!
Kaguya: "A tornado? No, are those Kamaitachi!?"
Kaguya: "Ah, AHH—! The cherry trees...!"
Phyllis: "What an intense slash attack! It sliced that thick trunk in just one swipe!"
Phyllis: "But I'm confident in my sword skills, I won't lose! Yahh! Haah!!"
Yojirou: "Thanks to you, we made it, but who are you people? By your dress, you look like those from the continent..."
Yojirou: "However, those girls over there are of this country?"
Hikage: "Watch your manners! The one standing before you is Tsukihime Kaguya-sama of the western capital! Lower your heads!
Yojirou: "Tsukihime? That capital's? Heh, hehe—hh! I heard the rumours, but she truly is a refined and pretty princess!"
Kaguya: "It's no problem. More importantly, what happened? Do you know?"
Yojirou: "Heh, yeah. The Mononoke suddenly emerged from the pond near the village..."
Yojirou: "We were fighting them at first, but we were doing our utmost to let the women and children escape. We came back to make sure no one was left behind."
Anna: "So, you're being attacked by monsters that were in the village?"
Anna: "In any case, the source of the problem seems to be at the pond. Let's go!"

Take Back the Country! (52/0) (田を返せ!):
Iron Mage (x2), Bronze Mage Roy (x2), Bronze Samurai Yojirou (x2), Complete: Silver Archer Kazuha
Yojirou: "The pond is this way!"
Kaguya: "Such a pretty place for cherry blossoms... The source of the problem is in this kind of place?"
Anna: "Ahh! Over there... Monsters!"
Soma: "More Karasu Tengu... But those foes are flying-types in the end, so bows are effective!"
Daniella: "Let's go, Soma. Prince, leave them to us. We'll cook you something DE—LI—CIOUS!"
(Dorotabou appear.)
Anna: "Wh, what are those! The mud is alive?"
Kaguya: "Those are... Although it's also my first time seeing them, could they be the Mononoke called Dorotabou?"
Anna: "Dorotabou, what are those?"
Kaguya: "They hate those who dirty the mud of the fields. They're what you would call a personification of that, OK?"
Anna: "Ah, I see. Their bodies are covered in mud, right?"
Kaguya: "Umu. However, there's something odd going on here. The fields surrounding the pond look like they're clean, don't they?"
Anna: "Ahh! It looks like we have to cut this discussion short; they're coming this way!"
Anna: "We did it! Those mud monsters have also settled down finally..."
Anna: "Kyaa! I-it's still alive...?"
Kaguya: "Well, it looks like it's drawing its last breath. It's about to return to the earth—no, mud."
Kaguya: "It's taking a nice, long nap... However, it's strange. I heard the Mononoke called Dorotabou were very docile in nature."
Yojirou: "Heh, yeah. There were tales of them menacing those from the village when they neglected to maintain their fields in the past..."
Yojirou: "If anything, the Dorotabou are like the village's guardian deities. Thanks to them, everyone has always adhered to the teaching where one must keep the fields clean..."
Anna: "The monsters are gods? H-how can that be?"
Kaguya: "Mononoke may be some of the monsters that survived after the Millennium War. Though it was possible for many of them to live together with the people in this land."
Kaguya: "However, maybe they're being influenced somehow by the release of the Goddess's seal? The water in the pond is shimmering so brightly."
Hikage: "Please wait, Hime-sama! This... is strange. The pond is too clean!"
Anna: "Ehh? What do you suppose that means?"
Soma: "Indeed, it is kind of strange, isn't it? I don't feel the presence of any birds or other living creatures, do you?"
Soma: "Speaking of which, ahh! There aren't any fish in the pond!!"
Hikage: "...! Hime-sama, th-there's this kind of thing laying by the edge of the pond!"
Kaguya: "What? That's... isn't that a pillbox!?"
Alyssa: "Pillbox, you say? I heard of those! They're containers often used to carry medicine in the Orient, right?"
Hikage: "Correct. And, of course, plenty are filled with poisons as well."
Anna: "!? Could it be the pond's creatures were poisoned by the contents? So that's why the mud monsters from earlier were...!"
Alyssa: "Please let me have a look at it! I'll investigate the contents with magic."
Alyssa: "Ahhh! ... Th-there's only a little, but there appears to be some poison remaining! I-I feel numb! Awawawa..!?"
Anna: "A-are you OK, Alyssa-san? But who in the world would do such a thing...?"
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well at least the Pirate girl has an aoe skill, neat.

Vampire's Counterattack:
-Platinum Vampire Eden
-Star Trial: Eden Joins After Event on April 9th.
-Class: Vampire Lord (Melee unit that can paralyse enemies with her attack. Paralysed enemies have half defence. Vampire Lords cannot have their health recovered by any means.)

Dammit, not again. Glad I won't have to spend crystals on farming her anyways.

I 3 stared up to 50/5 and below maps, waiting on stamina/videos now. Make sure to bring along good magic units~

We have Vampire Hunters that are pretty terrible at fighting werewolves since they have high defense, even though they usually show up in these undead events, pretty funny. Maybe we'll get magic damage werewolf hunters soon :p
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Golems make a return and they are as devastating as ever. 4 of them in 70/6. 2 tiny versions and 2 giants. Bring your magic damage units.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Sweet, Elizabeth's time to shine! She was my first AW unit so glad to see that I get to see her shine again and even better of a deal that I still think she can put out more dps than the black vampire hunter with skill activation being considered as well.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Question about New Cutie Pirate Girl.

Are they going to measure the Exp from her Current Amount, or her TOTAL Amount.

Eg. A Level 3 with 100exp = a 50CC'd level 3 with 100 exp
50CC'd = Level 53-ish more like
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Jesus Christ that 70/6 map, Brought along two mages, my black witch, Mikoto and my elf princess for Physical DDR and those golems just shrugged them off what the hell.

Time to wait for someone more skilled than I to figure out the strategy for that one.

Nearly have the 30 crystals saved up to get me that reserve barracks having only 10 free slots thanks to all my units I dont use and feed is crazy annoying.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Jesus Christ that 70/6 map,
4 of them in 70/6. 2 tiny versions and 2 giants.
No problem, still 3 starred.

Just stack damage on Uzume & Waltz
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It appears from a screenshot I just saw that the extreme-tier subjugation mission does send a whole legion of sandworms. Curses. I really hate those things since it means I would have to use melee units for that map.

Hm, Sue has a unique affection bonus called "攻撃硬直" (Attack Rigidity). At 50% affection, it's -8%. I don't really understand what that means like if it's her attack speed, or what. But Sue might be stronger than the previous speculation of her stats and skill.

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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I think they added an extra zero to the giant stone golem's hp or it's not supposed to count against your life.
Either way this is hilarious, it's too bad they are patching it. :/ (This is like God Level - Hell Mode)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I think they added an extra zero to the giant stone golem's hp or it's not supposed to count against your life.
Either way this is hilarious, it's too bad they are patching it. :/ (This is like God Level - Hell Mode)

No wonder it took me all the magical dealers I have to reduce the small golem HP to half, that map is a nightmare.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hm, Sue has a unique affection bonus called "攻撃硬直" (Attack Rigidity). At 50% affection, it's -8%.

Attack Animation consist of 'preparation' - 'attack' - 'cool down (硬直)'
In this case, Sue's affection bonus reduces the 'cool down' after attack. Considering it's 50% affection for -8%, it should be 16% * 1.2 or 19~20% reduction to cool down part of the animation.

The direct/correct translation is of course as Petite said, the rigidity.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Thanks for including Japanese map names in the patch post, Petite. Helps with googling for videos and learning the language as well.